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The evolution of flex-fuel technology in Brazil: The Bosch case

Conference Paper · August 2010

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7 authors, including:

Paulo Tromboni de Souza Nascimento Francisco Nigro

University of São Paulo University of São Paulo


Saulo Fabiano Amâncio-Vieira

Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

The Evolution of Flex-Fuel Technology in Brazil: The Bosch Case

Abraham Sin Oih Yu1, Paulo Tromboni de Souza Nascimento1,
Francisco Emilio Baccaro Nigro2, Bjorn Werner Biben Frederick1,
Angelo Varandas Junior2, Saulo Fabiano Amâncio Vieira3, Rodrigo Luis Rocha4
Universidade de São Paulo, Business Administration Dept., São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Universidade de São Paulo, Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Polytechnic School, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Business Administration Dept., Campus Universitário, Londrina, PR, Brazil
IPEN - Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares, Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research, São Paulo - SP Brazil

Abstract--Flex fuel vehicles can be powered by any mix controversial as the matter may be. This unbridled growth has
whatsoever of gasoline and ethanol. Special software for fuel been at the heart of heated debate between environmentalists,
identification and motor control is its main feature. Beginning in governments, society at large, and automakers themselves, all
2003, today already 23% of the Brazilian fleet and 95% of new of which are searching for the “sustainable car”. One must
cars have been built using this technology. Bosch was the
pioneer in an early version in USA, in which it has been
analyze the trade-offs of this dynamic, and ask how
investing since the 80s. Bosch also made the earliest prototypes technology can equalize the current model. Several solutions
in Brazil (a GM car in 1994). But then Magnetti Marelli have been proposed by world players in the sector to equalize
championed the architecture that is ultimately successful in the this situation; one such solution, proposed by Brazil, is based
Brazilian Market: the so called software sensor technology. on biofuels. Currently the world’s sixth largest manufacturer
Bosch seems to have been reluctant in adopting the software of motor vehicles, Brazil has played a major role in the
sensor technology. Fixation in an early architecture, larger industry for decades. Between the bumpy 1990s and a
global and American market share and relatively smaller comeback around 2005, a new factor has peaked world
subsidiary in Brazil than Magneti Marelli are factors that seems curiosity: the probable new biofuel economy, benefited by a
relevant to explain this lagging behavior. This case research
shows the importance of absorptive capacity and other
technology (sugarcane ethanol) developed decades ago by a
competition factors on determining a dominant design for flex- shared governmental, social, and local corporate effort. This
fuel injection systems. alternative energy source has been used in Brazil in addition
to hydrocarbon-based fuels through the use of bi-fuel or flex-
I. INTRODUCTION fuel technology.
Flex-fuel technology was made possible in the Brazilian
Over the past few decades, the automotive industry has context by several important innovations that preceded it:
engendered ample discussion across all fields of knowledge. development of power train technologies, including
Discussion has been proportional to the size of the industry: it electronic fuel injection (computerized control of air flow,
is present in nearly all continents; it directly and indirectly fuel intake, spark, temperature, and other variables), for
employs over 60 million people worldwide, and experienced ethanol-powered cars. Electronic fuel injection, developed in
30% growth in the past decade [17]. These statistics confirm the 1970s, may be considered an example of breakthrough
that the auto industry exercises absolute economic and social innovation, as it completely superseded old mechanical and
influence over the whole world. This industry also supports electrical carburetor technology, replacing it with advanced
thousands of suppliers the world over, stirring a wave of electronic hardware (ECU – Electronic Control Unit) and
innovations of every scope, from breakthrough to software. In brief, electronic fuel injection controls the
incremental. In 2007 alone, the auto industry invested 85 combustion cycle, allowing several engine parameters to be
billion euros in R&D geared at developing sustainable adjusted in fractions of a second, thereby improving
technology, including alternative fuels. This search for performance and reducing emissions. Electronic fuel
alternative energy sources is a response to the current injection was developed in the 1970s and improvements
scenario of the intensive, centuries-old economic use of continue to this day. The landmark 1980 paper by Pefley et al
hydrocarbons now being openly discouraged [23]. Support [19] is likely the first scientific study of the use of gasoline,
for the “hydrocarbon model” was made possible by several methanol, and ethanol mixtures as fuels for commercial
factors – society’s need for motorized travel, the construction engines with electronic fuel injection systems.
of infrastructure and superstructure [18], such as an extensive Another relevant event was the creation of PROALCOOL
network of gas stations, and government subsidies – and in 1975, which encouraged another breakthrough innovation:
supported by others: a strong relation to the oil and steel the development of a 100% ethanol-powered car, which
industries. These subsidizing and supporting factors created a entailed the development of a new engine with a higher
complex, global, and mature network of relationships. compression ratio than that of gasoline engines, in addition to
According to OICA [17], developing countries have been the development of new materials resistant to ethanol
increasing their use of motor vehicles at a rate of 16% per corrosion for several vehicle components. Goldemberg et al.
year, showing that there is still room for such vehicles, [9] show that, since 1975, ethanol production in Brazil has

