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Dreamhack Summer Lan Festival Project Proposal

Date: 12 March 2022

Course: Project Management, MGIN13 J2059
Group: 8
Authors: Zeynep Eda Bayram 000328, Marija Rusevska 000219, Nathalie Singh 001217,
Victoria Vigliarolo 990604
Tutors: Ali Mosavi Jahromi

Table of Contents
Introduction 3

2. Project charter including missions, goals, indicators, and mission-breakdown

structure 4

3.Suggestion for organizational structure of the project 7

4. An analysis of different stakeholders with the chosen approach(es) incl.
engagement and communication plans 8
4.1 Dreamhack 8
4.2 Jönköping municipality 8
4.3 Destination Jönköping 9
4.4 Visitors/tourists 9
4.5 Stakeholder Identification and Prioritization Matrix 10
4.6 Stakeholder Engagement Plan 11
4.7 Stakeholder communication plan 12

5. Work-Breakdown Structure (WBS) 13

6. Milestone plan including a milestone responsibility chart 14

6.1 Milestone Plan 14

6.2 Milestone Responsibility Chart 15

7.For the preparation phase do activity planning using Ms. Project, and develop a
logical network diagram. You should propose how to identify the activities and
estimate the duration of these within the given time frames. 17
8.An analysis of the network using CPM method proposal
for staffing of the project 17

9. Project budget listing the costs of the preparation phase 18

10.Reflections on suitable team building activities 20

11.To prove your knowledge of processes in a project, you are also required to give a
description and evaluation of you team work in your exam group 21

1. Introduction

In the course Project Management we got the opportunity to propose a project proposal to
a DreamHack summer Lan festival in Jönköping. We got to apply knowledge and theory from the
course to this project. The project was very helpful for our learning of the course materials and
what we have been doing in the computer labs. Applying the theory that was read in the book has
helped us understand the theory further than just reading it. For the project we had ten parts that
needed to be done all connected to how to manage a project. Managing a project is a big
responsibility and we have realized that what you see and what actually is being done are two very
different things. The history of project management is very long but has evolved over time and
today can look very different. In our assignment we were asked to create a plan for Jönköping
municipality to be able to attract more tourists to the city. The municipality realized after a
representative from DreamHack talked to them that the Lan festival can bring in a lot of tourism
and that this can be beneficial to the municipality. For DreamHack this is an opportunity to have
another great festival in a new municipality which could mean new things to try out for their

DreamHack is a company that creates festivals for gamers. As it is a festival the LAN
parties are not only about playing games but there are also other activities to do, which could
attract fans of specific games as well. The company has been active for around two decades where
they are one of the most known esports communities worldwide. Every year they have Lan parties
all over the world, where they attract thousands of people to their events. The festivals are during
a few days and are ongoing 24 hours every day. The events are for everyone, experienced gamers,
beginners or those who just like to watch, there is something for everyone. DreamHack and ESL
merged in 2020 where they became ESL gaming. The companies are merged but they are still
used separately as well. Together they want to be the first in the gaming industry with innovations
and shaping how the industry is going forward (DreamHack, 2022)

2. Project charter including missions, goals, indicators, and mission-breakdown
A project charter is where a project starts, here the project is described from start to finish,
what it should include and what it should not include. This is the most important document where
it will be decided if the project is initiated or if it needs to be looked at even more before that
decision can be made.

Project name: DreamHack festival to help increase tourism in Jönköping municipality.

Project owner: The project owner is Jönköping municipality
Project manager: The project manager is Max Hansson

Background of the project: ​Jönköping does not have one thing that specifically attracts tourists.
Because of this and the meeting that they had with DreamHacks CEO they saw an opportunity to
make the municipality unique, and by doing this they can create value for people to stay longer in
the municipality. For this to be able to happen Jönköping municipality is working together with
DreamHack to create a festival to increase the stays (lower) and visits (more) of tourists.

Project mission: Why is the project needed? The project is unique to Jönköping municipality
since they can gain an opportunity from it. The future desired states for this project are: Tourism
attractiveness, Jönköping municipality awareness, attractive working environment, Brand
awareness (DreamHack).

Mission breakdown structure:

Project goals:
-Increase the amount of people working in Jönköping municipality by 10% during the festival
-Increase tourism in Jönköping municipality by 5% during the festival
- Having at least 70.000 people attend the festival
-Having 5% more people attend the festival compared to the last one.
- The municipality gaining 3% in income during the festival

Time: April 1 - June 21 2022, but since the event ends on June 21 we will put the end date
on June 24th for evaluation purposes for the people involved to see what went well and what
could have been done better.

