Salezpad POS Users's Manual

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User’s Manual

Salezpad Point-of-sale System

Contact Details:

No. 079 Canilang St.,

Poblacion, Buug, Zamboanga Sibugay
Mobile Phone: 0950-6636-243
Table of Contents
Logging into the System..................................................................................................................................................2
Setting default data of the system..................................................................................................................................3
Unit of Measurements............................................................................................................................................6
Item collections.....................................................................................................................................................10
Products................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Setting Preferences.......................................................................................................................................................18
Generating Reports.......................................................................................................................................................18
Cashiering Dashboard controls and explanations.........................................................................................................27
Creating X and Z Read Report........................................................................................................................................27
X-Read....................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Z-Read....................................................................................................................................................................... 29
...................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Creating Order Slip........................................................................................................................................................30
Accepting order slip.......................................................................................................................................................31
Placing an order............................................................................................................................................................32
Setting Customer...........................................................................................................................................................34
Adding Discounts...........................................................................................................................................................35
Printing Transaction Receipts........................................................................................................................................36
Voiding Sales................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Returning Items.............................................................................................................................................................37

Logging into the System

To start using the system the administrator account must log in to set
up the whole system. After both username and password are entered,
press the enter key on the keyboard or click the [Login] button on the
form. If the username and password are correct, the administrator’s
‘dashboard’ will show, otherwise an error message will prompt.

Point Of Sale Administrator’s Dashboard

The dashboard serves as the main interface for the system administrator. To provide accessibility, several menus,
shortcuts, and report summaries are on the dashboard.

Administrator’s Dashboard

File Menu
Report Menu

Setting default data of the Manage Menu system

To begin setting up the system, the administrator must set up the default and necessary data of the system such as
users, roles, terminals, item collections, discounts, products, and products units of measurement.

The first thing that must be set up is the user’s information and account. To view the main form of the user, navigate
to the Manage menu and select the user on the sub-menu.

‘Users’ Form is where you manage the

system user’s information and account.
It allows you to create, update and
remove users from the database.

Creating new user

To add a new user click the [New User] on the top-left-most of

the form. After clicking, the ‘New user’ form will show and ready
to accept inputs. The form has two parts, The ‘User Details’ and
‘Login details’.

Fields or details with an asterisk sign (*) denote that the field
must not be empty. Leaving required fields empty will prompt an
error message.

Saving new user

Once all necessary information about the new user has been already entered, click the [Save] button or press the
enter key on the keyboard to save the new user into the database.

Updating user

To update user information, select a record on the ‘User’ form, then click the [Edit] button. The ‘Edit user’ form will
be open and ready for any changes. If all changes were valid inputs, click the [Save] button to apply the changes in
the database.

Removing user

To remove any user account in the database, select one or more records from the list and click the [Delete] button
next to edit, then click the [Yes] button for confirmation.

The user account cannot be remove if it has record of sales in the database.

Unit of Measurements

Units of measurements will allow you to manage the
units for each product or stock.

Adding unit of measurement

To add a new unit of measurement, click the [New] button on the top-left-most of the Unit of Measurement form.
The ‘New Unit of Measurement’ form will show. Enter the abbreviation and name of the measurement. Note that
both fields must be supplied with data; otherwise, the system will prompt an error for an empty field. Once both
fields are supplied, click the [Save] button to save them into the database.

Updating unit of measurements

To update the unit of measurements, select a record on the list then click the [Edit] button, the edit form will be
open and ready for any changes. If all changes were valid inputs, click the [Save] button to apply the changes in the

Removing unit of measurements

To remove any records of a unit of measurement in the database, select one or more records from the list and click
the [Delete] button then click the [Yes] button for confirmation.

Unit of measurement record cannot be remove if it is being use by an item or product as unit of measurement.

Suppliers form will able you to manage suppliers for

your product. By this, you will be able to track and sort
products in the database from different suppliers.

Note that adding suppliers is not required to add an item.

