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A different education - History not only wars and victors but also ecological changes to the landscapes. Movements in history to include the subaltern narrative, similar movements to include ecological changes 4 Ant FLAC ENVIRONMENT Art 400 , At LACQ) Chemical Accidents in ‘© sudden, uncontrolled release of gas/ol in Assam from Baghjan 5 well © variety of fish end an endangered Gangetic dolphin have died, © close is the Maguri-Molapung wetland —an Important Bird Area notified by the Bombay Natural History Society recent 20,000-tonne oil eak at an Arctic region powerplant in Russia © thermoelectric slant at is bull entirely on permatrost, whose weakening over the years due to climate change caused the pillars supporting a fuel tank to sink,eading to loss of containment Pemalost yr Arctic regions are warming twice as fast compared to the rest ofthe plane ware 4 © sinking effect causes damage to key infrastructure such as roads, railway lines, buildings, power 817 lines and pipelines that serve more than 25 crore people that live in permafrost regions AUAILY —® MoEFCC clearance to Industrial minning infra project in ertcal wildlife habitat: with ust 10min video ea conferencing without environment assesmnet.+ public consulation Pe © Etalin hydropower project in debang valley arunachal pradesh, © Goal mine in Assem dehing pathol elephant reserve © Diamong minning in panna © Goal mine of adani in odisa talchar region © Limestone mine gic national park ‘© New EIA notification allows starting project before approval no longer & violation, it can be regularised post facto © Wider exemption for strategic project © Aclass of project to get clearance without putting info Co, emvtsions have te fait by ee 1.5" Rupert: To chiens 15‘c torgek Oty ro Climate change 26% fom ate eg ate 1eY Mony ate eal wait Che) ge fish ge-toaee © op four emitters (China, USA, EU and Incia) contribute to over 5% of the total emissions, India | Te “4th place , G20 contribute 78% Caabsene budge: | a 7.5% each yor trench 1.5% BY 2090, Wcbssey | + wighepo: sate of abl clmate #37], “India carbon dioxide in 2018 had touched 407.8 pails pet milion (ppm), which was 147% of } preindustial level ¥ oe Decmapent 25% of bal onsoen ; = IPCC report ie : © global food system is responsible for 21 {0 37 per cent of the world's GHG emissions.loss of , nutrition security . wy " FAO, isto industry single mot ages emer of methane ‘ © Glaciers :At the end of century century, glaciers are projected to lose around 18% of their mass Okt compared 2015 level under low emission, by 3rd ae iacineaich luton) © Greenland ice sheet curently losing mass at around twice the rate of is Antarctic 1 arggusemiter Q + Brena Kpulats te Ti mane vulnecshle EUR) & Une Ce sia 9% cet Se mest cnyupert= rahe tenant of esmattoat have approximately {Wis 98 much carbon In pematost han is currently inthe Earths atmosphere. ‘Onaan curent rte of See Level Rise (SLA) is now larger than the mean rate ofthe previous two he a Angie water have quadiuned. (YON cana) , Glimate change performance Index, India rank. th " Global climate risk index :India's rank has worsened from 14th spot ir 2017 toh most vulnerable country Highest number of people impacted impacted By environment © Global Report on inlernal Displacement (GRID. 2048), in 2018, ofthe total new 28 milion internally 1 aise Violence, Jaced people in 148 countries, 61% were dus 0 dsasts. in compaison 98H ere eo cone and New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, UNHCR (2016): Global Commact.on safe, orderly and regular migration, 2018: Nansen itiative- Platform on Disaster Displacement 2016): It 4+ COP25 said itis erage! > © Carbon pricing cover total ‘of global emission © Earth overshoot day =~ GOVT eteps Green conde © Carbon Tax : carbon emission cess, € INDG + Gujarat emission trading scheme