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

followed a significant learning curve to reach levels that seriously considering ethanol as a national solution to de-
compete economically with gasoline production. Public and carbonize transportation but still limited to ethanol-
private investment towards the use of ethanol fuel over the production technologies more productive than ethanol from
past 25 years has become a world example of sustainable grains [32].
development [8]. In light of the above context, this study seeks to gain an
In Brazil, the 1990s were characterized by a series of understanding of how the flex-fuel technology development
advances and discussions in the field of flex-fuel technology, process occurred at Bosch as compared to its competitors
led by tier 1 suppliers of electronic fuel injection technology. (Delphi and Magneti Marelli), to identify the main aspects
Since the 1990s, gasoline marketed in Brazil was actually an influencing this process, and to analyze relevant facts through
80–20% mixture of gasoline and anhydrous ethanol, known the theory of technological innovation management. The
as E20. In 2007, the ethanol percentage sanctioned fuel main objective is to understand the reasons that the pioneer in
mmixture was increased to 25% (a mixture known as E25) flex-fuel technology (Bosch) was not able to win the
[14]. Due to inspection issues, fuel distributed at gas stations technology battle in the Brazilian market. The present article
was commonly adulterated, reaching ethanol concentrations is structured into nine sections, namely: an introduction; a
of up to 50% (E50) [15]. This forced automakers and tier 1 description of flex-fuel technology; a historical review of the
suppliers to adapt vehicles and components to allow for development of flex-fuel technology in Brazil; an explanation
greater variation in the ratio of gasoline to ethanol. of our methodological procedures; a description of Bosch’s
Technically, the development of a fully flexible solution that experience with the development of flex-fuel technology; an
could run on anything from E20 to E100 was considered a analysis of the Bosch case from the relevant innovation
natural evolution. The fact that Brazil already has experience management theories; and, finally, the conclusions of this
in consumption of ethanol fuel and a ready, countrywide study, its limitations, and a suggestion of future research
infrastructure for ethanol distribution allowed immediate directions.
adoption of biofuel by consumers. By 2008, 90% new cars
sold in Brazil were flexible-fuel vehicles [1,2], that is, II. WHAT IS FLEX-FUEL TECHNOLOGY?
capable of running on a mix of gasoline and ethanol in any
proportion. Melaina [11] stresses the importance of Flex-fuel is the name given to any technology that allows
distribution infrastructure as a factor that may significantly vehicles to run on gasoline, ethanol, or any combination of
influence the large-scale adoption of a new fuel. The brazilian both. The underlying principle of flex-fuel injection solutions
automotive ethanol usage is a remarkable case considering is the constant electronic monitoring of several engine
the myriad obstacles to get a contrywide solution as it is variables (air flow, fuel, temperature, sparking, and several
today. For example Oltra and Jean [31] analyzed how French others), which are processed by a central computer and
auto industry was not capable to break the oil –fuel dominant specific software that commands engine function according
design, and reinforce the role of public policy and demand to usage conditions. The following schematic shows an
conditions to push technological advances to reach a more overview of the technology.
sustainable vehicle. Other example is how Canada is

Figure 1: Flex-fuel technology - source [16]

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

The greatest challenge of flex-fuel injection as compared One may conclude that strong antagonistic pressures were
to the injection of low-ethanol blend gasoline (E25) or pure at play: on the one hand, it was in the oil industry’s best
ethanol (E100) is having to quickly detect and adjust for each interest to maintain the status quo of fossil fuels being the
change in the gasoline-ethanol ratio. The first flex-fuel primary power source of Brazil’s vehicle fleet; on the other,
solutions made use of a capacitive sensor that detected this the sugar and alcohol industry advocated heavily for a
ratio before combustion, but these sensors were too costly; revamping of the Brazilian ethanol fuel program.
due to the conditions of the Brazilian market, the additional Flex-fuel technology was already known in other
cost of installing a sensor was always a significant countries. Bosch had already developed a flex-fuel electronic
impediment. The definitive flex-fuel solution was found in injection technology, based on the use of a capacitive sensor
post-combustion detection of the gas-ethanol ratio through that detected the amount of ethanol mixed with the gasoline.
use of an O2 sensor (also known as a lambda probe) already Ford and General Motors had both undertaken efforts to
incorporated in the exhaust system. This technology was develop flex-fuel vehicle programs, using alcohol as an
made possible by a change in fuel flow (no fuel return), alternative fuel. Brazilian automakers maintain strong ties
ensuring a smoother transition between the composition of with their headquarters, which do not always consider the
“new” fuel and that of “old” fuel, improving engine innovations proposed by their Brazilian branches to be
adjustment times. Capacitive sensor-free fuel detection adequate. Even Volkswagen, which pioneered the launch of
reduced the total cost of the fuel injection system, but the flex-fuel technology, has had no support from its German
software that manages engine variables had to be parent to introduce it in Europe. Apparently, government
significantly redeveloped. Flex-fuel management software incentive is necessary for large-scale adoption of flex-fuel
contains around 20% more lines of code for learning vehicles; in Brazil, the success of PROALCOOL paved the
algorithms that adjust engine operation to any usage situation way.
not predicted during laboratory testing but also requires
significant changes in other major software components. IV. METHODS
Control software competence therefore became the main
differentiating factor of flex-fuel technology, and it is through The present article is the result of a research project
this competence that manufacturers of flex-fuel injection conducted during the second semester of 2008 as part of an
systems, each with its own solution, compete among University of São Paulo School of Economics and Business
themselves. Some automakers chose to develop their own Administration graduate course in Product and Process
software solutions. Several patents of flex-fuel technology Innovation Management. The project was conducted by two
have been deposited at the Brazilian National Industrial professors and 12 students, with help from a Mechanical
Property Institute (INPI) [24], and the technology continues Engineering Department Professor. Our goal was to analyze
to undergo constant improvement, with advancements such as the evolution of flex-fuel technology in Brazil. Professors
pre-heating ethanol for cold starts, obviating the need to add selected a preliminary set of reading material to which new
gasoline. texts were added over the semester,. In parallel, we identified
the main actors involved in the development of flex-fuel
III. HISTORY OF FLEX-FUEL TECHNOLOGY IN technology. One of the professors is an expert in engine
BRAZIL technology from Escola Politecnica (School of Engineering).
At the start of the semester, he gave two lectures on the
During the 1990s, the oil industry – represented in Brazil technological aspects of flex-fuel systems and the context in
by Petrobras – was obtaining considerable profits from high which they were developed.
international oil prices and systematically breaking its deep- After identifying the actors involved in the process, we
sea oil exploration records. Consumers were faced with a conducted interviews with key informants from the main
difficult situation: if, on the one hand, rising oil prices were organizations involved, including Bosch, Magneti Marelli,
driving up the cost of gas, on the other hand, drivers had lost Delphi, Volksvagen, General Motors, AEA (Associação dos
faith in the government’s alcohol fuel program after the Engenheiros Automotivos, Association of Automotive
1989–1990 ethanol shortage during the sugarcane off-season. Engineers) and UNICA (União da Industria de Cana-de-
This trust would not be rebuilt until the advent of flex-fuel Açúcar, the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association).
vehicles. Interviews were conducted by at least two professors and a
Brazilian government activity in the ethanol fuel sector few students (usually three) throughout the second semester.
went through at least two distinct periods: the first followed In order to understand the peculiarities of flex-fuel
the 1973 oil crisis, with the creation of the National Alcohol technology development from the standpoint of automakers
Program (Programa Nacional do Álcool, PROALCOOL); the and suppliers alike, we constructed an individual case study
second coincided with the late 1980s, with decreasing oil for each actor.
prices, increased world sugar prices, and diminished interest The methods underlying this study were mostly based on
in the program. the proposals of Eisenhardt [5]. Her contributions are geared
towards construction of a descriptive/explanatory theoretical

