Extreme Mechanics Letters: Kecheng Li, Guodong Zhuo, Yinnan Zhang, Congshan Liu, Weiqiu Chen, Chaofeng Lü

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Extreme Mechanics Letters 55 (2022) 101809

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Hypergravitational Rayleigh–Taylor instability in solids

Kecheng Li a ,1 , Guodong Zhuo a ,1 , Yinnan Zhang a , Congshan Liu a , Weiqiu Chen c,d,e ,

Chaofeng Lü a,b,d,e ,
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, PR China
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, PR China
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, PR China
Key Lab of Soft Machines and Smart Devices of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, PR China
Soft Matter Research Center, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, PR China

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rayleigh–Taylor instability in solids results from the competition and dominance of the gravitational
Received 15 March 2022 potential against the elastic counterpart. We reveal systematically the phenomenon of hypergravita-
Received in revised form 26 April 2022 tional Rayleigh–Taylor instability in solids by exploiting a novel approach of centrifugal hypergravity.
Accepted 4 June 2022
A hydrogel plate is placed in a centrifuge with its free surface transforming from a flat state to a
Available online 11 June 2022
patterned state as the centrifugal gravity increases and exceeds a certain threshold. The experiments
Keywords: show that the centrifugal hypergravity enhances the gravitational potential and thus may induce
Hypergravitational Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities in thinner, lighter and stiffer hydrogel plates in contrast to the Earth gravity. There exists a
instability dimensionless critical hypergravity for a wider range of geometric size, mass density, elastic modulus
Hydrogel and gravitational acceleration, beyond which the post-buckling pattern is sensitive to the aspect ratio
Centrifugal hypergravity of the plate. We demonstrate that the theoretical results for the Earth gravity may be extended to
Post-buckling patterns hypergravitational scenario for plates with lateral boundary confinement. These findings may provide
a better understanding of the stabilities in natural solids under hypergravity and may pave a new way
of realizing specific fabrications in industries.
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction flow, so that the theory of Rayleigh–Taylor instability has been

extensively used to model the formation of intraplate orogeny
Rayleigh–Taylor instability (RTI), a gravity-driven instability, and mantle plumes [14,15]. Other examples were explored in
arises when a dense fluid above another lighter fluid, and has astrophysics and the explosion of supernova [16–18] that may
been well observed and studied in fluid flow due to the influence always subject to high acceleration or hypergravity. As the gravity
of gravity on the Earth [1–7]. If the interface between different may significantly affect the mechanical behavior of soft matter,
fluids is slightly distorted, the relatively dense fluid sinks and RTI may also relate to the surface morphology of biological tissues
penetrates the underlying lighter fluid, leading to the decrease in such as intestinal tissue and brain [19–21], as well as the wrinkles
the gravitational potential of the system. The grown instabilities occurring on pilots’ skin when the aircraft is accelerating in
of the interface are driven by the density difference and the human spaceflight [22].
acceleration of the fluids. This instability phenomenon also exists Recently, the RTI of a soft solid with its free surface fac-
in solids for a wide range of time and space scales and plays an ing downward was demonstrated experimentally and described
important role in a lot of engineering applications, such as inertial through a linear analysis [23]. Different from fluid, whether the
confinement fusion [8–10] and transmission of sediments [11]. free surface remains flat or distorted depends on the competition
In particular, the material strength of a solid can be inferred between the gravitational potential energy and strain energy of
by measurements of this instability growth on the surface of the solid, which may be designated by the normalized parameter
accelerated solids [12,13]. On the other hand, RTI is also of rel- ρ gH/µ with g denoting the Earth’s gravity (g ≈ 9.8m/s2 ), ρ ,
evance to some natural processes. It has long been realized that H and µ respectively the mass density, thickness and elastic
geodynamic processes can be described in terms of slow viscous shear modulus of the soft solid. The RTI occurs when the grav-
itational potential overcomes the elasticity beyond an instability
∗ Corresponding author at: College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, threshold. A nonlinear analysis demonstrated that the hexagonal
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, PR China. pattern on the free surface of an infinite elastic slab is energet-
E-mail address: lucf@zju.edu.cn (C. Lü). ically favorable and stable near the threshold value, for which
1 These authors contribute equally to this work. the illustrative experiments were performed in a finite slab [24].