FAME * Global ey - At-for 56 2 ‘uriisins o ty 2050) ° wage 8 lett 0 ‘Suggestion Emission trading mechanism, GEF and GCF, SCCF, Adaptation fund, UNFCCC, market mechanism , SDM replacing CDM ;REDD plus Climate Action Summit Climate emergency by UK and leland WEF, one tllion tre initiative Green deal of EU, SACEP of SAARC countries < zero carbon law oF new zealand ‘C40 World Mayors’ Summit: local level city coordination for sustainable development © Negative emission Afforestation ) © Use of technology tke COUS POLLUTION Data deotin agen 275 million Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY). CATA «Ant related deaths: India accounts for highes: number of such deaths in the world- aba jowed by China wih abouts, Air Pollution DATA Greenp Longest emitenr i $0 vo BY greanpeace wage + Air Pollution related deaths: India js at 2nd position with oA * {iHO. airpoliuion is new tobacco) it eace: Cost of fo lution-$2.9 trilion; India-S150bn-26.4%wof GDP * ee YZ, © India State Level Disease Burden Initiative: 201744 out of B deaths due to air pollutior eee De ii with less ‘» Life expectancy in India has gone down by 2.6 years due to deadly diseases caused by air pollution. © 99% of chi jer Sare exposed to dangerous levels of PM2.5. "CAUSES. + Environmental © Landlocked Indo Gangetic region, no sea breeze © Winter season and flow of westerlies: © Shrinking Aravilis and deforestation © Dust storm and forest fire, volcanic eruptions ‘© Anthropogenic: © Stubble bumning(Haryana, Punjab) © Vehicular and industrial émissjon eg NTPC BAdanpur plant, NOR industrial area © Dust and construction debris © Behavioural Carrer Ceied © Festivals: Diwali, Dusshera . © Increasing consymerismn(individual vehicle ownership, product delivey) STM TITS * Administrative ( Y2ITET ) Ineffective monitoring, planning, regulation eg Okhla power plant ‘Absence of preventive approach and long term planning Boards cannot levy penalties + FATA 7 Poor poltonlebiity regime: India's Air Act 4981, does not mention or prioriise the importance of reducing the ct of rising pollution. © The causes - olson a MUI and sveral agencies and mises are Involved eck of cooperation ¢ Tae ) GovrstePs + Legal 2 BSVInoms ‘© ‘Pollter pays prince’ © Clean environment cess” © Move towards renewables: © FAME2 + Administrative © NCAP(decrease pollution in 192 most polluted cities by 30% by 2024) ‘Graded response action plan(Delhi)-eg ban on construction activity- EPCA 'WAYU(Wind Augmenattion Purifying Unit)- CSIR NEERI NAational Green Corps- Eco Clubs Water sprinking Oud even policy © Monitoring of air qualiy-SAFAR(MoES), AI(Moefcc), NAAGS(CPCB) © Judiciat Gta & NGT ban on diesol vehicles beth : © ‘Green crackers’ ‘© Inclusic in, + Technological Tlppy Seeders Somes caftagy = come Smog towers Tonfaet co000 Puen Anti smog gun LIDAR- Light Detection and Ranging and WSN (Wireless Sensor networks) tech for better poll monitoring © SAMEER app- AQ! lwpact © OXYfurnaces in industres- fuel instead of atmospheric ar, reducing production of NOx by 90% in ind © Photocatalytic painte— used on roads- good oxidising potential © CSIR NEERI- web data repository of last 60 years- air quality studies Health-respiratony eye, heart problems 7 Economic- decrease in productvily, poor visibly for transportation, brain drain (DALY) * Social: unequal in-pact- homeless, children; burden on health infra; losing of schocls Climate change, Global Warming , A cis 4a WAY FORWARD: int + Prior Eze fuel ‘ethanol blend, “ot: 4 esd seas srengy A cous Holistic urban planning © Green spaces, spaces for cycling (Smart Bikes) and walking eg Germany, Netherlands, transit oriented development §— GIGI Seid (act at © Multimodal transport network-elecric buses, metro” Policy © Staggered office hours Electric vehicle policy - FAME phase 2—~emphasis on charging infrastucture (penetration of electric vehicles India 016%) China - 