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Module 2: Maternity Benefit: Post Examination

1. The date of effectivity of the guidelines on EMLL shall be applied on or after what date? *
March 11, 2019
2. This refers to a period of two consecutive quarters ending in the quarter of contingency. *
Semester of Contingency
3. This refers to pregnancy loss on or after the 20th week of gestation, including stillbirth. *
Emergency Termination of Pregnancy
4. In the computation of maternity benefit, you should count _____________ backwards
starting from the month immediately before the semester of date of delivery, miscarriage or
emergency termination of pregnancy. *
12 months

5. The EMLL covers all female workers in the private sector, except: *
none of the above
6. The following are the limitations to the grant of maternity benefits, except: *
The SSS shall pay directly the female member who is separated from employment / SE/VM
/ OFW.
7. Maternity Benefit Applications may be filed within ____________ from the date of delivery,
miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy. *
10 years
8. The _________ payment of maternity benefit shall be advanced by the employer within
_________ days from the filing of the maternity leave application. *
full; 30 days
9. The maternity leave can be credited a combinations of ______________ and ___________
leave. *
prenatal and postnatal

10. Employed female members shall receive maternity benefit consisting of _______________
and ________________. *
SS maternity benefit and salary differential
11. The child's father or, in his death, absence, or incapacity, the ___________________ shall be
granted by his employer a leave with pay equivalent to 1-7 days, which may be enjoyed in a
continuous or in a intermittent manner. *
alternate caregiver
12. Failure of the pregnant employed female member to notify the employer shall
not bar her from receiving the maternity benefits, subject to guidelines to be prescribed by
the SSS
13. This refers to a person who shares an intimate relationship and lives with the female worker.
Current Partner
14. In the case of live childbirth, an additional maternity leave of____________days, without
pay, can be availed of, at the option of the female worker provided that the employer shall
be given due notice in writing at least _____ days before the end of the female worker's
maternity leave. *
30 days; 45 days 
15. The option to allocate maternity leave credits shall not be applicable in case the female
member _____________________________. *
suffers miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy
16. A female member may allocate _______ days of her maternity leave credits. *
up to 7 days

17. This refers to three consecutive months ending March, June, September or December. *
18. What is the correct formula in the computation of full pay? *
Full Pay = [(daily rate x factor)/12] x maternity period in months

19. In determining the female member's entitlement to the maternity benefit, the SSS shall
consider only those contributions ____________________________________ *
paid prior to the semester of contingency
20. Compute for the amount of maternity benefit: Member's date of delivery is August 10, 2020
(live childbirth). Her monthly salary credit per SSS records is ₱16,000 starting 2018 to
present. *

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