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Nicole Frerichs, DO Andrei Brateanu, MD, FACP
Department of Internal Medicine Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics,
and Geriatrics, Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland
Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

and the role of imaging
ABSTRACT 31-year-old woman presents to the out-
Acute, uncomplicated rhinosinusitis is a clinical diagnosis.
A patient clinic for evaluation of 2 weeks of
nasal congestion and drainage, headache, and
Imaging should only be used in the case of complicated facial pressure. Her symptoms were mild at on-
sinus infections, recurrent or chronic sinus disease, or in set and seemed to improve over a few days, but
surgical planning. The authors discuss key features of then again worsened, and she has developed
complicated and uncomplicated rhinosinusitis, manage- purulent nasal discharge. She is a smoker.
ment, and recommendations on the use of imaging in On clinical examination, she is afebrile,
diagnosis. with mucosal edema and turbinate hypertro-
phy seen on anterior rhinoscopy. Based on her
KEY POINTS clinical presentation, she is suspected to have
acute bacterial rhinosinusitis. Is imaging nec-
When not clinically indicated, imaging increases health- essary to confirm this diagnosis?
care costs and may expose patients to radiation and
intravenous contrast unnecessarily. ■ RHINOSINUSITIS: AN OVERVIEW
Rhinosinusitis, the symptomatic inflammation
Imaging in the setting of acute uncomplicated rhinosinus- of the nasal cavity and sinuses,1 can be divided
itis has not been shown to change clinical outcomes. into rhinitis and sinusitis, yet the two terms
are often combined because the nasal mucosa
Computed tomography without contrast enhancement is and sinus mucosa are often inflamed synchro-
the gold standard for sinus imaging when complications nously.2 It is one of the most commonly treated
of rhinosinusitis are suspected. conditions in ambulatory care, but the presen-
tation is often similar to that of other upper re-
spiratory tract infections, and accurate diagno-
sis is difficult.3 Symptoms commonly include
nasal drainage, nasal obstruction, and facial
pain or pressure. Other symptoms can include
fever, headache, cough, ear pain or pressure,
and anosmia.4
The diagnosis is generally based on symp-
toms and their duration.1 Acute rhinosinusitis
is defined as up to 4 weeks of purulent nasal
drainage accompanied by “nasal obstruction,
facial pain-pressure-fullness, or both.”1 In most
cases, symptoms resolve in 7 to 10 days. Rhino-
sinusitis is subacute if symptoms persist beyond
4 weeks and less than 12 weeks, and chronic
when symptoms last more than 12 weeks with
doi:10.3949/ccjm.87a.19092 objective evidence of mucosal inflammation

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Rhinosinusitis: Types and features

Clinical features Acute vs chronic Complications

Viral Symptoms improve
Duration < 10 days
Bacterial Symptoms persist > 10 days Acute: < 4 weeks Uncomplicated: contained in nasal
“Double sickening”: symptoms Subacute: 4–12 weeks cavity and sinuses
improve, then worsen Chronic: > 12 weeks Complicated: spread to orbit, nervous
High fever, then worsening symptoms Recurrent: 4 or more episodes system, surrounding structures

Fungal Seen in immunosuppression, chronic Acute: < 4 weeks Noninvasive: contained within
steroid use, diabetes mellitus Chronic: > 4 weeks sinuses
Invasive: spread beyond sinuses

