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Press Release by Lady May 6th June 2011

Good Day First and foremost, I would like to thank the Namibia Annual Music Awards sponsors, namely MTC, NBC and many others, for giving us the opportunity to showcase our talent; for highlighting our God-given gifts and for raising the bar in respect of the music industry. On Saturday night during the NAMA, I won the Best House Award. I made my acceptance speech during which I made an inappropriate gesture and uttered a totally inappropriate word. I am here to offer an apology to my family, my friends, my fans, my fellow-artists, my fellow citizens, and the NAMA award sponsors. While I offer no excuses for what transpired I would like you to take it in the context of an environment that

was highly charged emotionally. With that being said, Namibia is richly blessed with talent, and it is a great honour when your peers and your industry acknowledge your talent and your contribution to society. Could I have responded with positive words and gestures? Absolutely! To not have done so constituted a critical lapse in judgement and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible. I am very concerned about the impact of this spectacle to the young minds that were watching because I know that they look up to me and to the other artists as role models. I deeply regret that I exposed them to that side of showbiz. I failed them on Saturday night. I am saddened by the fact that I failed my family, friends, fans and peers who have believed in me and supported my career. To them I say, Im deeply sorry and I will make it up to you. I regret this even more because our industry is still so young and we artists have an obligation and responsibility to steer its growth in a positive path. I am proud to be a Namibian artist; I am thankful for my fans and I am doubly grateful for the opportunity to live out my dream making music and giving people something that uplifts their hearts. I acknowledge and thank the sponsors and my manager for their major contribution to me personally and to the industry. I am therefore committed to doing whatever it takes to make right the wrong that has happened. Nothing is more important to me personally. Today I ask you to resist the urge to dwell on the spectacle but to help me repair the fabric of our music heritage; to turn your attention to all that is beautiful, all that is good, all that is noble and all that is art. Despite the challenges we experience in the music industry, the show must go on. Thank you.

Lady May

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