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Discuss the criteria for evaluating article from Internet

A student I’ll be gathering information from variety of types of sources for research on Internet. It is
important to evaluate issues to determine the quality of the information provided within it., and
evaluating include purpose, authority, accuracy, currency and objectivity.

Fritch and Cromwell (2001) asserted that “[...] information on the Internet can be published by
almost anyone”, that there is “[...] virtually no filtering of information on the Internet” and that “[...]
filters of information typically present in a print environment (publishing houses, editors, reviewers,
librarians/selectors) are often not present on the Internet. Most of resources on Internet have lack
of its reliability; currency and authority that do not make users’ conform about authenticity of
Internet.When evaluating article from the Internet we should look at the purpose and intended
audience. The website should provide valuable information which can be used for schooling. To
update people on things which are happening in the world such as hurricanes. Information from the
web websites should entertain for example I viral video of people making networks. The sources
should help the general public without specialized knowledge.

Also we should consider Authority and credibility for example the person who is providing sources
on the website. We should consider the qualifications of the author because we would want to know
his or her experience or educational background. This will reduce getting past information when
researching. We should consider that a publisher of sources on the Internet is it an organization
college or university.

Accuracy is important when evaluating sources from the Internet. We should also look for references
to sources that will provide evidence for the claims made. The information on the website must be
verified with other sources

Also there is currency we should look at. For websites try to determine the date the web page was
created or updated. We should consider context if the information impacts the validity of the
argument.Depending on the assignment,it may be better to use older sources . Timeliness it is
especially important in the sciences and engineering. For example if you’re researching about HIV
treatment a source from 1990s will be not be probably good as from the past four years

Furthermore we should look at the objectivity. This is when the source does it provide accurate and
balanced information ,or is it heavily biased in one direction or another. We should consider
language or tone seem unbiased and free of emotiom. We should look for no typographical
errors ,grammar and spellings.


FRITCH, JW.; CROMWELL, RL. (2001) “Evaluating Internet resources: Identity, affiliation, and
cognitive authority in a networked world” Journal of the American Society for Information Science
and Technology ., .52(6), pp 499-507..

REICHARDT, R.; HARDER, G. Weblogs(2005): “Their use and application in science and technology
libraries” in Journal ofScience & Technology Libraries ..25(.3),pp105-116.

Barkhardt, JMand McDonald,MC. (2020).Teaching information literacy.Chicago: American Library


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