Occlusion Factors Influencing The Magnitude of Sleep Bruxism Activity

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The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice

ISSN: 0886-9634 (Print) 2151-0903 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ycra20

Occlusion Factors Influencing the Magnitude of

Sleep Bruxism Activity

Koichi Sugimoto, Hidehiro Yoshimi, Kenichi Sasaguri & Sadao Sato

To cite this article: Koichi Sugimoto, Hidehiro Yoshimi, Kenichi Sasaguri & Sadao Sato (2011)
Occlusion Factors Influencing the Magnitude of Sleep Bruxism Activity, CRANIO®, 29:2,
127-137, DOI: 10.1179/crn.2011.021

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1179/crn.2011.021

Published online: 01 Feb 2014.

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Occlusion Factors Influencing the Magnitude of Sleep

Bruxism Activity
Koichi Sugimoto, D.D.S.; Hidehiro Yoshimi, D.D.S., Ph.D.;
Kenichi Sasaguri, D.D.S., Ph.D.; Sadao Sato, D.D.S., Ph.D.

ABSTRACT: The biomechanical load during strong bruxism activity reportedly causes many dental/oral
problems. However, it is unknown whether the magnitude of muscle activity during sleep is controllable.
In this study, the relationship between the magnitude of muscle activity during sleep and types of tooth
127$05.00/0, THE contacts was examined, including anterior and posterior guidance, in order to clarify how occlusion fac-
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

JOURNAL OF tors contribute to sleep bruxism (SB). An EMG-2-axis accelerometer system was used for monitoring
PRACTICE, patterns and activities of SB. Bruxchecker was used to evaluate tooth contacts during SB, and a condy-
Copyright © 2011 lograph was used to measure posterior guidance (sagittal condylar inclination). Results show that grind-
by CHROMA, Inc.
ing rather than clenching or tapping was observed in the high SB group, and there was
Incisor-Canine-Premolar-Molar (ICPM) tooth contact during SB grinding movement. The canine
Manuscript received
November 2, 2009; revised occlusal guidance (COG) was flatter in the low SB group than in the moderate SB group. Relative canine
manuscript received occlusal guidance (rCOG), which is the difference between the sagittal condylar inclination (SCI) and
July 28, 2010; accepted
October 10, 2010 COG, was larger in the low SB group than that in the high SB group. These findings suggest that the
Address for correspondence: grinding pattern must be controlled to prevent strong bruxism, and that the muscle activity during brux-
Dr. Sadao Sato ism can be reduced by controlling the tooth contact pattern during SB grinding.
Dept. of Craniofacial Growth
and Development Dentistry
Div. of Orthodontics
Kanagawa Dental College
82 Inaokacho, Yokosuka
Kanagawa 238-8580
E-mail: satos@kdcnet.ac.jp

leep bruxism (SB) is defined as a parafunctional
clenching and grinding action between the upper
and lower teeth during sleep. Under the current
sleep medicine diagnostic criteria, SB is classified as a
parasomnia related movement disorder.1 The etiology of
bruxism is controversial and includes both occlusal and
psychological factors being primary or idiopathic, or
secondary to other medical conditions, often neurological
(e.g., Parkinson’s disease, Tourette syndrome, etc.) or
Dr. Koichi Sugimoto received his D.D.S.
degree from the Tokyo Dental College in psychiatric (e.g., mental retardation, dementia, depres-
1999. He is a postgraduate student at sion). It can also be iatrogenic, associated with smoking,
Kanagawa Dental College. His major alcohol, medication, antipsychotic, and drugs (cocaine,
research interests include function and
dysfunction of the masticatory organ and amphetamine).2
the role of emotion in sleep bruxism At present, there is no single treatment regimen or
activity. strategy that results in the remission of SB, moreover, SB
treatment is based on a combination of behavioral, phar-
macological and dental treatments according to the car-
rier’s profile.3
However, regarding dynamic craniomandibular in-
teraction during bruxism, extremely strong forces are
applied for time periods exceeding those of functional
mastication. As a result, significant loads are distributed
to the dentition, alveolar process, periodontal supporting


structures, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Simul- Materials and Methods

