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Actividad de proyecto 2

Learning activity 6: Keep record of relevant aspects of art history, from artistic and aesthetic

Text 1: Cowboys:
At sunset the sun sets, herons flying in groups stamp the shadows on the plains. In the immensity
of the aquatic world, the water merges with the sky, turning the orange of the piranhas into a
rainbow crossed by a world of tiny fish. The day ends dying, when the shadows gather to cover the
thirsty plains. When the moon appears, the maporas light up with their glow while the sky is
dressed in thousands of colors. At that time the birds disappear in the middle of the night. The
task ends, on the way back the cowboys travel through the rivers in bongos until they reach the
beloved horse that is the only invaluable thing among all their possessions. Luckily it's a full moon
night, only for ghost stories, in the dark objects get confused and tend to be bigger, scarier and
there's always someone among the cowboys who wants to talk about the ghosts they've seen. The
only food during the day is coffee in the morning and dinner until sunset. Imagine you have to
work all day, testing extremely large and strong horned cows and bulls thousands of square miles
around, crossing rivers, swamps and deserts under the scorching sun running after cattle, and all
you take is one Cup of coffee. During the day a song runs on his lips, to calm the cows when they
brand them with hot iron.

But tying is not the only job they have to do. There is much work to be done! after dinner, each
one goes to his hammock and the stories, the thoughts, the happy stories of the trip begin to
sprout from the mind, that's how they end, to give birth to another day the next morning.

Text 2: The crane and the snake:

The heron and the snake: In a forest near the river lived a crane with his wife. Every time the wife
laid eggs in her nest, a black cobra ate them. The very worried crane told his friend the crab what
was happening with his eggs, "Don't worry", said the crab Let's find a solution". The crab sat down
to think of a plan. Suddenly he jumped up and ran towards the crane. He said friend, I have a plan
and whispered something in the crane's ear. The crane flew back to its nest and told his wife all
about the plan. Will it work? asked the wife. But the crane was anxious to He tried the plan and set
out to carry it out immediately.The crane flew to the river bank and began to fish, he managed to
catch several small fish, he left the first one in the hole where the mongoose lived, and the rest he
left on the road to prudent distance until he reached the tree where he had his nest.The
mongoose smelled the fish and came out of the hole following the trail of the fish until he reached
the tree where the cranes and the snake lived, suddenly he met the black cobra at the foot of the
tree. They both fought for a long time in the end the mongoose killed the snake. The cranes
watching the fight from their nest sighed with relief. The next day, the mongoose began to follow
the same path in the hope of finding more food. Finding nothing, he decided to climb the tree in
search of food. The cranes that were far away on the riverbank returned to find the mongoose
climbing down the tree and looking into its nest, they discovered that this time, the mongoose had
eaten all of its eggs.
Text 3: The museum that was a prison:

A building that was the most famous prison in the country, the 19th and 20th centuries, known as
"El Panóptico", is now an old museum in Colombia: The National Museum. With the name of
Museum of Natural History and School of Mines, this place contains many voices from the past
and present

It has a collection of more than 20,000 pieces that symbolize the national heritage of Colombia.
Indeed, this building, which is currently located on the famous seventh, the Ministry of Education,
decided to move the collection of the Historical Museum to the building that today can be visited
for free!

About the history of the National Museum of Colombia The Museum is not only the first institution
of its kind formed by legal order, it is also one of the inaugural museums in Latin America. By 1821,
Simon Bolívar assigned Francisco Antonio Zea to carry out various diplomatic missions in Europe,
seeking sponsorship and associations for research in natural sciences and economics.

At the time, knowledge of the territory through sciences such as mineralogy, botany and
engineering were key to having a good economy and international recognition.

However, civil wars throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries hampered the process; multiple
shipments of collections and the main interest only in articles that belonged to the great men of
the country and their battles, were neglecting the visibility of other actors who were also
participating in the construction of the country:

Hence, Colombians today consider that the history of the National Museum also tells the story of
the formation of the nation, since it was the place that hosted the first results of research in
natural sciences, elements of the wars of independence, but also material culture of daily life and
customs of generations of men and women who have contributed to defining our culture from
various disciplines such as science, art, military, research, field work and industry. It is the Museum
for everyone who wanted to have a great background on the Colombian cultural heritage.

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