DBS Security SOP 2020-2021

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Emirates Hill. Spring-3

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Prepared By: Maris Keijser

*All Information in this document is the property of Dubai British School.

Table of Contents
1. Glossary ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Aims and Principals.............................................................................................................................. 5
3. Brief introduction of DBS ..................................................................................................................... 5
4. General approach and expectations of Security ................................................................................. 5
5. Main Duties and Responsibilities of DBS Security ............................................................................... 6
Head of Security Job Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 7
Security Guards duties ............................................................................................................................ 8
Patrolling ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Access control ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Security and safety control for visitors / Non-members of DBS. .......................................................... 10
Security and safety control for DBS parents and household staff ........................................................ 10
Security and safety control for DBS teaching staff ............................................................................... 11
Security and safety control for student. ............................................................................................... 11
Security and safety control for Taaleem staff ....................................................................................... 12
Security and safety control for contractors .......................................................................................... 12
Security and safety for Road/ Parking area .......................................................................................... 13
Security and safety control for Government inspector. ....................................................................... 14
Security and Safety control for civil Inspector. ..................................................................................... 14
Security and Safety control for Housekeeper/ Nannies. ...................................................................... 14
Security and safety control for Supplier................................................................................................ 14
Security and Safety control for ESM staff / ESM Visitor. ...................................................................... 15
Key Control ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Utilities control ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Drop off and pick up traffic control....................................................................................................... 16
Gate Opening and closing time of during Morning Drop up Time for all student .. Error! Bookmark not
Gate Opening and closing time during Afternoon Pick up. ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
DBS Drop off and pick up time ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
6. Discipline and Conduct. ..................................................................................................................... 17

7. Communication and co-ordination. .................................................................................................. 18
8. Telephone Etiquette .......................................................................................................................... 18
9. Lost and found property .................................................................................................................... 21
10. Weekend and school holidays procedures .................................................................................... 21
11. Reporting........................................................................................................................................ 22
12. Fire Drill and Evacuation ................................................................................................................ 22
13. Security officers fire Response procedure: Role of day shift Security and Night shift Security in
the event of a fire alarm being activated at the School. .......................................................................... 22
14. Evacuation Drill for Earth quake .................................................................................................... 25
15. Emergency evacuation Map: ......................................................................................................... 25
16. DBS Lock Down .............................................................................................................................. 25
17. Lock down procedure: Below steps to be followed while going through lock down situation .... 26
18. Intruder and Armed Man handling Policy:- Intruder and armed man means those who are not
invited in premises and their motives is to harm the premises environment and people’s lives. Once it
is confirmed that these people are in following step must be taken very soon. ..................................... 27
19. Weapon in premises: As an academic place Weapon in strictly prohibited in school ................. 27
20. CCTV monitoring ............................................................................................................................ 27
21. DBS Security team organization chart .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
22. DBS Q.R.T (Quick re-action team) ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
23. How to Check Identity Card and what should be checked In ID card. .......................................... 28
24. How to describe of person? ........................................................................................................... 28
25. How to describe of a vehicle? ........................................................................................................ 29
26. How to keep critical situation under control in short time? ......................................................... 29
27. How to use anti- combat drill? ...................................................................................................... 29
28. What to do in case of fire extinguisher leak? ................................................................................ 30
29. How to operate Extinguisher? ....................................................................................................... 30
30. Fire extinguisher chart ................................................................................................................... 30
31. How to protect crime scene. ......................................................................................................... 30
32. How to handle Complaints. ........................................................................................................... 31
33. How to avoid Conflict..................................................................................................................... 31
34. Facilities Provided to Security staffs .............................................................................................. 32

35. SOP for Security Guards turn out................................................................................................... 32
36. DBS Map ......................................................................................................................................... 32
37. Co-ordination with Community Security team. ............................................................................. 32
38. Emergency contact details. ............................................................................................................ 32
39. General site rule for Security Guard .............................................................................................. 33

1. Glossary

AC Air Condition

DBS building Dubai British school building

BOB building Back of the DBS building

CCTV Close Circuit Television

CDA Civil Defense Authority

DOB Daily Occurrence Book

DEWA Dubai Electricity and Water Authority

SIRA Security Industry Regulatory Agency

EID Emirates Identification

FM Facilities Manager

ID card Identification card

DBS Dubai British School

SMT Senior management Team

SLT Senior leadership team

DM Dubai Municipality

ESM East Sports Management

2. Aims and Principals

This document provides the information about the standard Security measures implemented in DBS

 Ensure to provide a safe and secure environment for our pupils, staff and visitors.
 Ensure to have effective procedures in place to enable us to achieve this aim.
 Ensure to keep a track of each person in the campus school at all times.
 Ensure to identify Security issues, promote safety and prevent loss and damage to property
and individuals.
 Ensure smooth vehicle traffic flow.
 Ensure that the work of our Security team in high esteem.

3. Brief introduction of DBS

Dubai British School is a thriving British International School having mission of “Enjoy, Aspire
and Achieve” and is located in the springs area of Dubai’s Emirates Hills. A member of the
Taaleem Group of schools Founded in 2005, DBS offers high quality education to over a
thousand students aged 3 to 18. DBS Offering a truly international education for children from
all over the world. Every day we expect more visitors to the school for various purposes.

Location: Dubai British school, spring-3, Emirates Hill, Nearby Town Centre.
Contact: 04-3619361
Website: www.dubaibritishschool.ae
Facilities: DBS in impressive range of Facilities which include: a large multi-
purpose auditorium, elementary gym, a senior indoor sport hall, shaded swimming pool, tennis
courts, extensive football field with changing Facilities, an extensive library/learning resource/
media center, indoor and outdoor learning spaces and playgrounds, several computer/ ICT and
science labs, Design and Technology room, Art studios, Music studios and rehearsal rooms.

 DBS Building
 Foundation Building
 Indoor Sports hall building

4. General approach and expectations of Security

 DBS Security Guards must ensure that he/she is familiar with the layout of the site, DBS staff
and pupils, so that they can identify new visitors to the school and deal with them
 They must be alert at all time, and vigilant to any change in the Security levels of the school.
 DBS expect that each Security Guard is clean and tidy always wearing their uniform in
correct form.
 All Security Guards deployed in DBS are trained and certificated by Security Industry
Regulatory Agency (SIRA) and they must display their SIRA card as identification at all times.