2%, Norway ~ 39% A © Energy mix ko theek karo in favour of clean renewable energy — THT 3F ) © Fixing industrial responsibiliy~- CSR, Polluter pays principe, incentives, taxation © Congestion tax © Quotas on motor vehicle sales- worked in Beljing, London Institutional © Pollution control boards should be empowered to declare public health emergencies in case of toxic air quality, with the power to temporarily shut down all polluting activities. © Proper ot waste di © Ensuring better multi agency and multi state cooperation Behavioural} — ‘© Reduction of consumerism © Awareness © Role models- Greta Thunberg SCOT GAT © Promote circutanjecoriomyie Fagd —> epee Scientific disposal of fy ash, making bricks, used in construction, agriculture, as adsorbent = ae ) Better research, more effective solutions and tech OTM eaT I © Artificial leaf- reducing carbon footprint-—-quantum tech Positive egs © Tandrust Punjab: for ar pollution te ° Cl s---parali (stubble) daan- creation of organic fertiliser by rural youth J © Thailand- incentivising power generation using stubble- 'Very small power plant’ scheme for biomass projects below 10MW w very attractive tarifs, © Mujkuwa mode (ujrat SHG, cooperative ji emt), sel sry foro fetzer under Natorl Bloges and Manure Mgmt Programme Stubble burning Reason ‘Agro based economy Combined harvester, 60% from rice ) Sombined harvest wi é Cea Managernune feeb, + tn Silty Mannguranr oy Crel wer ere + Wind distin rom west to east Milt, calm atmotp with Festivals, like use crackers in Diwali 02) made the time period of stubble burmina coincident with the F onset of wintrin Noten nda © Construction dust + Sina sizad landholding, inability to buy better technology, besides, available technology ‘equie greater saintenance wi ower ime fr uligllon(15-90days in mon) «Fos fuel emission from industry. vehicle. power plast + Steps EPA © NGT steps, banned in rajasthan, haryana © National policy for management of erop residue © Promotion of agriculture mechanisation Suggestion ‘0/ Diet Seeding of Rice(DSR) technique- get sufcient ime after harvesting-no need for stubble buring + Happy seeders machines + ortacton: covert to bio coal 2¥/Aireen cracker ike SWAS, SAFAL ete «Promote circular economy © Scientie disposal of fy ash, making bricks, used in constuction , agricul, as adsorbent ° ! « //biversteaton of ope Fly ASH «Dry Fly Ash Disposal system: Electrosta © ” Maharas ‘¢CERC to monitor and ntpes shall monitor Notfcattons on Fly Ash Utiizaton in 2016 had © Mandatory uploading of details of fly ash available on Thermal Power Station's (TPS) © Cost of transportation of fly ash to be borne entirely by TPS up to 100 km and © [flatgetof 100% Fly Ash utiization by 2017; Mandatory use of fly ash based products, Water poltution Data precipitation (ESP 5 . enediy Hite @42) | 9 eet + SEB ris itr Boar esa ross the country have pockets with arsenic levels. Figher than the Bureau of indian Standards (BISf stipulated permissible limit of 0.04 miligram per lire (mg). ‘¢_NITI Aayoa's CW (Cor ex) report, © nearly 600:milion Indians face “high to extreme water stress" “TOF AAT] © TSikhausehalds do not have drinking water on their premises. 81.67% of rural households do not have tap water connections © India's annual per capita availabiliy.of water fell rom 1,820 cubic meters in 2001 to 1,545 cubic ‘meters in 2011, ‘ising water demand inthe country, whichis likely to double by 2030. 