taneously, the masticatory muscles become hyperactive.
These biomechanical loads cause abfraction, hypersensi- Subjects
tivity, periodontal distraction, muscle fatigue, temporo- Twenty volunteers (17 males and 3 females, aged
mandibular dysfunction, and other dental/oral problems.4-8 27.5±5.7 years) consented to have their SB activity ana-
Aside from these harmful effects, the strong grinding lyzed. The experimental design, procedures, and tasks
and clenching activity of masticatory muscles mitigates were carefully explained to the volunteers prior to the
stress-induced psychosomatic disorders by down-regulat- experiment. Each volunteer slept for the entire night with
ing the limbic system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal a bruxism-monitoring system in the sleep laboratory of
(HPA) axis and autonomic nervous system. 9-13 Many Kanagawa Dental College. The Human Ethics Committee
investigators suggest that patho-psycho-physiological of Kanagawa Dental College approved the experimental
factors are responsible for precipitating bruxism. procedures.
Lobbezoo14 reported that SB appears to be mainly regu-
lated centrally and is not a peripheral input. These find- Monitoring Sleep Bruxism
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

ings require dentists to have more knowledge about the Monitoring and categorizing of SB was carried out as
physiological characteristics of SB. described previously.22 The monitoring system of SB
Although the mechanisms of bruxism can be associ- consisted of a 2-axis accelerometer (ACC, ADXL202E,
ated with the physiological and patho-psycho-physio- Analog Devices Co. Ltd, Norwood, MA), an electroen-
logical system, the occlusion factor is still considered cephalogram to measure the sleep stage (EEG, Poly Mate
to affect SB activity, based on experimental results from AP1124, TEAC Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), and an EMG
grinding muscle activity in different types of tooth (EMG, SN 700, Techno Science Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)
contacts.15-20 The current results showed that the mus- to analyze the activities and patterns of SB. The maxi-
cle activity was increased by experimentally provid- mum voluntary contraction (MVC), which indicates the
ing teeth contact in posterior teeth, indicating a possibil- muscle activity, was measured 30 minutes before the vol-
ity of an increase in muscle activity during SB. A certain unteers went to sleep in order to compare it with bruxism
type of occlusion may play an important role in deter- activity during sleep. To establish a relative level of
mining the activity of the masticatory muscles during contraction before SB recording, each subject performed
SB, even if bruxism itself is regulated by the central intercuspal position clenches at least three times for less
nervous system. than five seconds in duration at a 100% MVC effort. The
Sleep bruxism can occur in otherwise normal subjects initial MVC data for each subject was used to normalize
or can be associated with dental, mandibular, or maxil- all subsequent data so that all EMG signals could be re-
lary malfunction, such as malocclusion.2 Local anatomic ported as a percentage of the maximum signal (%MVC).
factors definitely play a role in some cases (e.g., malfor- In order to categorize different patterns of bruxism,
mations of the jaw or poor occlusion).21 first, tapping activity was eliminated from the raw data
This raises the question of whether it is possible to con- since tapping was most recognizable and distinctive from
trol bruxism activity with a dental approach. However, other activities. Tapping movement was characterized by
there is not currently enough evidence to answer this rhythmic, sharp and short integral EMG activity, as well
question. Therefore, an understanding of the relationship as Y-axis movements, which could be detected by the
between bruxism activity and individual occlusion pat- EMG-ACC system. Clenching activity was characterized
terns is important in clinical dental practice. The authors by long continuous muscle bursts in the EMG data with
have developed a simple device, a 2D accelerometer little or no deviation in the XY-axis. The remaining EMG
system,22 for categorizing individual types of SB, includ- activity, with long continuous muscle bursts and mandibu-
ing grinding, clenching, and tapping. They also devel- lar movement in the XY-axis, was recorded as a grinding
oped Bruxchecker23 for categorizing teeth contact patterns pattern.
during SB.
The relationship between the magnitude of muscle Tooth Contact Pattern During Sleep Bruxism
activity during sleep and types of tooth contact, including A simple device, called a Bruxchecker, proved to be a
anterior and posterior guidance, was examined. The cur- useful tool in examining the grinding pattern during sleep
rent study was designed to examine the relationship bruxism.23 It was used to detect tooth contact patterns
between bruxing activity and individual occlusion pat- associated with bruxism, which correspond to the places
terns. The null hypothesis was that occlusion factors are where the disclosing dye was abraded. Tooth contact
not related to SB. could be recognized as two distinct areas, laterotrusive


side and mediotrusive side.

The tooth-grinding scheme was classified into three
patterns on the laterotrusive side (Figure 1):
1. Incisor-Canine (IC) type; the grinding area included
canines with or without incisors.
2. Incisor-Canine-Premolar (ICP) type; the grinding
area included premolars with or without canines and
3. Incisor-Canine-Premolar-Molar (ICPM) type; the
grinding area included molars with or without pre-
molars, canines and incisors.
The mediotrusive side was marked on the internal
inclined plane to the lingual cusp tip or the ridge of the
lingual cusp of premolars or molars on the mediotrusive
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

side; whether mediotrusive grinding (MG) was present

was then evaluated.