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

snapshot of the study phenomenon through replicative case seeking to corroborate opinions, raise new questions, and
research. The strategy of interviewing different actors was confirm interviewed companies’ reports. Individually
meant to enrich our data pool [25] allowing new debating each interview permitted efficient data triangulation,
interpretations and suggestion of future research directions dynamic updating of notes, and, most importantly, careful,
through broader use of available theories [5, 6]. The informed preparation of a script for future interviews. A total
methodological approach proposed by Eisenhardt [5] is of ten classroom debates of interview results were conducted,
inductive, but it also carries a certain measure of each with accompanying analysis of related scientific articles.
deductiveness. According to the author, when investigators
begin field research, they must already have developed a few V. THE EXPERIENCE OF BOSCH IN FLEX-FUEL
possible constructs to understand the study phenomenon. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT
Eisenhardt recommends that researchers avoid referring to
the theory or developing a theoretical framework as much as The Bosch Group was founded in 1886 in Stuttgart,
possible before they begin analysis of empirical data. As for Germany, by Robert Bosch (1861–1942) as the Workshop for
this item, our research was conducted in a middle ground Precision Mechanics and Electric Engineering. It comprises
between the perspective of Eisenhardt [5] and that of Yin Robert Bosch GmbH and its more than 300 subsidiaries and
[26], who insists on the need for rigor and emphasizes the regional companies, present in around 50 countries. Bosch
development of a research question and a highly detailed has been present in Brazil since 1954, as Robert Bosch Ltda.,
theoretical foundation prior to data collection. The wealth of which is the group’s main unit in Latin America. It supplies
data we obtained allowed analysis to follow a replication components and systems for every automaker operating in the
logic between cases and aided the identification of more country. In the Brazilian automotive aftermarket segment,
adequate theories for the analysis of each individual case [13, Bosch provides a wide range of products and a large network
26]. of service partners. This worldwide development,
In the present study, we combined primary and secondary production, and distribution network forms the basis for the
sources. The latter consisted of articles, reports, meeting company’s continued growth. Every year, Bosch invests over
minutes, prior studies, and legislation concerning flex-fuel €3 billion in research and development and applies for more
technology in Brazil. These sources were analyzed through than 3,000 patents worldwide.
document analysis, a method that seeks to uncover and
characterize the social and economic circumstances A. Corporate and R&D organization and its restructuring
interfering with the activities of social players [20]. Primary In 2003, Bosch underwent an organizational restructuring
data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews lasting After restructuring, the company is now divided into business
an average of 2h30min (two hours and thirty minutes). Nine units, which have decision-making autonomy within their
interviews were conducted (one at Bosch, two at Magneti areas. The company’s Research and Development – R&D –
Marelli, one at Delphi, one at Volkswagen, two at GM, one at center is divided into areas, and development processes are
the AEA and one at UNICA1). Our choice of key informant conducted on a worldwide basis. The company has an
was based on how long the informant had worked for the Innovation Department and a system in place to evaluate
company, the extent of his or her involvement in the flex-fuel ideas, and files approximately 14 patents a day worldwide
technology development process, and his or her knowledge of (engineers are encouraged to develop ideas, and are rewarded
the technical and managerial aspects of the development of for viable ones).
this technology. Ultimately, we chose the Vice-President of Bosch has some 80 competence centers around the world,
Robert Bosch Ltda., who played an active role in the three of which are in Brazil. After the development of flex-
development of the first fuel injection systems to be fuel technology, in 2004 Bosch Brasil was elevated to the
manufactured in Brazil and took part in the entire flex-fuel level of Competence Center in the development of flex-fuel
technology development process. At the conclusion of our and diesel technology. Bosch’s worldwide sales revenue is
interviews, we transcribed their recordings, and proceeded to around €45 billions and R&D cost is around 7% of earnings
discourse analysis – our chosen method for study of interview around €3.7 billion. The R&D department of Bosch Brasil is
data, which were then treated through the mostly qualitative evolving significantly. In 1991, it was staffed by seven
technique of data triangulation. Interviews were transcribed engineers; on December 2008 that number exceeded four
and analyzed through a rigorous, participative process hundred engineers.
consisting of three mechanisms: analysis of articles on
innovation management and automotive technology, B. Technological developments in the evolution of the Bosch
classroom debates with all students and faculty members, and flex-fuel system
secondary data collection. In each weekly class, professors To better understand the flex-fuel technology evolution
and students taking part in the interview process shared their process, we must first analyze the timeline of economic and
observations with the other students, enriching debate and technological occurrences that contributed to the
development of a flex-fuel solution at Bosch Brasil.
The interviewee was a former UNICA executive.

