Agency Assessment (30points) : Students Will Produce A 5-7 Page Double-Spaced Paper

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Agency Assessment (30Points): Students will produce a 5-7 page double-spaced paper,

excluding title page and references (no Abstract is required), which objectively assesses the

mission statements, program goals, and program objectives, and evaluation practices of a social

service agencies or programs of interest.

1. Students will provide an overview of an agency. This may (or may not) include

population served, size, location, program mission statement, goals, objectives, etc. You

may use an agency already identified, but you may NOT copy and paste from previous

assignments. Doing so will be grounds for immediate failure for plagiarism.

2. Students will highlight one specific area of the agency’s logic model (real or proposed;

you may use the logic models from the previous assignment) for evaluation (this can

include an include a needs assessment, client satisfaction, SSRD, or traditional

evaluation). Describe what part of the logic model will be evaluated. Describe the reason

for this selection. Include one sentence about what type of evaluation will be done (needs,

satisfaction, etc.) This will be done in one paragraph.

3. Propose an Evaluation: Each group will propose a study to evaluate the program. The

groups must identify the type of evaluation (i.e. needs assessment, client satisfaction,

etc.) and ideally, it will be the same as identified in the previous section. The goal of this

section is to create something that you could provide to your agency in order to evaluate.

a. Sample/Participants: Who will be participating in the evaluation? Who will be

involved in the actual facilitation of the evaluation? How come?

b. Setting: In what location-based context will this occur? Provide a brief

c. Procedures: Describe what will be done. Will a survey be given? Will this be

done as part of practice? What will be done? Provide details. This is the most

detailed section of Section 3. And it will be at least one to two paragraphs.

d. Variables Measured: What will you be measuring? How will you measure the part

of the logic model you selected? Propose them here.

e. Analysis: Identify what statistical test you will be selecting.

4. Conclusion

a. Provide at least one paragraph on whether your proposal is feasible and how

come. If you find it isn’t, what would make it feasible.

b. Identify an area from Section 3 you either did very well and had a strong grasp or

one area you had a weaker grasp. In either case, describe how come. This is one


c. How will you take this assignment into the field with you? Be very specific. This

section will be assessed for specific steps about specific components of this

assignment. Again, be very specific with actionable steps.

Title Page
Part of Logic Model Selected & Justification
Tables (if necessary)
Figures (if necessary)
Appendix (if necessary)

Rubric Points
Agency Identification and Logic Model (5 Points)

A description of the agency is provided

A description of an area of a logic model is identified

The selection for the part of the logic model identified is justified.

Methods (10 Points)

Each section of the methods is fully presented

It is clear the group has a grasp of the material

Conclusion (9 Points)

Points for each section in the prompt are well-thought

Insight is shown in assessing the groups strengths or weaknesses

Clear and actionable steps for taking this assignment into the field

are provided.

Formatting and Readability (6 Points)


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