Brs Tutorial 2

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egplain comept Of colou m CoMtet with imuge

coloua imuges tum be obtuined by using co10u7
Eilm o colou infauaed eim. me mu use
calouo- combim+mg- tea hniques oCe +e coloN
comPosite imuges Faomhe indixiduu bumds
O mul spectul digitu imuge d a . mueh more
eisuuin£o i Paesemt [mthe colou com posí+e
Ppeua 91eem Im no3 m _colos
cemPosite umded im infaued colou
othea Petures shou otthe +YPe ofcolou
upPeuaumces And thus colo uT is helf tu1 to idemtiey
the hect
colouis moae comyehiemt eo2 the idemaiicuiomL
Of objec detuil. foeoccmpiLe, vejetutiom 4pes
umd sP ecies Cun b e mone eusiy imter paeted
b leSs eLPeaiemcedinteapeters usimg colou
Sometimes co1ou inFuredPhotog2u phs o3 P1se
coloy imuges Jixe sPeci fl inEo de Pemdin
0n the emulsiom 'of th e fitm 03 the eil+en
used dmd theobjeo being muged.

Eidhut s chromuticiiy diujaum taPluinwith

erump1e 1V.

The complete set oP co1oU is ep1esem+ed

whut is Hmon us th e chiomdtict
dia ilu 6t 2Utd in_fiq
Reul Co.lous d1 fll llom the Cuye
d Puat
ho15es.hoe- shlped diugaum diugrum which
lies withim the aim 3le
The cuxved puat OF the hor sesho e s
w v e e mg+h nm
lbuted to 6how +he
of the 6 Pectl colouas, e Colo Uas t h u t _ c e
Paes.enM+ omthe wisfble elec19o mugme+tc Pect 7u
The colouas b/u ed umd blue humemo
uwurelemJth aeen.em.cebein mom- Spedtacl
colous esu1+Än1_ faom u mixoF Com 10memt 5

E1om opp0si1e emds of the i s ble lish

colouns Pooduced bythe eleuisiom Syste n m
des.caibed hy he colou +2iMgles f11s withi m
t h e hose.shoe

ExPluin R model Lolo us SPuce

A RC8 colouT SPuceisu m y U ditive tol ou

b u s e d on he R Colour modeA
punticuiu Calour PUte thut emrotys RAB
Palmuies o puot of
deeimed by t h o ee chaomuiciteS Of the Red

Jaeem umd bIue udditve Paimues, und

Cum Podute cm h1om utiet+y thut is +he
20 aim gle deeimed b those imu ry coto
The p2imunytolouas dre sPeei eied_Im +eams
thefa cIE 1131 colou spueechromuticity
cO-oadimutes tY) inking them ohumum
isible Colo ur
RBis um ubbevfution P Red aeem umo
thnta Y e l 1 0w 7 ? * m


u n e e m
Pim u

f umiu
cQinilbcabi Soo
p e d

cyum majema
61Ue- 1een

81e-7 ieluima

elaachio mutici+ diu3m sho wimg TY

e i

eaeh settingof he thaee dimmeas wil
Paoddte die Feremtt eSut eithea in
tolou 03 m baig htn.ess 0 both

Hew the issue o deee op co- neluaiom wih

dieeenemt bun d s CUn be s.0l ed 0a whut ue
techniaues of emhumcin g scltuution?
Imuje emhumceMemt is the P1oceSs
digitul imuges so thut the aesu1HS u e mo1e
Suibie fo disetuy 01 Funthea imuje dmalys15
fo eocumple eCUn emove noise,shdapem
02 baigh+em m imuge meim it eusle to
demttey Key Peutures
eXump1RS md me+hod oP imuge emhumtememt!

Eiltenim euith mopholoqiu openutos

His+0 g2um _equdlfzutiom
voi se nemovu usim uwiem eT pilte
ineur comtust udjustmemt
medlum pilteng
unshunP mus14 filteai mg
contu6tlimited dduptive histogaum_ equdlizutio
0econn e lctiom $neah
unut Uethe diEfex eMt tolou com Posites I-
The emote Sem.sinj imuges which ure dis pluyec
Im hee Primuay coloua Red, qne em umd blue-
S mowm us colo u com posii e imuges.
It meums ussociutimg euch SPes+ du bumd +0 colou e Su14S in u coloua comP0s1t0
APut Poom thiswhem thes e +he ee
Paimuy colo1s uoe tombined im Nuaious
Poo Po7 Homs they P1odu ce diffenemt colouoS
im the isible sPetum
The pimury colouas ure sPeieie d imteams
DP heir CIE 113 c01ou s Pure chomutpci
Co-0 dimutesS im14img them t0 humum isibte
euch5+t img O the +n1ee celou os wii
roduce diee enemt 0sult cith enin_(o loua
ba13 htn ess 01 both