4 India uses the largest amount of groundwater but is also the third largst exporter of groundwater. © 60% ofthe inigation needs, 85% of rural drinking water needs and 50% of urban needs are met ~ through groundwater. © 2017", 90% of ground water extracted is used in iigation sector © almost 70% of drinking water is contaminated. ‘Causes: + Sewage water - from households, hotels, hospitals, ete. + Bekaviourat ~ “lols omnis on «Industrial waste - from industries such as petroleum, paper, leather (major source of pollution of ee Ganga in Kanpur), metal extraction, processing, chemical engineering - carying heavy metals C such as Cadmium, Mercury, Copper, Lead, Arsenic, lc ATG sarang rch ° ASCH ents eng * faeisUry AAA — 2 estcides including insecticides, tungleldes, herbicides, etc. They contain a wide + Cow , CWE range of chemicals such as chlorinated hydrocarbons (E.g. ODT, Endosulfan.etc.), 4 onenerthip of Mat ‘organophosphates, metalic salts, carbonates, etc. 2 1 Wastes trom poultry tars, pingeries and slaugtorhouses, c18)31 0 Thermal and Radiation Pollution: Power plants ~ thermal and nies, chemical and other dusts use a lot of water for cooling puposes a increase in water temperature decreases dissolved oxygen inthe water » Warmwater conducive foralgalblooms tf fol YE%24 fa sudden ise in temperature ks fishes and other aquatic animals eeay soins store the hot water in coling pots, allow the water to cot before releasing ito any receiving water body = Nuclear accidents near water bodies ~ radiation leakage (radiation exposure) into water bodies. Eg, Fukushima Daichi nuclear disaster. » Invasive Specie: water hyacinth (Terror of Bengal) due to Europtication sam B2TE Grounanator pluton seepage rom nati and mncpl wastes and eens, sewage channels and agricultural runoff and Over-expotation of groundwater 2 Dp 4 Effects: On Human Health: ‘© Domestic and hospital sewage - pathogenic microorganisms- disposal without proper treatment may cause outbreak of serious diseases, such as typhoid. cholera. etc. © Bioaccumulation Endosuifan, Arsenic) and Biomagniication © Examples of diseases - mercury - minamate, cadmium tt iti arsenic black foouhing and skh cancer, lead poisoning, ete © Onenvironment: jnwnaure ApLeiva © Algal blooms dying oflakes and rivecs- aquatic fe «Jem prodiuttiols 0 High concentrations of DOT ctu acum meabolsm in bids, hich causes thinning of eggshell _ won and their premature breaking, eventually causing a decline in bird populations. (Biodiversity) + hand murat “Avian Botulism (fav conditions - low oxygen, high protein substrate) - Sambar lake + Polilia NO Endosuitan: humans (hazardous effect on human genetic and endocrine system), animals, environment Supreme Court in 2011 banned the production, distribution and use ~ large number of victims reported in Kasargode (Kerala) ‘¢ Endosuifan included in Stockholm Convention on POPS + Effecs: delayed Reproductive development, autism, bioaccumulation, sensory loss, neurotoxicity Govt Steps. + Intorms of Over-exploitation: “National water palicy © Ministy of Jal Shalt 1 Jal shakt abhiyen estab sean Anfang tine OIA 1 focus ef the campaign is on wator strossed dilrcts and blocks, converganca and citizen partnership based _slalwanimission JJM aims at providing Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to every rural household by Provides for © Wiatacsunetuinteonmueties + Technological intervention s * Management plans © Planning at local level © Institutional mechanism = Panisamitiplan, implement, social audi, distiet water and sanitation mission, state water and sehitation mission, , ‘rational jal jivan mission centre at central level nef Negro © Community paticnation ( ) Bo ° panchayats under MGNREGA = 60%, 63 water Maes varia) 30min wo spot ‘a cn) Ganlpanchensts if heels ewiiey. Ae) 1 iit mayration, © Ral bhoojalyoina for around water management 1 ground water management through community participation 0 Madaket o unched Saguscraehlishaetalauatate’ tae & © Madhya Pradesh’s “Shagiath Kiishak Abnivan’: constructing ponds etc paver © Dong Bundh System in the North East, Otis jlsatt programm wth wornen paicipation "© Meghalaya becarre first state to approve a draft water policy.