 DBS Security Guards must protect pupils and staff life, protect property, protect document
and information, and prevent wastage and damages.
 Utilise of utilities.
 Handle Emergency issue.
 Risk assessment.
 Patrol.
 Report.

5. Main Duties and Responsibilities of DBS Security

The role of a Security Guard is to provide his or her employer with professional protective
Services, assisting in Maintaining order and Security within a defined area.” Security Guards
have a very difficult role when dealing with numerous parties in the course of the workday. At
times, situations require Security Guards to wear different “hats” to deal with different
situations and people. However, the ultimate responsibility of Security Guards is to protect
people from harm and property from loss in the built environment.

 Ensure the safety of property and people.

 Guard against damage and attacks.
 Work as a patrol officer always on the move.
 Work as a static Guard at one location.
 Keep on a constant watch.
 Make sure everything is under control.
 Possibly perform as a patrol and static Guard.
 Use electronic surveillance equipment.
 Work with the Police when required.
 Know what to do in case of emergencies.
 Have a working knowledge of First Aid.
 Know how to operate lights in your area.
 Always be on the alert for acts of violence.
 Inspect bags, luggage and personal items.
 Stop the entry of unauthorized people.
 Be courteous to all people you deal with.
 Do not be late for assignments.
 Be alert for unusual situations.
 Know how to contact your supervisor/head of Security.
 Be courteous and polite all the time.
 Ability to react fast in an Emergency.
 Be in good physical shape.
 Be honest and have dedication to the job.
 SafeGuard against theft and violence.
 Be on the lookout for disturbances.
 Protect against physical and financial loss.
 Direct vehicles and make sure vehicles are safe.
 Inspect the buildings.
 Make sure Security equipment is in working order.
 Conduct checks inside of buildings you protect.
 Know where Emergency alarms are located.
 Make detailed notes of anything unusual.
 Write details of accidents and damages.
 Observe every person within your Guard area.
 Always act in the best interest of your employer.
 Answer general questions and give directions.
 Always represent yourself in a professional manner.
 Maintain knowledge of your electronic equipment.
 Make sure your personal equipment is always working.
 Know who to call in case of an Emergency.
 Must have good communication skills.
 Have the ability to handle and resolve conflicts.
 Know how to communicate on a phone.

Head of Security Job Descriptions

 Keep co-ordination with DBS management and Security management.
 Supervising key and key management of DBS.
 Prepare all necessary documents.
 Manage all Security personal.
 Check daily logbooks and reports.
 Collect all Security related reports and report to the Facilities Manager-Principal.
 Escort VIP and visitor if required.
 Control on CCTV.
 Monitoring CCTV.
 Work as a traffic controller in the high-risk area.
 Train the new Security member at DBS.
 Keep daily attendance record of Securities, Nannies and Housekeeper staff.
 Play role for Emergency evacuation.
 Patrolling premises.
 Built good relation with surrounding community to keep School premises safe and secure from
any internal and external threat.
 Find the better option to make peaceful environment in DBS.

 Protect pupils and staff life.
 Protect DBS properties and DBS visitor properties.
 Protect Confidential Information and Document.
 Responsible to prevent loss, wastage and damages of DBS.
 Responsible to keep co-ordination with community Security.
 Responsible to reports entire Maintenance issues to Facilities Manager.
 Responsible to keep school area clean keeping co-ordination with Housekeeping supervisor.
 Responsible to co-ordinate with waste collection contractor to keep bin empty.
 Responsible to co-ordinate with Security cameras contractor to keep Camera working all the

Security Guards duties

 Each Security Guard should ensure they are familiar with the school layout and Security
 Routine Security Guard should patrol all parts of the school. This is a rotating shift either at a
standing post or in Main Gate or foot patrol.
 Maintain a Security log to record routine activities, Security incidents reports, and to keep track
of Security equipment at the Guard posts.
 To report all Emergency, accidents, incidents to Head of Security and make entry to the Security
incident log book to include action taken.
 Report any observation of faults or damage to Team Leader or Head of Security and log in
Maintenance complaint book.
 Ensures that all visitors are screened correctly while they enter from the Main entrance, they
should be meeting in Main Reception by a member of staff or escorted to their destination by
Security if needed.
 Check all visitors entering the school premises and exiting from the premises in accordance
with standing Guard orders or follow the management instructions. Check all vehicles entering
into the school car park. Assist them to park in proper way.
 All offices, science labs and libraries must be locked after school hours and weekends (make
sure nobody is locked inside)
 Ensure that assembly points remain clear at all times.
 Assist and give support to all departments if they require Security assistant and immediate
 Traffic and access control.
 Emergency evacuation.
 Patrol at DBS.
 To keep school premises safe and secure from any internal and external threat.
 Responsible to give peaceful environment in DBS.
 Protect pupils and staff life.
 Protect DBS properties and DBS visitor properties.
 Prevent loss, wastage and damages of DBS.
 Protect Confidential Information and Documentation.
 Search personal things and vehicles when necessary.
 Every Security Guard must know the responsibilities and duties of Head of Security. Selected
Security has to play Team Leader role in absent of Team Leader during emergencies.

Each Security Guard is expected to spend a significant portion of each shift patrolling the
school. The purpose of foot patrol is to observe condition of buildings, parking, running Facilities (A/C
Chiller, water pump room, fire pump room, water storage tank) and events in school. All buildings floor
doors and windows need to be check, building roof, entrance and other areas are check and secure any
safety violations should recorded in the DOB. The regular patrolling in the school compound is the
most effective way to monitor activities. According to Patrol schedule all Security Guards are request
to perform high skill jobs when required.

 Security Guards must ensure that they have a good knowledge of the school surrounding area,
and all high-risk area.
 If you see any specious activities inside/outside the campus or person or vehicle immediately,
inform your Team Leader-Head of Security.
 Check the condition of all doors and windows either it is locked or unlocked,
 Classroom Windows must be closed anytime.
 Ensure entire fire cabinet is in good condition.
 All class rooms, entrance and exit doors must be locked after school hours.
 Any problems identified must be report to Team Leader, Head of Security and Facilities
Manager such as damage, broken equipment, loose cables, or any Health and Safety issues.
Record the findings in DOB and Maintenance log as well.
 Security Guards should ensure that they know which areas are fitted with alarms and how to
reset the panel if required.
 Make sure that all the posters (Evacuation Map, Evacuation Procedures and Lockdown) are
available in each and every office/classroom.