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET


Year Technological developments
1952 Mechanical fuel injection
1985 Components for gasoline and ethanol: injector, pump, and pressure regulator
First vehicle with electronic fuel injection in Brazil – Gol GTI
PI 8807885-0 patent for flex-fuel solution with O2 sensor – and no capacitive fuel sensor (software-based solution)
1992 Development of flex-fuel system and fuel pump module begins
1994 First flex-fuel concept vehicle in Brazil
1998 Application of torque-based system
Flex-fuel vehicle with drive-by-wire and torque-based system launched
First tri-fuel vehicle introduced in Brazil

C. Pre-flex-fuel development of systems and components for time, the physical sensor carried a high cost, of around
ethanol-powered vehicles US$100. This value has tripled by the time it reaches
From 1983 to 1988, Bosch conducted development of the consumer. (interview with GM Brasil Product
components capable of operating both in gasoline and ethanol Engineering Manager)
engines, and then exclusively in ethanol engines. According
to our key informant, this process was due to the fact that Around this period, sugar became an interesting export
Brazilian ethanol contains 6% to 7% water, therefore option for the sugarcane industry leading to a shortage of
increasing the corrosive potential of the fuel. Bosch ethanol, as described by the key informant (and by the GM
cooperated with the Institute for Technological Research informant as well). This shortage leads to development of the
(IPT), a state owned research institution, in the development “closed loop” separate ignition system, which runs on a
of several components, most notably including a submerged mixture of up to 25% of alcohol. This was the starting point
fuel pump and the injection system itself. As evidence of the for development of flex-fuel technology at Bosch.
importance of these developments, 100% of flex-fuel pumps
currently in the Brazilian market are supplied by Bosch, E. Evolution and market launch of flex technology
which, since 2001, has also exported in-tank flex-fuel pumps By 1994, a prototype of injection control software had
for flex-fuel vehicles in United States. been developed to meet worldwide Bosch standards: safety,
low fuel consumption, and satisfactory emission levels. The
D. Development of electronic fuel injection capacitive sensor solution had already been developed by
Bosch was always involved in major technological then; some components required for implementation of the
advances in engine management, working closely to flex-fuel system were imported from Japan and some were
automakers and reacing teams, as described historically by developed with partners. In mid-1994, Bosch’s know-how of
Amey [33]. Until 1986, Bosch’s technological know-how flex-fuel technology was published, in Brazil and the U.S., in
was centralized in Germany. Not until 1988 did the company an SAE paper [3]. The reasons for this development were to
set up an emissions lab in Brazil (with the cooperation of “take the burden of fuel shortage off consumers” and solve
certain automakers), importing a dynamometer for use in the the government energy matrix issues of the time. The system
lab and hiring the company’s first development team in the was patented; however, Bosch lost royalty rights due to an
country. agreement with the Brazilian government. In 1994, the
According to our interviewee, the first Brazilian car to Motronic flex-fuel technology was ready for market;
feature Bosch electronic fuel injection (EFI) was the according to our interviewee, between 1994 and 1995 it was
Volksvagen Gol GTI, launched in 1988. In 1991, Bosch “ready to go” thanks to a series of factors. In 1998,
would make the decision to manufacture multi-point or Volkswagen requested that Bosch make a suggestion on the
single-point injection systems. In 1992, the first EFI for deployment of a flex-fuel solution in VW vehicles. Bosch had
ethanol-fueled cars was developed and deployed in a two ready-to-go options at the time: the capacitive sensor one
prototype of the GM Omega. This information was used in the U.S., considered expensive as Siemens and
corroborated by the GM informant, who reported that Japanese suppliers charged upwards of US$100 for each
GM had been involved in flex-fuel technology since sensor; and the one based on oxygen (or lambda) sensor in
1992, with Delphi and Bosch (already a longtime GM the works since 1988, which was recommended. Magneti
supplier). The three companies (GM, Delphi, and Marelli’s key informant describes the passage as follows:
Bosch) walked down the [development] path together. At the time, technology was already available in the
As proof of this, in 1994, we produced a prototype flex- U.S. to make a car run on alcohol or gasoline, by
fuel Omega 2.0 (the first Brazilian car with flex-fuel means of a fuel sensor in the tank (technical solution).
technology) in partnership with Bosch. The Omega Bosch tried to bring this technology to Brazil for the
used the capacitive fuel sensor (which detects the fuel Omega, but was unsuccessful. The sensor didn’t work
mixture before it is injected into the engine). At the in Brazil due to the presence of water in ethanol fuel