Measurement of Sagittal Condylar Inclination

Protrusion/retrusion, open/close and mediotrusive
movements of the condyle were recorded using the
Condylograph (Cadiax III, Gamma GmbH, Kroster-
neuburg, Austria), which is a computer-aided device
developed to evaluate the functional status of the TMJ.24
Sagittal condylar inclination (SCI) was measured in each
individual using protrusion/retrusion movement of the
condyle with respect to the axis-orbital reference plane

Occlusal Guidance and Bruxism Facet Measurement

Each maxillary and mandibular plaster cast was
mounted on either a SAM 2P articulator (SAM prazision-
stechnik, Munich, Germany) or a Girrbach SL articulator
(Girrbach, Germany) using a face bow transfer and bite
registration. Canine lingual inclination referred to as
AOP was measured as COG (F1-F2; where only maxil-
lary and mandibular canines made contact during mandibu-
lar lateral grinding movements) utilizing a 3-D digitizer.25
Canine bruxism facet inclination (BFI) was also mea-
sured on the articulator after being examined as an active
facet using the Bruxchecker. After measuring these para-
meters, relative canine occlusal guidance (rCOG) and rel-
ative bruxism facet inclination (rBFI) were calculated as
SCI minus COG inclination and SCI minus BFI, respec-

Statistical Analysis
A standard statistical software package SPSS version
15 for Windows (SPSS Inc., USA) was used for data Figure 1
analysis. Statistical significance of paired samples was BruxChecker presented different grinding patterns during sleep brux-
evaluated by Student’s t-test. The statistically significant ism on the laterotrusive side. Incisor-canine grinding (IC, top photo);
incisor-canine-premolar grinding (ICP, middle photo); and incisor-
level was determined when the confidence level canine-premolar-molar grinding (ICPM, bottom photo) with or without
was p<0.05. mediotrusive grinding (MG) were identified.


Results dominant bruxism activities in any group. The muscle

activity in the high SB group was 117.6±25.9 (%MVC),
Total muscle activity (%MVC) during sleep measured whereas the values in the moderate SB and low SB
in the 20 volunteers showed that individual muscle activ- groups were 37.9±11.8 and 11.1±4.5 (%MVC), respec-
ity ranged widely from low sleep bruxism muscle activity tively (Table 1). Especially in the high SB group, grind-
(low SB) to high sleep bruxism muscle activity (high ing was the predominant activity (82.7±26.9, 70.3% of
SB), which indicates that the bruxism muscle activity muscle activity) compared with clenching (24.4%) and
depends on the individual (Figure 2). The purpose of the tapping (5.3%). The length of sleep bruxism (sec/hr) was
current study was to examine the relationship between also predominant in the high SB group, with 54.9% of
SB activity and occlusion factors. Therefore, for further grinding, 39.4% of clenching, and 5.7% of tapping
investigation, we divided the volunteers into three groups (Table 2), while the length of bruxism in the low SB
(high SB, moderate SB, and low SB), based on bruxism group was constituted by 35.0% of grinding, 53.3% of
muscle activity (total %MVC). clenching, and 11.7% of tapping.
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

Bruxism Activity and Types of Bruxism Bruxism Activity and Tooth Contact Pattern
With the bruxism monitoring system, including EMG The Bruxchecker showed the tooth contact pattern
and ACC, bruxism was divided into three types; grinding, during sleep of each volunteer, and the patterns were cat-
clenching and tapping (Tables 1, 2). The distribution of egorized into IC, ICP and ICPM. The low SB group
different patterns of bruxism activity showed that clench- showed 27.8% of IC, 50.0% of ICP, and 22.2% of ICPM,
ing and grinding were predominant, whereas tapping was while the high SB group showed 12.5% of IC, 25.0% of
not highly prevalent during sleep. ICP, and 62.5% of ICPM, indicating that tooth contact
Occurrence and length of bruxism in different groups pattern influences bruxism activity, and molar tooth con-
also indicated that clenching and grinding were the pre- tact, like ICPM, causes high SB activity (Table 3). The

Figure 2
Distribution of total muscle activity (%MVC)
in volunteers. A wide variation of muscle
activity was observed. In the current study, SB
activity was divided into three groups (high
SB, moderate SB, and low SB) based on
bruxism muscle activity (%MVC).


