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1 GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA. KARNATAKA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, HUBLI. DEPARTMENT OF FORENSIC MEDICINE & TOXICOLOGY PM. No. /2022. Post Mortem Report Date. Name S| A | Caste | Whence brought Village, | Despatch | cea 8 tannah Date and hour of | | x le Ei | Receipt_| Examination | ony vo- | | UDR. No. to — | | US: |e | (Dead body kept in cold storage prior to postmortem examination.) Treated at 5 TP-No: ;D.O.A: aie DOE oat. [1 EXTERNAL APPEARANCE Condition of Subject stout Wound: size, | Bruises, position, | Mark of ligature on ‘emaciated, decomposed, ete. __| character size, nature neck, dissection etc. [Il] CRANIUM AND SPINAL CANAL. ‘Skull and Vertebrac Membranes Brain & Spinal cord ‘Sealp: Brain- Skull: Vertebrae: ‘Note: The spinal eanal need not be examined unless an indication of disease or injury exists 2 . {II} rHORAX ns Walls, ribs | Pleurne Larynx & | Right MFeftlung Pericardium, heart, trae! sels Risa cartilages: [IV] ABDOMEN s Peritoneum | Mouih Stomach and its ‘Small /Targe Giver] Spleen | pharynx and | contents intestine and its | esuphugus: contents | ns J} ebealiapeeica -- = | | | | Mucosa- | | : _{V| GENITO URINARY ORGANS Bi ; Kidneys Bladder ‘Organs of generation, external & Internal [VI] MUSCLES BONES AND JOINTS Injury Disease deformity Fracture Dislocation HI ‘More detailed description of injury of disease ‘Opinion as to cause of death Date:

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