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This example is designed to illustrate:

- how to set-up a material balance model for a coalbed methane field

- how to estimate Original Adsorbed Gas in Place

- how to run a prediction forecast using well models (inflow & outflow)

Statement of the problem

The coalbed methane field "CBM01" has been discovered and will start producing from

Fluid properties and reservoir properties are available.

It is requested to:

- construct a material balance model

- Use the calculate option that uses the entered Langmuir Isotherm data to estimate the
OGIP (free and adsorbed gas) based on the rock volume.

- Determine the required de-watering period for gas to desorb, and perform a production
prediction to understand gas well performance and field recovery.

- The prediction period is from 01/01/2009 until 01/01/2014

- The gas producing well will be produced at a fixed well head flowing pressure of 35 psig.

- The ESP de-watering well will be produced at a fixed well head flowing pressure of 150

File location
The files required to run this example can be found by going to Start | All Programs |
Petroleum Experts IPM 10.0 Sample Files and clicking on Open Samples Installation

On the folder that appears, browse to MBAL | Material Balance Examples | CBM.

This folder contains the MBAL file and the associated files required to go through the


The recommended workflow is very similar to the one applied for material balance in
conventional reservoirs:

- Enter the PVT data

- Enter the basic reservoir data including the description of the Langmuir isotherm

- Specify boundary conditions for the prediction runs: start and end date, manifold pressure
and any other meaningful constraints

- Create and describe prediction wells with VLP and IPR

- Schedule wells, define reporting frequency and perform the prediction run.

Input data

The following input data will be required:

- Fluid properties

- Basic reservoir data including the description of the adsorption / desorption process
(Langmuir Isotherm)
- Well models (Inflow, lift curves) for the prediction wells.

PVT Data

Gas Gravity 0.6 (Air = 1)

Separator pressure 0 psig
Condensate to Gas Ratio 0 stb/MMscf
Water salinity 25000 ppm
Mole percent of H2S 0%
Mole Percent of CO2 0%
Mole percent of N2 0%

Basic Reservoir data

Tank type Gas

Reservoir temperature 80 degF
Initial Pressure 500 psig
Coal porosity 1%
Connate water saturation 100%
Water compressibility Use correlations
Estimated Original Gas In Place ( free + adsorbed) 24000 MMscf
Start of production 01/01/2009
Aquifer None
Rock compressibility 7.5E-6 (1/psi)

Langmuir Isotherm

Adsorbed Gas entry Surface / Volume of rock: volume of gas collected on to the
Method surface of the rock per volume or rock at standard conditions
Coal type Undersaturated
Test type as received
Langmuir volume 30 scf/ft

Langmuir pressure 500 psig
Maximum adsorbed 25 scf/ft


Relative permeabilities in Corey form

Phase Residual saturation Endpoint Exponent

Water 0.25 0.01 3
Gas 0.05 0.8 3

Production Prediction: Boundary Conditions

Prediction type Production Profile Using Well Models

Prediction start 01/01/2009
Prediction end 01/01/2014
Gas Production Manifold Pressure 35 psig
Water Production Manifold Pressure 150 psig

Production Prediction: Gas Well Model

Well type: Dry Gas Producer

Inflow Performance C  and n
C-value: 0.0045 Mscf/d/psi 2

n-value (Non-Darcy 0.95

Gas Production 35 psig
Manifold Pressure:
Well lift tables in C:\Program Files\Petroleum Experts\IPM 10\Samples\mbal\
PETEX format: Material Balance Examples\CBM\CBM_GAS_PRODUCER.TPD

Production Prediction: ESP Well Model

Well type CBM Water Producer (ESP)

Inflow Performance PI
PI value 1 stb/d/psi
Water Well Manifold 150 psig
ESP Operating 70 Hertz
Well lift tables in C:\Program Files\Petroleum Experts\IPM 10\Samples\mbal\Material

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