Table 1
Comparison of Bruxism Activity in Low, Moderate, and High Muscle Activity Groups
Muscle Low SB group Moderate SB group High SB group
activity (n=9) (n=7) (n=4)
(%MVC) Mean SD (%) Mean SD (%) Mean SD (%)
Grinding 5.4 ± 2.2* (48.5) 19.4 ± 6.4§ (51.2) 82.7 ± 26.9*§ (70.3)
Clenching 4.7 ± 3.2*§ (42.5) 16.4 ± 8.6*† (43.3) 28.7 ± 5.4†§ (24.4)
Tapping 1.0 ± 0.7* ( 9.0) 2.1 ± 1.7 ( 5.5) 6.3 ± 6.2* ( 5.3)

Total 11.1 ± 4.5*§ (100) 37.9 ± 11.8*† (100) 117.6 ± 25.9†§ (100)
*§†Statistically significant differences among the groups, at p<0.05
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Table 2
Comparison of Bruxism Length in Low, Moderate, and High Muscle Activity Groups
Bruxism Low SB group Moderate SB group High SB group
length (n=9) (Sec.) (n=7) (Sec.) (n=4) (Sec.)
(sec./hr) Mean SD (%) Mean SD (%) Mean SD (%)
Grinding 117 ± 72* (35.0) 260 ± 130§ (47.0) 381 ± 123*§ (54.9)
Clenching 178 ± 140 (53.3) 269 ± 144 (48.5) 273 ± 201 (39.4)
Tapping 39 ± 39 (11.7) 25 ± 36 ( 4.5) 40 ± 23 ( 5.7)

Total 334 ± 144* (100) 555 ± 265 (100) 695 ± 274* (100)
*§Statistically significant differences among the groups, at p<0.05

mediotrusive contact (MG) did not show any influence SCI and a flatter COG than the SCI, provides less muscu-
on bruxism muscle activity. lar activity. Figure 4 shows muscular activity with a dif-
ferent rCOG value. Larger rCOG tended to correlate with
Canine Occlusal Guidance, Wear Facet and Sagittal lower muscle activity and smaller rCOG with higher
Condylar Inclination (SCI) muscular activity, although there was a dispersed area,
The COG in low SB group was significantly shallower which showed a large standard deviation, suggesting
than the moderate SB group, while there was no signifi- muscle activity of this area was related not only to
cant difference between low SB and high SB groups occlusal guidance, but also to different factors.
(Table 4). There were no significant differences in the
SCI among the groups; however, the differences between Steep and Flat Facet Inclination
SCI and COG (rCOG) in moderate SB and high SB When the tooth-contact patterns during sleep were ana-
groups showed significantly lower values than the low lyzed using the Bruxchecker, there were two distinct
SB group. This illustrates that COG must be taken into bruxism facet patterns: flat and steep facets (Figure 5).
consideration in relation to SCI. Therefore, we categorized different bruxism facet incli-
A frequency distribution of rCOG was made in order to nation (BFI) groups and analyzed the relationship between
examine the relationships between rCOG and bruxism the BFI and bruxism behaviors.
activity (Figure 3). High SB subjects were distributed The flat-facet group had higher muscular activity
into small value areas of rCOG, while the low SB sub- (%MVC) than those of the steep-facet group, and there
jects were distributed into large value areas of rCOG. were significant differences in the grinding and clenching
This indicates that a large difference between COG and activities, that is, the flat-facet group showed higher


Table 3
Comparison of Tooth Contact Pattern Evaluated by BruxChecker
in Low, Moderate, and High Muscle Activity Groups
Tooth Low SB group Moderate SB group High SB group
contact (n=18) (n=14) (n=8)
patterns Number (%) Number (%) Number (%)
IC 5/18 (27.8) 3/14 (21.4) 1/8 (12.5)
ICP 9/18 (50.0) 7/14 (50.0) 2/8 (25.0)
ICPM 4/18 (22.2) 4/14 (28.6) 5/8 (62.5)

MG 7/18 (38.9) 8/14 (57.1) 4/8 (50.0)

IC: incisor-canine contact; ICP: incisor-canine-premolar contact; ICPM: incisor-canine-premolar-molar contact;
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

