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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad term used to describe a group of
neurodevelopmental disorders, These disorders are characterized by problems with
communication and social interaction, People with AD often demonstrate restricted, repetitive,
and stereotyped interests or patterns of behavior.

ASD is found in individuals around the world, regardless of race, culture, or economic
background. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), autism does
occur more often in boys than in girls, with a 4 to 1 male-to-female ratio. The CDC estimated in
2014 that nearly 1 in 68 children have been identified with ASD. There are indications that
instances of AD are on the rise. Some attribute this increase to environmental factors.
However, experts debate whether there's an actual increase in cases or just more frequent

Autism is one such disorder which is by and far the most challenging developmental disorder
which has been overlooked by the architects as a condition that influences building design.
(Mostafa.M 2008) A predominant effort has been made in exploring the scope of
environmental design or the autistic children with the dawn of inclusive education in the world.
The present research study accentuates the need for a fresh approach in designing educational
and rehabilitative spaces for a supportive environmental intervention of autistic children.

Autism is a severe disorder of communication, socialization and flexibility in thinking and
behavior, which involves a different way of processing information and of seeing the world.”
(Jordan, R. 1999) In 1943, Kanner coined the term ‘early infantile autism’ to describe children
with unusual behavior patterns that had been present from early childhood. His original paper
gave detailed descriptions highlighting extreme autism, obsessiveness, and good relationships
with objects, a desire for sameness, stereotypy and echolalia. Typically, Autism is characterized
by a ‘triad of impairments’ identified by Wing and Gould in 1979. The triad represents three
broad and interacting aspects of Autism, all of which will be inconsistent with the individual
chronological age.


Social - Impaired, deviant and delayed or atypical social development, especially interpersonal
development. The variation may be from ‘autistic aloofness’ to ‘active but odd’ characteristics.

Language and communication - Impaired and deviant language and communication, verbal
and non-verbal. Deviant semantic and pragmatic aspects of language.

Thought and behavior - Rigidity of thought and behavior and poor social imagination.
Ritualistic behavior, reliance on routines, extreme delay or absence of ‘pretend play’. Children
under Autism can be identified based on the following 4 categories (National Autism
Standards). Pupils on the autism spectrum will have different levels of support needs in relation

Understanding the social interactive style and emotional expression

Autistic children find social interaction very effortful. They cannot easily understand commonly
used implicit social messages and may find it hard to understand or relate to how social rules
change due to context, or what is considered socially ‘appropriate’. The actions of autistic
children are often misinterpreted as intentionally insensitive. For them to interact with people,
they need help.

Understanding and using communication and language

-Both verbal and non-verbal (ex: gesture; facial expression; tone of voice)

Differences in how information is processed

can lead to a strict adherence to routines and rules and/or difficulties in planning and personal
memory. Pupils on the autism spectrum have difficulties in predicting what will happen when a
familiar timetable or activity is changed. Conversely, such styles of processing can lead to
strengths and abilities in a number of areas (often related to factual memory or areas of
interest and motivation).

Differences in the way sensory information is processed

often leading to over sensitivities (often to external stimuli such as lighting, smells, or sounds),
and under-sensitivities (often not noticing internal feelings such as pain, body awareness and
hunger, until they become overwhelming). It should be noted that sensory sensitivities can lead
to extreme levels of stress and anxiety in unfamiliar or over-stimulating environments.


To design a center for autistic children to create an enabling environment comprising of

learning spaces, rehabilitation center and accommodation.


• To identify their deficits and understand the role played by architectural elements in
their intervention.
• To understand environmental implications for teaching strategies used for children
with autism in educational spaces.
• To address the enabling aspects of environment that might improve functional
performance of children with autism in educational spaces and rehabilitation spaces.
For example- Visual Character, Spatial sequencing and its quality, Escape areas, Clutter
free spaces, Colour, Texture, Materials, Acoustics etc.
• To address their needs and design accommodation based on their behavioural aspects,
cultural and social aspects.
• To critically review the relevant theories and implement the learning in the design of
the project.
• To understand the impact of existing structures on the intervention of autistic children.