“ “© Muka Mant Jal Swavlambhan Abhiyan (MUSA Rejastan- Its mut-stakeholder programme ) hi sims te make vilages sof suint in water hrough a prcipatory water manegomont approach, _ off Mission Kakatlya, Telangang-It aims to restore over 48,000 tanks + Interms of Water pollution ; ais NAMAMI GANGE freshwater salinlsaione © CPCB. Water quality boards at different locations on River Ganga syreene © Eco-friendly deity idols for immersion. + separate pond in dathi © Recycling of temple waste - Varanasi - tonnes of flower waste used to make incense sticks - empowering women io Lunil = &/)~ ‘Suggestion Punps- fant Bachoo Paisa Kansas * Need of metering and progressive ater pricing espedally fy aaricuture + Dublin rinse parteipatory approach commisanen ‘+ _ Mihir shah committee report on Restructuring the CWC and CGWe: © Autonomous, Nati ission to be established as the nation's apex facilitation Coneastrt organization dealing wit icy, data and governance. Ut 0 warned against the perils of dependence on large dam projects at shit fous rom construction io decentralized management and maintenance FA% AFC #Stokeholderapproach in extensive watershed management plans at al loves vilage, cy, dt, regional state and national -alinlegrated and aligned wih eachother * CERAMIC MEMBRANES for heavy metal palution Soil pollution and land degradation © Suggestion © Bioremediation, biominning Plastic pollution Data Global and domestic initiative © Plastic waste management rules 2016 © National marine iter policy © Honolulu strategy, for marine debris dorm © Global Toursm PiasicsIiistve “CAICE) 5 clean seas campaign iniiave Of UNEP ‘¢ (UNEP) had declared the theme for World Environment Day 2018 as ‘Beat Plastic, Ewaste £ ERT About ‘© They are discarded and end-oflife electronics products ranging from computers, equipment used in electric instruments and their equipment. current scenario ‘© India generates about Pion anes ofewaste anaually andzanks fh after US, China, Japan and German _\__ * compound exnual growth rate (CAGR) of about 30% SRT 3F77ATEE © By 2031, municipal solid waste is Supposed To tise to 165 million tonnes and, if unprocessed, would reaui iT 1240 hectares of land for disposal re : i ae Beach =. (4°, siformos atelier) © only about 15% ofall e-waste globally is recycled, Govt steps @ MP made e waste clinic in BHopal | @ Ewaste management aie ° uch as,Producer Responsibility Organisations (PROS). Consumers, Dismantlers, Recyciers, Dealers, Manufacturers etc © introduced Pan India Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) under CPCS replacing state wise holding producers responsible for of managing their products. because producers have greatest control over product design and marketing China and japan have benefited from it © adopted collection merhanism-hesed approach which includes collection centre, collection point, ane take back system etc. for collection by Producers under EPR. © interest-bearing Denasit Refund Scheme charged by producer to consumer at time of purchase. © Coverage :components and spare parts ,CFL and mercury containing elements as well State Governments responsibilty for maintaining industrial space for recycling facilities © establish measures for protecting health and safety of workers > Provision of penalty | ‘© Ushan Local Bodies civen duyto éollect and channelize orphan produets to authorized dismantle, establish solid waste management facility within 2 yes . iat anageneHy Anata aTTG 2 - © fonmalise. e-waste recycling sector © Phase wise Collection targets for e-waste, which shall be 10% of quantity of waste.generation as indicated in EPR Plan during 2017-18, witha 10% increase every year nti 2028. After 2023 “70% | ° Ret testing cost to be boine by government + Now part of Basel ban (bath plastic and e west) Issues \ ith waste o They so fidzaideUsiand can cause muliple issues © From, minamata, black foot disease ete due to mercury lead etc ©Since electrical wires are encased in PVC, contains 57% chlorine, buming produces deadly