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CS (MAIN) Exam: 2017 fave peractasLe fafa (a94-7 I) LAW (Paper 1) war: att ae onfirenta He : 250 Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250 wea-aa ara arqeat wait & gaz 2 8 age freafefers wets aaa carry | a ae (8) wet A Get A feu ae oem ae fet a at Aat aa A oT AT | ward at ga ata weit H Sa SAE | eee ke Late sect 8 acta aug 8 aa-a-ar Um wer Gre Ee dita wet & See | wae w/a & ch wer & sia FH afaa | yaaa H arftrge mere F ax fea sagas 8 sat 78 Aya (Question-cum-Answer) Gfernt ae ee Lafergpet area & arerrert seer Hea F fers at Geet wT sles TET yedt & oe fafée faa aa org Gea & aga Sa afer | att & sere soften fae a fare et | wat are we wee | Sa aT ot freht H fer see ehh eT oer aif we F fee ae St | gee-gferar H arg gar aT aT & sist ge are cA a / SS TE ET Bare tr vet 2 | QUESTION PAPER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions. ‘There are EIGHT questions divided in Two Sections and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. Question Nos. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each Section. ‘The number of marks carried by a question/part is indicated against it. Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one. Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck off. 1 sth-p-law 1.(0) 1.4) 1 2a) 2.(b) 2.0) 3.(a) avs ‘A’ SECTION ‘A’ frafafte & sax dre, vt wets cara 150 wea 7 SA arte : Answer the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 ‘am afk titer eacaan & often’ & wea oe ere at fofase fate ar seta axe ee, awat ftfirg | Discuss the importance of ‘Right to life and personal liberty’ with reference to recent case laws. 10 war ‘da frdera’ ad & afeara or wes area Terr So? fefeaftra frofasr fatty & werrsr 4 ee Fife | Is ‘Secularism’ an essential feature of the Constitution of India ? Explai case laws. * 10 afeers & sivfa, area & Seam carats At cif ferwat F arctett seftremfeer Ht aarftr et in the light of decided afreae ere Sifarg | Elucidate the scope of the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India under the constitution with regard to Criminal matters. 10 ara 4 ara & fgogacitenen cht afeaeat at ease aifara | Explain the phenomenon of tribunalisation of justice in India. 10 aaa Foe rend at are aAfire fires aes werefe oréareat ht earfies eeftar At oT aadt @ | Briefly explain the grounds on which administrative actions can be subjected to judicial review. 10 wea Faso A feat var aieit 2? Sera & siecle, Geta & aarHcT ara sr den Fife | ar aac srftrere warfare eaten & seit Stare? What is the position of the Governor in a State ? Examine the Pardoning Powers of the Govemor under the Constitution. Is Pardoning Power, subject to judicial review ? 20 wars sed 4, Saree st de & wee A af a, sar aes fea F earia fra ar aa aga & fag, darfire ahaa fefer at ar Pra areitencifre sik orig @ 2 In view of the importance of Panchayat Raj institution in local governance, do you think the idea of prescribing educational qualification to contest local body election is undemocratic and incoherent ? 15 smarahres Paofat 3 ‘get get at oft aay’ (sist areeera wie) faa & areca At aren Fire afk aa ofeferfeat an aoa fife forts sina ‘aes fatieadt grag’ wrpfers vara & siteer al ware Gr & UE aK Tat Se ? Explain the significance of the rule of ‘AUDI ALTERAM PARTEM ’ in administrative decision making and state the circumstances under which ‘post decisional hearing’ can effectively satisfy the mandate of natural justice. 15 a afk cea & ata vera ear aires soe ar, weraftien arfen ob aiceT-aAT wearer fate ae aa ee, etter Sifare | Evaluate the constitutional provisions relating to administrative relation between the Union and the State with special emphasis on inter-govemmental delegation of administrative power. 20 sth-p-law 2 3.(b) 3.(c) 4(a) 4.(b) 4.(c) 5.(a) 5.(b) 5.(c) 5.(d) 5.(e) dag att a9 faera—tieel Gt, oak Ratatat & vetes & fae, salts a dea wet A ort saftnat & daiftre fetes ax wal aifre | Discuss the law relating to the powers of Parliament and State Legislatures to punish a person for breach of their privileges. 15 wr oRferfaat At sik sae vara Ht fesen Sie, fare sift ara ar ceafe ‘fait amacenrea’ cht ata ax Bea z | Discuss the circumstances under which ‘Financial Emergency’ can be proclaimed by the President of India and effects thereof. 