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The Avogadro constant is the number of particles in one mole of particles. It has a value of 6.022 x 10 .

1 a) One dozen golf balls have a mass of 551.16 g. Calculate the mass of one golf ball (give your answer to 3
significant figures).

551.16 = 45.9 g

b) Three dozen table tennis (ping pong) balls have a mass of 97.20 g. Calculate the mass of one table
tennis ball (give your answer to 3 significant figures).

97.20 = 2.70 g
12 12
c) One mole of C atoms balls have a mass of 12.000 g. Calculate the mass of one C atom (give your
answer to 3 significant figures).
12.000 = 1.99 x 10 g
6.022 x 10
197 197
d) 5.0 moles of Au atoms balls have a mass of 984.8 g. Calculate the mass of one Au atom (give your
answer to 3 significant figures).
984.8 = 3.27 x 10 g
5(6.022 x 10 )

2 a) One cricket ball has a mass of 162.0 g. Calculate the mass of two dozen cricket balls (give your answer
to 4 significant figures).

2 x 12 x 162.0 = 3888 g
63 -22 63
b) One Cu atom has a mass of 1.045 x 10 g. Calculate the mass of 3.0 moles of Cu atoms (give your
answer to 4 significant figures).
23 -22
3 x 6.022 x 10 x 1.045 x 10 = 188.8 g
109 -22 109
c) One Ag atom has a mass of 1.808 x 10 g. Calculate the mass of 0.02500 moles of Ag atoms (give
your answer to 4 significant figures).
23 -22
0.02500 x 6.022 x 10 x 1.808 x 10 = 2.722 g

© 24-October-2016 Chemsheets GCSE 1091

particle mass / g
3 The mass of a single proton, neutron
and electron are shown in the table. proton 1.673 x 10
neutron 1.675 x 10
electron 9.110 x 10

a) How many protons, neutrons and electrons are contained in an atom of 73Li?

protons = 3 neutrons = 4 electrons = 3

b) Calculate the mass of one atom of 73Li using your answer to (a). Give your answer to 4 significant figures.
-24 -24 -28 -23
(3 x 1.673 x 10 ) + (4 x 1.675 x 10 ) + (3 x 9.110 x 10 ) = 1.172 x 10 g

c) Calculate the mass of one mole of atoms of 73Li using your answer to (b) and the Avogadro constant. Give
your answer to 4 significant figures.
23 -23
6.022 x 10 x 1.172 x 10 = 7.059 g

4 Using the information in the table in question 3, find the mass of a neutron and an electron relative to the
mass of one proton. Give your answers to 3 significant figures.
neutron 1.675 x 10 = 1.00
1.673 x 10
electron 9.110 x 10 = 0.000545
1.673 x 10

© 24-October-2016 Chemsheets GCSE 1091

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