Access control
Access control is the one of most important function of Security Guards. There are different
Security measures for access control. Each Guard must know how to control access of visitors, pupils,
staffs and vehicles. Access control plays significant role to keep School safe and secure.

 It is expected that DBS Security Guards will be able to identify DBS staff, pupils and Taaleem
community staff.
 If they cannot identify the person by sight, they are to question them individually and ask for
identification. If no identification is available then report it to school Reception/Head of
Security/Concern person.

 There is limited car parking space available. Only authorized vehicles are allowed to park in the
car park, if parking space is fully occupied staff / parents have to manage themselves.
 Pupils leaving the school early must submit the early leave pass to Security desk issued from the
Reception/ School Clinic. If the pass is not available then immediately inform Reception for

Security and safety control for visitors / Non-members of DBS.

DBS Security greets each visitor to the school with courtesy and respect. The control of visitors
is a major part of DBS Security procedures for the safeguarding of people and property.
 All visitors will be welcome respectfully,
 The visitors to the school must enter via Main Gate (Gate No.3).
 Visitor must sign into the visitors’ book. (date, name, contact number, time, Signature and
purpose of visit) Each visitor will be issued with a visitor pass. Visitor identification (having
photography id) must left at the Security desk in exchange for a Security pass.
 Advice visitors are to wear the visitors pass at all time.
 Any person found in the school compound without a Security pass should be asked to report to
the Main Gate (Gate No.3) or Reception desk or asked to leave the school. If they refuse, it
should report immediately to the Principal, any aggression will be reported to the Police.
 Visitors who do not have any form of ID available must contact the member of staff expecting
the visitor and they must come and sign the visitors book agreeing to take full responsibility for
the visitor while present in school.
 Visitors who do not have any form of ID on them they should be asked to leave school premises
or give escorted to Reception.
 Visitors are not allowed to walk alone around school. They are to be accompanied by a member
of staff at all times.
 While leaving the school visitors must sign out, return the visitors pass and collect their
identification from the Security office Desk.
 Lists of people who are not allowed in the schools are asked to stay outside of school premises.
These people should be identified with a photograph. Security Guards are expected to remain
polite and professional but should not allow access to anyone they identify as suspicious.
Contact Head of Security, Reception, School Principal or Facilities Manager and raise your
concern immediately.
 The school Reception should be used as a meeting point for all visitors. Nobody can pass
directly inside without going through Reception.
 Main Gate, second Security officers should escorts visitor to Reception desk.

Security and safety control for DBS parents and household staff
 DBS parents and household staff can enter the school by showing and wearing their DBS passes
at drop off (07:00 – 08.00) and pick up (13:30 – 14:30-15:15) without signing in. During
Ramadan time pick/drop off time may be changed but the procedure will be the same.
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 If they fail to present or are not wearing a school ID, they must drop their personal ID (ID card
having photo) at the Main Gate and a visitors pass will be issue after signing the visitor book.
They have to enter through Main Gate (Gate no.3) in absent of DBS pass they will not be
allowed entry.
 To get access during school holidays, before/ after school time they must sign in visitor book
after showing their Parents card.
 Issued parents/ household card will be valid if same person uses it.

Security and safety control for DBS teaching staff

 During school time they can easily enter in school premises showing their School ID.
 During off school time they must have to sign in Staff log Book on Security Desk whenever they
enter in school premises.
 They must sign out equipment on the take/hand over form or to show approved letter while
taking any items from school (Letter should be kept in Security Office for future evidence, only
Facilities Manager and Principal approved letter is accepted).
 Those who are leaving vehicles in the school parking area after school or during vacation should
first get approval from the Facilities Manager. Vehicle owners will be fully responsible for any

Security and safety control for student.

 DBS student can enter school from all School Gates during school drop off time and exit from
certain Gates during pick up time.
 Students who enter school premises during drop off times are not allowed to leave school
premises at the same time.
 Students who arrived late in school have to use Main Gate to enter and must sign in Security
desk / Reception desk before entering their class.
 Students who leave school during school time have to leave their Security pass in Security desk,
which is issued by School front desk/school clinic.
 Students who leave/come school during mid-day break have to sign out/in front Gate finger
touch machine and they have to show their personal badge to Security before walking out/in
through Main Gate (Applicable for 6th Form students only).
 Students who are on study leave for exam preparation have to show Studies leave pass while
passing though the Main Gate.
 Students are not allowed to use sports hall, FS play area, swimming pool and primary play area
without supervision of school member of staff during school time and after school time.
 Primary and Foundation students are not allowed to go alone outside (out of school/ parking
area/Swimming pool area) in absent of teacher/parents/household staff/nanny.
 Those parents/household staff/nanny who don’t look after their wards while crossing road,
dropping off from car/ in parking area should be immediately reported to Head of Security.

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 Students must use corner pavement/ zebra crossing while passing through parking area Those
who ignore it should be reported to Head of Security immediately.
 Those students that violate school discipline/ smoking/fighting should be reported to Head of
Security/ Head of Primary/ Head of Secondary/ Principal immediately.
 During pick/drop time Security is responsible for students crossing on the main road.
 During school off time students who come to collect their things should sign in visitor book.
Security will escort them.
 During school holidays, students who comes to attend class should sign in visitor book and stay
in Reception until arrival of school member of staff.
 After school students are not allow to stay after 16:30 in auditorium, library, classroom,
canteen, pool, and play area without supervision of member of staff. They have to stay in
fishbowl/ Reception area.
 After 18:00 HR students are not allowed to enter the school building.

Security and safety control for Taaleem staff

 Taaleem communities staff must sign in the Main Gate and enter the school via Main Gate only
by showing their Taaleem ID.
 Taaleem community staffs are not allowed to use access through Blue Gate, Foundation
Emergency Gate 1, Emergency Gate 2 and Gate No 6 (RTA bus stop Gate) without signing in at
the Security desk. Staff who put pressure on Security officers to open those access should be
immediately reported to Head of Security/ Reception-Facilities Manager- Principal.
 Failure to show Taaleem ID they must drop their personal ID (having photography id) Security
will issue a visitors pass.
 Taaleem Maintenance staff must sign in Taaleem FM log book.
 For Taaleem Maintenance staff Security will give access through Gate No 6 (Near to RTA bus
stop) after signing in at the Main Gate.
 Any staff taking equipment from DBS must have Facilities Manager’s approval.
 Taaleem Maintenance staff should inform the Facilities Manager or Security while leaving any
equipment in DBS.
 Taaleem Maintenance staff are not allowed to have food/relax/sleep inside LV room
/generator/pump/store room in chiller yard.
 To make their daily work easier Security will unlock/lock external Gates on their request but
they are not allowed to take external Gate key and master key from Security office.

