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CS (Main} Exam :,2014 faa DETACHABLE fat (axrTs 1) 292 LAW (Paper I) wa : a ee stftrenert af : 250 Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250 warra ara ayer meat & gat Ba Bea Prefers wets arqaer carr gs | BA wre (8) wer UST Re ae E Ger ae fest GS ai Se ITT FTI AE | Wendt at gat aie wet & gue BE 1 wer aie 1 ud Safrard & | te wed a a wales aoe 8 ar a aA Ue eT BAA ER ate WET Se are t woke waa /arm & aie wer & sia F aft E | waa-va A safirga arene F sax fara araerm @ aT ae ayRTT (Question-cum-Answer) erat + Fafoee sig ae Gee aT aera & | wg wre Bs rere amy eT H fers TA TeRT gies ET fea ar weit & aan Page Prd 18 arg de agar ee ae | swath 3 ere ofa Pare fre ae | ei are are es See a AA fra a fe ore ae Te aR aries wa H fy are Mt 1 see-gfeer FE ar aT aT H siete Ua E Ht /TS eT TT Ba tr ete QUESTION PAPER SPECIFICINSTRUCTIONS _ Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions. ‘There are EIGHT questions divided into two SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. ‘Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. ‘Question No. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaininig, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each section. . The number of marks carried by a question/part i indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one. ‘Word limit in questionis, wherever specified, should be adhered to. . Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck off. L c-drn-n-nbxa 1. 1a) 1.(b) 16) sR 1.@) 14(e) 2a) 2.(b) 246) 3.€@) 3.(b) GS ‘A’ SECTION ‘A’ refifirs & em dify, st wets ere 150 wad aA wife: Answer the following (each answer should be in about 150 words): anne fear 9 gant ifteet a red/apht art — otek, Ua srear o-afeila 2 weve afi (pen aidty & aca 3 ewat aici ser &, vig see ars ee ies (gree) wr fae ER | ee aT sar earamgis: ser of | What do you think is the form/nature of our Constitution — Federal, Unitary ot Quasi-federal ? The Members of the Drafting Committee call it federal, but many others would dispute this title. Critically ‘examine the statement. 10, ‘enfin’ Bea areed 8 7 Stenger” 8 ore ofa (gree) ste ‘se are & os oe ager et eee warren ae wees at we H, ee Ag | ‘What is ‘Constitutionalism’ ? Explain the said concept both in its negative and positive aspects in the context of India’s tryst with ‘Constitutionalism’ and “Constitutional Governance’. 10 13 sara at, ae fear sar sara Bh, 7 std sr sea, Hel fhe Pfs ara @ | caf tg far a afr & sein ah, ot me Tere oa far ay “ag (ates) vier wet A afer EAT cae @ ate ara Gt ae ter set At aroma siftrta woot & | wal APL Article 13 makes the judiciary, and especially the Apex Court, as a guardian, protector and the interpreter of the Fundamental Rights. It confers a power as well as imposes an obligation on the Courts to declare a law void if it is inconsistent with a Fundamental Right. Discuss. 10 same rare & ‘fade cara fee’ ft ont a, 98 A sey weet afte fen a, ee ATC | Explain the scope of the ‘Special Leave Jurisdiction’ of the Supreme Court as expounded by it. 10 “afer & gem’ & Agia dh i | are et we Ae rata ftom ar ote fy | Examine the doctrine of separation of powers. Also mention the relevance of this doctrine in India. 10 “after oraee! ft avert & wcrafe memento ve ew ere ofr GAH Ta, eae aT aT frura-siva ‘faa ome! fea arg a oft at ee ate aig ae ard a fies seme WT ach oh art ferent, ffl ar Fer a | snl wr So Ce EL wT HT ae fa | The concept of ‘Reasonable Opportunity’ being a constitutional limitation on the doctrine of “Tenure Pleasure’, Parliament or State Legislature can make a law defining tie content of ‘Reasonable Opportunity’ and prescribing procedure for affording the said opportunity to the accused goverment servant, Explain the concept with reference to leading cases. 