Adding supplier

To add a new supplier, click the [New] button on the top-left-most of the Suppliers form. The ‘New supplier’ form
will be open. Enter the name of the supplier and click the save button to save the new supplier into the database.

Updating Supplier

To update Supplier, select a record on the list, then, click the [Edit] button, and the ‘Edit supplier’ form will be open
and ready for any changes. If all changes were valid inputs, click the [Save] button to apply the changes in the

Removing Suppliers

To remove any records of suppliers in the database, select one or more records from the list and click the [Delete]
button then click the [Yes] button for confirmation

Supplier record cannot be remove if it is being use by an item or product as supplier.

Item collections

Item collection’s main function is to

categorize or group your products by
category. Adding collections is necessary
before you can add any product to your
database. The ‘Collections’ form manages
collections for your product. By this, you will
be able to sort products in the database
from different categories or collection

Adding collections

To add new collections, click the [New

Collection] button on the top-right-most of
the Collections form. The ‘New collections’
form will be open. Enter the name of the
collection and click the [Save] button to save
the new collection into the database.

Updating collection

To update Supplier, select a record on the list, then, click the [Edit] button. The ‘Edit collection’ form will be open
and ready for any changes. If all changes were valid inputs, click the save button to apply the changes in the

Adding collection with the same name in the database will not be save.

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Removing Collections

To remove any collection records in the database,

select one or more records from the list and then click
the [Delete] button. A confirmation message will
prompt by then and click the [Yes] button to confirm.


Once all the necessary or required data are already in the database. You will now be able to insert a new product or
item into your database. The top-left part of the ‘Products’ form is where you can find the control buttons for
managing your product or items. To add a new product to the database, click the [New Product] button on the top-
left-most of the form, after clicking, a ‘New Product’ form will be open.

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Adding Products

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To add new products to the database, select product collection type in
the collection field, then entered the product and stock details. Note
that fields having an asterisk sign (*) denotes that the fields must not
leave empty; otherwise the system will prompt an error message for an
empty field until the inputs have been supplied. After the necessary
information has been entered, click the [Save] button below to save a
new record of the product into the database.

Viewing of Products

By default, products or items in the database do not show upon load of the ‘Product’ form. This is to optimize the
performance of the system and provide only records needed to view.

To view all the products, Click the [Load Records] button to retrieve all products from the database. Searching a
specific record is also possible by typing the product’s keyword or barcode on a search box.

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Product stocks management

Product stocks management is the way to manage

additional stocks to specific products in your database.
By clicking, the [New Stock] button on the top-left-
most of the form it will open the ‘New Stock’ form in
which you can enter a quantity for new stock. After the
quantity has been entered, click the save button below
to update stocks in the database.

Products Stocks

Product stock adjustment allows you to add or reduce

the stock quantity of a specific item on your records.

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Additional stocks

To record additional stocks, select one item on the records, click the [Adjust Stocks] button, and the ‘Stock
adjustment’ form will show.

The ‘Stock Adjustment’ form contains the list of additional stocks and reduced stocks for the item selected.
To add stock adjustment click the ‘Add’ button on the top-left-most of the form.

The ‘Add Adjustment’ form will show, then select the Add Stock option, set the date, and quantity, and
state the reason for the stock adjustment. Once all fields are set, click the [Save] button or [Save & Close]

Reduced stocks
To record a reduction of stocks, select one item on the records, click the [Adjust Stocks] button, and the
‘Stock adjustment’ form will show. To add stock adjustment click the ‘Add’ button on the top-left-most of
the form.

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The ‘Add Adjustment’ form will show, then select the Reduce
Stock option, set the date, and quantity, and state the reason
for the stock adjustment. Once all fields are set, click the [Save]
button or [Save & Close] button.

Adjust item stock quantity

Removing Products

To remove the product from the database, select one or

more records on the list and click the [Deleted] button.

A confirmation form will show after, click the [Yes]

button to confirm or [No] to cancel the delete.

Removing products that has sales record will prompt an error, therefore you can only remove product that has no
sales yet.