MG: mediotrusive grinding

Table 4
Relationship Between Bruxism Activity and Canine Occlusal Guidance
Low SB group Moderate SB group High SB group
(n=18 sides) (n=14 sides) (n=8 sides)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Canine guidance
inclination (COG) (°) 37.2 ± 9.0* 45.2 ± 9.1* 44.8 ± 7.5
SCI1 (°) 53.7 ± 7.6 51.0 ± 7.5 47.1 ± 12.2
rCOG2 (°0) 16.5 ± 11.2*§ 5.8 ± 11.9* 2.3 ± 12.9§
1Sagittal condylar inclination
2Relative canine occlusal guidance (calculated as SCI-COG)
*§Statistically significant differences among groups, at p<0.05

activities than those of the steep-facet group (Table 5). ICPM type, while 60% of the steep-facet group was ICP
Regarding bruxism duration, there were no significant type (Table 8), suggesting that the high SB activity in the
differences between the flat-facet group and the steep- flat-facet group was due to more molar contact than that
facet group (Table 6). in the steep-facet group.
The SCI, COG, and rCOG in the flat- and steep-facet
groups showed no significant differences. The BFI of the Discussion
flat-facet group was significantly smaller than that of the
steep-facet group. The BFI of the steep-facet group was The current study showed that in the high SB group,
similar to COG, indicating that the steep-facet group was grinding behavior was more predominant, based on both
grinding on the lingual surface of the canines. In contrast, muscle activity (%MVC) and length of activity (sec/hr).
the flat-facet group had a greater difference between the As an occlusal factor, the high SB group was related with
BFI and the COG, indicating that the flat-facet group did the ICPM type of tooth contact during SB grinding move-
not grind on the lingual surfaces of the canines, but on ment, because 62.5% of the high SB group showed ICPM
another part of the dentition. The difference between the tooth contact, while the low SB group showed approxi-
SCI and the BFI (rBFI) was also significantly different mately 77.8% IC and ICP tooth contact. These findings
between the groups. (Table 7) indicate that in order to prevent strong bruxism activity,
Evaluation of tooth-contact pattern by the Bruxchecker grinding pattern control is necessary, and controlling the
in the groups showed that 50% of the flat-facet group was tooth contact pattern during grinding can reduce the


Figure 3
Frequency distribution of rCOG.
The different range of rCOG
values showed a tendency to
high SB subjects being distrib-
uted into the small rCOG range
and low SB subjects were
distributed into the high rCOG
range, while the middle range of
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

the rCOG (from 1 to 20 rCOG)

was a mixture of the subjects
(dispersed area).

Figure 4
Relationship between muscular
activity (%MVC) and rCOG. A
high %MVC ws observed in
small rCOG and low %MVC
in large rCOG, while the dis-
persed area had a large standard

muscle activity of bruxism. In other words, it is possible contact pattern. Belser and Hannam15 showed that canine
to control bruxism activity by occlusal factors. protected guidance does not significantly alter muscle
Extensive experimental research has been conducted activity during mastication but significantly reduces
on muscular activities and occlusal guidance or tooth muscle activity during parafunctional clenching. Shupe,16

Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

Figure 5
Inclinations of canine lingual surface and active facets due to sleep bruxism. The inclination of the lingual surface of the canine was measured from
F1 to F2 as occlusal guidance (COG). The bruxism facet had two different inclinations: steep facet on the lingual surface of the canine and flat facet
on the cusp tip of the canine.

Williamson and Lundquist, 17 Shinogaya, et al. 18 and EMG activity using an experimentally designed model,
Akoren19 demonstrated more EMG activity in the jaw not the real muscle activity during SB. A significant
muscles when the posterior teeth made contact on the aspect of the current study was that this is the first report
working side than when only the canines made contact. of an association between muscle activity and tooth con-
Tamaki, et al., 20 showed clear EMG activities using arti- tact pattern during true SB. Our results regarding muscle
ficial tooth contact from canine through 2nd molar, and activity and tooth contact pattern coincide with the results
posterior molar contacts increased the temporal and mas- of previous experimental research.
seter muscle activity. All these approaches measured The canine occlusal guidance (COG) was flatter in the

Table 5
Comparison of the Muscle Activity of Bruxism in Flat or Steep Facet Groups
Flat facet Steep facet
Bruxism activity (n=10) (n=10)
(%MVC) Mean SD Mean SD
Grinding 35.8 ± 41.2* 15.7 ± 15.4*
Clenching 17.0 ± 11.6* 10.1 ± 9.6*
Tapping 2.8 ± 4.6 2.0 ± 1.6

