Forex Handbook R3 Updated

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The 5 Secret

Hacks To Succeed In Forex


About The Author:

Hello guys and girls, my name is Tim and I am trading

the forex market for almost half a decade now. In this
time period I have been able to see what is REALLY
going on in this business! I made it to my destiny to show
all the new traders the 5 most powerful tips I have been
able to recognize over the last years for complete free
because I think everyone should have the chance to see
the market how it really is and not how banks want you
believe it (this I speak about in my last point) Now enjoy
the 5 Hacks to succeed in forex:

All copyright belongs to Forex.Advice


1. The Fear of Missing out (FOMO)

One of the main things that traders are challenged with is the “fear of missing out”.
This usually happens when you don't have enough experience what is really hap-
pening beeing are unsure about yourself. Most commonly this is due to uncon-
sciously consuming content that promotes a get-rich-quick mentality, which is
ultimately working against your goal to be profitable. The most important thing
about forex is that it is a business, and you will need time, have patience with your-
self. Losses are a key part of trading as they provide you with the perfect opportu-
nity to monitor progress and to make improvements. I can help you to understand
and see the forex market so you never again feel the fear on missing out on a
chance by understanding the REAL market movement.

Here is just a quick example:

In case you missed this entry opportunity there is no need to just enter the down-
trend without a plan somewhere in the nowhere. You will most likely will get
stopped out, I can show you how to sport reenter opportunities which are HIGHLY
valid to work out great! Also, you will understand how to get the most profits out of
spotting the right move in the market and adding more positions to it without rush
or without a plan!

Here is an example how I and my members would have reentered the market in
case we would have missed the first opportunity:

Now I am going to show you how great patients and the right knowledge can
play out in the markets, these are ALL trades which are valid to capitalize in the
impulsive down move. There is no need to rush and lose you money:

All copyright belongs to Forex.Advice


This whole move to the target took 22days. I have sent out 2 of the possible trades
to my members. When you would have seen all 4 of these and patiently hold then
this would have made a growth of 29,68% to your portfolio! With risking small 1%
per position.

Do you understand now that there are always opportunity to enter a trade? So no
need to rush and lose your money, be patient and start making more money than
you could ever dream of!

2. Getting emotional over losses

Naturally when you take a loss you feel the need to “make it back”. This will in some
cases lead to entering trades just because you want to force the market to do what
you think and your ego tells you that you can't be wrong. And then you get
stopped out again, because the trade was usually no trade you would go for, then
you had two losses and may increase your risk because now you want to get these
2 stop losses back and still may make some small profits. You may are right and
make your money and may you just lose even more. In both cases this is very dan-
gerous because you may quickly lose respect for risk management and fall down a
path that is not sustainable over the longer term.

Seeking “revenge” by increasing your risk tolerance per trade to higher percentage
of your account balance and over trading to make the profit back that you lost in
the initial trade are both common reactions — and both extremely dangerous. So
my secret tip here is to forget about getting rich quickly. This is something I am
teaching my students over and over again to focus on the progress and not trying
to become rich overnight.

All copyright belongs to Forex.Advice


Stick to your rules- and you will succeed!

Here are two examples:

Instead of patiently waiting the Trader has emotionally rushed into trades because
he wants money quick back:

Here you would have taken

-1% on the first trade
-1% on the “quick money back“ trade

=-2% loss

But when you have patient and don't feel personally attacked over a loss, as I teach
my clients every day, they learn it on a daily base, when taking my signals or watch-
ing my educational content. You will be able to enter the trade that REALLY is
highly probabil to play out and not the trade you WANT to play out.

Watch example two:

In this case you take a loss on first position but not angry and patient. So you know
you wait for a trade that fits to your rules.

So remember, above you made a -2% loss, lets see how it looks with patience:

-1% loss with first trade

+5.5% with 2. Trade

still 4.5% profit

All copyright belongs to Forex.Advice


3. why and how to forecast

Most people are waiting for the market to do a move they want to see and when
this exactly move is not happening, they are not taking the trade or get mad and
take a bad trade out of frustration. What is Key Important to learn on your journey
trough trading, is that the market is not your enemie or whatever you may think. It
is neutral and doing exactly what it is supposed to do, manipulated by Market
makers, I will cover this more in datail in Secret Hack 5.