dioxins © can cause air, sil pollution and groundwater contamination, * Nonprocessing and recycling only 5% against global 15-20% ‘© Many of india's e-waste recycers didnt have capac to handle a large quantly of waste(MOEF), Informal Processing © 95% ie coléted, dismanled and recycled by the inform sector. © disastrous to Ife of people involved, without safeguards 0 45ilakhs cl child labours between the age group of 10-15 are observed to be engaged in various e-waste © About 213 of e-waste workers in India suffering from respiratory ailments _ ‘© Shing of ditty jab : developed nations use developing country as dumping ground by shifting second hand Prec here and useing He reepenety With policy Begulatorvissue FATT ‘© lacss. mechanism to vetity the claims of these companies. © Issieofinformatisation ~ © waste management rules primatily focus non formal sectors of recycling even though most of recycling is handled by informal sector. © itddoes noteven provide incentives for informal recyclers either to sell to formal recyclers or to formalise * aig nascautdt ase ue make produces response ny for wast rng fom te oom produ make it cific to identify all producers. © large amount of e waste is. 3. adding to existing pile nue of find MIIY 60%: ©“ MODIE (Moderate Rosoltion maging Spocto radiometer) used for fre dstaction and VIRS 0 sbiesi Fie-lert systom 20. for ecosystem management and hamess service © Example amazon, australia uitarekhand © Desettfcation and Land degradation alas of ISRO and Rural development ministry 0 sHorest ang m forest with US ° minaty of housing to encourage public engagement in planting trees and Green dives. © Miyawrak tle afforestation © Peace foes intative of south Korea in post contict scenario © Draught tea box of UNCED © UNCCD 2018-2030 Strategic Framework to achieve Land Degradation Neutral . © NYOF (New York Declaration on Forests), is a voluntary and non-binding international decteration to take acton to halt global deforestation, © Intemational coaltion for action on Sand and Dust storms (SDS) MAN ANIMAL CONFLICT CasesiData: 2016-18 Human animal confctcoused 1743 human and 878 elephant deaths by unnatural causes = Animals . GiB © Palakkad incident: pineapple filled w crackers ° ied in kerala in 8 months Caulkiond) — & Oda. account for haf of all animal and human deaths in human anil sounblorn confit “Tiger Avni-man eater -8 people © Humans: 7 © Banning af night trafic on forest strotch of NH'766=proposal for permanent shutdown | © Reintroduction of cheetahs from Africa 9 2 mencamplad to death by elephant in odishe- 86 such incidents since apr 2018 © Survey of families around 11 protected areas- © Damage caused by squirrels or fruit and fruit trees: © Bird nesting in undesirable residential locations. = payee © Vehicle/wildlife collisions, aitcraftibied collisions + Habitat Urfua/bew / Accident + Fobity EIN aut, eectitferete Od eth opti s 2 Hine So laten Tywasiiy /Posehiny wed fang pas vonine sgl Reasons Habitat loss: + Etalun- 5 . anna Tiger Reserve Dihang- «Land use transformations. - encroachment into forestland for agricultural tracts, pide Fragmentation of forest land: 20% oftigets inindia are-culside'pfotected areas 757. of elephant range 4 Nayphfee “+ Road network expansion, increase in vehicula atic Silva Line Project outside + © Tourism without proper guidelines: y ‘© Environment blind:policy making- a colony bull in Kerala vilage to rehabilitate tribals blocked migratory path ofelephanis » Gtk vv + Infstation of wilde habitat by avasive exaiaweeds-decreased avalbilly of exible grasses for wid’ LCM ’ herbivores>> depredation of agricultural crops aan + Decreased prey base caused by poaching of herbivores>> cattle iting. aoe couse ‘* Captive death of animals- negligence, torture, unscientific training methods of angle veal ue STEPS a Promotie, gy Een centrietourism eS Foe’, Encouragingisuaniscanes)=nd