2352-4316/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Li, G. Zhuo, Y. Zhang et al. Extreme Mechanics Letters 55 (2022) 101809

However, for an elastic slab with finite size, the critical load and 3. Results and discussion
instability patterns depend largely on the lateral confinement,
viscoelasticity and compressibility [25,26], as well as the ratio of 3.1. Experiments
thickness, shear moduli and density for two-layered solids [27].
Here, for the first time, we demonstrate experimentally that Fig. 2 exhibits the morphology evolution of a hydrogel plate
with the assistance of centrifugal acceleration, hypergravitational as the rotating speed increases. The hydrogel plate has a geo-
Rayleigh–Taylor instability (HRTI) may occur in solids that re- metrical size of R = 6.5cm and H = 0.783cm, mass density
mains stable under the Earth’s gravity. We report a novel ap- ρ ≈ 1.089g/cm3 and shear modulus µ ≈ 60.9Pa. When the
proach for enhancing the gravitational potential by exploiting rotating speed is zero, the free surface of the hydrogel plate
centrifugal acceleration to investigate the influence of the gravity remains perfectly flat without geometric distortion (Fig. 2a). As
intensity on RTI in an elastic soft plate. The centrifugal force is the rotating speed increases, the slight deformation induced by
an outward body force that pushes a rotating body away from the combination effects of the centrifugal and Earth’s gravity be-
its rotation axis. It has similar effects on the mechanical behavior comes obvious (Fig. 2b–c). When the centrifugal gravity exceeds
of matters and can therefore be used to provide a hypergravity, 4.9 g, the hydrogel deforms significantly (Fig. 2d) and apparent
but also enable to study RTI in soft solids with a wider range cuvettes appear suddenly from the bottom right (Fig. 2e). Sub-
of geometric size, elastic modulus, and gravitational acceleration. sequently, more cuvettes are induced with a slight increase in
The chronical evolution in the surface morphology of the soft the rotating speed (Fig. 2f) and eventually spread over the entire
solid with the change of gravity intensity is revealed experi- slab. These cuvettes evolve to perfect hexagonal patterns around
mentally. We obtain the critical condition for the HRTI through 6.9 g (Fig. 2g) and remain almost unchanged even with a slight
a linear stability analysis, and the post-buckling patterns are increase of the hypergravity (Fig. 2h). For further observation on
simulated by finite element simulations. This work may provide the phenomenon of HRTI, we performed a series of centrifuge
a lab evidence to the natural instability of solids under hyper- tests on hydrogel plates with different radii of R = 3.0 cm,
gravity as well as a novel method for design and fabrication of 5.0cm and 6.5cm. Figs. S3–S8 exhibits the evolution of the surface
(micro)patterning [28]. morphology of the hydrogels with respect to the hypergravity
intensity for selected cases. The dynamic evolution procedure of
2. Material and method the hydrogels may refer to the video (Supplementary Materials,
movie S1). From all examined cases, the evolution path of the
The experiments are performed in a specifically designed cen- patterns with the increasing hypergravity differs from case to
trifuge with a camera system rotating with a spindle sketched in case and always deviates from the vertical axis of the sample,
Fig. 1a. The soft sample is tailored in a plate shape with different which is basically owing to the material imperfection that stems
radius R and thickness H in an acrylic container that is fixed from the processing of the samples.
in the steel load container (Fig. 1b). The camera is installed at Based on the series of centrifugal tests on various hydro-
the end of the rotating arm and set facing to the free surface gel samples, the critical hypergravity for the onset of apparent
of the sample, which rotates synchronously with the sample and cuvettes is recorded for different thicknesses (Fig. 3). For each in-