20 “aftes exces’ % sed eA, Sen fe sae aT A TUTTE fies ey TT AGT ae Pads (Ranga. 1995 Waait, 2200) 4 gear Fidaa fan @, ere Aifare atte a ace aereTER | ee ASH A HET Sara area & ger Preis woes Agia an wencrearpia Reesor ee | Explain and elucidate the meaning of the ‘Right to personal liberty’ as interpreted by the Supreme Court in Papanasam Labour Union v. Madura Coat Ltd. AIR 1995 S.C. 2200. Analyse critically the guidelines prescribed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in this respect. is am ‘ate tan" A fore Ae | are ae ate Raat Ai A aR vat APE Define the term ‘public servant’, Also discuss the recruitment procedure of public servants in India, 15 area Haga ste camara At sreatar-fana-aifs teen af ar oer htfing ate wha EE fra | Examine and elucidate the constitutional scope of the Ordinance making power of the President and the Governors in India, 20 ‘et rod af nee Ba oc ser wT salen eR sea aET AL wee @ | weg Rea, Reet sa aera arrears sere we, ofa A se Rw fer, aM weet @ | cE gre Oe A “Rragr' afte ‘ater Prog & wea A Aotarg we oe ae we arse at 1 wT aT a aerT A RENT EP “ar ATER c-dm-n-nbxa 2 3.(0) 4.2) 4.(0) 4.0) 5.@) Sb) 5.0) 54d) ‘A backward class cannot be identified only and exclusively with-reference to economic criterion. A backward class may, however, be identified on the basis of occupation-cum-income without any reference to caste. There is no constitutional bar in the State categorising the backward classes as “backward” and ‘more backward’. Do you agree with the statement? Give reasons.” 15 “ais fea qecianel" 8 en Teed 8? yaaa Bee ey A aa waa Ue E 7 we A ee WER A year & ohehnst 7 zat Afi | What is ‘Public Interest Litigation’ ? What are the major facets of this form of litigation ? Also discuss the limitations of this type of litigation. . . 15 “afrorat afte’, ‘aaiterrard afte’ site “Prorat afte’ ft efter Aifirg att wre ata Pater eAfarg | serECT te APE | Define,and distinguish between ‘Constituent power’, ‘Amending power’ and ‘Legislative power’. Give illustrations. : 20 a ae Be ea | eA € fhe “eA ares onto sacar & ifr err wefbra SAC APTI AS fbr EU” “argh ariet afk Peters ff at oe we EG, ee Taf CL Do you agree with the statement that “all human rights are fundamenial rights protected and recognised by the Constitution of India". Discuss with reference to statutory provisions and case laws. 15 Sa fe 3 area & after 4 Re ae, ae ante fang | ere B Hatta F wra } ders Fa aalt a aiahee fq oT BTS & Talent oe wal FATE | Enumerate the fundamental duties as provided: in the Constitution of India, Also discuss the rationale behind the incorporation of fundamental duties in the Constitution of India later, on. ‘Is as SECTION ‘B’ Profan #8 wees & gar dif, at wets ae 150 wal Ha Answer the following (each answer should be in about 150 words) steer Ff ee oh Pe ree Hradec sve aie @ are Re fg ern 1 ra sia aH see Ft re, ph" ate siren a warsteTers weer AAG | It is impossible to fix a precise date or period in history to mark the beginning of Intemational Law as it prédates recorded history. Critically examine the history, nature, scope, and relevance of International Law in Contemporary Intemational Society. 10 feet cer gra enter aftntter (saftefeaera) era: Fem az AA Hh, siecle PAY Ge we ssi AT age wither Pers wet @ 1 “oe siren’ Et mph te eae (wate) ere HR | ‘TEE aftraeM Feaiat a ater AE International Law sets little or no limitation on the jurisdiction which a particular State may arrogate to itself. Explain the nature and scope of ‘State Jurisdiction’. Critically examine the principles of ‘State Jurisdiction’: 10 rere aint ar wat oe, siete Fa Bonita ara Pa SAT. ge war A Tea A Phew Are HEMT a Beh 81 aro 8 eee Par wea oo AR oT RE a ae a RATES ale Sf | Recognition confers the legal status ‘of a State under Intemational Law upon the entity secking recognition. Important legal effects are being derived from recognition. Critically examine the statement. 