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

and due to the sensor’s sensitivity to high therefore the automaker that decides which car family will
temperatures. Another problem was the high equipment launch which product – that is, launching a flex-fuel solution
cost (around US$100 at the time) and the operational from Magneti Marelli, Bosch, or Delphi is not merely a
cost of including another part in the engine. Cost technological decision. The GM interview confirmed that
therefore posed a major technical limitation. (interview flex-fuel development was conducted jointly with Delphi, and
with Magneti Marelli Brasil Director of Engineering Bosch, because when development begins with one supplier,
and managers ) development with others will usually also occur. The GM
informant also reported that suppliers stay in contact,
Around this time, in the 2000s, oil prices were high; 4 informally, with one another, and automakers’ engineers
million ethanol-powered cars were in the streets; alcohol move among organizations, therefore knowledge is diffused:
producers had no market to speak of; due to price concerns, When I start a project with a tier 1 supplier, I’m
consumers started “spiking” gasoline with alcohol, known as actually starting it with them all. People talk. Everyone
a “cocktail” – in short, the market called for a solution. In knows what everyone else is doing. The only way to
March 2000, the Institute for Technological Research (IPT) stop it is through an exclusivity contract, which is very
organized a seminar on flex-fuel technologies. In one of its rare. (interview with GM Brasil Product Engineering
sessions, Ford, Bosch and Volkswagen presented their Manager)
experiences with flex-fuel technologies, and the speaker from
Bosch defended the capacitive sensor system. The event was The first vehicle to be marketed with a flex-fuel solution,
a landmark for flex-fuel technology and served to raise the VW Gol, carried the Magneti Marelli solution. Brazilian
awareness amongst automakers and suppliers of the potential President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and the worldwide
of the dual fuel cars. In parallel, discussions among President of Volkswagen were both present for the occasion,
Volkswagen, GM, and other players were duly formed to try which was the company’s 50-year anniversary celebration.
to define the emission standards for the flex-fuel engine. By In September 2003, the VW Fox was launched with
the end of 2002, the lambda sensor (software-based) solution Bosch’s software-based, lambda sensor solution, six months
had been given the greenlight by CETESB (the São Paulo after VW launched its flex-fuel line with Magneti Marelli
state environmental protection agency, in charge of emissions technology. Analyzing the set of interviews conducted with
certification at the federal level) and the federal government. Bosch clients and competitors, we found that Bosch
The order from the VW of Brazil was for Bosch to staunchly favored the capacitive sensor-based fuel injection
develop a flex-fuel solution for the VW Polo 500, which was solution from a technical standpoint. Even though Bosch
to be launched in February 2003. At the time, Volkswagen pioneered R&D investment in flex-fuel technology – since
had already chosen that its flex-fuel solution would be the 1980 –, it apparently displayed a technical inflexibility that
software-based one developed by Magneti Marelli: contributed to its being the third tier 1 supplier to enter the
Marelli proved to be the best solution for all Brazilian flex-fuel market. GM launched its flex-fuel car with
stakeholders, convincing automakers to deploy a flex Delphi technology in June 2003.
technology is done through their engineering teams. The Bosch interviewee reported that technology has
Convincing was done on a technical basis; it’s the evolved since the first generation of flex-fuel solutions; it
engineering team that buys the idea. (interview with now features engine torque mapping, providing improved
Magneti Marelli Brasil Director of Engineering and steering. For every combination of engine torque and
Engineering managers) rotation, there is an ideal injection ratio, selected among over
5,000 measurements/combinations:
This led Bosch to restructure its production process to The lambda probe system now has better performance.
make flex-fuel launch feasible using the software-based Our challenge now is system robustness, which
solution. involves far more than just software. (interview with
Two weeks before launch, Volkswagen informed Bosch Executive Vice-President of Bosch Brasil)
that it would be launching the flex-fuel with Magneti Marelli
in the Gol family, a direct Bosch competitor, instead. VW Data collected during interviews allowed us to construct
justified its decision on the basis that Gol could be launched Table 2 and Figure 2 comparing the path taken by Bosch,
as a car for the domestic market, unlike the Polo, which is a Delphi and Magneti Marelli, all suppliers, in the “flex-fuel
global model. race”. Detailed descriptions of the development of flex-fuel
Our interviews showed that, for both Volkswagen and technology in Delphi and Magneti Marelli are in [27, 28]
GM, tier 1 suppliers are divided into vehicle categories – respectively.
Bosch usually supplied the high-end vehicle families. It is

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

PHASES / COMPANIES M. Marelli Delphi Bosch
Bosch California begins
development of a flex-fuel
— — solution. Bosch obtains patent
for fuel detection sensor
Fuel sensor
Investment in (FS)
technology 1992 1992
begins Delphi involved in flex-fuel Targeted development of flex-

technology with GM and Bosch fuel solutions for Brazil begins

1998 1999 1994

Started an informal R&D At the same time, the A prototype for injection
Software (SW)
project Piracicaba research center is control software is created
2002 2001 1998
Volkswagen deal closed in The GM flex-fuel project Volkswagen requests Bosch
June, with Software Flexfuel officially began here, with two input on the deployment of a
Sensor technology parallel suppliers – Bosch and flex-fuel solution for VW
Delphi vehicles. Bosch had two
First order of flex-fuel technology options ready: an oxygen
sensor-based one and a lambda
probe-based one. The latter, in
development since 1988, was