Costs: The cost if the project is going to be 250.000 SEK + External costs and internal
costs, the details of these costs can be seen in the project budget at listing part.

Project scope and delimitation:

- The project scope for the dreamhack festival is everything needed to deliver the festival.
The project will only include what the municipality and those who they are working with
should do to make the festival happen. Dreamhack for example has the technology to bring
to the festival for people who need it.

In scope:
-Helping local companies with the extra work they will need
-Finding a place to hold the festival
-Companies working together to get the best result
-Making a website for the festival
-Marketing the festival through social media channels
-Set up computers for people to borrow at the festival
-Setting up a stage and lights.
-Designing the place where the festival is being held
-Working with technicians for light system

Out of scope:
-Getting tourists to and from airports
-Money for winning tournament
-Extra activities for the festival
-Getting tourists to and from hotels

Project boundaries and delimitations:

- Covid-19, the pandemic could influence how the festival can be held. Restrictions change
from time to time, so keeping up with the latest restrictions and following them can be a
boundary for the

- Supplier companies may not be able to handle the amount of ex. food, cleaning up or to
people coming to the municipality. If this happens then people may choose not to come at
all which will affect the festival.
- Capacity to handle the project, the magnitude of this project has not been done before in
Jönköping, that could become a constraint.
- Traffic could become a problem, since the roads may be more damaged due the amount of
people going to and from the festival. More cars on the road could become a problem for
the municipality and the people actually living there.
- Overcrowding - More people to the city might be problematic for different companies,
companies who are struggling with their demand before the festival will most likely
continue doing so during this project. Entrepreneurial people will most likely see this
festival as an opportunity and can help take the load off from.
- Environmental - more waste needs to be handled. The municipality needs to be in the same
state before and after the festival. IT needs to be environmentally friendly for the project to
go ahead, with Sweden's work on minimizing the CO2 emissions.

Indicators of project product success:

-Number of people visiting the municipality
-Number of people attending the festival
- Local businesses earning more money
-The event becoming known globally

Indicators of project management success:

-Increased number of people working in the municipality
-Local businesses thriving
- Increase in economic activity during the festival

3.Suggestion for organizational structure of the project

Our suggestion for the Pure project structure is the Functional structure. We think that this
will be the best option for this specific project since there is a unity of command and there are a
lot of companies involved in this specific project. As seen in the table 3 below, the managing
director is Max Hansson, then we have the three project managers, Bent Svensson, Partick and a
manager from DreamHack. Following their names are three areas that they work with in the

Table 3
Max Hansson

Manager from DreamHack Bent Svensson Patrik

Festival Roads Restrictions

IT environment Regulations

Electrician Culture Government

4. An analysis of different stakeholders with the chosen approach(es) incl.

engagement and communication plans

4.1 Dreamhack

Dreamhack is a key stakeholder in this project because it is a production company in

Sweden that specializes in esports tournaments and other gaming conventions. Since Jönköping
municipality and Destination Jönköping wants to arrange an esports event, Dreamhack is
important to have in this project, as they have the knowledge and experience from prior esports
events. Dreamhack knows how to organize and set up these events. They arrange different types
of activities, LAN parties, amateur gaming and professional esports tournaments, live music etc
(DreamHack, n.d).

The production company arranges LAN festivals during the winter and summer. These
LAN festivals can attract approximately 50 000 visitors, which will benefit the Jönköping
municipality in a positive way, because Jönköping municipality does not have a lot of tourist
attractions. This esports event from Dreamhack will bring Jönköping municipality visitors and
tourists. Thanks to Dreamhack, Jönköping as a city as grown to be one of the esports capital cities

4.2 Jönköping municipality

Jönköping municipality is a key stakeholder as well, since they know everything you need
to know about Jönköping as a city. The municipality has information about the city, nature,
tourists, local businesses, suppliers, and infrastructure.

Since they have information about Jönköping as a city, they have news about what is
happening in the city, so they can for example plan when to have the Dreamhack event and so it
does not have a collision with another big event at the same time. They also have information
about nature and tourists, they know where tourists can go and explore the city, and where tourists
can stay. To have information about local businesses and suppliers is good to have, as they can use
local businesses and suppliers for this event. Jönköping municipality can help local businesses
attract visitors and tourists which will benefit their business. Restaurants, hotels and stores will

notice that the Dreamhack event is in town, as many people will visit them. Information about
infrastructure is also important, because they will know how the logistics will work during
majors’ events, if there are any disruptions (Destination Jönköping, 2020).