Allergic Predominance of sneezing, rhinorrhea, Chronic rhinosinusitis

nasal congestion and itching

visualized endoscopically or radiographically. more than 3 to 4 days.5,6

Chronic rhinosinusitis may present with or No single symptom is diagnostic of bacte-
without nasal polyps.1 rial rhinosinusitis. It is estimated that purulent
Recurrent rhinosinusitis is defined as 4 or nasal secretions carry a sensitivity of 0.77 and
more episodes of acute rhinosinusitis per year a specificity of 0.54, double sickening a sensi-
with no symptoms between episodes.1 tivity of 0.74 and specificity of 0.41, and nasal
congestion or obstruction a sensitivity of 0.83
■ INFECTIOUS VS NONINFECTIOUS and specificity of 0.24.7 In patients with all 3
Rhinosinusitis Rhinosinusitis can be infectious or noninfec- symptoms of nasal discharge, nasal obstruc-
is generally tious. Infectious rhinosinusitis is classified as tion, and facial pain persisting longer than 10
viral, bacterial, or fungal (Table 1). days, only 40% to 50% have true bacterial si-
a clinical nusitis.8
diagnosis Viral rhinosinusitis C-reactive protein testing has been used
Viral infection is the most common cause of in addition to signs and symptoms to increase
rhinosinusitis and is diagnosed clinically when the accuracy of predicting acute bacterial si-
symptoms are present for less than 10 days and nusitis, but this has yet to be prospectively
do not worsen.3 validated.7
Bacterial rhinosinusitis Fungal rhinosinusitis
Bacterial infections are estimated to account Fungal rhinosinusitis refers to a wide variety of
for only 0.5% to 2% of rhinosinusitis cases. conditions that can present acutely in severely
The gold standard for the diagnosis of bacte- immunocompromised patients, or chronically
rial sinusitis is a bacterial culture of the pa- in patients with mild immunosuppressive
ranasal sinus cavity obtained by direct sinus states such as diabetes mellitus or chronic
aspiration.5 corticosteroid use.9 It is categorized as acute
Bacterial infection is suspected when (less than 4 weeks) or chronic (greater than 4
symptoms are present for longer than 10 days weeks), and as noninvasive or invasive.
without signs of clinical improvement, follow Noninvasive fungal infection includes
a biphasic pattern and initially improve but fungal colonization, fungus ball, and allergic
worsen after 5 to 6 days (referred to as “double fungal rhinosinusitis.10 Invasive fungal infec-
sickening”), or are severe and include fever tions spread beyond the sinuses to involve
with temperature higher than 39°C (102°F),3 bone, organs, or other structures.11
purulent nasal discharge, or facial pain lasting Infection needs to be distinguished from

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fungal colonization, encountered in patients ■ MANAGEMENT: GENERAL APPROACHES

with anatomic abnormalities such as nasal When patients present with symptoms of
polyps.9 Fungal infections are also thought to acute rhinosinusitis believed to be uncompli-
have a role in the development of chronic rhi- cated based on review of history, observation
nosinusitis.10 is recommended for a period of 7 to 10 days,1,5
Noninfectious rhinosinusitis with symptomatic treatment including anal-
Allergic rhinitis—an immune-mediated in- gesics, intranasal glucocorticoids, intranasal
flammatory response of the nasal mucous saline irrigation, decongestants, and antihis-
membranes after inhalation of allergens— tamines.1,3,5 Analgesics including acetamino-
may be seasonal, perennial, or episodic based phen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
on the exposure pattern to the triggering al- drugs are useful for relief of pain and fever.3
lergen.12 It is distinguished from infectious rhi- Intranasal corticosteroids are useful for reduc-
nosinusitis by the presence and predominance ing inflammation of nasal mucosa, thereby fa-
of sneezing, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, and cilitating sinus drainage.1,5
nasal itching. It is estimated to cause 30% of
cases of acute maxillary rhinosinusitis.2
A 2013 Cochrane review found that patients
In allergic rhinosinusitis, purulent nasal
who received intranasal glucocorticoids were
drainage is not typically present, and patients
more likely to experience symptomatic im-
do not have facial pain or pressure.13
provement compared with placebo, and high-
Migraine headache may also be associated
er doses brought more symptom relief.18
with symptoms of rhinosinusitis, including
sinus pressure, sinus pain, nasal congestion, Nasal irrigation
runny nose, watery eyes, and itchy nose. In Nasal saline irrigation has been shown to im-
one study, 88% of patients self-diagnosed or prove mucociliary clearance, but evidence
physician-diagnosed with sinus headaches also of effectiveness is limited. One randomized
fulfilled the International Headache Society controlled trial found that daily use of hyper-
criteria for migraine with or without aura.14 tonic nasal saline irrigation decreased nasal Nasal saline
Complications of infectious rhinosinusitis symptoms, but another study found no dif-
ference when no symptomatic treatment was irrigation
When rhinosinusitis spreads beyond the nasal
cavity and sinuses to involve the orbit, ner- compared with a combination of nasal saline can improve
irrigation, topical decongestants, and intrana-
vous system, or other surrounding structures,15
sal steroids.1,3
complications can include preseptal or orbital
cellulitis, abscess formation, meningitis, cav-
ernous sinus thrombosis, and osteomyelitis. Decongestants, including oral and topical but evidence
Although complications are uncommon, oc- forms, are also options for symptom relief in of effectiveness
curring in only 1 in 1,000 cases,3 they can be rhinosinusitis. However, oral decongestants
life-threatening.16 are not recommended due to a lack of clinical
is limited
Ocular involvement should be suspected trials that have studied their effectiveness in
when patients present with ocular pain, eye- acute sinusitis.3,5
lid swelling, pain with eye movements, visual Xylometazoline nasal spray, a topical de-
changes, or displacement of the globe.17 congestant, was shown in 2 small studies to be
Signs of central nervous system involve- effective at reducing congestion of sinus and
ment, such as meningitis or intracranial ab- nasal mucosa on imaging studies.3
scess, include altered mental status, headache, Decongestants should be used with cau-
nausea, vomiting, and fever.15 Involvement of tion and for no longer than 3 to 5 consecutive
the cavernous sinus should be suspected when days to prevent the development of rebound
palsy of cranial nerve III (oculomotor), IV congestion.1
(trochlear), or VI (abducens) is noted.17
Patients who present with these symptoms Antihistamines
should be promptly evaluated for complicated Antihistamines are not recommended for the
infections.15 treatment of acute rhinosinusitis, as there are