A lot of new traders are hesitating in the market and having (FOMO) Fear of miss-
ing out when a setup occurs. A good way to take out the hesitation is for casting.
Trading without forecasting is like going into a boxing ring and only expecting a left
jab from your opponent, then getting hit with a haymaker from a big right hook —
it's the exact same with the market. Although one key difference to remember is
that the market is neutral rather than your opponent. Most traders believe that it's
their losses that hinder their success but the reality is, thats it is a lack of forecast-
ing and inability to capitalize fully on the trade.

How to forecast?

In order to help you guys I have made a video of how I am forecasting which I have
uploaded on YouTube, go through it and try to take as much value as possible out
of it.

Forecasting tutorial:
Now the last secret hack is the most important one and when you understand this
hack you will increase your Trading brutally and level it up to the next level!!

All copyright belongs to Forex.Advice


4. Back testing:

Back testing is a very important part of trading, because it allows you to become
more familiar with the patterns you are trading and the general structure of the
market. It will allow you to see your edge playing out over and over again and
brings you confidence in the strategy. So when you have back tested a specific
scenario, then you are confident that this scenario is working and it will allow you to
remove hesitation and gain confidence, when trading a similar scenario in the live

For more information on how to back test, please see the YouTube video I have
created for you:

5. The Market Maker theories and manipulation

I just can not go as deep into this highly important point as I would like to, because
this handbook would have plenty more Pages then it is having now. I am discussing
this SECRET FOREX HACK in my webinars so if you´re interested let me know. Now
let's get straight into it.

The Forex Market is one of the most manipulated financial markets which exists. It
is key important to know that in forex we have the 99:1 principle, which means:

99% of the trader (retail trader, like you and me) have 1% of the capital that is
traded in the forex market.

On the other hand we have the 1% of the traders that are the Market Makers (Gold-
man Sachs, JP Morgan, The Deutsche Bank) institutes like these are having 99% of
the money traded in the forex market.

That is the first point you guys and girls need to understand. In order to go into a
trade with big lot sizes the market maker is faking directions to get the retail trad-
ers on the wrong side of the market.

Why does the market maker do this?

In the forex market we have also the 50/50 principle which means for every buy
position there needs to be a sell position as well.

All copyright belongs to Forex.Advice


So when the market makers are manipulating the market to fake a “uptrend“ for
example, where the Market forms higher highs and lower lows which I have marked
in the picture below:

Then are many retail traders buying the market because they think it will continue
buying. Let's say the retail traders all together are in buy positions with around
10.000 Lot size. That allows are market maker to ALSO put 10.000 Lot into a posi-
tions and make money. But the only side the market maker could choose is the sell
side, because otherwise it would not be 50/50.

See what happens now:

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So let me show you guys and girls one more example. In this case the Market Maker
have trapped a “downtrend“

As you see a retail trader and perhaps also you, before you were going through my
5 secret hacks would probably start selling with the trend. But see what is happen-
ing next:

The market maker trap starts when he has gained enough liquidity on the other

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As you can see, one more time you would have seen the market not how it really is,
but now with my help and my 5 Secret hacks to see the forex market more clear I
hope you guys and girls will succeed and be more profitable.

I hope you guys and girls have taken out as much value as possible and I hope I
have been able to make you see the forex market as it really is.
Now lets get out there and start using my 5 secret hacks in the forex market to gain
some serious profits. But always stick to your risk management.
I will also add the link below for the tool I am using to manage my Risks correctly.

When you are a beginner in the forex business and or you are just not happy with
the results you are having you can contact.
I am currently giving you the chance to profit from my knowledge by copying the
exact trades I am taking for only €1 for the first month.

Also, when you interested into learning I am hosting webinars also and have a lot of
educational prerecorded videos.

Risk Managment tool:

Contact me on:

Contact me on:

All copyright belongs to Forex.Advice

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