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PC Configuration Software

SW version 3.8.0
1 General information 3
2 Changes in the version 3.8.0 4
3 Changes in the version 3.6.1 6
4 Changes in the version 3.4.1 8
5 Changes in the version 3.4.0 9
6 Changes in the version 3.3.0 10
7 Changes in the version 3.2.0 12
8 Changes in the version 3.1.0 13
9 Changes in the version 3.0.2 14
10 Changes in the version 3.0.1 15
11 Changes in the version 3.0 16
12 Related information 17

Copyright © 2017 ComAp a.s.

Written by Jakub Safanda
Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., U Uranie 1612/14a,
170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111
E-mail:, New Features List
13 Notes 18

Genconfig New Features List 2

1 General information
1.1 Version information
Added new features and repaired some bugs.

1.2 Clarification of notation

Note: This type of paragraph calls readers attention to a notice or related theme.

IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.

Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function

Genconfig New Features List 3

2 Changes in the version 3.8.0
2.1 New features
Grouping of ECU values
If selected ECU module contains more particular ECUs, values are displayed in separate groups on I/O
Limited number and type of CAN modules when MTU ECU 7 Direct connection is used. This ECU uses
different communication speed on CAN so amount of data is limited. Also other CAN modules must support
lower communication speed.
Number of I/O is limited to:
72 binary inputs
72 binary outputs
8 analog inputs
3 analog outputs
Type of CAN modules is limited only to modules with lower communication speed support. Group of
supported CAN modules can vary based on FW updates. Additional information is displayed in
GenConfigon Modules page.
Support of InteliVision 12T external display with screen definition v. 2
Compatibility check between FW and HW versions of InteliSys GAS controller

FW HW Programming
1.2.0 or higher 2.2 or higher Enabled
1.2.0 or higher lower than 2.2 Enabled
lower than1.2.0 2.2 or higher Disabled
lower than1.2.0 lower than 2.2 Enabled

Support of InteliSys GAS 1.2.0

New functionality ECU Fault Codes
Added new page in GenConfigwith definition of ECU fault codes. This function works only for DM1
Supported functions:
Change default text - the user can change default text for specific error code
Add text - the user can add text for error codes when text is not defined and error is displayed by
numbers only
Hide selected error codes - the user can select error codes that will not be displayed
Support of 2x I-CB (generic) modules
This option must be supported in the controller. Currently supported in InteliSys GAS 1.2.0.
Support of new generic module AI32 (generic)

Genconfig New Features List 4

Changed default mode of GenConfig
After instalation, GenConfigis now in Advanced mode as default.

2.2 Repairs
Unable to import clone - error message
Access violation when using Force values wizzard with all Force values used.
Unable to define constant for first input ofPLC block Ext. Math
ScreenEditor: Access violation error message after Undo function (e.g. adding meter, repeated undo)
ScreenEditor: Import screens – incompleted special screens in some cases when dynamic visibility or
blinking is used
ScreenEditor: Meters overlaping to following screen is possible in some conditions (e.g. with autoheigh)
ScreenEditor: Incorrect content of not supported Selected skin panel on InteliVision 8 tab and Selected
image panel on InteliVision 5 tab.

Genconfig New Features List 5

3 Changes in the version 3.6.1
3.1 Important compatibility notice
Display and controller firmware compatibility
InteliVision 12Touch support
InteliVision 12Touch upgrade to 1.1.0 is required
Screen Editor for InteliVision 12Touch is supported in following controller default archives:
InteliGen and InteliSysNT BaseBox 3.8.0
InteliGen and InteliSysNTC BaseBox 3.8.0
InteliSys Gas 1.1.0
InteliMainsNTC BaseBox 3.5.0
The older controller archives will not work properly with the InteliVision 12Touch 1.1.0

IMPORTANT: If the older archive (with InteliVision 12Touch support) is opened in

ScreenEditor with InteliVision 12Touch support (GenConfig 3.6.1 and newer):
- the existing meters (and its properties) could be displayed distorted. Mainly the texts
alignment features and scale ticks are affected. It is because of internal compatibility
- the internal screen description version is automatically increased. If this
automatically updated archive is saved (uploaded) to the controller using GenConfig
3.6.1 (or higher) ONLY InteliVision 12Touch 1.1.0 firmware will work with the

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended to upgrade both InteliVision 12Touch firmware to

version 1.1.0 and controllers archives to the newest ones (as specified above). Older versions
will not work properly.