Within the Jönköping municipality, they are concerned about how this project is going to
affect them. Max Hansson, managing director within the municipality is worried if supplier
companies have the capacity to handle the project. Chief technical manager Bent Svensson is
concerned about how the outcome of the festival is going to be and how new companies in his
team business will create after-the-festival stresses, who already have a lot of stress and
substantial workload. The team business is an entity that helps new companies start up within
Jönköping municipality and they have close cooperation with Destination Jönköping. It is good
that they have a close cooperation with Destination Jönköping, because it will benefit them during
this project. Svensson also has charge over culture, environment and roads departments, and they
are concerned that the more tourists will create bigger pressure on the roads and waste-handling.

4.3 Destination Jönköping

Destination Jönköping is a key stakeholder who works closely with DreamHack and the
municipality of Jönköping. Their mission is to market the municipality geographically and
manage strategic work both nationally and internationally to increase the attractiveness of
Jönköping municipality.

Destination Jönköping tasks involve developing and marketing Jönköping Municipality's

brand to visitors, residents, associations and industries. Through events, activities, marketing and
tourism, Destination Jönköping works to increase the attractiveness of Jönköping municipality.
Together with Dreamhack, Destination Jönköping has had a positive role in marketing the
municipality of Jönköping both nationally and internationally. Together with the municipality of
Jönköping, Destination Jönköping believe that Dreamhack’s influence will have a positive impact
for local business to make Jönköping an attractive place for digital minded entrepreneurs. Esports
is growing rapidly, more companies and businesses are using it in their competence development
(Destination Jönköping, 2020).

4.4 Visitors/tourists

Visitors/ tourists is a secondary stakeholder for DreamHack, Destinations Jönköping and

the municipality of Jönköping. In this project we will consider visitors and tourists as the same
stakeholder. This is because visitors of DreamHack will also be tourists as well as visitors to the
municipality and City of Jönköping. Visitors and tourists are secondary stakeholders since they
have the least power and urgency in this project, however their influence is important to the rest of
the stakeholders (Kloppenborg et al., 2020).

Dreamhack is the biggest digital festival for LAN, games, e-sports and digital
entertainment. This attracts large quantities of visitors two times during the year, each time for the
DreamHack Summer- and DreamHack Winter. In total 100,000 visitors come annually to the
DreamHack Summer and DreamHack Winter festivals. These visitors provide good hospitality

effects for the municipality, both Destination Jönköping and DreamHack see great opportunities to
expand their involvement outside the events (Destination Jönköping, 2020).

During the last two years the Covid-19 pandemic had a negative effect on the Dreamhack
event and still has enormous effects on our entire society, not least the hospitality industry. When
the DreamHack event is in an ordinary place, restaurants, shops and other public places will be
noticing that the world's largest LAN festival is in Jönköping. More people will be going to
Jönköping to participate in one of the world's largest LAN events and get to take part in the
community (Destination Jönköping, 2020).

4.5 Stakeholder Identification and Prioritization Matrix

Stakeholder Identification and Prioritization matrix consists of prioritizing which

stakeholders are important in this project, what level of prioritizing they have based on power,
interest, impact etc. what is important to them. Every point of view of prioritizing is rated from 1
to 3 in the table 4.5 below, 1 is the lowest and 3 is the highest (Kloppenborg et al., 2020).

Table 4.5

4.6 Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Stakeholder Engagement Plan identifies how each stakeholder will effectively engage with
the rest of the stakeholders in planning and performing the project. In the table 4.6 we can see
how the four stakeholders are engaging in this project, what position they have now and in the
future, what barriers they have to change, what strategy they need to use to be in the future
position and who is responsible for implementing the strategies (Kloppenborg et al., 2020).

Table 4.6

4.7 Stakeholder communication plan

Stakeholder communication plan considers the stakeholder’s desires, information and

guides the project communication. The communication from the stakeholders is necessary to
approve work, identify requirements and receive feedback on the project progress and results.
The following table 4.7 illustrates the stakeholder communication plan. The figure illustrates the
project info, followed by stakeholder info, method and lastly time frame from the following four
stakeholders (Kloppenborg et al., 2020).

