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Section: BSN 3-C


Write TRUE inside the box if the statement is correct. Write FALSE inside the box if the
statement is incorrect then change the underline word or group of words into the right one to
make the statement true.

1. Kidnapping is also a skill that can save your life.



2. Buoyancy, or up thrust, is an upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of
a partially or fully immersed object.


3. Triathlon is usually a combination of swimming, cycling and running


Section: BSN 3-C


Using a table, describe the basic essential skills in swimming. Use key points only.

Essential Skills Position Action

 Raise arms forward on

shoulder level and
 Vertical position slowly press down and
Arm action with head under as soon as it reaches
water. almost waist level, raise
your head above the
surface and exhale.
 Hold unto the side
of the swimming
pool and raise feet
 Kick legs up and down
Leg action and legs up parallel
from the hip joint.
to each other under
the surface of the
 When inhaling, have
your ears submerged
 Coordinate
with the water level just
breathing by
below the mouth and
Breathing turning head
exhale through your
sideways to inhale
nose and inhale
and down to exhale
immediately through
your mouth.
 Stand in chest-deep  Take a deep breath face
Jelly fish
water and bend down into the water and
forward to waist slide your hands down
level. your legs and grasps
 Standing position in
chest-deep water  Take a deep breath and
Horizontal Back Float
then lower your lean backward into the
body until the chin water until your ears are
rests on the surface submerged and lift your
of the water and chest and allow your
extend your arms body level off on your
sideward, palms up. back. Extend your arms
 Stand in chest-deep
water and extend  Lower your body by
Prone float arm in front of the bending your knees until
body, thumbs the chin is resting on the
together and palms surface of the water,
down. lower head as the body
is extended.
 Vertical position
and place the head  Place your hands in the
Vertical float back on the water smallest part of back to
with ears beneath help lift your body
the surface of the
 Rotate your hands so
 Lie on your back that thumbs point
and execute a downward and the back
figure 8 motion of of the palms are against
the hands just the thighs and Press your
Sculling beneath the surface hands sideward and
of the water. Hands away from the body
are at the sides with about 8 inches far, the
palms facing rotate so that the thumbs
downward point upward and the
palms face the sides
Finning  Lie on back and  Point your fingers
draw along the sideward with palms
sides so that they leading, the hands are
reach the waist pressed forcefully
toward the feet; the
palms of the hands push
against the water until
the arms are straight.
 From a fully
extended prone
float position,  Keep legs and feet
Surface swimming flutter your feet up underwater throughout
and down as you the kick.
propel your body
across the pool
 With your arms stretch
out in front, roll unto
your back by turning
Flutter kick  Prone position your head and pulling
your shoulder and hip
back at the same time
then do the flutter kick.

 Vertical position  Sculling motion
Arm action
Leg Action  Vertical position  Scissor kick
 Vertical position  While sculling,
downward pressure is

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