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Setting Preferences

The preferences form will allow you to set your

business name, permit no, tin, address, the color
theme for the client, and the banner that will be
displayed in system reports.

Generating Reports

To generate reports toggle your mouse to the ‘Report’ menu beside the ‘Preferences’ menu. There are four main
parts of the report: Sales Report, Inventory Report, Customer Purchase history, and Audit trail.

Sales Report has four sub reports: Gross Profit, Voided Sales, Z and X Report, and BIR Sales Summary.

Gross Report

To generate a Gross profit report, toggle or point your mouse to the ‘Sales Report’ menu, another menu will
then show, then select the ‘Gross Report’ menu in the options. The ‘Gross Profit Report’ form contains
several filters for generating a report where you can select a specific date range from and to, terminal and
user. Click the [Generate] button to load the report. Once the report data generates, click the [Print]

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Voided Sales

To generate a Gross profit report, toggle or point your mouse to the ‘Sales Report’ menu, another menu will
then show, then select the ‘Voided Sales’ menu in the options. The ‘Voided Sales’ form contains a date
range filter and specifies the date of voided sales. Click the [Generate] button to load the report. Once the
report data generates, click the [Print] button.

X and Z Read Report

X and Z reports summarize sales, returns, and other activity

occurring on a specific terminal during shift. X reports cover
everything from the register shift opening until when the report
is running, and Z reports cover the entire shift from open to

To generate an X-Read report, open the ‘X and Z Read Report’

form under the report menu of the dashboard. Once the form
is open, select the X Read option, select a terminal, then pick a
date of X reading and finally click the [Retrieve] button.

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X-Read Report Preview

To generate the Z-Read report, open the ‘X

and Z Read Report’ form under the report
menu of the dashboard. Once the form is
open, select the X Read option, select a
terminal, then pick a date of Z reading and
finally click the [Retrieve] button.

Z-Read Report Preview

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BIR Sales Summary

To generate BIR Sales report, open the ‘BIR Summary Sales Report’ form under the sales report menu. Once
the form is open, select from and to date period from and click the [Generate] button to generate the data.

Inventory Report has four sub-reports: Inventory List, Stock Adjustments, Returned Items, and Fast and Slow Moving

Inventory List Report

To generate Inventory List Report, toggle or point your mouse to the ‘Inventory Report’ menu, another
menus will then show, then select the ‘Inventory List Report’ menu in the options. The ‘Inventory List
Report’ form contains filters for generating reports where you can select specific types of collection and
Inventory as of date.

Click the [Retrieve] button to load the report. Once the report data has been generated, click the [Print]

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Stock Adjustments Report

To generate a Stock adjustments report, toggle or point your mouse to the ‘Inventory Report’ menu,
another menus will then show, then select the ‘Stock Adjustments’ menu in the options. The ‘Stock
Adjustments’ form contains a search box and a date range filter. Enter the keyword of the product and select
the date period. Click the [Generate] button to load the report. Once the report data has been generated,
click the [Print] button.

Returned Items Report

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To generate Returned Items report, toggle or point your mouse to the ‘Inventory Report’ menu, another
menus will then show, then select the ‘Returned Items’ menu in the options. The ‘Returned Items’ form
contains date range filter. The system will generate returned items within given from and to dates. Click the
[Generate] button to load the report. Once the report data has been generated, click the [Print] button.

Fast and Slow Moving Stocks

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To generate Fast and Slow Moving Stocks report, toggle or point your mouse to the ‘Inventory Report’
menu, another menu will then show, then select the ‘Fast and Slow Moving Stocks’ menu in the options.

The ‘Fast and Slow Moving Stocks’ form contains the date, fast or slow moving filter. The system will
generate sold items based on the number it was purchased. Click the [Generate] button to load the report.
Once the report data has been generated, click the [Print] button.