10 sacha vai cet ar ce rea 3 at eros epAS Hoe GE, ot wet ate fr wre te career (siete) aR ore BYE gw wT wT ReatTeN ety iy ite ones ieee Par raft & ag? Re ET A ee Fife | International Treaties are agreement of contractual character between States or organisation of States creating legal rights and obligations between the parties. Examine the statement critically and explain the «growing importance of Treaties in Moder Intemational Law, 10 . 3 ¢-drn-n-nbxa 546) 6.(a) 6.00) 6.(0) 74a) 1.40) 740) 8.) 8.0) 86) sats area “aren args’ ar aan Bw aie stacey ea rT we eg 2 wat Fie] . What do you understand by the concept ‘Diplomatic Immunity’. What rules are provided under International Law in this respect. Discuss. 10 ‘ath mean) AW? A cegrrer eee AP |e er wae so oar at eT ? Ty sree arratereré) PA 3 Pane Be! of “Sa sree (wre) A yar a1 aHTeATES vat AF | Explain the concept of ‘Intemational Humanitarian Law’, How can it be achieved ? Critically examine the role of ‘The Hague’ and “The Geneva Convention’ in the development of Modem International ‘Humanitarian Law. . 20 “es et Be aoe ae “Re? ser & Pa ara & te sf saa A at wre ears er 1" aie Bey arth Bama ary eh we eR (Asa) oA mech seas A wher fife | - “In several respects the TRIPS Agreement goes beyond the traditional GATT approach and further develops the law of International Trade’. Examine the important achievement of the Agreements on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. (TRIPS). 1s Sure Gea’ & er red @ 7 ae ‘are anil: Gta” B flee ware fire @ 7 aT oe ee aT B aeNe EH ‘Acad rot ao aren ye Fee ere (ee ah) Ht at a A fe Hemet A seme aC # faite af erat 2 | aheare ane ie What is ‘fishery zone’ ? How it is different from ‘Exclusive Economic Zone’? Do you agree with the statement that ‘a coastal state has a special interest in the maintenance of the productivity of the living resources in any area of the high seas adjacent to its territorial sea’. Elucidate. is ‘fees amore Baca’ & skee, viewer ate wan eT BP ea eee we eT eT Me gOS AT Ceeoren) er faeces earn fe waren @? sal are What are the objectives, structure and functioning of World Trade Organisation ? Does signing and ratifying WTO undermine the Parliamentary Autonomy of India ? Discuss. 20 anger (eae ha) 7 RT A eae sie Pe Resa AD eR vege AHF | ae sian (arzee ata) & awe otk gore & Ars Pri area ar aerate veh AAC | ‘Trace the development of Intemational Law relating to sovereignty over air-space. Critically examine the scope of legal control of use and abuse of outer space. 1S. ‘wots! tara) A vfomn Hie ote st ane at see ify fm seit mE eae Str | ge ae ea Rear sree ae AT ware ie | Define intervention and mention the grounds under which it is justified, Also throw light on the violations of this principle of International Law. 1s “opin (Regret) ame oe &, Te ae (RETR) A fro rr @ 1" Rew sifeg | va Spat seta are sea & fe giclee AC “Asylum stops as it were when extradition begins”. Comment. Also explain the various principles of extradition with reference to leading cases. 20 siete Patt afte aren Py (myPafirne at) & air Sia | aie A, regen (anafateal) ft dace At fore Afra | ara-G, ares} fade ete & or, safe ane a, eT eer A orefireeT oC Tat eAfire | Define the concept of ‘opposability’ in the context of relationship between International Law and Municipal Law. Also discuss the relevance of this concept in modem times with special reference to India. 15 seg Afar we wn, (GH) sre 19823 ea Br area era een A SAE 8? Re Pee fa seare frat aren @ ? What is the importance and meaning of ‘Base Line’ under UN convention on Law of Sea 1982? How is it determined ? iS c-drn-n-nbxa 4

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