HE Rickster: Hifting Alance

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THE TRICKSTER another cantrip from the warlock spell

list). You also gain proficiency with

Charisma (Deception), and if you
Your deal is with a chaotic,
already have it, you double the
unpredictable entity whose name is
proficiency bonus.
shrouded in mystery. The only thing
you know about it is that it seeks to
create chaos for its own sake. Not SHIFTING BALANCE
necessarily destruction; but subversion
of existing order. Neither are these At sixth level, your connection to the
ultimate goals necessarily good. Trickster manifests in the ability to
Regardless, your deal allows you control some of the chaos around you.
several abilities to further that goal. When you awaken from a long rest, you
Tricksters may include the servants of can roll a d8. Record the number.
gods such as Mask, Tymora, Loki, and Before the effect of one of your rolls is
Leira, demons of a slightly less cruel announced (ability check, attack roll or
bent, and several demigods whose saving throw) you may add to that
portfolios include uncertainty. Fey number to the roll. If an enemy is
spirits with some power have also been within 5 feet of you, you can use the
known to fill the contract with a number to alter the roll for that enemy.
warlock. No matter who (or what), the You must reroll the die at the end of
entity has chosen to gift you with your next long rest, whether you used
powers to expedite the spread of chaos. Shifting Balance or not. You can use
Be wary: some tricksters are as chaotic this feature once per the long rest.
as the dogma they seek to spread.
Favor may turn to scorn. CONTROLLED CHAOS
EXPANDED SPELL LIST Starting at 10th Level, your experience
in chaos gives you limited control over
The Trickster lets you choose from an outcomes. Within a 30 foot radius
expanded list of spells when you learn a centered on you, allies (up to a number
warlock spell. The following spells are equal to or less than your Charaisma
added to the warlock spell list for you. modifier) either gain the effects of a
Bless spell (1 minute, but no
concentration needed) or enemies (up to
a number equal to or less than your
Charisma modifier) the effects of a Bane
1st: Charm Person; Silent Image spell. Saving throws are allowed to
3rd: Detect Thoughts; Darkness counter the Bane spell at your spell
5th: Blink; Clairvoyance save DC. The use of this ability is
7th: Confusion, Polymorph silent, and can be used as many times
9th: Seeming, Mislead as your Charisma modifier (1
minimum) between long rests.
At first level, you gain a mystical ability
to deceive and lie. You receive the minor Starting at 14th level, you can infuse
illusion cantrip (if you already have this chaos into the very earth around you.
cantrip for another reason, choose Choose either ice, vines, sand or
swamp. In a twenty foot square area,
your choice warps the landscape, and DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D,
any creature passing through it faces Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten
the following effects. At any point, the Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
warlock may pull back on the damage- dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all
causing features of this ability:
other Wizards of the Coast product
names, and their respective logos are
• Ice: The creature must make a
Dexterity saving throw or take trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
2d6 cold damage and fall prone. in the USA and other countries.
If they succeed, they take half
damage and must move at half This work contains material that is
speed over the ice. copyright Wizards of the Coast
• Vines: The creature must make a and/or other authors. Such material
Strength saving throw against is used with permission under the
your spell DC or be entangled by Community Content Agreement for
vines and take 1d6 piercing Dungeon Masters Guild.
damage. It takes an action to free
themselves if they fail the save. If
All other original material in this
they succeed, they must move at
half speed over the difficult work is copyright 2019 by Matthew
terrain Chase and Nicki Smith and
• Sand: The creature can only published under the Community
move at half speed through the Content Agreement for Dungeon
sand and must make a Strength Masters Guild
saving throw against your spell
DC or begin sinking in the sand
and take 1d6 fire damage
• Swamp: The ground turns into
swampland, complete with
jagged roots and rocks beneath
the surface of murky water. The
creature's movement is halved
and it must make a Constitution
saving throw or suffer 1d6
slashing damage from the roots
and 1d6 poison damage from the
gases. A successful saving throw
halves the damage.

Whatever form is chosen, the effect

lasts for three rounds. The ability can
be used once between long rests.

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