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Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement Standard Specification for AASHTO DESIGNATION: M 54M/M 54-94 (ASTM DESIGNATION: A 184/A 184M-90) 1, SCOPE L.A This specification covers mate rial in mat (or sheet) form fabricated from hot-rolled deformed steel bars 10 be used for the reinforcement of con- crete, The mats shall consist of two layers ‘of bars that are assembied at right angles to each other. Mats may be assembled by clipping oF welding at the intersections. 1.2 This specification is applicable to orders in either SI units (as M 54M) or inch-pound units (as M $4). SI units and inch-pound units are not necessarily equivalent. Inch-pound units are shown in brackets in the text for clanty, but they are the applicable values when the material is ordered to M 54. 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2A AASHTO Standards: M 31MM 31 Deformed and Plain Billet-Stee! Bars for Concrete Reinforcement M 42M/M 42 Rail-Steel De- formed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement M 53MM 53. Axle-Steel De- formed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforcement 22 ASTM Standards ‘A T06/A 706M Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Deformed Bars for Conerete Reinforcement 23° Military Standanis: MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-163 Steel Mill Products Prepara- ‘ion for Shipment and Storage 24 Federal Standard: Fed, Std. No. 123 Marketing for Shipments (Civil Agencies) 3. ORDEI G INFORMATION 3.1 The purchaser should specify 3. Quantity, 3.1.2 Size and spacing of members in each direction, 3.3. Grade required 300, 350, 420 [40. 50. 60, 34 Type of steel as appropriate {see Section 4), 3ALS Clipped or welded mats. and 3.46 AASHTO M S4M/M 54 and year of issue. SOTE 1—A typical ordering description is as°follows: 1000 clipped bar mats co AASHTO M 4M. fabricated from Grade 300 bars to AASHTO M 3IM- £150 by 150 mm; No, 10 by 3000 ‘nm longitudinal up to tp, outer bars spaced 2850 mm, [1000 welded bar mats: Grade 40: (AASHTO M $4 dated __:6 by 6 in: No. 4By 120 in longitudinal up (0 Up, omer bars spaced 54 in: No.3 by 60 in: transverse, cuter bars spaced 114 in} 4. MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURE, 4L_Deformed steel bars of Grades 300, 350, and 420 [40, 50, and 60] used in the manufacture of clipped mats shall conform to one of the following specifi- cations: M 31M (M 31), M 42M {M 42], M 53M (M 53], or A 706M [A 706} 42. Deformed stee! bars of Grade 300 [40} used in the manufacture of ‘welded mats shall conform 10 Specifica tion M 31M (M 31}. Deformed steel bars ‘of Grade 420 (60) used in the manufac- ture of welded mats shall conform 10 Specification M 31M [M 31] or A 706M [A 706}, 5. FABRICATION 5.1 Fabricated mats shall be com- posed of two layers of bars substantially parallel and perpendicular to each other. Mats shall be fabricated in a manner that assures against appreciable dislodgement of the members during handling, ship- ping, placing. and concreting, 3.2 Assembly—Mals shall be assem- bled by means of welding or clipping to provide attachment at intersections. 1 Welds: A Welds at inersections shall be made in a workmanlike manner and shall provide attachment at all exterior imeersections and at less than alternate interior intersections. S212 The separation of 5 percent of less of all welded intersections of ‘any mat shall not be cause for rejection provided that no more"than half of the Welds on any one bar are separated. 5.213 Welding shall be done in such a manner that the minimum tensile strength, yield strength. and elongation requirements in Section 4 shall be met when a specimen is tested across a point of weld. $2.2 Clips—Clips for clipped mats shall be formed mechanically prior to or during the fabrication and assembly of the mats. They shall engage and attach 48 both bars at any intersection in such ‘manner that separation in normal han- dling is prevented and the assembly con- forms to the requirements hereitiafter specified for physical tests of attachment at intersections. 4, MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 61. Sirength ef Connections in Welded or Clipped Deformed Bar Mat.—lt shall be considered satisfactory compliance with this specification if con- nections made by clipping shall be cap bie of withstanding & static load of 335 NN (75 Ibf] exerted in the direction of céther bar, with not more"than 13 mm {ein} sip: and, on ei clipped or welded mats, static load of 670 N (150 Ibf] exerted perpendicular to the plane of the mat tending to separate the bas. ‘with no apparent loosening when applied {o one intersection of connected bars 62 Number of Tests 621 For chipped mats, one bar of cach sie (diameter) or grade 10 be used in the fabrication of the mat shall be tested for conformance with the provis- jons of Section 6.1 for each 7000 ny {75000 f°} of mats o: fraction thereof 62.2 For welded mats. one sample consisting of not Tess than two connec- tions on the same transverse: member shall be tested for conformance with the provisions of paragrapns Sections 5.21.3 fand 6.1 from each 7000 m? [75000 f°} ‘of mats or fraction thereof 63. Tes: Methods 63,1 Tension test specimens for de- termining conformance with Section shall have a welded joint located ‘approximately at the center of the bar being tested and the cross bar shall ex tend approximately 25 mm {1 in. beyond ‘each side. All unit stress determinations Shall be based on the nominal area calc lated using the nominal diameter specified. ‘632 Tests of connections against slipping may be performed on clipped intersections in an assembled mat by means of a spring balance (Section 6.1). 