E Children's School Tuition Fees, Real Estate Taxes and Other Necessities

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CALDERON V. ROXAS HELD: The orders are interlocutory.

G.R. No. 185595 The Court laid the distinction between interlocutory and final orders:
January 9, 2013 A final judgment or order is one that finally disposes of a case, leaving nothing
more to be done by the Court. Once rendered, the task of the Court is ended, as
FACTS: Ma. Carminia Calderon and Jose Roxas were married on 1985, and they far as deciding the controversy. Nothing more remains to be done by the Court
had 4 children. On 1998, Calderon filed a complaint for declaration of nullity of except to await the parties’ next move, among which consist of filing a motion
their marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity. for new trial or reconsideration. Ultimately, to cause execution of judgment
On 1998, the trial court granted Calderon’s application for support once it becomes “final”.
pendente lite whereby Roxas ordered to contribute to the support of their On the other hand, it is interlocutory when the order does not finally
minor children with the sum of P42k per month, aside from the 50% of their dispose of the case, and does not end the Court’s task of adjudication.
school tuition and other school expenses, until further order of the trial court. In the present case, the assailed order are in connection to the
On 2003, Roxas filed a Motion to Reduce Support on the ground that the incident of support pendente lite. They were issued pending the decision
P42k monthly support was even higher than his then P20k monthly salary. On on the main action for declaration of nullity of marriage, and therefore are
March 7, 2005, the trial court granted the motion to reduce support. It interlocutory. They did not finally dispose of the case nor consists of a
considered the circumstance as supported by evidence: final adjudication of the claim.
(1) their eldest child, Jose is a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairman and is already earning a The Rules of Court provide fir provisional remedy of support
monthly salary;
pendente lite which may be availed of at the commencement of the proper
(2) all the children stay with Roxas on weekends in their house in Pasay City;
(3) Roxas has no source of income except his salary and benefits as City Councilor; proceeding, or any time prior to the judgment or final order.
(4) the voluminous documents substantiated his claim that he is fulfilling his obligation of According to the Court, “interlocutory” refers to something intervening
supporting his minor children during the pendency of the action; between the commencement and the end of the suit; and is not a final decision
(5) there is no proof presented by Calderon that she is not gainfully employed, the spouses
of the whole controversy. It merely resolves incidental matter and leaves
being both medical doctors;
(6) the unrebutted allegation of Roxas that Calderon is already in the United States; and something more to be done to resolve the merits of the case. Clearly, whether an
(7) the alleged arrearages of Roxas was not substantiated by Calderon with any evidence order or resolution is final or interlocutory is not dependent on compliance or
while private respondent had duly complied with his obligation as ordered by the court non-compliance by a party to its directive. It is also important to emphasize the
through his overpayments in other aspects such as th e children’s school tuition fees, temporary or provisional nature of the assailed orders.
real estate taxes and other necessities. Provisional remedies are writs and processes available during the
On May 4, 2005, Calderon made motion for reconsideration of the above- pendency of the action to preserve and protect certain rights and interests
mentioned order, but is was denied. therein pending rendition of a final judgment. They are provisional because they
On May 16, 2005 RTC rendered judgment declaring the marriage null constitute temporary measures availed of during the pendency of the action,
and void. Ordering Roxas to provide support in the amount of P30k per month. and they are ancillary because they are mere incidents in and are dependent
The judgment before final. upon the result of the main action. The subject orders on the matter of
In Calderon’s appeal, she emphasized that she is not appealing the support pendente lite are but an incident to the main action for
decision which had become final. She pointed out that her appeal is from the declaration of nullity of marriage.
RTC order on March 2005, an order issued prior to the decision in the main Lastly, the remedy against an interlocutory order not subject of an
case, as well as her motion for reconsideration on May 4, 2005. appeal is an appropriate special civil action under Rule 65 provided that the
CA dismissed the appeal on the ground that grating the appeal would interlocutory order is rendered without or in excess of jurisdiction or with
disturb the RTC decision on May 2005, which had long become final and grave abuse of discretion. Having chosen the wrong remedy in questioning the
executory. CA further noted that Calderon failed to avail of the proper remedy to subject interlocutory orders of the RTC, Calderon’s appeal was correctly
question an interlocutory order. dismissed by the CA.

ISSUE: WON the March 7 and May 4 Orders on the matter of support
pendente lite are interlocutory or final.

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