Security and safety control for contractors

 All contractors/ Maintenance companies should produce a letter of authorisation stating the
job they are here to do, date and time and written permission from the Facilities Manager.
Showing company stamp.
 The contractors must have their company authorization pass in order to be allowed to sign into
the contractor’s book.

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 Contractors and external Maintenance personnel should be monitored by Security team and
Facilities Manager, at all times.
 All contractors are expected to sign in and sign out and expected to wear contractors passes at
all times whilst on the premises.
 Contractor vehicle movements and material deliveries should monitored by the Security team.
 Facilities Manager should schedule Maintenance / construction work.
 Contractors and their belongings must be checked by Security before leaving the school
 Contractor movement will be in certain designated area only where they are scheduled to
 Contractor those who violate school rules and regulation should be reported to Head of

Security and safety for Road/ Parking area

 To put control on huge traffic congestion all Gates should be open. All internal Sub Gates are
watched by Security/DBS staff.
 During Drop off/pick up time no delivery/ contractor vehicles are allowed to enter inside school
premises except Emergency official department vehicle.
 During drop off time no vehicles are allowed to park in side A, Side B and Foundation drop off
 For student/staff safety there is to be no vehicles parked on the road in front of the Main Gate
 No speeding or overtaking in the parking area.
 Suggest using pavements for their safety while walking in parking area.
 Request parent/household staff are to take care of their wards while they keep distance in
parking area.
 Don’t take responsibility of any wards when any parents left their wards in vehicles. Suggest
him/her not to leave their wards. If they ignore immediately inform to head of Security after
keeping the vehicle and parents details.
 If any wards are left inside vehicles, report to Head of Security immediately.
 Close all perimeter Gates except Main entrance after drop off and pick up.
 Card/pass issued by DBS / Taaleem must be checked before giving access inside.
 Delivery, supplier and contractor will get access if they have valid work with DBS.
 Make sure vehicles are parked in certain designed space.
 Parents, visitor and contractor are not allowed to leave their owned vehicle in parking area
after sign out.
 Students crossing at the Zebra crossing should get off from their cycle.
 Nobody is allowed to use school bus reserve park space except Emergency department.
 In case of traffic accident, car owners are to call the Police. All accidents must be reported to
Head of Security / Facilities Manager, Reception and logged in the DOB/Incident Report.

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 Depending on situation on request of visitor/parents/DBS staff Security have to provide/reserve
disable parking near to sub-Gate 2/4.

Security and safety control for Government inspector.

Government inspector means those official staff from Government bodies (Police, health and safety
officer, 24/7 Civil defense, Ambulance, KHDA etc.)

 Report to Head of Security or report to school Reception.

 Make sure they have Government issued ID.
 Sign in visitor book (Securities are not allowed to keep their ID card).
 Escort & Assist them.

Security and Safety control for civil Inspector.

Civil Inspector means those who come to check Facilities fixed in our premise by their office (Fireman,
Elevator tech, L.P.G tech, CC Cam tech, pool water testing, Astroturf/ cricket pitch testing etc.)
according to their schedule prepaid by their management.

 They must sign in contractor book.

 They must show their assignment paper /email provided by owned office.
 On their arrival, report to Head of Security.
 They must be escorted by School member of staff or Security.
 Must take service report from them after completing their service.

Security and Safety control for Housekeeper/ Nannies.

Housekeeper and Nannies means those who worked for cleaning job, taking care of pupils and pick
/drop off of pupils from their destination to school – school to their destination.

 Must sign in Daily attendance book.

 They must get check their belonging from Security before leaving the school.
 Before entering the School transport and while on school buses, they must wear high light
reflective traffic jacket (for Nannies only).
 Safety locker is provided in untitled staff pantry.
 No private belongings are allowed inside school.
 They are requested to sign out/in in attendance book while leaving for break.
 Must sign out in daily attendance book after finishing school.

Security and safety control for Supplier.

Its concern those people who delivery things related to school. Those people will be forward to school
Reception desk/ related department. In case of off school time below steps will be followed.

 Log detail in Safe record book.

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 Personal delivery should accept on receiver request.
 On school opening day it should be handed over to school Reception / Concerned person.
 To make load/unload easy for certain time parking space will be allowed nearby both sub Gate.

Security and Safety control for ESM staff / ESM Visitor.

ESM Staff
ESM Staff means those who supervise DBS ESM Activities. On their arrival they must produce
their ESM ID (There are several ID Card issued for ESM Staff by ESM. ID sample are posted on
Security Notice board) and sign in Contractor Log Book.

ESM Visitor
ESM Visitor means those who are concern with ESM activity. During school and after school
there may be ESM Event in Facilities area (Sports hall, canteen, Foundation Activity room,
Tennis court and Pool area). Below procedure are applied on them.

During School time:

 Must sign in In ESM Activities paper (Those who are taking part on sports)
 Must sign in Visitor log book (Those who are not taking part on sports)
 Must leave photography ID card exchange with Visitor passes.
 They must enter to their Facilities area via Reception. (Not allowed to used Tennis Court

After School time:

 Must sign in In ESM Activities paper (those who are taking part in sport)
 They must enter to their Facilities area via tennis entrance Gate. (Not allowed to
used DBS Main building Entrance)
 After their activity they must exit the same way.

Key Control
A key control program is critical to DBS Security. Head of Security will maintain clear records of
 Keys will be issued only on a need basis; after filling key descriptions form. Master Keys will only
be issued at the direction of Facilities Manager.
 All Security staff are responsible for key control and Maintain an inventory of all keys. The key
log will accurately record the key name and keys nos.
 DBS staffs are responsible for those keys which have been issued to them.
 Students should never be given a key for any purpose.
 Lost/stolen/Broken keys shall be immediately reported to the Head of Security or Facilities
Manager with valid reason.
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 Employees, who are terminated, transfer or leaving from DBS, shall be required to return all
keys issued by the school.
 External Gate keys are not allowed to issue anyone and not allow to keep by any DBS staff
personally (must be displayed on Security key board always). To lock/unlock external Gate
Security staff must be there.
 Master key is not allowed to issue for outsider. To lock/unlock Security staff must be there.
 Account office key, exam office key is not allowed to issue. To lock/unlock Security staff must
be there.