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no studies to support their effectiveness, and cellulitis or intraorbital abscess, cavernous si-
they may worsen congestion by causing exces- nus thrombosis, or suspected neurologic com-
sive dryness of nasal mucosa.1 plications such as meningitis or intracranial
abscess should be referred to a specialist.3 Oto-
Antimicrobials laryngology referral is appropriate for patients
Evidence for the use of antimicrobials in acute who have persistent symptoms despite initial
bacterial sinusitis is weak due to a lack of stan- treatment, patients with recurrent or chronic
dardization in diagnosis and duration of symp- sinusitis, or in patients in whom anatomic
toms. In addition, 65% of patients thought abnormalities are suspected.2 Referral to oph-
to have acute bacterial rhinosinusitis treated thalmology or neurology for suspected serious
with placebo improve spontaneously.5 ocular or central nervous system involvement
Prescribing antibiotics is appropriate in may be warranted.
cases of persistent and worsening symptoms.
The Infectious Diseases Society of America ■ IMAGING OPTIONS
(IDSA) recommends starting with amoxicil-
lin and clavulanate when the clinical diagno- Rhinosinusitis is a clinical diagnosis. Imaging
sis of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis is made, is reserved for cases of complicated rhinosinus-
and then monitoring for signs of improvement itis, recurrent sinusitis, chronic rhinosinusitis,
and immunocompromised patients.4 Imaging
or worsening for 48 to 72 hours after initia-
findings do not always correlate with symp-
tion of treatment.5 In contrast, the American
toms. It is estimated that 3% to 40% of asymp-
Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck
tomatic patients may have sinus abnormalities
Surgery suggests either antibiotics or a 7-day
on computed tomography (CT). Thus, imag-
observation period (“watchful waiting”), with
ing should corroborate the presenting signs
initiation of antibiotics if symptoms worsen or
and symptoms.19 Indications for imaging are
fail to improve during that time.1
based on the classification of rhinosinusitis19
The addition of clavulanate is recom- (Figure 1).
mended to improve the coverage of beta
Even with lactamase-producing Haemophilus influenzae Plain radiography
and Moraxella catarrhalis.3,5 If patients ini- Plain radiography can detect mucosal thick-
findings such as tially treated with amoxicillin with clavula- ening, air fluid levels, opacification of the si-
air fluid levels, nate do not demonstrate improvement, it is nuses, anatomic variants, and foreign bodies,3
plain radiog- recommended to change antibiotics to either but it has poor sensitivity and specificity for
high-dose amoxicillin plus clavulanate, doxy- sinus disease and thus is not usually recom-
raphy cannot cycline, a respiratory fluoroquinolone such as mended.20
distinguish viral moxifloxacin or levofloxacin, or a dual treat- Computed tomography
from bacterial ment of clindamycin plus a third-generation
oral cephalosporin.3,5 CT of the sinuses has become the gold stan-
infection Symptomatic treatments may also be pre- dard for sinus imaging in the case of compli-
cated sinus disease because of improved visu-
and so is not scribed as adjuncts to antibiotic therapy. The
alization of sinus anatomy.4
IDSA recommends nasal saline irrigation and
recommended intranasal glucocorticoids for acute bacterial Cone-beam CT, a technique that creates
3-dimensional images of bony and soft-tissue
rhinosinusitis. Decongestants and antihista-
structures of the face, is used primarily in den-
mines are not recommended.5
tal imaging to evaluate the structures of the
In certain cases, consultation with a spe-
face, nasal cavity, and sinuses.21 It may be use-
cialist should be sought. Patients with immu-
ful in the assessment of odontogenic sinusitis
nocompromised states, obstructive anatomic and maxillary sinus involvement.19
defects, recurrent sinusitis, fungal sinusitis, or
suspected neoplasm should be evaluated by a Magnetic resonance imaging
specialist. Patients with severe symptoms such Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with and
as persistent fever with temperature greater without intravenous contrast may be used to
than 39°C (102°F), altered mental status, sus- evaluate sinus disease, but it is not often the
pected ocular complications such as orbital first imaging test performed.