Studying the mind-set of autistic in itself is a very vast subject hence this
topiclimits itself to the study and research of their behavioral aspects in
educational environments and environments which help them in
rehabilitation. It attempts to define quiet spaces, intervention areas,
open spaces, transition spaces, circulation spaces, multi-sensory areas
Experiences of Deriving research
and inclusive
parents, education spaces
caregivers, for the
concept: autistic. It also attempts to
understand the impact
with perception of spaces of the5 senses.
autistic children environment on their
2.5- NEED FOR THE PROJECT intervention
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) estimates that
Critical study on
Consulting psychologist 1- Establishing
approximately 1 in every 88 children are diagnosed with existing
to understand their
some level of
their needs and their impact on
behaviour autistic children
autism, (one in 54 boys) a sharp jump from the previous numbers
released in late 2009, and frighteningly distant rate from one in 10,000
2- Formulating
cases seenininBengaluru,
Case Study the 1980s. Enabling aspects of
Environmental Design study
Delhi, Hyderabad and for Autistic Children
Experts estimate that every 2-6 children out of every 1000 have Autism.
Analysing various
Theprevalence rate of autism in India is 1 in 250 (figure may vary by
theories as designers
on architectural
casesare not diagnosed) and currently 10 million people areintervention
suffering in
India. Thegovernment only recognized the disorder in 2001, till 1980s,
3- Theory
there were reports that Autism didn'tonexist
in India (Dr. Vinod Kumar
Altering the
Goyal, TOI). centric Environmental environment
Design based on design
These alarming rates of increase call for attention by all parameters
the fields and
4- Structured Questionnaire to
clearlyarchitecture has been ignoring the effect of built environment in
study the effect of design
their development. parameters

5- Design Guidelines

6- Schematic Design/
Site layout
Conceptual Design
Energy efficiency 7- Final Design sensory areas,
and sustainability playgrounds,
Literature study
and and
on Autism

• Autistic Friendly School, Hyderabad

• SPARSH, A special school, Hyderabad

• National Institute for Mental Health, Hyderabad


In our present condition a major part of the population living under the poverty level.
Street children are a part of our society and this part of children are always deprived. In
reality, the only hope lies in the hands of our children, whose immense potentials are
probably the most precious resource our country possesses. So it is of vital importance to
set up a Street Children Rehabilitation Center to mature their potential and to direct their
potential in the right way, the way to become a responsible citizen with fully aware of the
tasks the nation expects from them. This is a project, STREET CHILDREN REHABILITATION

which all activities are regarded for child development such as physical, emotional,
cognitive and socio-cultural that is obviously needed for their future development.
Street Children are those who work and live on the streets, parks, pavements,
busstations, railway stations and public places having the sky as their roof
without safety and security and who are below the age of 18 years.
As a result of urbanization, poverty and other factors, children end up on
the streets. In India, there are more than 400,000 children living on the
In Delhi alone,” at least 100,000 children live on the streets.
.According to the ministry, 46,410 cases of substance abuse by street
children were reported in the national capital last year. Of these, most of
them were found to be addicted to tobacco (21,770), followed by alcohol
(9,450), inhalants (7,910) and cannabis (5,600).


Street children rehabilitation center frees the society from the phenomena as
they built a good foundation for the country, we all know that when we built a
good educated knowledge children we make a good youth and by that we
raised severalsides in community and state


Eliminating Child Labour

NGOs educate trade organisation to reach out to business owners and
educate them about the evils of child labour. Some NGOs raid workplaces
like farms and factories where child labour is practiced, and free these
children, to send them to school and rehabilitate them
Education and Enrollment
Bringing out-of-school children back to the classroom Bringing
street children and child labourers back to school

Providing Safe Shelter

NGOs like Seruds run Children’s Shelter where rescued children are
provided a safe home, given medical care and education
To pro v id e an en vir o nm en t far aw ay fr om the dr u dge r y of cit y r
o a d s a n d s t r e e t s p l a c e f o r l e a r n i n g a n d t o c r e a t i n g ah o p e t o l i v e
a fulfilling life.

T h e a i m o f t h i s p r o j e c t i s t o u p g r a d e , d e v e l o p a n d e v o l v es t r e e t
children as a responsible citizen of th e nation

This project would be providing such space to these

c h i l d r e n w h e r e t h e y a r e n u r t u r e d w i t h c a r e a n d e d u c a t e d s ot h a t t h e y
can forget their past and restart life with new


The obje ct ive be hind the pr ojec t is to pr ovide des t i tut e childre n ade cent
and he alt hy l i fe , si multa neously making them as res pons ible me
mber s of the socie ty . I n o t h e r w o r d s , t h e y a r e
nurtured for living lives as other normal children do .

In th is place ever y one will support eac h other by their love.

Pr ovide a place which will give joy full environment

Edu cat ion and ot her act ivi ty pr ov ide for be st fut ur e

Ski l l ba sed tr aining for the our chi ldren and pa re nt s ec onom ical ly sust
aining thems elve s

Pr o vide educ at ion, rec rea t i on fac i l i t ies , ex plora t ion, he alt h, etc






Today as we step into 21s century the jet age of 20' century has replaced by
thought age. Now people work, move and react at the speed of thought. In this
world of deadly competition one experiences a terrific mental and physical
pressure.Today everything is so mechanical and routine that people crave for a
change in atmosphere and best way to get it is from a multiplex, that houses
various form of entertainment under one roof. A place where family get together
for a day full of fun laughter. An integrated unit where you get everything from
movies to games to food and above all great fun. There is a need to relax, to
refresh our mind and change our brain to face the new challenges of the next day.
A need of a place to relax, entertain, to seek fulfillment of social needs
supplement the deficiency of houses and work environment is a public place. A
place where one can go out with family and friends and spend some time
together and forget all the worries about the daily life. Such a public place consist
of public gardens, community centers, cinema halls, restaurants etc. The measure
of truly successfully urban space lies in the ability to accommodate varying
functions for different groups in the city i.e, a MULTIPLEX. Multiplex means
multiple places in one single complex i.e, multiple - complex - multiplex.