nty o we do digiul imuge emhuntmeMt01

digitu imuge P9oces.sim3

im ge Paocess in is method to Pen foa m some

oPeatioms om d imuje im 0 des to et um
emhunced imue t0 a t u t Some Use Pu
infoamuti om f0om T

p1ocess.inq im whtch
inputiS un Imuge m d auteut muy be
mue0 chunu cteaistics ussocfut+ed w Ith
h l t i md e
MoWds mu3e Paocessing is umomg upid1
neseu2 ch
320uin echma logiesit FoamsCo1e
dneu uithim emgimeeaimgumd Com Pu+er sc emce

displimes too
Tmuge Poo.cessimg busice1 imeudes the olloul1m1
thaee Ste PS
Impoting the imuge xiu imuge uauísiion
und mnipulu+injthe imuge-
Amaly sing-
outPut im uhich esuIt eun be ultee.d
isbused on muje
imuje 01 Pon thut

Theae re uo meth o dS imuge Paoc e ss17
used fo

mumely,unulogue umd digítulimuae Pocessim9

imu ge P1otessimg um be usedPo3
Amdlo 9ue
primtoutCumd photo 9uphs
the hun d copies 1ike
NUi0us Pundd memuls OF
Imuge umulysts Sse
intespre tutioM uhile usimg- t h e s e iSud tech.

Digitu imuje Paocess ing techmiques heiP Im

munipuluHom of the digi tu imuges by usims
compu+en Tne thee 9emeau Ph5 es thut uil
+ PesoP huve +0 Unden go whileu s t m
Jiitu1 echnique ue Pre- Paote sSi m emhume em om
md displu mfo2 mu-tlom e uHion_

diereremt logics to em humt e

Ho do we UPP1
He cen1ist

Imugeemhunememt techmique heme beem uui'deiy

im.uJe Pzoce.Ss ing-
elsed m mcimy uppiicutiomsO
whoaethe slhjective uality of imuj es
fo humum imtes pnetiHon
Com usti6 um im Po3tumtfeattoa in umy subjetlLP
pNLlutliom of imuge quutity Comtaust iss
Ceuaed by the diefea em te im Iumimumce
geplected Pom u D udjutemt3uLeures
Com trusT Is the diefen emce im visu a Pao Peaties
+hut muRe s um object dis hmguishubl e Faom

othen obj ectS umd the butkgaoumd.

Im iSuu Pentepion Com+aust s _detex mine d
by the difp en em te i he Colou umdbaig hMeS-
OF the
ob ecwith _oth e obje cts
Ou is ud sYS1ems mone semsitixe10
com+alSt thum dbs.o Iute luminume +hene foTe
NWe un_ Penceiee the wold simiuay egua dleas
c0m6ldeublechumges [m umi mu+tion
Conditlams mumy l 0 2ithms fo uceomplishimj
Co n+est em haintememt huve beem develoPe d cmd
uPpLed 0 a0ble ms m_imue PoCESSIm2
the contrtistof um imuge is high1y tomeemt{
ted om sPectelc mgee. um imuge s
Ney dualt, the ineoamusiom muy be lost im
thoseineus whrch_ UeeccessIveiN umd unifo mly1
lconemtt ed The Problem is to oPtimine the
comt5t of un_imuje in o dex to repesm+
uIn the nfo. m the nput îmuaes

-) hut does imlde inten pae tuHom meum1

LAPLUIm utouS-elem emts imuge imteaP7etutio

ImugeÎntesere-Hon is derined ds the edtrtfn

OF 4udlitutive und ucmi+utire ImEo im +he
mu pab0ut thhe shupe louiom
STaucune fumiomquiity tomdision. elc +iom shiP
OE und bet" ohjertS t e . by usimg humumKTO
le dae03 ed Peai emce pho+0 imtenp retdHOn
S omeHmes
USed us usynonym of imuge Mte