migrating passages that will reduce confit aoe ‘* Training and awareness progs for local population. better understanding of animal behaviour Reduction of wife habitat fragmentation inthe name of development policy making | Un ocnogf: SaRBSaITREeg proncon sin ches aries). also ut help. imising conflict between human and wildiife., Plan bee-rallways Aah ‘Identifying hotspots: Using GPS tracking collars and GIS mapping software, rarity + Prompt delivery of compensatory assistance forthe victims of conflicts may help mitigate local hostility bie ‘towards animals to some extent. Eg maharashtra(?) 7 instars: elevated green corridors for crossing of animals. N2- Soman = POSITIVE EGS: + Kormatake shivaroggalset monkeynaik Elephants distkce the chemical capsaicin found in@ilipeppers romping AHRBSIA TAAZAAIA To smother their fences with a mixture of ol and chili peppers. + (PlanBeein Assam) . - ip w tigers(community conservation), wearing masks on back oftheir heads to prevent sneak attacks by tigers in some areas- as tigers sneak from behind ‘© Wester Ghats- early warning system: smbedded with SMS chips automatically text nearby residents, waming them of recent elephant movements. rues) used for the development of thellocl vilaG Locusts ‘© Early onset, larger more destructive swarms, seen even neater urhan areas not seen before(JAiput. ‘Gwalior. Amcavati) Raj and Gujarat- heavy exon damage FAO- spotted 3 hotspots- Hom of Afticay) Red! Seal ar ‘oldest migratory pest inthe world, They alffer from ordinary grasshoppers in their abllty to change behaviour (aregarize) and form swarms that can migrate over large distances. Reasons: apace, ssffarc s Desert Locus, favourable conditions for breeding are-maist sandy or sandiciay sol to depths of 10-15 om below the surface Cyclonic storms Mekunu and Luban that had struck Oman and Yemen respectively in 2018-These turned large deserts tracts into lakes, faciitating locust breeding that continued through 2019. Indirect fall out of warming of Indian Ocean Indian Ocean Dipole-—greater rainfall in India and Africa F ‘Hotter climate due to globalwacming- links with locust growth - 20 of fastest warming countries globally are in Aftica- more vulnerable a Pests are changing their behavior and adapting to changing climate. Locusts that leave India atthe onset of winter, are now spending winters ‘Covi 19- Routine coord activities btw India, fg and Pak reg spraying pesticides halted © Ciopdamaye-small swarm covering one square kilometre being able to consume the same amount of food ) in one day as 35,000 people(Locust adults can eat their own weight every day, ie, about two grams of fresh vveGeiation per day) } devour leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, bark and growing points- crucial plant diversity UNprecedented threat to food security and ivelhands Euther growth: adult female fooust lays 80-90 eggs thrice in her three-month lif cycle. f lett uncontrolled a swarm can grout sapanentily to 40-80 millon locusts per square kiomete Ding agus can east a ‘© Extensive use of pesicides to combat- harmful for human health ‘© Locust Waming Organisation {LWO), Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage, Ministry of ‘Agriculture & Farmers Wetfare- noticed and predicted trajectory of locusts across in! border a ¢ UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (EAQ) had issued an alert of a massive locust attack in South Asia covering Pakistan and Ina ) Tetied oad sus of Ate, ml eos and Souh AS. * Spraying of pesticide Measures to take «Use of organophosphate chemicals by vehicle-mounted and aerial sprayers, drones, and to a lesser extent by knapsack and hand-held sprayers. SS pee ‘+ Beating drums and loud music ‘+ Exlensive research biological control and other means of nen-chemical control with focus on pathogens and insect growth regulators. ‘© Control by natural