March 2003 June 2003 September 2003

Market launch of flex-fuel vehicle Gol (VW) Corsa 1.8 (GM) Polo (VW)
1st 2nd 3rd

Launch of Flex-Fuel Vehicle

FS U.S. --> Brazil --> SAE Paper VW Order September (VW Polo)
FS U.S. --> June (Corsa 1.8)
SW Brazil --> GM Order
FS March (VW Gol)
SW VW Order
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003

Figure 2 – Summary of the race for flex-fuel technology

Bosch was notably the first company to invest in the GM, and its flex-fuel solution was deployed in a commercial
development of flex-fuel system, first in the U.S. (1988) and vehicle – the 1.8-liter Corsa – in June 2003. Last but not
later in Brazil (1992); however, its efforts were focused on a least, Magneti Marelli took an altogether different path to
capacitive fuel sensor (FS)-based solution. In 1994, a team of flex-fuel technology. MM had no prior knowledge of the
Bosch engineers published an SAE paper [3] and publicly capacitive sensor-based solution; its efforts began directly
disclosed the knowledge of the possibility of software-based towards a software-based solution, in 1994, the same year
fuel detection (SW), finding it inferior to the hardware-based Castro, Koster and Franieck published their landmark paper.
solution. Bosch was the first “tier 1 supplier” to receive an While MM was the last supplier to receive an order for its
order for flex-fuel systems from an automaker – Volkswagen, flex-fuel system – in 2002, from Volkswagen – the system
in 1998 – but, due to their inflexibility regarding use of the was deployed in Brazil’s first commercially available flex-
fuel sensor-based solution, it was actually the last supplier to fuel car: the VW Gol Flex, launched in March 2003.
have its product deployed in a commercially available
vehicle: the VW Polo, in September 2003 – with a software- VI. THE BOSCH CASE IN THE LIGHT OF RELEVANT
Delphi also began its road to flex-fuel system
development in the United States, with a fuel sensor based Evidence collected in nine interviews with distinct actors
solution, in 1995. The company’s Brazilian unit, however, in the auto sector shows that the development of flex-fuel
began development focused exclusively on a software-based technology at Bosch was mostly characterized by inertia in
solution, in 1999, the same year it opened its technical center recognizing a new technology. In analyzing these
in Piracicaba. In 2001 Delphi received its first order from characteristics vis-a-vis the evidence of Bosch competitors

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

Delphi and Magneti Marelli, we thought it pertinent to made possible by the availability of financial resources is the
employ the theories of Hill & Rothaermel [10] and Cohen & acquisition of new entrants. These firms also tend to be quick
Levinthal [4]. in adapting to new policies or changes in legislation, perhaps
Hill & Rothaermel [10] describe a few aspects occurring due to their connections with political power centers. Bosch
in the innovation process of large, firmly established features these characteristics. Bosch showed its innovation
organizations, termed incumbent firms. In the case of flex- strategy and approach to technological alternatives through
fuel technology development, Bosch may therefore be patente PI 8807885 (of 1988) and SAE paper 942400E
considered an incumbent firm. Their theory deals with five (1994). In the late 1990s and early 2000s, during the
factors in depth: technological innovation, organization development of flex-fuel injection, Bosch still had no
factors, strategic factors, innovative performance, and Competence Center in Brazil and had quite a limited R&D
inflexibility. According to their theory, incumbent firms structure in the country. However, after missing out on
prioritize incremental innovations – those based on pioneering the launch of a flex-fuel solution, Bosch quickly
improvement of existing products or processes through use of bounced back and even improved flex-fuel technology, as
existing technology. This prioritizing eventually weakens and suggested by Hill & Rothaermel [10]. Although incumbent
hampers the processes that would originate radical, or firms more easily develop incremental innovation, Hill and
breakthrough innovations – those that “break” a product Rothaermel claim that they also invest in acquiring basic
concept, bringing a new product based on new technology. knowledge of emerging technologies. If the technology
Also according to this theory, difficulty in dealing with achieves dominance, this knowledge will quickly become
radical innovation often arises from a failure to recognize important, and will ease the company into rapid market entry.
new technology, which leads the company to bet on According to Cohen and Levinthal [4], the capacity to
previously known technology instead. In an example of this absorb a new technology depends on the technical path
aspect, Bosch promoted incremental innovation in fuel followed by the organization, that is, if the company has prior
injection systems since 1952, yet it was unable to get its knowledge of the basic technical factors of the new
technological alternative accepted through radical innovation. technology, it will have less difficulty adopting the
Due to the large internal structure of incumbent firms, technology. According to Hill and Rothaermel [10], in
information is slow to reach its final destination, which addition to investment in basic research, there is also some
delays decision making. In many cases, decisions are made investment in the development of radical innovation,
exclusively by the company’s “top brass”, with no although this is generally not the main focus. In the Bosch
participation from middle management. This may have case, its Brazilian subsidiary probably was unable to
negative consequences, as middle managers are closer to the overcome the inertia of its German headquarters’
innovation environment, and are often more familiar with the organizational structure due to its relative weaker power
details of processes. Top-management decision-making may position in the 90s (as contrated with Magneti Marelli
also lead to delays in detecting and accepting the entry of Brasil)..
new technology, as abandoning an existing technology that Hill & Rothaermel [10] raise a hypothesis that may
has already received investment in favor of a new one may explain why incumbent firms do not focus on radical
come across as a management failure. The main difficulty innovation. According to the authors, the inflexibility of these
imposed by organizational factors in incumbent firms is firms is due to a fear that their products may be cannibalized,
therefore inertia in decision making. In the Bosch case, as radical innovation may shrink or even destroy a market
know-how for the development of fuel injection technology currently dominated by the incumbent firm. We found that,
was centralized in Germany, the company believed its during the 90s, the Brazilian subsidiary of Bosch had no
capacitive sensor-based solution was technically superior, decision-making autonomy on matters concerning flex-fuel
and non-technical factors – such as the total cost of the development, which was based on the solution found for the
injection system – played a lesser role in decision making. U.S. market - the capacitive sensor-based solution, and is
These characteristics directly led to the company losing its highly inflexible when it comes to adopting new
position as a pioneer in the launch of flex-fuel injection technologies. According to this theory, one of the main
technology to Magneti Marelli. It is important to note that factors hampering the development of radical innovation by
Bosch’s capacitive sensor-based flex-fuel solution was highly incumbent firms is their slow perception and adoption of new
successful in the U.S. market, which probably influenced the technology. Although these companies prioritize incremental
company’s inflexibility regarding acceptance of the software- innovation, it is paramount that they pay attention to the
based alternative witn lambda sensor. market and to emerging technologies.
As for strategic factors, Hill and Rothaermel’s theory Cohen & Levinthal [4] propose that absorptive capacity
considers that incumbent firms have an edge due to the depends on the technical “path” traveled by the firm; the use
ownership of sufficient resources at their disposal to adapt to of R&D activities to improve absorptive capacity, create new
radical innovation. Incumbent firms are able to quickly knowledge, increase ease of learning, and improve
establish themselves in the supply network, adapting their opportunities for technological innovation; that companies
products and thus participating in the market. Another tool must turn new information into knowledge and develop new