Key Issuing/Receiving procedure

 Need approval from Facilities Manager (to issue key only), to receive key
approval not needed.
 Need to sign in key hand over/take over form.

Utilities control
One of the most important duties of Security is utilities control. When patrolling the premises:

 Night securities are expected to switch off/on the AC systems of all building.
 Day shift securities are expected to turn on the lights.
 Day shift securities are expected to turn off speakers and projectors after school hour.
 Night shift securities are expected to check football pitch area and garden irrigation systems if it
has any issues report it.
 Day shift securities are expected to check all the water coolers in school, needs to power off
after school.
 Day shift Security are expected to close fishbowl glass door and other door while school running
time to save chill air.
 Water tap should be in close position when it is not in used.
(Note: Prevention of loss, wastage and damage is Main function of Security)

Drop off and pick up traffic control

Traffic control is one of the Main tasks for the DBS Security Guards. This is very difficult and
often challenging job, however drop off time traffic control is supported by DBS teaching staff
to help Security during busy times but not in pick up time.

 DBS has provided ID cards for parents, housemaids, nannies and drivers to allow quick and easy
access at busy times.
 Parents who forget their school ID they must walk through Main Gate after following Security
 Foundation children must supervised by their parent while picking and dropping off.
 Security must be in high alert position during drop off and pick up time.

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 All parents and drivers can park their cars inside school parking spaces but it depends on
parking space.
 Security has to help the students to cross the road safely.
 Security should encourage students, parents and visitors to walk along the designated walking
 Security Guards should convince those who speeding cars and inappropriate over taking during
drop off and pick up inside the school premises.
 Encourage vehicles to move out of drop off area to prevent traffic congestion.
 Security should be familiar with parents collecting students. Any suspicious person or vehicle
movement around school should be reported to the head of Security or Facilities Manager.

6. Discipline and Conduct.

 Obeying standing instruction

 Appearance
 Uniforms
 Identity cards
 Attitude and conduct
 Alcohol and drug
 Sleeping on duty
 Smoking on duty
 Leaving duty post
 Works as directed
 On premises without authority
 Inspection of personal bags
 DBS property and Security property
 Confidential of information
 Conflict of interest
 Punctuality
 Personal mobile phones
 False report and record
 Integrity
 Chain of command

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7. Communication and co-ordination.

Effective communications play vital role for an effective Security system of DBS, DBS
management has provided 4 radio set, the common language will be used for communication
and the radio set will have phonetic name. The radios provided are Security No. 1, Security No.
2 Security No.3 and Security no 4 personnel. Radio users are requested to make sure they are
using the correct channel. Radio must be on at all times while being in duty hours.

The radio will use in phonetic name as follows:

 Shera 1 Security No. 1

 Shera 2 Security No. 2
 Shera 3 Security No. 3
 Shera 4 Security No.4
 Make sure that if there is any cause to call Police or local authority Security must get
permission from the Facilities Manager or Senior Management Team before calling them.
 Main Gate ( Gate no 3) should have list of important contact numbers for ESM staff, Facilities
staff, Dubai Police, Dubai Civil Defense, Ambulance, Fire, DEWA, Dubai Municipality, contractors
contact number and many more.
 Telephone log of Emergency phone calls should keep in Daily Occurrence Book.
 Received call must be logged in Telephone call recorded book.

8. Telephone Etiquette

Corect telephone etiquette is very important. Remember to use proper telephone etiquette, whether
answering the phone or making phone calls. It leaves callers with a favorable impression of you, your
department and the school. Below are some helpful hints that will help to make your phone
conversations more effective.
A few key things to remember when it comes to phone etiquette:

 Using phrases such as "thank you" and "please" are essential in displaying a professional
 Listen actively and listen to others without interrupting.
 Don't make people dread having to answer their phone or call your department.

Answering Calls

 Before receiving any call fill date time and caller phone number in Security telephone log book.
 Try to answer the phone within three rings.
 Answer with a greeting/ office name / location. (Example - "Good Morning/Afternoon, Dubai
british school,Emirates hill, Dubai. RAGESH ( Security name ) speaking/ online/ with you, how
may I help you?").

18 | P a g e
 Smile - it shows, even through the phone lines; speak in a pleasant tone of voice - the caller will
appreciate it.
 Ask the caller for their name, purpose and address. This shows you have taken an interest in
 If the caller has reached a wrong number, be courteous.

Threating calls

Once you receive threat call be calm, be courteous, listen clearly, do not interrupt. Be friendly, try to
expand your conversation.

 Answering calls procedure will be applied

 What is your concern?
 With whom you are concern with?
 From where you are calling? your location?
 How should is call you back? contact number/address?

Bombing threat calls

Once you received those call be calm, be courteous, listen clearly, do not interrupt. Be friendly. Try to
expand your conversation.

 Answering calls procedure will be applied

 When is the bomb going to explode?
 Where is it right now?
 What does it look like?
 What kind of bomb is it?
 What will cause it to explode?
 Did you place the bomb?
 With whom you are concern with?
 From where you are calling? your location?
 Your contact number/address?

After all these conversations Security are to fill the bomb threat call report form. During the
conversation Security should follow the Bomb Threat Call form to gain as much information as
possible and report to head of Security /Team Leader/ Facilities Manager/ Principal.

 Caller voice
 Gender
 Background sounds
 Threat languages

19 | P a g e
Making Calls

 When you call someone and they answer the phone, do not say "Who am I speaking with?"
without first identifying yourself: (Example - " Hi Good morning This is RAGESH from DBS. To
whom am I speaking?")
 Always know and state the purpose of the communication.
 When you reach a wrong number, Say: "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number.
 If you told a person you would call at a certain time, call them as you promised. If you need to
delay the conversation, call to postpone it, but do not make the other person wait around for
your call.
 If you don't leave a number/message for someone to call you back, don't become angry if they
are not available when you call again.

Handling Rude or Impatient Callers

 Stay calm. Try to remain polite. Getting angry will only make them angrier.
 Always show willingness to resolve the problem or conflict.
 Try to think like the caller. Remember, their problems and concerns are important.
 If you are in a non-supervisory position: Offer to have your head of Security talk to the caller or
call him/her back if the caller persists.

Placing Calls on Hold

 When putting a caller on hold, always ask permission. Examples: "Would you mind holding
while I check?" or "Can you hold briefly while I see if RAGESH is available?" When taking a caller
off of hold, always thank them for holding.