Table 4.7

5. Work-Breakdown Structure (WBS)
It is appropriate to use WBS to make the project process more visible in a more systematic
way, and to allow the project team to see all the steps of the project in a more controlled manner.
Here, the main components of the project are Site, Finance, HR, Marketing and Operations
management..Then, these components were again divided into groups according to their content
and the staff who will do the work.
Chart 5

6. Milestone plan including a milestone responsibility chart

6.1 Milestone Plan

Milestones reveal the key elements that are aimed to be achieved as the project progresses.
In this project, milestones start with a general assessment of the situation and then continue until
the project's permissions, arrangement of the site, adjustment of the financial situation, marketing
activities and the realization of the event.

Chart 6.1

6.2 Milestone Responsibility Chart

The distribution of duties required for the previously determined milestones is schematized
in the Milestone Responsibility Chart.

Chart 6.2

7.For the preparation phase do activity planning using Ms. Project, and develop a
logical network diagram. You should propose how to identify the activities and
estimate the duration of these within the given time frames.

8.An analysis of the network using CPM method proposal

for staffing of the project

CPM analysis was performed according to the network diagram mentioned above and the
task and time information given there.When the duration is examined in general, there is not much
congestion in the project process. Because the dates specified in the diagram do not conflict with
each other and their dependencies are not very high, only one critical path appears in the network
inspector. In the diagram given, the task durations and deadlines generally match and therefore no
float occurs.

Since the process is extensive, all employees and managers can complete their tasks
without being overburdened.Only the establishment of the festival area seen in the last process
requires a long process and the site manager must be fully engaged with it. The next meeting, on
the other hand, is a critical task, and there is no flexibility between the two events, as all
responsible persons, including the site manager, must be present.Since there is no gap between the
two events, there is no stretch, and therefore the site not being ready on time can cause delays.In
order to prevent this delay, site workers and managers working in this field should focus
completely on this work between June 3-16.

9. Project budget listing the costs of the preparation phase

The pre-festival cost for DreamHack event is illustrated in the table 9.1 below, the four
main categories are identified as following: logistics, equipment, marketing and planning.

Logistics consists of transportation and the shipping of equipment and material needed for
the event. We estimate that four full trucks are needed to transport the equipment and material.
Estimated cost 120 000 SEK.

Followed by category equipment which consists of lights, sound, internet equipment,

power supply equipment, cooling, tools, chairs, desks which we have estimated to be 150 000
SEK. Equipment as a category is needed as the pre-festival cost because the equipment and
material need to be planned before the event is taking place and possibly have everything in stock.

Marketing is a very important aspect in the pre festival costs which consists of
advertisement through website, social media marketing which promotes the event to the public.
Estimated cost 35 000 SEK.

Planning is a key aspect of preparation for the DreamHack event. Is conducted through
meetings with the internal DreamHack team. Followed by workshops with Destination Jönköping
and Municipality Jönköping. The Estimated cost is 70 000 SEK.

Even though the Jönköping municipality has allocated 250,000 SEK to this project as
pre-festival costs, this is not enough as we can see in these budgets. Jönköping municipality
together with DreamHack need to allocate an additional 150,000 SEK.

Table 9.1

The total cost for a DreamHack event is illustrated in the table 9.2 below. The six main
categories are identified as following: Elmia, human resources, marketing planning, equipment,

Elmia is the location where the event is going to take place in Jönköping and it consists of
their location, rents, catering, power, supply, permits and security. We estimate the total cost to be
840,000 SEK. Human resources consist of labor cost installation, stage managers and presenters,
check-in attendants and cleaning staff. The estimated total cost is 507,000 SEK (3 days* 8 hours *
160 SEK/hour * 80 people)

Marketing consists of advertisement, websites, social media, live streaming, print

marketing. Planning consists of meetings, activities and workshops. The estimated total cost is
65,000 SEK. Equipment consists of lights, sound, Internet equipment, power supply equipment,
cooling, hardware, chairs, desks. The total estimated cost is 150,000 SEK. Logistics consist of
transportation and shipping of material and equipment. The total estimated cost it's 120,000 SEK.

The estimated costs have been researched and through personal experience the cost has
been estimated to be the following in the total budget and the pre festival budget.