lemem+S OF

oCutlom mie cum extut Co0 dincl+e imco mUnu Y

Fp 0iv em poimt if we mow coo d lnult e Po
u few poj mts 0m the imuae cd scule of
the Imu ge. This 00 dinu+e imPo. Cun be
obtuined b meusuin9 the disumce oP
desined Poimt Faom the mbUm Poim ts.
512 612e of obj ects im um imuge is fumctiom
D stule. A Pope photO- Sulle shoui1d
be seLect ed dep emdimg om the Punpo se oP
th e im:tesPa etuHon The size of the object is
ome o lts mo st disi mauishing chueucteaistics
und ome oPthe most imPo1tun+ ele memt
imuse imten P2e tio 40 meusued puod me+eas
e lemgth wid-th 1 PeHmene Uoe umd
DcCusionLy Nalume
8-ShuPe The shupe of un obect i s dest-ibe d
d s th e
9eametate foamePsesented om un
imue Regsliushpes tike 51uunes, Rectcimgd.
umd daeles d a e mun- mude objee
i1negulu shuposS uith mo disinct en metf
pdtte1 Ue si9ms of d d4Ngal emvirom.m emt
. hu douu shudo uw is usu 1 iu obstucl
FO muje mtenpTE tCtlom Houeve shado.
cun Lso giMe highinf.omston ubout +ouLN
cind buildings shudous u s due o low .un
nale lae imeoatum o imugey inaeesuniom
bedaluseheiashaures PaoideP1o eile views oF-
ceatuim Putu2e Hht CU uid t h e l a identiEiaH

tOne bumd of elect7omuqne tic sPect1um

1econded byu emote semsing s15temmu
be díspluYed 1n shudes of 31e ngins
faom blutk und white the Lomimuous
3ey s.cuLe vuzying aom uhite umdbiuc
IS Cuiled ene 1one 1e ens to the 1eltivE
baigh+mess oCo1ou mtem si+ of obeL in
um imuje
Col0uacalour imujecum beahtuined by ls1n3
colou Piimo colouimEurd eiim colour
is moe come niem Fo the idemtietcuio
OF bect detuils.
) T eKtue Textue is the chutenistic piurememt
clnd_uT2ngememt o F of 10ne

im un imuge Fens 0 e
01 colou
isuuimpae ss io.n oF the g0ughness 7
6.o00thness oF um imuje £giom
s oftem u s e d + idem tieyobJec+s
Une to0 Smul 40 e0lY e indixi
taee euy es umd e f shudouls
PdtteM pdtHenn efenst0 the SDf u uiumg
vis*binaydiscernible object-a
mem OP
the petiion oPsome
ef ens+D heiP to
POTm 0Ve s PUePUtt ennS Lum
dai cu14UTeUnd urbun_ feuuaes
undDepth +He ubiliry
PPTeciute und meLsure the hight
of dmobject 02 1und £os ms ome oP dePA
he mo2
dlugnostic tle.mems Df imuse intes pe tion
Imuges also heIP u t
deteamimethe 1
OE eluttme height0 defh hlu nelghbeurg1n
3elued euune
10)61te, siiuusiom umd Assoddiom ASsatiutiom 1eEETS
t the puttthut whem we pimda teadIm
Phem.o.mem o1 utiiasA1 um.s inusiul the eluted o2 ussociurs.d peuau2es
0 ucxides idemtietutom f euin ohiet
is 6L14 uteo.melished th3ouah thei asso-
cfutamithothea tmoum bjesto 6ie
sltuasiom und uAs.ocfusiam chuuteais+t ts
e_o bject02
imfon1n uhem ying ao ldemtir

-1) hut uae the diEfenemt echmiqes40 umdiy2e

theobj et in emotel sems ed imuge
Rem.otesem.sing h s deve loPed uaious meth.a.ds
und eehno1oies Fo3tonuctlessund toSt
eePecdve muPpin g lung e Uaeu lumd Cov e
tcmd use mups md o:tn eathe mutic mups.
The Rey Peltto Fo ne uuuilubiliy
elibiIiYaP thes.e mupsfo3 use i eah
scd emces i the developmemt of .e.ective
Stte Lite
Proceduae fo dlt unu1431s Um d
The mo81 uPPaoPaiute uPpaouch Fo3
10 Ud medium .es0luti om 3utelih1 mu y s
s piael- bsed clussi elcu+iom m which m
intlividuall Plael is cldsst eied [mtoth e
olosest clussbls do ts SPect simlluai +
with imcaeusimg SPeH 1esoltiom Piocel- bused
cldssfetu tlom methodsbecume less ePfectioe
since the eltusiom ohiie bet the pizelsi2e umd
the dimemaion O the ohsemed objects 0 the
ecthS Sua Puce hus chumgedsigmielcum 1y
Th ene eo3e obj'ect oai emied clss Íficutiom hus
becom e 0V the Pu6
imcreusimgiy Po Pulun
This co.mbimes sememtctH om md com+ edtu
egmemteltion diides thefmuae iM+O hompgemeous
piael 10 Ps which ae- dudm gtheSemutc
clussfpfuHon Pa0cessdaunged in+0clsses
basedom thetr sPetaul eometf C teatU2ul
d 0th e eeutu98S duim
th ene d 2 e mumy athe echni2ve
Hhe latemt f
uSed +0 dmu 19seimuges 20 dmd
Dm.otion detentiom
3.9 0ect 1etognÍto
ideo+2ukin1, 0pti cu Plow 39 Pose tstimution.


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