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Symptoms of rhinosinusitis

Rule out allergic rhinitis, migraine

Acute rhinosinusitis (≤ 4 weeks) Chronic rhinosinusitis (≥ 12 weeks)

Acute onset of nasal obstruction, congestion Two or more of the following:
with or without the following: • Nasal obstruction, congestion
• Nasal discharge (anterior, posterior drip) • Nasal discharge
• Facial pain or pressure • Facial pain/pressure
• Disturbed sense of smell • Decreased or lost sense of smell
• Headache

Endoscopic signs or changes

on computed tomography

• Duration < 10 days • Duration > 10 days • Immunosuppression • Periorbital edema

and improving without improvement • Chronic steroid use • Displaced eye
• “Double sickening”: • Diabetes mellitus
symptoms improve, • Double vision
then worsen after • Ophthalmoplegia
5–6 days
• Reduced visual acuity
• Severe, 3-4 days
of fever ≥ 39 °C with • Severe headache
purulent discharge • Signs of meningitis
or facial pain
• Focal neurologic signs

Viral Bacterial Fungal Extension to orbit

? ? or brain?

No imaging Imaging and referral Imaging Imaging and referral

to specialist if refractory to specialist
to antibiotic treatment

Figure 1. Approach to imaging in rhinosinusitis.

■ IMAGING IN ACUTE UNCOMPLICATED of symptoms and double sickening. Acute, un-

VIRAL OR BACTERIAL RHINOSINUSITIS complicated bacterial or viral rhinosinusitis is a
clinical diagnosis, and patients who meet diag-
Referring back to our case of the 31-year-old nostic criteria for uncomplicated rhinosinusitis
woman, she presented with signs and symptoms should not undergo imaging.4,19,22,23
consistent with acute, uncomplicated, likely Plain radiography in acute uncomplicated
bacterial rhinosinusitis, based on the duration bacterial rhinosinusitis carries a sensitivity of