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Customer Purchase History Report

To generate a Customer Purchase History report, toggle or point your mouse to the ‘Report’ menu, then
select the ‘Customer Purchase History’ menu in the options. The ‘Customer Purchase History’ form contains
a search and date filter. The system will generate the purchase history of a specific customer based on a
given range of dates. The upper pane of the form is where you can search for customers in the database.
Enter the customer’s first or last name on the search box. Select the search result on the list and set the date
range to see its purchased history. Click the [Generate] button to load the report. Once the report data has
been generated, click the [Print] button.

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Audit Trail Report

To generate an Audit Trail report, toggle or point your mouse to the ‘Report’ menu, then select the ‘Audit
Trail’ menu in the options. The ‘Audit Trail’ form contains the date, user, terminal and action filters. The
system will generate a log or sequence made by a user to the system. The system records the ‘when’ and
’where’ of the action made by a user. When a user creates, deletes, updates, discounts, reads, returns, sold,
voids, and others the system records its action. To generate an Audit Trail, first set the desired date range,
second select a user, third select the terminal, fourth select an action type, and finally click the [Generate]
button to retrieve the logs.

Cashiering Dashboard controls and explanations

The terminal dashboard of the frontliner, cashier, and administrator does look the same. They only differ in
accessibility. On the top pane it shows the total payable amount of the customers, the right pane contains the
product and customer details while the bottom pane contains the controls which change depending upon the
current user type.

Below are the function and explanations of different controls of the dashboard.

[F1] [New Trans] - Creating new transactions. This also enables the disabled-buttons.
[F2] [Focus barcode] - Set the system to scan items when it loses its focus.
[F3] [Add item] - Add an item to the customer’s list of orders.
[F4] [Remove item] - Remove a single item to the customer’s list of orders.
[F5] [Clear item] - Remove all the items in the customer’s list of orders.
[F6] [Quantity] - Add or reduce the current item quantity on the customer’s list of orders.
[F7] [Customers] - Set the customer of the current transaction.
[F8] [Price Mode] - Set the price variance for the specific item whether special, retail, or wholesale price.
[F9] [Payment] - Set the payment of the current transaction.
[F10] [Price Inquiry] - Inquire about the item’s special, retail, and wholesale price.
[F11] [Cash Count] - Record all the cash denominations and total amount in a terminal.
[F12] [Sales] - View the sales within the selected date with an option to print receipts, void sales, and return items.

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[Control + O] - View the orders received by the front liner user.
[Alt + F4] - Log-out the current user.

Creating X and Z Read Report

X and Z reports summarize sales, returns, and other activity occurring on a specific terminal during shift. X reports
cover everything from the register shift opening until when the system is running, and Z reports cover the entire shift
from opening to closing.

To create x report click the [Cash Count] button or
press the F9 key on the keyboard. The ‘Cash Count’
form will show.

At the beginning of each shift, the cashier needs to

generate an X-Read report. This means that the
cashier needs to record the cash-beginning amount
and record the cash denomination.

When the cash beginning and cash count amount are

equal, then the sales variance must be zero. Click the
[Save] button to save and the [X-Read] button to
generate the X-Read Report.

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X Read Report

To create a Z-Read report click the [Cash Count]
button or press the F9 key on the keyboard. The ‘Cash
Count’ form will show.

At the end of each shift, the cashier needs to

generate a Z-read report. This will also signify the
closing of the daily sales transaction, which means
that the cashier’s terminal will no longer be available
to accept any transactions.

The cash beginning and cash count amount must be

equal in the amount otherwise; the sales variance will
have a negative amount. If the entire amount does
reconcile this means that X and Z Read are both
correct. Click the [Save] button to save and the [Z-
Read] button to generate the Z-Read Report.

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Z-Read Report

Creating Order Slip

The frontline makes the order Slip. Transaction made by the frontliner is the order slip that will be send to
the cashier’s terminal to finish the transaction. Order slip is not recorded directly as sales it still needs to be
processed by the cashier.

To create an order slip, the front liner must scan all the orders of the customers and make a payment.

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If the payment is successful, then the orders will be send to the cashier’s terminal to finish the transaction.