Taking Messages

 Be prepared with pen and message slip when you answer the phone.
 When taking messages be sure to ask for:
o Caller's name (asking the caller for correct spelling.)
o Caller's phone number and/or extension (including area code)
o If the caller is a student, ask for the Student ID# (if appropriate) and ask what the call is
in regard to.
 Repeat the message to the caller.
 Be sure to fill in the date, time, and your initials.
 Place the message slip in Security control room and report to Team Leader or Head of Security.

Ending Conversations
There are several ways that you can end a long phone call without making up a story or sounding rude:

 Leave the conversation open.

 Before hanging up, be sure that you have answered all the caller's questions
 Always end with a pleasantry such as : "Have a nice day" or "It was nice speaking with you"

20 | P a g e
Note:- Telephone log book with black pen is always attached with it, no any Security are allowed to
used that pen and book except call record and threat call form fill. Those who found using in different
purpose, replacing from its place and received call without keeping receiver call log will be taken as
disobeying disciplinary case by head of Security. These matter will be taken very seriously and must be
forwarded to Security management and DBS management as well.

9. Lost and found property

The DBS lost and properties are kept in basement floor of DBS building (Right hand side of
basement lobby). During patrolling if any lost properties are found it should be kept in lost and
found property cupboard. Any valuable items should be hand over to the School Reception
after keeping record in Security safe book. Out of hours it should be kept in Security safe
mentioning its detail on Security safe log book.

10. Weekend and school holidays procedures

 During weekend and school holidays our contractor (ADNH llc) staff will be on their duties.
On their request, Class room should be open for their job and after it should be closed.
 There may be sport event / Holiday camp on Friday / Saturday / School off time as per the
ESM company daily schedule. That schedule will provided by ESM Personnel. According to
their schedule Facilities should be provided.
 They are allowed to use certain Facilities / area as per their schedule.
 Security should co-ordinate with the sport company /outside providers appointed
representative. If any issues a raise contact with DBS Facilities Manager, DBS head of
 All class room of school should remain locked.
 DBS Main bldg. entry/exit fishbowl glass door remain locked, sub Gate no 4 remain open
during ESM activities.
 Security must patrol and monitor activity in the school when premises used by outsider.
 Entire perimeter Gate should be remains close except Gate No.3 (Main Gate). Gate No 2
Should be open for contractor / Supplier on their arrival after it’s remain closed. After their
job they are to park their vehicle outside of school premise.
 No vehicles are allowed to park inside school premise except Taaleem staff and school staff
(Those who come for work in school).
 Smoking is strictly prohibited in the school campus. If anyone found violating this rule
Security must record the individuals name, company or group and escort them off the
school premises. Incident should be report to head of Security-Facilities Manager.
 Delivery for School should accept and it must mention in safe record book. On school
opening time / office opening time it should be hand over to Reception desk / concern staff
taking their sign in safe record book.

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 Delivery related to Facilities team should be informed to Facilities Manager / Head of
Security / Handy Men of DBS.
 All Security staff are expected to conduct the inspection the compound and all buildings.

11. Reporting

 Security must maintain their daily occurrence book.

 All reports and other documents must be secure and filed in designated place.
 Do not throw any documents, E-mails or reports that may be used as evidence in future.
 Security staff must prepare the Incident report of any incident happened like fire alarm
incident, fire drill and lock down etc. This report must be log in Security incident book.
 Accident forms should be completed by injured party or Security Guard as soon as
possible after the incident. Notify to head of Security and school nurse.
 Reporting system should be step to step (Security-head of Security/school Reception
staff-Facilities Manager-Principal).

12. Fire drill and Evacuation

 Security Guards should be familiar with the DBS evacuation policy and know their roles
during an evacuation.
 On hearing the Fire alarm the Security Guards must NOT allow any persons entry to the
school other than the Emergency Services. Lock all the entrance of school, open all
Emergency exit door, assist all people to evacuate from school, direct them to move
toward the assembly point and wait for Facilities Manager call or instruction.
 Head of Security will be there to read the fire control panel zone and with the Facilities
Manager check the indicated zone for fire.
 Security Guard has to assist head of Security for this incident.
 All Security Guards should report to the evacuation sweeper / fire marshal.

13. Security officers fire Response procedure: Role of day shift Security and Night shift Security in
the event of a fire alarm being activated at the School.

22 | P a g e

Head of Security:

 Open all exit doors.

 To identify which zone has activated in Fire panel board.
 To find out either it is a real fire or not.
 In case of fire Extinguish if it is possible.
 Gather all visitors in visitor assembly area.
 Be a backup of Security.
 Inform to community Security if it is real fire/Emergency.
 Inform to Security management if it is real fire/Emergency.
 Assist Facilities Manager to give Makani Number/ DBS Civil defense Id to make easy to cops find
out our location.
 Report all incidents to Facilities Manager.

Main Gate officer:

One officer will remain on the Main Gate (Gate no. 3) and will ensure.

 Must lock Main Gate.

 Open all Reception front/rear glass.
 Open Sub Gate No.4 fully.
 Make sure no one leaves or enter the premises other than Emergency service personnel.
 Direct all persons to the assembly point.
 Advice all not to run.
 Stand behind Main Gate.

Car Park Security officer:

Security officer should be there in car park are to ensure below thing:

 Ensure Gate 1 and Gate 2 are shut but don’t locked it.
 Open Sub Gate No 2 Fully.
 Ensure no one exit or enter in premises via the Gates including vehicles (except Emergency
Services and community securities)
 Direct personnel to assembly point.
 Advice all not to run.
 Report and Direct the Emergency Service to the Head of Security.
 Stand behind the Gate.

23 | P a g e
Patrolling Security:

 Ensure all Emergency Gate are open.

 Take the All visitor log book to the fire assembly point to report to the Fire Marshal.
 Assist and direct personnel to the assembly point if required.
 Advice all not to run and sit quite in assembly area.
 Assist fellow Guard if required.
 Stand behind the Red Gate after making sure that Gate key is with you.

Main Guard:

 Open all exit doors.

 Follow to Head of Security in this case.
 Assist the Emergency Service.
 Assist patrolling Security if required.
 Be a fire sweeper of visitor after collecting No 13 Clip board from fire warden.
 Complete the Daily Occurrence Book and make incident report when incident is total under


With only two officers on site the danger of life is far reduced, but the ability of them to deal with real
fire is considerable and the risk of damage to the property is high.