15 va ama fear tana F anf afeacrarg A ada vgital, afer & gaan feast, at fr afer & area weit Fa cH aaa ora 2, H aria & 7 Do you think the current trends in judicial activism in India are inconsistent with the Principles of Separation of Powers, which is considered to be one of the basic features of the Constitution ? 20 vada afk fora qara oer 4, frahaa anata Ft erfteat site after apr ater ifr | Examine the powers and role of Election Commission of India in conducting free and fair election. 15 a ag and @ fs tara afk siege afar, 2013 deed vera Gee A seat ard a wer at Patra ae Fo yate eq Soares 2°? enh at F avafransit ar wor ifr, ate ate et aT Do you think the institution of Lokpal, as envisaged under the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013, is efficacious enough to curb corruption in India ? State the inadequacies in the legislative framework, if any. 15 as SECTION ‘B’ frafefan 4 8 ate ar aux wT 150 eedt # fear: Answer the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 sierisgia fafa sik usgia fat & ata & daa & data Sta-ale at fraifeai @ ? afer ere aifey | What are the theories relating to relationship between International Law and Municipal Law ? Elaborate. 10 faa sik Garren ft eas aA at ifr aa area oes ate aS 7 What are the factors that govern the recognition of insurgency and belligerancy ? 10 aon stata sara it are era At orftranrfter & freer Al are 8? Frofasr ffs a ara, far fifa | Does the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have the competence to determine its own jurisdiction ? Discuss with case law. 10 ‘frara srager’ aft afesrer aifay sik Sa siftrera, 1970 & yer saat A faa Alfa | Define ‘hijacking’ and discuss the main provisions of the Hague Convention, 1970. 10 aah wy A, 1945 & sterfa aa H water sie Safa srgarat & wferte I defers sasieit a fecauit thr | Comment on the provisions relating to prohibition of use of force and exceptions thereto under the U. N. Charter, 1945. 10 3 sth-p-law 6.(a) 6.(b) 6.0) 74a) 7.00) 140) 8(a) 8.(b) 8c) ‘ae aay’ at oferta Stare | ger aaa aiftrera & Soetett Ht ata F farsa if | aa Ge Sag A wait vast ft eactaaT wT ATA WTR ey? Define ‘high seas’. Discuss in brief the provisions of the convention on high seas. Is freedom of fishing on high seas recognized ? 20 afer ad-acen & entea at ay wae 4, fava cae dor (eq. 21.ait.) ar fare frafer fare (dueat.) wen aecaqel after or fate ae cer 2 | ahem cific | ‘The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is playing an important role in maintaining the stability of the global economy. Comment. 15 aertsaa fara & eifergehas fase At fare fafeat ar aia Aire | earfies fae at afte ease ciara | Enumerate the various methods of Peaceful Settlement of International disputes. Elaborate on judicial settlement. 15 ‘area vata’ & sit gar set wart @ 7 arra safacn & azar sik Gan A dg ey aT (a.a.ail.) Ft after Ft faeren fre | What do you mean by ‘human environment’ ? Discuss the role of United Nations Organisation (UNO) in protecting and improving the human environment. 20 Sosdirar’ at aarfire Aifire | aussie & opis site ate it aan feat & 2 Pranfes afeersit At asda At aa feafer ect S 2 Define ‘Nationality’. What are the modes of acquisition and loss of nationality ? What is the position of nationality of married women ? 15 aftr ht fat ox far after, 1969 % stent wae asters itt Rada & dette Saat ft fercraen fife | Discuss the provisions relating to amendment and modification of treaties under the Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties, 1969. 15 aifachia ofr & frie oe af, 2017 Sayer wraarat ft aren cifsee | war aa fra 4 wed afta eftort an aget facies et aaa 3? Explain the main provisions of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, 2017. Do you think it can lead to complete elimination of nuclear weapons ? 20 srerisaia fair & sient sre & atftrenre cht aarfty ht feats cifiry sik ‘spre’ wa “aK qari ero ht arent ifs | Discuss the scope of right of asylum under International Law and explain ‘territorial’ and ‘extra-territorial’ asylum. 15 siaeiaia aftrenat (ards) 2 stevia siaeingta aradia fates & ya fart at afer ere Fifa | Elucidate the fundamental principles of International Humanitarian Law as envisaged under International Conventions. 15 sth-p-law 4

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