Accepting order slip

To view all the order slips created by the frontline log in to the cashier account. On the buttons below, the
cashier’s dashboard clicks the [Order Slip] button or press the Control + O keys on the keyboard.

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To process the order slip,
select a record and click the [Enter]
button or press the enter key on the
keyboard. The orders will be
displayed on the list of items on the

To finish the transaction,

click the [Payment] button or press
the F9 on the keyboard.

The ‘Payment’ form will

show. The tendered cash field is pre-
define by the frontline, thus typing tendered cash is unnecessary. Click the [Enter] button or press the enter key on
the keyboard to finish the transaction.

Placing an order

The dashboard contains several

controls, which are disabled.
To enable these controls, click
the [New Trans] button or
press [F1] on the keyboard.

After the controls have been

enabled. The front liner is now
ready to accept orders from
the customer. The transaction
begins by scanning the item’s
barcode. In case when the
item’s barcode is not available,
searching the item name is
another way to accept orders
from customers by pressing the
[F3] key on the keyboard.
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After scanning the
item, a sub-form will open that
shows the available items from
the database that corresponds
to the scanned item. Item
name can also be typed or
searched on the search box

To select the item click the

[Enter] button or press the
enter key on the keyboard.

Another sub-form will appear,

asking for the quantity to be
purchased by the customer.

Enter the item quantity, then

press the enter key on the
keyboard to proceed with the

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To make a payment click the [Payment] button or press the F9 key on the keyboard.

Once the payment form is open, the total

payment, discount, total, cash tendered, and
change will display. Enter the cash tendered
and press the enter key on the keyboard.

When the cash tendered is lesser than the

total, the system will notify an error message.

Setting Customer

To set the customer for the current transaction,

click the [Customer] customer button or press the
F7 key on the keyboard. The ‘Select Customer’
form will open. Enter the customer name in the
search box to search customer, then select the
customer name and click the [Enter] button or press
the enter key on the keyboard.

In the case of a new customer. Click the [Add]

button or press F1 on the keyboard. The ‘Add
Customer’ form will be open. Enter the required
information of the customer (required information

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are those fields with an asterisk mark (*)). If all the required information of the customer has been entered, click
the [Save] button.

Order, Customer and Discount details Setting customer to a transaction

Adding Discounts

Discounts are given to senior citizens, PWDs, and

some regular customers. A senior citizen discount
will only be applicable if the customer set is a
senior citizen. To set the discount, open the
‘Payment’ form and click the [20% Discount]
button or press F1 key on the keyboard. Note that
this button will only appear if the selected
customer is senior citizen.

Regular discount may also be given to any

customers upon the discretion of the store admin
or owner.

Printing Transaction Receipts

To print transaction receipts. Open the ‘Sales’

form. Search the transaction number and
transaction date. When the transaction is found
click the [Print Receipts] button or press the F1
key on the keyboard

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The ‘Print Preview’ form will appear. To
print the receipt click the [Print] button on the
top-left-most of the ‘Print Preview’ form or
press the Control + P key on the keyboard.

Make sure that the device printer is ready and properly setup to avoid error on printing the receipt.

Voiding Sales

To void a sales. Open the ‘Sales’ form. Search the

transaction number and transaction date. When
the transaction is found click the [Void Sales]
button or press the F2 key on the keyboard.

The ‘Verify User’ form will show. In this case the store administrator account will be use to verify the user. After the
verification of user, The ‘Void Transaction’ form will show. This form will ask for the reason on voiding the
transaction. Enter the reason and click the [Proceed void] button. The transaction will now be on the list of voided

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Returning Items

To return an item. Open the ‘Sales’ form. Search

the transaction number and transaction date.
When the transaction is found click the [Return
Items] button or press the F3 key on the

The ‘Verify User’ form will show. In this case, the

store administrator account will be used to verify
the user. After the verification of the user, The
‘Item to Return’ form will show.

This form will ask for the return quantity and the
reason for returning. Enter the return quantity
and reason, and then click the [Enter] button.
The item will now be on the list of return items.

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