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

competences that can be applied to innovation; that market, using its capacitive sensor-based solution. One of the
overlapping product development cycles ease communication risks of being a first mover, as noted by [22], is being stuck to
and coordination between subunits; and that companies a technological alternative that is not consistent with the
cannot afford to be locked out of the market due to delay in needs of the market. Bosch’s high degree of openness
adopting a new technology. Bosch had been investing in the regarding its knowledge, as evidenced by patent PI8807885
development of fuel injection technology for over 20 years and SAE paper SAE-942400E [3], may have facilitated
and introduced capacitive sensor-based flex-fuel technology competitors’ technological development. Furthermore, the
in the USA. These investments, mostly made with the North centralization of decision-making at Bosch’s German
American and European markets in mind, may have induced headquarters may have contributed to the inertia in
the company to insist on the capacitive sensor-based solution recognizing software-based flex-fuel technlonogy as the most
to Brazilian automakers instead of the software-based one. adequate solution for the Brazilian market.
This process led to its technological architecture being passed External factors - the Brazilian automotive sector, as that
over despite years of investment. of many other countries, is characterized by extensive
To Cohen & Levinthal [4], the concept of “absorptive exchange of technical information between automakers and
capacity”, in which companies must turn new information their suppliers. The flow of knowledge between companies
into knowledge and develop new competences that can be during the development of flex-fuel systems was analyzed by
applied to technological innovation in order to avoid delays Yu, Nascimento and other researchers [27, 28, 29], and found
in identifying key technology and being locked out of the to be a relevant factor in explaining the relatively short lag
market, can also be ported to the Bosch case. This is due to between tier 1 suppliers in launching their flex-fuel systems,
the fact that Bosch has had a technology and product since the development lead time of these systems can be as
innovation strategy in place since 1952, in which innovation long as two years. Another characteristic of the auto sector is
occurs in an incremental manner. At the time of flex-fuel the high degree of globalization among automakers and
technology development, Bosch’s product development suppliers; typically, the Brazilian subsidiaries of these
process was centralized at the company’s German companies have little influence, particularly where it comes
headquarters. Although Bosch is path-dependent, that is, it to technology [7]. The exception concerns ethanol technology
has a prior history of technological development that where there is a large degree of autonomy, due to its large
contributes to its absorptive capacity, it could not overcome local and small international relevance. The commercial and
the inertia of its headquarters’ organizational structure when technological relationships between automakers and suppliers
it came to choosing the best architecture for flex-fuel form worldwide networks, which significantly affect the
technology to be deployed in Brazil. aforementioned internal factors, particularly switching costs.
Another theory relevant to the Bosch case was developed Our preliminary comparative analysis shows that,
by Suarez [22], who constructed an integrative model to apparently, the main factor that kept Bosch from being a
analyze the process whereby technical alternatives “battle” pioneer in commercially deployed flex-fuel solutions despite
for technological dominance. According to the author, the having been the earliest supplier to develop flex-fuel
joint action of internal factors (technological superiority, technology was its delay in recognizing the software-based
assets and credibility, size of installed base, and strategic alternative. This delay was caused by Bosch’s inflexible
maneuvering) and external factors (regulation and approach of basing its decisions essentially on technical
institutional intervention, switching costs and network factors.
effects, regime of appropriability, and characteristics of the
technological field) directly influence the results of Final considerations
competition for technological dominance. Suarez [22] Brazil was not the only country to pursue the adoption of
concludes that the outcome of this battle for dominance is a flex-fuel vehicles as a means of encouraging the use of
complex inter-relatedness between external factors and ethanol fuel. France, Canada, Sweden, and other countries are
managerial decisions that influence clients’ choice. Evidence engaged in this initiative, and companies including Bosch,
collected during our interviews allowed analysis of the Bosch Delphi, Magneti Marelli, and several others seek to meet the
case according to the framework of internal and external demands of these markets. In the emerging Brazilian auto
factors proposed by [22]. market, vehicles must be low-cost if they are to reach any
Internal factors - Bosch had technological superiority, as significant sales volume; this was the main factor making the
it has always invested in innovation and was technologically capacitive sensor-based flex-fuel solution inadequate. At the
ready before its competitors were. As for credibility and corporate level, we believe there was an internal conflict
installed base, Bosch led the components marked and made during product development at Bosch. On the one hand, the
significant investments towards technological development of success of Bosch’s hardware-based flex-fuel technology in
the electronic fuel injection system and plants and the U.S. market suggested the possibility of a single
technological training centers worldwide. Regarding strategic worldwide flex-fuel solution; on the other hand, the Brazilian
maneuvers, Bosch was clearly one of pioneers of flex-fuel market – one of the world’s top ten – called for a lower-cost
technology development in the world, particularly in the U.S. solution. As Bosch Brasil’s flex-fuel project had to compete

