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Child Development Division CD 4002

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(Revised March 2011)

Environment Rating Scale Summary of Findings

Contractor/Center: LAUSD: Miles Ave. Elementary School

Contract Type and/or Cal-SAFE: CSPP Planning Date: March 2011

Planner’s Name and Position: Lisette Sepulveda Follow-up Date: August 2011
Lead Teacher

Planner’s Name and Position: N/A Planner’s Name and Position: N/A

Sub-Scale Key Findings from Action Steps Expected Follow-Up

Average Environment Rating Scale (Include materials, training Completion (Changes made,
needs, any changes to Date and date completed,
schedules, space, and Persons and time extended.)
supervision.) Responsible

Nature / Science 1.1 No games, materials, or 1. – Purchase materials for June 2011
activities for nature / science science. Teacher: Ms.
ECERS# 25 accessible. Sepulveda
2. - Display the science and
Score= 1 natural area. June 2011

1.3 Hand washing often 1. – Supervise children when they June 2011
Toileting / neglected by staff or children are in the bathroom. Teaching
diapering after toileting. team
2. – Encourage children to wash
ECERS# 12 their hands after use the toilet.
Child Development Division CD 4002
California Department of Education Page 2 of 3
(Revised March 2011)
Score= 1

Room 5.2 Quiet and active centers 1. – Separate quiet center and June/08/2011
arrangement placed to not interfere with one active centers. Teaching
another. team
ECERS # 4 2. – Purchase soft toys for quiet
Score= 4

Room 5.1 At least three interested 1. - Provide carpet for the block June/06/2011
arrangement centers defined and area or moved the blocks to the Teacher
conveniently equipped. carpet area.
ECERS # 4 June/08/2011
2. - Provide occupational clothes Site
for the dramatic area.( Ex: nurse, Supervisor
doctor, police, plumber, etc)
Score= 4
3. - Move the quiet to a non active
play area.

Note: Clothes easy to dress by

5.1 Many music materials 1. - Purchase tape players. June/08/2011
Music/ accessible for children’s uses. Teaching
Movement 2. – Display instruments in the team
active area.
ECERS # 21 June/08/2011
Score= 4 Supervisor

Use as many sheets as necessary to address key findings for all subscale averages below "5".
Child Development Division CD 4002
California Department of Education Page 3 of 3
(Revised March 2011)

Instructions for Completing the Environment Rating Scale Summary of Findings

At the Contractor Level

 Average the ERS sub-scale scores for all of the classrooms/family child care homes. If the contractor has multiple sites, first
average sub-scale scores by site and then average those scores by contract.

 Complete a contractor-level ERS Summary of Findings for each contract. Fill out the information at the top of the page.

Item or Sub-Scale Average

 List all sub-scale names and scores for averages below "5."

Key Findings

 Summarize the descriptions of the reasons why the items received a score below "5," focusing on the most frequent issues.

 Develop and write at least two action steps that can be implemented program wide for each sub-scale average score below
Note: If the ERS Profile has no subscale averages below “5,” select two items common
to most of the classrooms/homes and develop action steps for improving program quality in these areas.

Action Steps

 Develop and write attainable action steps to improve the score to at least a "5."
 Include materials and training needed schedule, space, and supervision changes.

Expected Completion Date and Follow-up

 Write the date when the action steps are expected to be completed. List the name of the person(s) responsible for completing
the steps.

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