remains relatively static to each other. A detailed description of dividual radius, the critical hypergravity decreases monotonically
the centrifuge operation and result recording process may refer with the thickness when the mass density and shear modulus
to Supplementary Materials, part A. in experiment are kept the same. This indicates that thicker
The soft solid sample selected in this experiment is poly- hydrogels are more prone to lose stability while the thinner re-
acrylamide hydrogel with a mass density of 1.077 ± 0.05g/cm3 . quire a larger hypergravity to induce instability. However, for an
The polyacrylamide hydrogels is prepared by copolymerization of arbitrary thickness in Fig. 3, the critical hypergravity for the case
acrylamide (AAm, 30g/L) and bisacrylamide (MBAA, 1g/L) in the of R = 3.0 cm and R = 5.0 cm are always larger than R = 6.5 cm
presence of initiators, tetramethylenediamine (TEMED, 0.6g/L) that has a larger mass density and much lower shear modulus.
and ammonium persulfate (APS, 1g/L), in deionized water. Then, These observations are easy to understand since a plate with
2% silane coupling agent KH-550 is added to the solution for mak- larger thickness or larger mass density and lower shear modulus
ing the hydrogel well bonded to the wall of the acrylic container. has a larger gravitational potential than the opposite counterpart
By controlling the concentration of monomers and cross-linkers under the same hypergravity to overcome the elasticity to distort
in the solution before gelling, we can easily regulate the shear the free surface.
modulus of the hydrogel. However, it depends significantly on the To better understand the underlying mechanism, a dimension-
temperature and humidity of curing environment even though less hypergravity factor, α = ρ NgH/µ, is defined to quantify the
the compositions are kept the same. As a result, the shear modu- effects of hypergravity on the hydrogel’s deformation, where N
lus of the hydrogel samples for the tests ranges from 49 ∼ 68 Pa is the times of the Earth’s gravity to denote the hypergravity
which are measured from the indentation test with a force sensor intensity. For all tests in Fig. 3, the average critical hypergravity
of a maximum range of 50 N(Supplementary Materials, part B). factor αc are obtained as 6.20 ± 0.4, 6.21 ± 0.14 and 6.30 ±
To study the critical load and final post-buckling patterns of 0.18 for the three radius cases (Fig. 4). This indicates that, the
the soft hydrogel, finite element simulations are conducted by dimensionless critical hypergravity factor αc remains almost the
using the commercial software ABAQUS. An incompressible Neo- same for plates with various thicknesses and a given radius. In
Hookean model with radius R and thickness H is subjected to addition, even though the material properties are different, the
gravitational acceleration g in the y direction, and hypergravity factor αc deviates very slightly to each other.
Ng in the z direction. The bottom and lateral surface of the cylin-
der are both fixed to simulate the confinement of the container. 3.2. Linear stability analysis and post-buckling simulation
The element type is a simplified integral 8-node hybrid linear
brick (C3D8RH). We first perform buckling analysis to obtain A theoretical finite deformation model with the neo-Hookean
the critical load and buckle mode of the instability. Then, we solid is also developed based on a linear stability analysis [25] to
introduce a small geometrical perturbation consisting of multiple understand rationally the onset mechanism of HRTI (Supplemen-
superimposed buckling modes on the surface of the cylinder tary Materials, part D). Based on the finite deformation analyses,
before simulation for post-buckling analysis by using the Riks the hypergravity factor α is found scaling to the combined pa-
method. rameter mH/R of the hydrogel plate according to the following
K. Li, G. Zhuo, Y. Zhang et al. Extreme Mechanics Letters 55 (2022) 101809