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

for resources with other Bosch NPD projects from around the hardware-based capacitive sensor solution was rejected by
world, this issue warrants further exploration, which could automakers, which adopted software-based solutions
provide new insight into Bosch’s capacity to recognize provided by Bosch competitors instead. The present study
emerging technology, complementing the findings of the suggests that this process may have been the consequence of
present study. Interestingly, the success of flex-fuel technological inertia in Bosch initiatives, which may be better
technology development in Brazil increased the standing and understood in light of absorptive capacity theory, and also
technological influence of the local engineering team within due to internal and external factors of competition between
the Bosch group; Brazil was elevated to the level of center of incumbent firms and new entrants.
competence in bi-fuel (ethanol/diesel) technology This study contributes to the understanding of the
development. Similar facts happened at Delphi, Magneti development of emerging technologies through an analysis of
Marelli, and the Brazilian unit of GM. the singular phenomenon of flex-fuel vehicle adoption in
Another explanatory hypothesis concerns Bosch’s Brazil. Our research was supported by a wealth of data
worldwide supply network, due to the size of the group and collected from multiple informants, analyzed in light of the
its chain of relationships, Bosch may have chosen to insist on academic literature, and finally suggesting new lines of
the capacitive sensor-based solution in order to avoid research.
jeopardizing established relationships with suppliers and
partners, whether in Brazil or the U.S. This issue also VIII. STUDY LIMITATIONS
requires further, in-depth analysis.
Finally, there is the issue of business performance and In addition to the limitations inherent to our research
results as affected by Bosch being slow to recognize method of choice, this study has some other limitations that
software-based flex-fuel technology. By late 2008, the flex- bear noting. Collection of data from multiple informants
fuel systems market was led by three companies: Magneti provided more comprehensiveness and improved
Marelli had a 49% share of the market, while Bosch had 24% corroboration of certain facts, but we also received
and Delphi, 18%. A more in-depth, specific analysis is conflicting reports from competing manufacturers of flex-fuel
necessary to identify whether there is any correlation between systems. Interviews with “neutral” entities and the technical
Bosch’s relatively slow entry into the market and market literature (mostly SAE publications) assisted us in during the
share or any other business performance indicators. data analysis phase, and supported weekly debated between
faculty and students during the four-month study period. We
VII. CONCLUSIONS must, however, consider the presence of interpretive bias and
also of informant bias, as interviewees were aware of the fact
The large-scale adoption of flex-fule vehicles (those that their competitors were also being interviewed for the
capable of running on gasoline and/or ethanol and any study.
mixture thereof) in Brazil began in 2003, and in five years the
country’s flex-fuel fleet reached 6 million vehicles (23% of IX. FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
total). At the time of writing, 95% of new cars manufactured
in the country have flex-fuel technology. Fuel detection and The battle field in flex-fuel technology is not finished,
engine control technology are determining factors for the moreover it is increasing in Brazil. In 2009 two major
development of a flex-fuel vehicle. The present study developments were launched: the first flex-fuel motorcycle,
therefore sought to identify and analyze the aspects that and the first flex-fuel injection system for cars capable to start
influenced the process of flex-fuel technology development at at any temperature using E100. The same companies
Bosch. mentioned in this study are competing in these new products.
From a methodological standpoint, our study was An interesting direction for future research is to investigate
qualitative, and descriptive in nature, carried out through the how these companies are recognizing – or not – opportunities
case study method. We interviewed leaders of electronic fuel and threats, and how the dispute between different
injection system manufacturers (Delphi, Bosch, and Magneti technological alternatives occurs in this market. “Real-time”
Marelli), automakers (GM and VW), and related trade entities analysis of this technological battle would permit more in-
(AEA and UNICA), providing a chronological description of depth analysis of the decisions inherent to recognition. It
the key facts and technological pathways that led to the would also be interesting to consider the economic impacts of
commercialization of flex-fuel vehicles. The present study these decisions in terms of the market share of each tier 1
contributes to understanding the technological aspects of supplier and how the new competitive scenario will take
emerging flex-fuel technological solutions in Brazil, shape in the presence of emerging technology. A more
enriching the perspective of previous studies, such as [12, generic research theme would be analyzing the efficacy of
21], that analyzed the phenomenum based on data from a processes used in the auto sector to monitor the emergence of
single company (Magneti Marelli and Volkswagen new technology, and how this knowledge is assimilated by
respectively). Despite over 20 years on investment in the companies (absorptive capacity) [4]. These research venue
development of a flex-fuel injection system, Bosch’s could also bring some light to the role of dominant design

PICMET 2010 Proceedings, July 18-22, Phuket, Thailand © 2010 PICMET

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