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CUMT105 Introduction to Statistics (BUSINESS Class)

COURSE OUTLINE Semester: March - June 2017


Lecturer (Office): Mr B. T. Mawire (Block 2 Prefab 11)

Class Time (Venue): Monday 13 45 to 15 45 (GYM Hall) & Wednesday 13 45 to 15 45 (GYM Hall)

Objectives of the Course

Introducing the fundamental concepts in Statistics to the student in the School of En-
trepreneurship and Business Management so as to improve their statistical literacy and
ability to make sense of data. The student is therefore expected to apply the concepts in
(1) sampling, data collection, summarisation, presentation, analysis, and interpretation for
their dissertations; and (2) general decision making in life.

Assessment of the Student

1. Assignments
Assignments will be submitted by Programme Representatives at the beginning of class on
the due date or earlier to the facilitator. Students submit their assignments to their respec-
tive Programme Representatives and sign for their submission. No student will individually
submit their assignment(s). Meeting deadlines is a commendable habit hence no late assign-
ments will be accepted. Consequently, a mark of ZERO will be recorded. Though students
are encouraged to discuss their areas of difficulty with classmates and highlight them during
tutorials, the final submission work MUST be written independently.

2. Tests
Each test will be ONE hour FIFTEEN minutes long, carrying FORTY marks, closed book,
and written under examination conditions. For any student caught cheating - in whatever
form -, a mark of ZERO will be recorded. Clearly, no student should be tempted.

3. The Examination
The examination is THREE hours long. Each and every concept contained herein has an

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CUMT105 = 10 Credits

equal chance of being examined. With this in mind, the student is therefore encouraged to
conscientiously study for the examination.

4. Computation of Assessment Marks

The Final Mark will be computed as

Coursework M ark + 70 × Examination M ark

where the Coursework Mark is calculated as follows:

T1 T2 A1 A2
12 × + +3× + .
40 40 P ossible T otal f or A1 P ossible T otal f or A2

The student is informed that for the purposes of determining the coursework mark TWO
tests and TWO assignments will be given. Since the coursework mark contributes signif-
icantly to the final mark, the student is advised to take heed and do their assignments and
meet the specified submission deadlines; be present on the indicated dates to write the tests;
and collect their marked scripts for revision.

Some Critical Information to the Student

The student will have to observe that (1) punctuality for classes is great practice; (2) mobile
phones are to be put on silent during lectures and tutorials to avoid distracting and or
disturbing others; (3) respect for diversity of thought and opinion is encouraged; (4) giving
others a chance to speak is honourable and if he or she wishes to speak, they must do so
through the facilitator; (5) cheating in its various forms is a SERIOUS offense and if caught
the student will be penalised in line with the University’s General Academic Regulations; (6)
recommended standard statistical tables and list of formulae are available for photocopying
at the Lecture Theatre Foyer; (7) his or her statistical tables and list of formulae are to be
kept clean and free of any scribbling as they will be brought for use during tests; (8) statistical
tables and list of formulae will be provided in the examination and the student must not
write on them as they will be used in subsequent examinations; (9) he or she is encouraged
to consult on areas of difficulty as a member of a group whose size is preferably not less
than FIVE members; and (10) all e-mail communication to the facilitator will be addressed
to with the subject line:

CUMT105 - firstname(s) - surname - registration - number: PURPOSE.

The Content to be Covered

Go to page 3 of 3.

Assignment ONE
Go to page 4 i.e. page 1 of 1.

Assignment TWO
Go to pages 5 & 6 i.e. page 1 of 2 & page 2 of 2.

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CUMT105 = 10 Credits

No. of No. of Test/

Section Concepts/Topics
Lectures Hours Assign.
Introduction Definition of Basic Terms; Uses of Statistics 2 1 T1
Discrete & Continuous; Measurement Scales:
Data & its Sources nominal, ordinal, interval, & ratio; Primary & 1 2 T1
Secondary data; Internal & External sources of data
Probability Sampling: simple random; systematic
Sampling Techniques random; stratified; & cluster. Non-Probability 1 2 T1
Sampling: convenience; purposive; snowball; quota.
Methods of Data 1
Direct observation; Interviews; Experimentation 2 1 T1
TUTORIAL 1 Tutorial Worksheet 1 1 2
Frequency Table; Bar chart; Pie chart; Histogram;
Data Presentation Frequency Polygon; Ogive; Stem & Leaf display; 1 12 3 A1 & T1
Box & Whisker plot
Averages: mode, median, mean; Spread: range,
Averages & Spread variance, standard deviation, quartiles, skewness, 1 12 3 A1 & T1
kurtosis. Ungrouped & Grouped cases.
TUTORIAL 2 Tutorial Worksheet 2 1 2
Some Important Concepts in Probability; laws in
Basic Probability 2 4 A2 & T2
probability; conditional probability; tree diagram
Special Probability Random variables; binomial & Poisson distributions;
2 4 A2
Distributions the normal distribution.
TUTORIAL 3 Tutorial Worksheets 3 & 4 1 2

TEST 1: 19.04.17 Concepts with T1 label 1 2 13 45

Standard Error of the parameter (mean, proportion,
Confidence Intervals and their differences). Confidence Intervals (CIs) for 2 4 T2
the mean; proportion; and their differences
TUTORIAL 4 Revision of T1 & Tutorial Worksheets 4 & 5 1 2
Tests concerning the (1) mean, proportion, and two
Testing of Hypotheses 2 4 T2
samples; and (2) association of two variables.
TUTORIAL 5 Tutorial Worksheets 5 & 6 1 2
Simple Index numbers; Weighted average of
Index Numbers relatives; Laspeyres and Paasche Indices; Retail and 1 2 A2
Price Indices
Uses. Scatter plot; correlation coefficient; estimation
Regression Analysis of regression constants; the regression model; 1 2 A2
coefficient of determination. Interpretation.
TEST 2: 22.05.17 Concepts with T2 label 1 2 13 45

TUTORIAL 6 Tutorial Worksheet 8 & Revision of T2 1 2

Other Recommended Reading Material

1. Groebner, Shanon, Fry and Smith Business Statistics, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001
2. Wegner T. Applied Business Statistics - Methods and Applications, Juta & Co. Ltd, 1999
3. Muchengetwa S. Business Statistics, ZOU Module

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