Table 9.2

10.Reflections on suitable team building activities

After reading more about the project and everything that it entails, it is important to try and
use team building activities that will allow the whole team to feel confident and connected to their
work. Because this is a big project in which everyone needs to work together, one of the team
building activities that we would suggest is one called an Idea Workshop (Sumitani, 2020). This
involves the whole team gathering in an environment in which everyone shares any ideas that they
may have for the project itself. This idea could work for any task or activity, and this team
building strategy is great whenever there is a problem that needs to be solved. The purpose of this
team building exercise is to see the team’s problem-solving skills as well as bring all the different
departments together as a whole and help each other out.

The people who are a part of this project are either natives of Sweden or they are
international, which is why another suggestion for a team building activity includes cultural
exchange. Everyone that comes from the same country will get together and come up with a few
facts about their country that not a lot of people know about. This way the team can gain a lot of
cultural knowledge and get to know their other team members as well. Another way to do this
cultural exchange is that instead of naming facts about the country, there can be a trivia question
and the others can guess the correct answer. This activity is very beneficial because it allows the
team members not only to gain some outside knowledge, but they also get to know more about

their colleagues. Lastly, another potential option for a cultural exchange involves having people
bring food from their countries to share among the whole team. This is a great activity that can
allow people to enjoy some foods that they may or may not have had before and while they enjoy
that, they get to chat and meet their colleagues. It is a more relaxed environment in order to get to
know each other, which some people may enjoy more.

Since one of the main goals of this project is to have people enjoy the beautiful city of
Jönköping, another team building activity that could be beneficial would be one in which
everyone gathers and shares some of the must go places in Jönköping. This will allow those who
are not from the city to get to know the environment more and those who do know the city, they
will be able to help those team members familiarize themselves. The goal of the project is to bring
more tourism into the city of Jönköping and if the group members become knowledgeable about
everything that this city has to offer, then they will be able to transmit that information to others.
The purpose of this is to bring everyone together and gather information about the city so that they
can better understand what it has to offer and perhaps help when they are working on the project
as well.

Some of the overall benefits of performing team building activities is that it can improve
communication skills, which are crucial when working on a project. It can also help increase
employee engagement, create a healthy working environment in which everyone can focus and
not only do their best, but they can count on others if they are not able to perform a specific task.
Additionally, through these activities, one can identify any specific skills that people may have
that could be helpful for specific tasks throughout the project. Leadership is a skill that one may
learn from these exercises and even though there are people who feel more comfortable being a
leader than others, it is still a nice skill to have. The more the team is connected, the better the
outcome for the project will be (Sumitani, 2020).

11.To prove your knowledge of processes in a project, you are also required to give a
description and evaluation of you team work in your exam group

As we have learned in this course, working in a group can be an interesting situation, but
luckily, our group has managed to be organized and communicate well with each other. As soon as
we knew we were a group, we created a group message with all four of us to be able to
communicate with each other as well as get to know each other a bit since some of us did not
know each other at all. We decided to have an initial meeting to go over the project and everything
that we needed to do, in that same meeting we divided the tasks and created deadlines for all those
tasks. We had two meetings a week to check on our progress and make sure we knew what we
were doing, in case anyone was confused, we managed to help each other. It is safe to say that we
noticed the positive impact that those meetings had in our process of working on this project
because since our content had to connect to each other, we were able to make changes so that it
had a more cohesive flow.

Even though we were indeed organized and were communicating with each other we did
face a problem that played a big role in our work as a group. Attending the tutoring session also
helped when we needed answers to some of our questions, it really helped being able to speak to
the professor directly rather than using email as a form of communication. We had a lot of
technical issues with Microsoft Project, and we were struggling to really complete that task due to
those issues. After a lot of patience and trying, we were able to access the program and complete
the task that we needed to. Overall, our group worked well together, one of the most important
things that we learned is that patience is very important when it comes to unexpected issues.
Instead of panicking, it is important to stay calm and find a solution to a problem, which is what
our group did. It was a great learning experience and after evaluating the overall work of our
group, it is safe to say that our work ethic is really good.

12. References

Destination Jönköping. (2020, November 16). Utökat samarbete för att stärka Jönköping som
”City of DreamHack” Retrieved March 7, 2022

DreamHack. (n.d). What´s a dreamhack festival? Retrieved March 7, 2022

DreamHack. (2022). DreamHack LinkedIn. Retreived march 5, 2022

Kloppenborg, J., Anantatmula, V., Wells, N. K. (2020). Contemporary Project Management. (4th
ed). Cengage Learning.

Sumitani, A. (2020, March 27). The Ultimate List of Team Building Activities [New activities added].
TINYpulse. Retrieved March 11, 2022, from


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