A multiplex is lot more than a cinema halls, which are of varying sizes; it should
also include restaurant, shopping, number of cafeterias, and every form of
lightentertainment under one roof. Thus one stop of entertainment centre.
Today's multiplex offers games of all types and ranges. From virtual reality games
where the person will not be just a participant but a part of game itself. They also
video games, pool tables, music stores, jukeboxes and listening posts. Other
activities could include a full stoked bookstores, a vast greeting cards section and
outlet of popular brands. Thus a multiplex include everything to give public a true
value for time and money.
The "Multiplex" is the first such a best entertainment centre in South Asia and the
aim of this is to focus on the entertainment of persons with multiple options,
including cineplexes, restaurants, multipurpose hall, shopping plaza, play area,
open landscapes, parking, etc.

The objectives behind this thesis project and programme is to undertake an in-
depth study of the subject and thus identification of full entertainment and
enjoyment to be given to the public for their mental relaxation, pleaser and
excitement. To develop solutions for an environment that supports independent
functioning of individuals or persons with multiple interests.


The architectural design would be prepared for the main building consisting of
Entrance Foyer, Common Atrium, Circulation area, Shops, Auditoriums,
Restaurant, Open area, parking, etc. The design would be done with regard to
Construction Details in which drawings illustrating the concerned details would be
The major scope of my study would be through Primary Survey which includes
Case-studies and information of the latest public demands with other new
Multiplex is an integrated entertainment place having at least 3 cinema halls and
shopping mall. Apart from cinema halls, shopping mall we have other
entertainment areas like restaurants, cafeteria, fast food centers, video games,
pubs, and other recreational activities.
• The recreational and entertainment spaces like movie theatres play zones etc.
• The commercial spaces like shopping malls, restaurants, parlors etc.
• Other spaces for parking, ATM's, temporary stalls etc., also involved.
In some conditions, the multiplex is integrated with offices, residences,
convention centers etc.
AIM: To design the functional relationships of a crowdy area, to learn about the
space management
• To design and understand the planning of a multiplex.
• To design based on different concepts of multiplex from literature and case
• To design according to the traffic volume of in around multiplex.
• To design with various planning and design layouts and its standards.
• To design in relation to spatial composition of a multiplex.

Forum Mall
• Forum mall at Hyderabad is one of the most famous and the busiest and
attractive mall in South Indian Paradise. The forum mall is the first mall in south
India which started multiplex theatres. It has nine screens of P.V.R cinemas with
daily shows in six languages. The forum mall is a 24,740.86 Sa.m complex in Six
floors and
2 basement floor| for parking and Services]
Consisting of both shopping and entertainment under one roof.
• It is one of the first large scale mall in india and one of the busiest shops in
• On weekdays, about 35000-40000 people visits forum mall. Weekends, the
crowd will exceed 75000. The crowd of the mall greatiy depends on the PVR

Inorbit mall
Inorbit Malls, a group company of the K. Raheja Corp, was initiated with an
objective to not just create physical structures but also to influence lifestyles.
Inorbit Malls, committed to setting benchmarks in retailing in India, provides an
excellent shopping experience for customers, Inorbit Malls combine the
knowledge of the Indian consumer and a changing Indian market scenario in
locating, designing, planning and managing retail environments, Inorbit Malls
began their journey by opening its first mall at Malad to the public in early 2004,
in Mumbai, Since then, Inorbit has repeated its success with world class malls in
Vashi - Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad – Telangana Whitfield - Bangalore & Vadodara -
Gujarat. The Mall at Hyderabad is managed by the Wholly Owned Subsidiary of
Inorbit Malls, i.e. TRION Properties Private Limited. The malls have universal class
and appeal and seek to provide a one-stop destination for fashion, lifestyle, food.
and entertainment leading to an international experience Inorbit Malls have won
more than 65+ awards since inception including India's Most Trusted Mall by
Brand Trust Report 2014 and have been recognized in various national &
international forums like IMAGES, Asia Pacific Shopping Centre Awards, ICSC, Asia
Consumer Engagement Forum, EFFIEs and ABBYs for their commitment in
establishing community connect
Sarath City Capital Mall
Location : Hyderabad, India
Site Area : 1,930,000 sq ft (180,000 sq m or 44 acres )
Retail : 430+ brands
Parking : 5000 vehicles (4 levels)
Other spaces : 7-screen AMB Cinemas multiplex, an indoor adventure park, a
trampoline park, a snow theme park.

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