If the fire alarm is activated they must ensure that all personnel are out of the building and assembled
by the Main Gate (Gate no.3) if possible details someone to make sure no one comes onto the
premises. If no one is on the premises then the officers should make sure that all Gates are locked to
prevent anyone coming onto the premises.

The officers should proceed to the fire control panel and identify which zone has activated, together
they should go to the sector identified and see if it is a real fire, if possible and in line with the fire
prevention strategy (Attempt to fight the fire) tackle the fire. If unable to fight the fire then call the
Emergency Services and open Gates Gate no. 1 Gate no.2 Gate no.4 and Gate no.5 and report findings
to the chief officer on their arrival that will take control of the situation and assist if necessary.

Report the incident immediately to the Facilities Manager or SMT (Senior Management Team) whose
numbers are kept in the Security office.

Log entire incident detail to occurrence book and make incident report for it.

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14. Evacuation Drill for Earth quake

 Emergency sound will be raise from Fire panel board (depends on situation) after taking
permission from Principal / Head of Secondary / Facilities Manager.
 Foundation students have to use Foundation Emergency Gate 1 to gather in fire assembly
 Main building students have to use Football ground for safe area.
 Indoor sport hall and PE staff have to choose safe area.
 Every person is expected to sit quietly in assembly area and to confirm their own member
either they are safe or stuck inside.
 Ask help for Emergency Department giving call in 999.

15. Emergency evacuation Map:

Below map shows the site evacuation route and assembly area, depending on situation
evacuation map route and place might be change at any time.

16. DBS Lock Down

A lockdown procedure is designed to keep all members of the community on site out of harm’s
way, normally in the case of an intruder on the school campus.

The need of common sense and quick reaction

Situations requiring a lock down are difficult to predict and can happen at any time. A lockdown
will be more effective when the signal for a lockdown is given when all students are in class. If
this happens, they should just stay there until the all clear.
If, however, it happens at break time just what to do will be less clear. Staff is expected to use
their initiative to get students into the nearest and probably safest room available.

Safe areas
The safest areas are the individual classrooms, and this is where as many students as possible
should stay until the all-clear. PE staff should take their students to the PE office and lock down
there. Administrative staff should stay in their offices which should be secured.

Students outside of classrooms

Adults outside the buildings should quickly identify any children in transit or playing outside,
and direct them to the nearest safe place.
Inside common areas (foyer, corridors etc.) should be cleared and students directed to the
nearest smaller room that can be secured – whether it may be a classroom or office.

Visitors who are on school should be directed to the nearest room for the lock down in a polite,
but firm way (if Visitor pass is visible on his/her).

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Control area; CCTV monitoring
In the event of a lockdown, Head of Security should proceed to the Security office where a
control center will be established if possible.
The Head of Security will ensure that CCTV monitors will be monitored for the duration of the
lockdown and that notes of all activity observed will be noted and timed.

All clear
The all clear will be the announced by Principal.
(Note: For male please avoid female wash room/changing room to hide while lockdown drill)


On hearing of DBS lock down sound. Securities who are assign in parking area they must lock
Gate. Security who is in Main Gate should lock Main Gate. After this all Security are request to
move in safe area. One thrice blank sound of radio they must report their location to Head of
Security keeping radio volume in 1 number. If more than one Security are hiding in same place
in that situation only one radio must be in on position remaining radio should be in off position.
The Security who is hiding in Security office will play CCTV operator role.

(Note: The Gate locking assign depends on Emergency situation. If the situation is critical Gate
locking assign should be ignored. Main Gate Security must hand over “DBS floor plan map” to
Rescue Team.)


On hearing of DBS lock down sound. Security who is in Main Gate should lock Main Gate. After
this all Security are request to move in safe area. One thrice blank sound of radio Patrol
Security must report his location to team leader keeping radio volume in 1 number. Security in
Security office will play CCTV operator role and call Emergency department and community
Security for help.

17. Lock down procedure: Below steps to be followed while going through lock down situation

 Move to the nearest lockable room.

 Direct student or staff member or visitor (holding DBS pass) into the classroom or safe area
 Lock the entire door.
 Make your physical part lower to floor.
 Look for safe corner where you can conceal.
 Turn out lights and computer.
 Keep your mobile switch off.
 Keep students quiet.

26 | P a g e
 Do not open the door until All clear is sounded.

18. Intruder and Armed Man handling Policy:- Intruder and armed man means those who are not
invited in premises and their motives is to harm the premises environment and people’s lives.
Once it is confirmed that these people are in following step must be taken very soon.

 If possible notify all Security team member without using radio.

 Notify to School SLT that you are calling Emergency department.
 Asked to sound Emergency lockdown via PA system.
 Report to Police immediately providing them your Makani number and active mobile
 Give full information about arms which he/she has, Number of people.
 Evaluate the situation before you get over on him/her (Remember POP).
 Use anti combat drill if you are good to handle the situation (Remember CCDD)

19. Weapon in premises: Weapons are strictly prohibited in school

Once you are aware of or notified by some one that weapons is on the premises follow the steps

 Initially find out the location.

 Find out who brought it.
 Evaluate the person attitude.
 Evaluate the nearby situation.
 Notify School SLT.
 Find out the reason to bring.
 Notify to Emergency department.

20. CCTV monitoring

CCTV cameras are installed in various locations of DBS premises for monitoring and recording in
common area. There is no specific person for it so Head of Security / Main Gate Security /
patrolling Security will play role of CCTV operator.

CCTV operator role will be:

 Observing the CCTV and respond to situations appropriately to ensure the safety and
wellbeing of all pupils, staff, visitors and assets of DBS.
 Protecting the DBS from all kinds of risk such as robbery, theft and fraud, by investigating
activity seen and responding to emergencies.

27 | P a g e
 Operating and monitoring all CCTV systems and relevant tools in a professional and efficient
 To record all events and actions monitored from within the control room in clear and
accurate written forms,
 Maintain the accuracy and confidentiality of all information,
 Access to view the CCTV is limited to School Principal, Head of Secondary, Head of Primary
for other staff required permission from SLT / FM.
 Permission to view the CCTV footage must take from the school Principal, Facilities Manager
or Head of Security with the valid reason.

21. How to Check Identity Card and what should be checked In ID card.

 Remove helmets and sun glasses.

