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General Psychology: University of New Mexico

(For a list of materials used in this course, please see


General Psychology is a one-semester, three-credit course that covers the following topics:

Introduction Learning
History of psychology Classical conditioning
Theoretical perspectives Operant conditioning
Sub-disciplines Cognitive learning
Social learning
Research Methods
Experimental design Memory
Quasi-experimental design Models of memory
Correlational research Encoding and retrieval
Naturalistic observation Forgetting
Case studies Improving memory
Surveys Biological factors
Psychobiology Drive, incentive, reward
Neurons Theoretical perspectives
Neural transmission Temperature regulation
Peripheral nervous system Hunger and thirst
Central nervous system Sex
Brain Psychosocial motives
Cerebral cortex structure and function
Sub-cortical structure and function Emotion
Endocrine system Physiological processes
Behavioral genetics Expressive processes
Cognitive processes
Sensory Processes Theories
Sensitivity and transduction Cultural differences
Vision Thought and Language
Hearing Reasoning
Gustation and olfaction Problem solving
Somesthetic senses Decision-making
Language structure
Perception Language and thought
Selective perception and attention Language development
Theoretical approaches
Form and pattern recognition Intelligence
Depth and space Nature of intelligence
Motion Intelligence tests
Time Heredity, environment, IQ

States of Consciousness Development

Nature of consciousness Perspectives on development
Biological rhythms Biological and environmental factors
Sleep and dreams Prenatal development
Hypnosis Cognitive development
Meditation Attachment
Drugs Socialization and peer relationships
Development across the lifespan
Death and dying

For more information, see http://www.theNCAT.org/R2R/R2R.htm.

Personality Health Psychology
Assessment Nature of stress
Psychodynamic theories Stress and disease
Cognitive-behavioral approach Coping strategies
Trait theories Effects of culture and gender
Humanistic theories
Socio-cultural approach Social Psychology
Biological factors
Psychological Disorders Attitudes
Approaches to psychopathology Person perception
Schizophrenia Self-perception
Mood disorders Attribution
Anxiety disorders Relationships
Dissociative disorders Altruism
Somatoform and psycho-physiological disorders Social influence
Personality disorders Cultural differences

Biomedical therapies
Psychodynamic therapies
Cognitive and behavioral therapies
Humanistic therapies
Group and family therapies
Treatment effectiveness


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