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76% and a specificity of 79%.20 But even in or cranium are suspected, the American Col-
the presence of positive findings such as air lege of Radiology recommends CT with con-
fluid levels, plain radiography cannot distin- trast enhancement or MRI without contrast
guish between viral and bacterial infections for evaluation.19 While the American College
and therefore is not recommended.3 of Radiology notes that intravenous contrast
In one study, CT of the nasal passages is generally not needed, IDSA guidelines rec-
and sinuses performed in otherwise healthy ommend contrast-enhanced CT with axial
patients who presented with “common cold” and coronal views in the case of suspected
symptoms revealed a high prevalence of me- complications.5
atal and sinus findings, including occlusion of
the ethmoid infundibulum in 77% of patients, ■ IMAGING IN RECURRENT ACUTE
abnormalities of one or both maxillary sinuses OR CHRONIC RHINOSINUSITIS
in 87%, and ethmoid sinus abnormalities in Recurrent acute rhinosinusitis is defined as
65% of patients. On repeat CT 2 weeks lat- 4 or more episodes of acute rhinosinusitis
er, these findings had resolved or clearly im- per year, with no symptoms of rhinosinusitis
proved in 79% of patients without antibiotic between episodes. Chronic rhinosinusitis is
treatment.24 Thus, CT and MRI are not useful symptom duration of more than 12 weeks with
in the context of uncomplicated sinusitis. In objective evidence of mucosal inflammation
addition, CT exposes patients to unnecessary visualized endoscopically or radiographically.1
radiation.4 When complications of rhinosi- In either case, and in cases of sinonasal polyp-
nusitis or spread of infection are suspected, osis, imaging is warranted for evaluation and
imaging can be considered.25 operative planning if surgery is warranted.19
Noncontrast CT is indicated as part of the
■ IMAGING IN ACUTE COMPLICATED VIRAL workup before any surgical intervention, as it
OR BACTERIAL RHINOSINUSITIS provides the best preoperative information,
In patients with suspected rhinosinusitis who including delineation of complex anatomy,
present with symptoms indicating spread of and may even be used intraoperatively to
Findings on CT
infection beyond the sinuses and nasal cav- guide surgery. MRI is not first-line due to lack
that suggest ity, imaging may be performed for diagnostic of bony detail. Cone-beam CT is useful in the
sinusitis purposes.15 assessment of odontogenic sinusitis and max-
CT without contrast enhancement is the illary sinus involvement.19 Plain radiography
include may reveal foreign bodies or assist in diagnos-
gold standard of sinus imaging and often the
thickened first test performed when complications of rhi- ing anatomic variants, but is not used clini-
nosinusitis are suspected, as it affords the best cally due to the superiority of CT.
delineation of bone and allows for visualiza- In patients with a history of recurrent or
air fluid levels, tion of bony integrity and erosion. Findings on chronic sinusitis who have had imaging in the
and CT suggestive of sinusitis include thickened past, in the absence of new symptoms, imag-
mucosa (> 4 mm), air fluid levels, and opacifi- ing does not provide further information and
opacification findings often remain unchanged. Repeat im-
cation of the sinuses.25
of the sinuses MRI may be indicated when complica- aging is not necessary unless clinical signs or
tions such as aggressive intracranial or intra- symptoms have changed.5
orbital spread of infection or cavernous sinus
thrombosis is suspected, and for definition of ■ IMAGING IN FUNGAL SINUSITIS
soft-tissue masses.19 T1-weighted MRI is rec- Depending on the type of fungal infection
ommended to evaluate abscess or extension suspected, imaging may be warranted.19 For
of infection past the sinuses, and T2-weighted saprophytic fungal infestations, which are fre-
MRI can differentiate inflammatory mucosa quently asymptomatic, the diagnosis is made
from soft-tissue masses. Contrast-enhanced clinically, and no imaging is required for di-
MRI is recommended if cavernous sinus agnosis.
thrombosis is suspected. Fungus ball, another noninvasive fungal
When complications involving the orbit presentation, may be evaluated with CT of

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the sinuses or panoramic dental imaging; it which affects only the nasal cavity), signs of
appears as hyperattenuated material filling a complicated infections, signs of neoplasm, or
single sinus. persistence of symptoms and chronic rhinosi-
Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis is the most nusitis, imaging may be warranted. As in the
common form of fungal sinus disease and is case of complicated rhinosinusitis, CT with-
evaluated with CT or MRI. Classic findings on out contrast is typically the first imaging test
CT include the “double-density” sign caused recommended.12
by thick fungal mucin surrounded by hyper-
plastic mucosa. MRI with T1 and T2 weight- ■ THE BOTTOM LINE
ing can be used to support the diagnosis. Acute, uncomplicated rhinosinusitis remains
When invasive acute or chronic fungal a clinical diagnosis. Imaging should only be
infection is suspected, contrast-enhanced CT used in the case of complicated sinus infec-
or contrast-enhanced MRI can be used to tions, recurrent or chronic sinus disease, or in
visualize the sinuses, brain, and orbits.9 CT the case of surgical planning.25 Yet imaging is
findings of invasive infection can include hy- still frequently performed despite these recom-
poattenuating mucosal thickening over the mendations.4
affected sinus and nasal cavity, bony erosion, Imaging when not clinically indicated is
and findings extending beyond the sinus and associated with increased healthcare costs and
nasal cavities. MRI is time-consuming to ob- unnecessary exposure to radiation and, in some
tain yet favorable for evaluating intracranial cases, intravenous contrast material.4 Imaging
and intraorbital spread.10 in the setting of acute uncomplicated rhinosi-
nusitis has not been proven to change clinical
■ IMAGING IN ALLERGIC RHINITIS outcomes.26 Clinical judgment to carefully se-
Imaging is not routinely recommended in pa- lect patients who are appropriate for imaging,
tients who present with symptoms of allergic as well as selecting low-dose radiation options
rhinitis. When patients present with symp- when available, are ways to minimize imaging
toms of rhinosinusitis (as opposed to rhinitis, utilization. 

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