Aftertreatment support
minimal requirements for full Aftertreatment (Tier IV Final standard) support:
InteliGen and InteliSysNT BaseBox 3.8.0, InteliGen and InteliSysNTC BaseBox 3.8.0
InteliVision 5 version 1.7.0, InteliVision 8 version 2.4.0, InteliVision 12Touch version 1.1.0
GenConfig 3.6.1
ECU with Aftertreatment support

IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended to upgrade both displays firmware and

controllers archives to the newest ones (as specified above) to support Tier IV Final
standard. Older versions will not work properly.

Graphic support
Screen Editor for InteliVision 12Touch can run on OpenGL 3.0 (or higher) and GLSL 1.30 (or higher). In
case of problems Graphics drivers upgrade is recommended.

Genconfig New Features List 6

3.2 New features
Screen Editor for InteliVision 12Touch
Support of InteliVision 12Touch instruments and their properties
New instruments, new properties, new design
Dynamic visibility defined by a custom bit
Dynamic blinking of all visual instruments
Size of instruments
Resizing using mouse or properties window
Auto height property
Day and Night skin variants able to set and view
Selected skin panel
Select color pair dialog allowing to define custom color pair for day and night skin variants
Screens structure
Metering screens, Status screen, Service screen, Status bars (bottom)
Aftertreatment support (InteliVision 5, InteliVision 8, InteliVision 12Touch)
New Aftertreatment instrument available in ScreenEditor
New Aftertreatment icons available
Automatically generated Aftertreatment screen (when ECU with aftertreatment support is configured)
Zoom 75% added
Com. object bit mask dialog for InteliVision 12Touch allows selecting any bits (not just interval)
Better identification of settings in Pictograms category (colored bits)
Columns splitter in properties window

3.3 Repairs
Undo function can cause access violation error in some cases
Partly fixed

Genconfig New Features List 7

4 Changes in the version 3.4.1

4.1 Repairs
Access violation error messages displayed if ScreenEditor.xml is empty or corrupted
Some controllers offer higher number of PLC blocks. Due to bug, some PLC blocks (like Delay or Delay 'B')
could be configured incorrectly in this case.

Genconfig New Features List 8

5 Changes in the version 3.4.0
5.1 New features
Changes in Create clone procedure
If in saved clone is also firmware for InteliVision 5 display(s), it is not required to have this displays
connected. Displayed is message about this and clone process can continue.

5.2 Repairs
Access violation error messages displayed if in configuration is unknown ECU

Genconfig New Features List 9

6 Changes in the version 3.3.0
6.1 New features
Increased recommended value of maximal size of graphic data in PLC Editor
Changed indication of available/occupied "slots" for CAN modules on Modules tab.
Green color indicates free "slot"
Blue color indicates actually selected CAN module
Black color indicates "slot" with another CAN module of the same type
Gray color indicates "slot" with another CAN module of another type

Added detection of free space in configuration. Configuration has limited space for particular information like
Setpoints, Values, protections etc. In this cases could be limitation applied:
Adding of modules like ECON, DETCON, I-STEP etc.
Adding PLC Setpoints in PLC Editor
Adding analog protections on I/O card
Adding universal analog protections on Protections card
In cases above could not be allowed to add new Yellow/Red setpoint limit for protection or protection itself
Added detection of free space for Evaluation period of protection (fast/standard type). Each type has limited
number of protections. If space for specific period is full, it is not possible to use this type, option is
On picture below are all free positions for Fast period already used:

