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1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Oleh: Siti Nurzuliana



Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Personal letter
2. Invitation text
3. Announcement text
4. Advertisement text
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Garis besar materi yang Activity 1. Personal letter
1. Definition: Personal letter is a letter
that is written to people we know such
as friends or family
2. Social function: Talks about personal
3. Generic structure
a. Heading
b. Body
c. Closing
4. Language features
a. Focus on exchanging personal
current news, feelings, and
b. Use of pronouns, simple present
tense and past tense
c. Use of date and address
d. Informal greetings or salutations

Activity 2. Invitation text

1. Definition: Invitation text is a

document that presents a formal
request for the presence of an
individual, a group of people or an
organization at an event. Invitation is
divided into written form and spoken
2. Generic structure
a. Heading
b. Greeting
c. Day, date, time, venue
d. Invitation formal phrases
e. Reason for invitation
g. Closing
3. Social function
a. To invite people
b. Asking someone to go to a place
c. Asking someone to participate an
4. Language feature
a. Simple present tense
b. Using expression “would like”

Activity 3. Announcement text

1. Definition: Announcement is
something spoken, written or printed
to give information and let people
know what has happened or what will
2. Social function: to give information
formally to other people about certain
event or information
3. Generic structure
a. Title / head
b. Receiver
c. Content
d. Sender

Activity 4. Advertisement text

1. Definition: advertisement is a public

announcement in a newspaper, TV,
social media or internet advertising
something such as a product for sale
or services offered or an event.
2. Social function: To promote
something (product, services or event)
3. Generic structure
a. Purpose
b. Name of product
c. User
4. Language features
a. Attractive
b. Comparative and superlative
c. Compound word
d. Simple sentence

2 Daftar materi yang sulit Mengidentifikasi announcement

dipahami di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Membedakan announcement dengan
mengalami miskonsepsi advertisement

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