Total 55.7 ± 52.5* 27.8 ± 25.6*

*Statistically significant differences among the groups, at p<0.05


Table 6
Comparison of the Length of Bruxism in Flat or Steep Facet Groups
Flat facet Steep facet
Bruxism length (n=10) (n=10)
(Sec) Mean SD Mean SD
Grinding 231.7 ± 141.1 208.3 ± 155.9
Clenching 243.3 ± 150.8 214.6 ± 161.8
Tapping 32.0 ± 31.7 37.0 ± 38.5

Total 507.0 ± 234.1 459.9 ± 283.6

Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

Table 7
Relationship Between the Flat or Steep Bruxism Facets and the Guidance Elements of Occlusion
Flat facet Steep facet
(n=20) (n=20)
Mean SD Mean SD
SCI1 (°) 52.6 ± 6.8 50.3 ± 10.4
COG2 (°) 43.1 ± 8.2 39.3 ± 11.4
BFI3 (°) 23.7 ± 12.1* 40.0 ± 12.3*
rCOG4 (°) 9.5 ± 11.6 11.0 ± 15.0
COG-BFI (°) 19.4 ± 14.4* -0.7 ± 6.5*
SCI-BFI (°) 28.9 ± 13.8* 10.3 ± 13.8*
1Sagittal condylar inclination
2Canine occlusal guidance (measurement of F1-F2)
3Bruxism facet inclination
4Relative canine occlusal guidance (calculated as SCI-COG)

*Statistically significant differences among the groups

low SB group than in the moderate SB group, and relative there was a tendency for less MG in the low SB group.
canine occlusal guidance (rCOG) was larger in the low The hypothesis that there is a connection between brux-
SB group than in the high SB group. These findings show ism activity and mediotrusive side interference has
that the negative or small value of rCOG provided caught the attention of some researchers. Ramfjord 26
stronger SB activity and the larger value of rCOG pro- reported that balancing interferences are more apt to be
vided low SB activity (Figure 3). Low values of rCOG responsible for bruxism than working-side or protrusion
tended to provide strong %MVC (Figure 4), and in the interferences. Consequently, he recommended occlusal
range -10 to 20, rCOG showed a wide range of %MVC adjustment in order to eliminate bruxism. However,
(large standard deviation), because the rCOG is not the Egermark-Eriksson, et al.,27 found no significant correla-
only limiting factor for bruxism muscle activity. As tion with any type of occlusal interferences. Egermark-
already mentioned, the tooth contact pattern may influ- Eriksson, et al.,28 and Ingervall, et al.,29 reported in a
ence muscle activity more than rCOG. However, it is still longitudinal study that occlusal interferences had no sig-
an interesting phenomenon that negative rCOG (>-10) nificant influence on bruxism activity. However, some
showed very strong %MVC, while a rCOG of more than clinical studies suggest that all the bruxers had posterior
20 showed low SB activity. working-side interferences and 78% had posterior non-
In this study, mediotrusive grinding (MG) demon- working-side interferences.30 Since this area of research
strated no significant relation to bruxism activity, while is still controversial, the subject regarding the relation-


ship of mediotrusive grinding and bruxism activity essential for determining whether there are possible cor-
remains to be clarified in the future. rectible or occlusal factors responsible for the bruxism in
The results of the current study show that there are two some way. We hope that future sleep laboratory studies
different grinding patterns in the canine lingual surfaces will be able to provide more information about the phys-
(COG): grinding with flat facets and grinding with steep iological characteristics of bruxism and its relationship to
facets. We divided these into two groups, the flat-facet occlusion.
group and the steep-facet group, and they were evaluated
for bruxism activity. The flat-facet group had more Acknowledgements
muscle activity (%MVC) than the steep-facet group
(Table 5). There were more tendencies for steep canine This work was performed at the Research Institute of
guidance inclination (COG) in the flat-facet group than in Occlusion Medicine and Research Center of Brain and
the steep-facet group and a greater difference in the BFI, Oral Science, Kanagawa Dental College and supported
between the BFI and the COG and between SCI and BFI by a grant-in-aid for Open Research from the Ministry of
in the flat-facet group than in the steep-facet group Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology,
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 11:24 27 May 2016

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30. Yustin D, Neff P, Rieger MR, Hurst T: Characterization of 86 bruxing received his D.D.S. from Kanagawa Dental College in 1971 and his Ph.D.
patients and long term study of their management with occlusal devices and
other forms of therapy. J Orofac Pain 1993; 7:54. in 1978 from the same school. Since 1992, he has been a member of the EH
Angle Society of Orthodontists. His major research interests include func-
tion and dysfunction of the masticatory organ, the emotional role of brux-
ism activity, and craniofacial growth and malocclusions.


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