Genconfig New Features List 10

6.2 Repairs
Bug in configuration of User MODBUS
Missing cylinder temperature configuration wizard for ISGASXX
Error message when trying to set up protection on analog input

Genconfig New Features List 11

7 Changes in the version 3.2.0
7.1 New features
Support of new InteliVision 12Touch external display.
Automatic generation of screens when adding new modules to the configuration
Support of IS2GASXX controller
Added support of new controller IS2GASXX
Added picture for ECU MTU EIM

7.2 Repairs
Problem with saving/loading user MODBUS definition
"List index out of bounds (2)" error message during Export configuration
Some PLC blocks have checkbox for inverting binary I/Os, but the checkbox does nothing.
This checkboxes has been hidden when invert function is not available for specific PLC block.
Wrong generation of InteliVision 8 screens for more modules SHBIN, SHBOUT
Abstract error message during configuration of protection on analog inputs

Genconfig New Features List 12

8 Changes in the version 3.1.0
8.1 New features
Support of 10 ECU blocks
Support for 10 ECU blocks in ECU module configuration. Require support in controller FW.

8.2 Repairs
Unable to add ECU value to history
Unable to add some values from ECU to history.
Sometimes error when closing GenConfig

Genconfig New Features List 13

9 Changes in the version 3.0.2
9.1 Repairs
Unable to open Help by F1 key

Genconfig New Features List 14

10 Changes in the version 3.0.1
10.1 New features
AND/OR PLC blocks – inputs definition
It is possible to add additional inputs with undefined source in configuration window. Inputs definition can
be made later on by wires.
New PLC Setpoints options
Added possibility to define low and high limits for PLC setpoints. New icon added to change PLC
Setpoints properties.

Genconfig New Features List 15

11 Changes in the version 3.0
11.1 New features
User edited screen indication
Dot in front of screen name in Screen Editor indicates that screen was changed by user. This
screen is not automatically removed for example when corresponding module is removed from
configuration. It is still possible to remove this screen manually.
Support for new external module I-AIO9/1
Correct identification of external module I-AIO9/1 in Controller/Archive info window.
New PLC Blocks
Added support for new PLC blocks. For details see New Feature List for IGS-NT 3.0 controllers.
Used/remaining number of PLC blocks indication
New type of indication for number of PLC blocks used in PLC scheme. First number indicate number of
PLC blocks used in PLC, second one indicate number of PLC blocks available. Added 2 bargraphs, one
for analog internal state, second for binary internal state. Each analog/binary output from PLC block use
one internal state. Total number of internal states is limited.

11.2 Repairs
Save for lather cloning (controller and displays) – IV5
Solved problem when in saved configuration set was missing FW for InteliVision 5.
Use second level for more specific info when required
Use third level when lists of setpoints, values etc. are required
No refresh of PLC input name
When PLC sheet input is connected to PLC sheet output and output name is changed, sheet input name
is now displayed with new name automatically.
Error when copying more PLC blocks
Copying high number of PLC blocks at once caused error message.

Genconfig New Features List 16

12 Related information
12.1 Available related documentation
Documents Description
GenConfig 3.0 Reference Reference Guide for GenConfig. See GenConfig 3.0 Reference Guide on
Guide.pdf web page.

Table 8.1 Available documentation

Genconfig New Features List 17

13 Notes
13.1 Document history
Revision number Related sw. version Date Author
10 3.8.0 21.4.2017 Jakub Safanda
9 3.6.1 28.3.2017 Dana Salingerova
8 3.4.1 16.12.2016 Jakub Safanda
7 3.4.0 13.10.2016 Jakub Safanda
6 3.3.0 25.5.2016 Jakub Safanda
5 3.2.0 20.4.2016 Jakub Safanda
4 3.1.0 17.4.2015 Jakub Safanda
3 3.0.2 16.10.2014 Jakub Safanda
2 3.0.1 1.10.2014 Jakub Safanda
1 3.0 17.5.2013 Jakub Safanda

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