An and

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Alexander was born in Pella into the Kingdom of Macedonia.

He was the son of Philip II, the then King of Macedon.Alexander was raised as a noble Macedonian youth, trained in the learning to read, play the lyre, ride, fight, and hunt.As he got older, his father found the famous Aristotle to be the tutor for his son Alexander. Aristotle educated Alexander and his companions in various disciplines such as medicine, philosophy, morals, religion, logic, and art. Many of his study companions would later become his generals in his army.At the age of 20, a successful assassination attempt was made on the life of King Philip, and Alexander was made king at that young age.After quelling small uprisings and rebellions with the death of the king, Alexander began his campaign against the Persian empire. 1. Immense Self Belief From a very young age, his parents instilled in Alexander a belief that it was his destiny to conquer the Persian Empire. This belief would carry Alexander all the way from his youth to his death bed. At some points in time, Alexander had believed that he was the Son of Zeus and was to be worshipped! This was his depth of self belief. Although, such egoism will do a leader no good, but what I want to focus here is on self-belief. As a leader, you need to have a considerable amount of self-belief to inspire the same level of faith in your followers. It doesnt matter you may not be right all the time, but you need to express that belief in yourself and your abilities. That way, your followers will trust you deeper because they believe that you know what you are doing. 2. Cunning use of resources Alexander didnt become one of historys greatest commanders by just believing in himself. He was a brilliant and cunning tactician in battle as well. He knew that the disorganized Persian army would not be able to withstand his phalanxes; so he used them to their best effect each time, breaking through enemy ranks and forcing the retreat. A good leader understands the strengths and weaknesses of his followers and he puts them in positions where they are more likely to succeed. As a leader, you should always be clear about how to best use your team. Use personality tests to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each of your team members, and use them well accordingly. 3. Succession Planning Although Alexander conquered much of the known world during his time, his empire never survived him. What was his strength when he was alive became a weakness after his death. Because no one had the charisma or the leadership to contain such a huge empire, the whole empire soon broke into civil war after he passed away. As a leader, always seek to make yourself dispensable. Find a way to position your team such that you become unnecessary yourself to be part of that team. That is the mark of true success that every leader should strive to achieve.

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