633 Tests of connections against separation may be performed on. an as- sembled mat by placing blocks under a welded or clipped deformed bar in the SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS upper layer and applying the prescribed Jad upon the bar in the lower layer. 7. SIZE, DIMENSIONS, AND ‘TOLERANCES ‘7A. Size and Spacing Dimensions— ‘The sizes. spacings, dimensions, and ar- rangement of the bar mats shall conform to the design specified by the purchaser. Bars shall extend beyond exterior inter~ sections a distance of not less than 25 ‘mm [1 in. The spacing of bars shall average that specified in the design. and the space between individual bars shall not vary more than 6 mm ['%, in, from that specified. 72. Widih and Length Tolerances— ‘The overall length or width of the mats shall not be more than 25 mm {1 in) greater or less than the specified dimension 8, FINISH AND SURFACE ‘CONDITION 8.1 The finished mats shall be free fof injurious defects in material or ‘workmanship. ‘8.2 Rust, surface seams, surface ir- regulariues. or mill scale shall not be cause for rejection provided the mass. ‘dimensions including height of deforma- tion, cross-sectional area, and tensile properties of @ hand wire-brushed test specimen are not less than the require- ments of this specification 9. INSPECTION AND TEST REPORTS. 9.1 Inspection—The inspector rep- resenting the purchaser shall have free ‘entry, at all umes while work on the contract of the purchaser is being per- formed. to all parts ofthe manufacturer's plant that concern the fabrication of the ‘mats ordered. The manufacturer shall af- ford the inspector all reasonable facilites M 54M to satisfy that the mats are being fur- nnished in accordance with this specifica- tion. Al tests and inspection shall be made at the place of fabrication prior to shipment, unless otherwise specified. and shall be so conducted as not to interfere ‘unnecessarily with fabricating opera- tions. Inspection as to general workman- ship shall be visual 9.2. Test Reports on Bar Materi ‘The manufacturer shall supply test re- pports showing that the material used in the fabrication of the mats as delivered thas fulfilled the tension and bend test requirements of the specified type and ‘grade described in Section 4. The reports shall show the manufacturer's test idemti- fication numbers. including the identity of the material 93 For Government Procurement Only—Except as otherwise specified in the contract, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection and test requirements specified herein. Ex- ‘cept as otherwise specified in the con- traci, the contractor may use his own for any other suitable facilities for the performance of the inspection and test requirements specified herein. unless dis- approved by the purchaser at the time fof purchase. The purchaser shall have the right to perform any of the inspec: tions and tests at the same frequency as set forth in ths specification where such inspections are deemed necessary 10 as- sure that matenal conforms to pre seribed requigements 10. REJECTION AND RETESTS 10.1. Fabricated mats that d0_not eet the requirements ofthis specific tion shall be rejected and reported tothe Supplier within 5 working day from the receipt of samples by the purchaser TO. In case atest specimen fails to meet the provisions of Section 6.1. two aitionalsampies shall be selected and tested, All retest specimens shall meet the requirements of this specification, 10.3 In case a test specimen fails to meet he provisions of Section 5.2.13, of the remaining bars on the ansverse member shall be tested and the average ofall tests including the orginal test) M S4M SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS 49 shall meet the requirements specified in Section 5.21.3 11, REHEARING ALL Samples tested in accordance with this specification that represent re- jected material shall be preserved for 2 ‘weeks from the date rejection is reported to the manufacturer. In case of dissatis- faction with the results of the tests, the supplier may make claim for a hearing within that time, 12 MARKING 12.1 Each bundle of mats shall be marked with a suitable tag showing the fname of the manufacturer and other marking to identify it with the order. 12.2. For Government Procurement Onls—When specified in the contract, material shall be preserved. packaged and packed in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-163, The applicable levels shall Se as specified ‘in the contract. Marking for each ship- ‘ment of such material spall be in accor- dance with Fed. Std, No. 123 for civil agencies and MIL-STD-129 for mil tary agencies.

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