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental setup. (a) The work bench of the centrifuge. The load container and camera are located on the rotating arm that is
connected to the rotating spindle driven by a motor. The rotational radius of the load container can be altered as 20cm, 25cm and 30cm. (b) The photography of a
hydrogel plate in the acrylic container. A grid paper at the bottom of the transparent acrylic container is used to facilitate clear recognition on the deformation of
the hydrogel plate. (c) Schematic diagram of the confined hydrogel plate under hypergravity.

Fig. 2. The evolution of the surface morphology of a hydrogel plate with R=6.5cm, H =0.783 cm, µ ≈ 60.9 Pa with the increase of hypergravity. (a) The surface of
the hydrogel is flat. (b)–(c) The surface morphologies are almost the same. A slight deformation can be observed at the edge of the container. (d) The surface of the
hydrogel is suddenly and obviously deformed. (e)–(h) The surface morphology evolves gradually to a stable hexagonal pattern as the rotating speed increases until
the hypergravity value reaches 6.9 g.

characteristic equation, where m is the radial wave number. This indicates that for a
2 fixed aspect ratio R/H, Eq. (1) gives a function to determine
ρ NgH 2m HR 2 m HR
( ) ( )
H 1 + cosh + dimensionless load with different radial wave number m. And
α= = 2m (1)
µ 2m HR 2m HR there always exists a minimum α , i.e. the critical value αc or Nc
( )
R sinh +
K. Li, G. Zhuo, Y. Zhang et al. Extreme Mechanics Letters 55 (2022) 101809

Fig. 3. Experimental measurements of the critical hypergravity Nc g as a function of the thickness H. The mass density and shear moduli corresponding to
R = 3cm, 5cm and 6.5cm are ρ ≈ 1.050 g/cm3 , 1.017 g/cm3 and 1.094 g/cm3 , µ ≈ 55.0Pa, 63.0Pa and 55.0Pa, respectively.

Fig. 4. Dependence of the critical hypergravity factor αc on the aspect ratio R/H from numerical calculations, FEM simulations and experiments.

of instability [25], for attaining a specific stable mode that corre- Beyond the critical hypergravity, the surface morphology of
sponds to the onset of apparent cuvettes recorded in the tests in the hydrogel plate evolves gradually to a stable hexagonal pat-
Figs. 2 and 3. For all tests in Fig. 3, both the theoretical predictions tern (Fig. 2). To further investigate the post-buckling behaviors,
and numerical simulations using finite element method (FEM) the final stable patterns for different aspect ratios are recorded
for the critical hypergravity intensity Nc agree very well with
(Fig. 5). As R/H increases, the number of cuvettes in the final
the experimental observations (Fig. 3). The critical hypergravity
pattern increases, but the width of the cuvettes decreases, and, for
factor αc remains almost constant with respect to the aspect
ratio R/H for all tested samples and is identical to the theoretical R/H ≥ 4.70, the final post-buckling patterns approach to perfect
predictions and FEM simulations, i.e. αc ≈ 6.22 (Fig. 4). This αc ∼ hexagons. These hexagonal patterns are also predicted theoreti-
R/H scaling law indicates that, although the critical hypergravity cally for both the hydrogel plates under normal gravity [24] and
for onset of HRTI varies with the radius, thickness, mass density film–substrate system under biaxial compression [29]. Following
and shear modulus, the dimensionless critical hypergravity factor a weakly nonlinear analysis [24], the hexagonal pattern may be
αc for the considered cases remains constant. These phenomena obtained quantitatively with its dimensionless width λ/R derived
are similar as the RTI under the Earth’s gravity [23]. This may as (Supplementary Materials, part E)
provide a more robotic and flexible strategy for controlling the
RTI in solids based on combination use of hypergravity with λ 4π H
= √ (2)
material and geometric parameters. R 3kc R
K. Li, G. Zhuo, Y. Zhang et al. Extreme Mechanics Letters 55 (2022) 101809

Fig. 5. The final post-buckling patterns of hydrogels with different aspect ratios under hypergravity.

Fig. 6. Comparison of the experimental buckling width (λ/R) of the hexagonal pattern with the theoretical prediction and the FEM simulations for different aspect
ratios under hypergravity.

Here, kc = mc H /R ≈ 2.12 is the critical wave number where factor α , indicating that the wave length is only dependent on
mc is determined according to Eq. (1) together with αc . Fig. 6 the geometric size of the hydrogel plate. These post-buckling
shows the relationship between the width of cuvettes and the ge- phenomena are also well predicted using FEM simulations. These
ometrical size of hydrogel plate. The dimensionless width λ/R of
the hexagonal patterns decreases non-linearly with the increase excellent agreements between the simulations and experiments
of the aspect ratios R/H. Note that when the stable hexagonal enable to design and control of various patterns through the HRTI
pattern occurs, its width λ does not vary with the hypergravity for (micro)fabrications.
K. Li, G. Zhuo, Y. Zhang et al. Extreme Mechanics Letters 55 (2022) 101809

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