 Point out that id is original or color printed (color printed ID is not accepted).
 Cover ID card photos Hair from your thumb.
 Match his/her face.
 Try to identify quickly.
 Match his/her name with visitor book.
 Match his/ her Signature with visitor book.
 Check Expired date, concern department and Date of birth (Date of birth is secondary
option to identify person).
 Check concern department name and its stamp.

(Note: This job should be done within 3-5 second, delaying to check ID causes irritation to visitors
and shows unprofessional image of Security Guard)

22. How to describe a person?

Being as a professional Security Guard they must be aware of A-H format which is shown below. It’s a
very important that if you have seen any person in your site according shown in format Guards should
be able to describe that person which is very important to know about any person.

 A - AGE
 F - FACE
28 | P a g e
 H - HAIR

23. How to describe of a vehicle?

We can identify vehicle from its brand, company and model. In other side we can describe whose that
vehicle belongs to like Civil defense, Police, Ambulance, school bus, named office car etc. Security
should know how to describe the vehicle in professional way. Below format is been made to describe
any kinds of vehicle.

 R – REGISTRATION NUMBER, Body Number (Chassis Number)

Note:- In practical life the color you have seen in night might be differ in day

24. How to keep critical situation under control in short time?

To Keep critical situation under control in short time is the best skills of professional Security Guard. It
depend on leadership how to perform himself and how to deploy the team. Mostly situation becomes
critical when small things but important things are ignore by concern person/ department.


How to use anti- combat drill?

Being as a Security Guard of any site it’s his/her responsibility to protect people if necessary. There are
different kinds of anti-combat drill Its depends on situation how you are going to use it. You should be
physically and mentally fit before you get involved. Below C-C-D-D format is best option for any anti-


29 | P a g e
25. What to do in case of fire extinguisher leak?

As a Security Guard you might have seen different types of fire extinguisher. Different label color
extinguisher can be found. In case of fire, extinguisher is very important equipment. Follow these
safety measures in case of leak.

 Hold it and keep in open area.

 Keep this thing out of building area.
 Cordon that risky area with traffic cone and safety tape.
 Call fire extinguisher contractor or call civil defense (After Co-ordinating with Facilites
Manager, it depends on incident)

26. How to operate Extinguisher?



27. Fire extinguisher chart

28. How to protect crime scene.

Protection of crime scene is very important job for Security. Once you discover the crime scene below
procedure will be applied.

 Quickly inform to head of Security/Facilities Manager/principal.

30 | P a g e
 Stay there and log in your note book.
 Cordon that area.
 Secure the crime scene area.
 Don’t allow any person except local authorities.
 Keep all person details those who visit the area with exact time.
 Log Details in DOB.
 Make incident report.

(Note:-In case of absent of the head of Security / Facilities Manager/ Principal please inform to the
concern person of the site and Security company. After taking permission from authorized person of
school Security can call Police authority. Especially in night time.)

29. How to handle Complaints.

While being in duty several complaints we may get from visitor, student, parents and other (unsatisfied
person). Dealing with complaints depends on how we present in front of them. Securities staffs are
expected to perform their high level professionalism while dealing with this. Securities are expected to
show Assertive behave. Below format has been developed for it.


 L-Listen to her/him, pay attention

 A-Apologize
 S- Solve the complaints/Find the solution for his/him.
 T- Thanks and wish him/her ahead.

If above format does not work to him/her. Provide him a complaints sheet and request him /her to fill
and forward to Head of Security-Facilities Manager.

30. How to avoid Conflict.

Conflict can happen any time. It does not need reason. While been in site we may face different kinds
of conflict. Dealing with conflict depends on Security Guards how they act. Follow format has been
developed to avoid conflict.


 S- stay back
 A- assess
 F- Find help
 E-Evaluate Option
 R-Respond

31 | P a g e
31. Facilities Provided to Security staffs

 For Each person one locker is provided in Security control room.

 While being in duty post in summer Security must take 5 min break per half of an
 During day/ night time every Security has 1 hour break time for taking meal.
 On pray time they must leave post any time after informing Head of Security.

32. SOP for Security Guards turn out

 Well haircut.
 Uniform provided by Security Company.
 Ironed uniform.
 ID card displayed all the time.
 Polished shoes.
 Well grooming.

33. DBS Map

34. Co-ordination with Community Security team.

To make team work more effective co-ordination plays a very important role. As Security we need to
keep good co-ordination with other Security personnel in the area. DBS external areas are connected in
three different communities (Emaar, Town center and Jumeirah Island). Emrill (town center & Emirates
Hills), Certis (Dubai British Foundation & DBSJP) and Power (Amity International Learning center)
Security companies Security officers are deployed nearby DBS. The contact details are on the Security
notice board. If you saw/found any suspicious activities or illegal activities in their areas inform them at
the earliest convinience.

35. Emergency contact details.

For Emergency 999
For Non Emergency 901
24/7 DUBAI CIVIL 04-89 92 500

32 | P a g e
Dubai British school Id JA-ALQZ-
for Civil defense 0000763

D.E.W.A 991
MAKANI NUMBER FOR 1537 1723 26

36. General site rule for Security Guard

 Security personnel must wear the uniform supplied to them by their company
and be worn at all time. Uniform must be clean and well ironed and worn in the
correct manner.
 Security staffs have to assist Team Leader to complete given task
 Not allowed to leave Security post without permission or without knowledge of
Head of Security.
 Not allowed to chat unnecessary with student, student, visitor and school
teaching and nonteaching staff.
 Security has to deal those cases politely and professionally in case of those who
refused school policy.
 Security are not allowed to use any land line phone belongs to office room and
Reception (only Security room phone).
 Every Security must have knowledge about key and its location.
 Every Security must know about how to operate plant and machinery (water
cooler, fire pump room, air condition chiller, roof air exhaust motor).
 Securities are not allowed to see movies, playing game and listening song in cell
phone while on duty post.
 Every Security must know his / her responsible place and duty during evacuation
drill and DBS lock down drill.
 Not allowed to misuse radio.
 During School time breaks are to be taken one at a time, not the same time.
 Security staff are not allowed to do cash transaction with any staff.
 Security are not allowed to open their shoes while in duty except pray time.
 Security are not allowed to break working channel except in Emergency case
(Security- Team Leader- Head of Security /Reception- Facilities Manager-
Principal ).

33 | P a g e
 Unauthorized persons are not allowed inside Security office.
 Two Security Guards are not allowed to sit in same post except in case of
 Security are not allowed to touch/ tap student.
 Security are not allowed to touch/ hit any vehicle.

34 | P a g e

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