predators and parasites so far is imited she locusts can quickly move away trom most natural enemies. atalisery ‘+ GLobal/Nter country cooneration eg india reached out to Pakstilateral respons in cola w ran, INdia can arraar facilitate supply of Malathion, a pesticide to PAK © Role o int orgs- © UNEP. disseminate the latest science on emerging climate trends to inform eross-sectoral policies and ensure reslience © WMO-forecast the more immediate weather changes that may exacerbate the locusts’ attack © WHO-classify potential risks of different chemical agents to enable governments to Invest in the safest one © FAO: timely warning and forecasts, centralized desert locust information service. + tackle the root cause of lobal warming and invest in upgrading climate resiience and adaptation techniques. — OCEAN # Itcovers 70% of the earth surface. Its health is inftritably linked wth the well being of humanity # Source of many resources biological and non bioljeal, impact on climate home offi5%4/8B86I68! ecosystems Ike coral, kelp etc. 95 percent ocean unexplored ‘q@gtonpoopedorend on marine ae onsale rh ahoods Marine pollution a Mai Pied, ‘Spreading of harmful substances such as oll plastic, industrial and agricultural waste and chemical particles into ocean. Causes # Sewage: flow through sewage pipe, rivers ete directly Into ocean GTA «Chemical from industries: direct release . affects marit Algo raise the temperature and cause thermal pollution vir 2) Land run andbesed soe geal i, charge of iets )case Sai : ‘© Oil spills: caused by ships and refineries . Difficult to remove harms marine lile 7 Ruud Sau Lanks WIT + Oceanmining : driling for silver gold copper etc create sulfide deposits upto three and half thousand ree ear dom tio gti af ler Plastic pollution: UNEP estimated in 2006 every square mile contains 46k pieces of ocean plastic no Nicci © Concentration in areas called ayres. Ea North Pacific ave or the Great Pacific Garbage Paich SiS, « Climate change: leading to aifeaton, incensed temperature (hermal polation) TUEW 4 206 RF UUAy * ‘Mise: Coastal tous, pot and erbout development heres etc need EFFECTS © Onmarine animals: toxicwaste can 7 © carcinogenic, © disrupt reproductive tun o> © mizion pth aren PE : © Food availabilty and fod chain 1 TACT + Damage to ecosystems : like corel reefs. Acidification reduce the ability to form calcium carbonate , cil sells prevent sunlight fom reaching + Beonrgeatin: Mi Oona emevoenon tayaDRgale oor el he above mentoet eter ‘cause nutrient pollution (eutfophication) and reduce oxygen levels. © Dead zones (hypoxi) : C ee woo of UK ‘+ Eutrophication: Repeal same as above add algal blooms” Bioaccumulation : affect human beings eg Minamata disease Z”, Siobal programme of ation for projection of marine environment rom land based actities aaa sse08 Sing mets replys SURE ‘ : se SOURS tenting | WGtEenpeace ; . = Beat flastic poll - How to prevent ? © Implamentrenewable enerpy sources ATH™T STE: Limit pesticides, encourage orgaicfaming sti Gar * Proper tote ‘ DSowage © Indust evens ia ecotiondy wast water Veatment methods cut semen sis and use landfils Use te Bistech- bioremediation Id) Yet, © Cutting edge :Biorack Reg Build, Heeflrron = able Us © Oispills-oilzapper Pe suseainatle, Wee © Xenobots “ranannan- sasgonie At individual fevel- green lifestyle TN seamed Global treaty to ban single use plastics, for cleaning ocean etc ) Blue revolution implementation Engage coastal communities sicsug Mees (oi) + Effect of climate change WMO- absorb 234). of CO, Urnisions . Sth report - ocean absorbed 80% of temperature caused by man made emission, ont 1% amo ® Disaster ~ Heativares: Loan ea cea | Smee deem =, GRID Dr Sentero’ Neel ~ Chines giuly Saud 4» rng oles (RAR ates Chops Equus, oud, —rPeapte cunee tala SP ANRALU = Wy premairc teeta ) oun may bo be & oe fal- to np ' WU bes wen ZG Uietinrod,. dae ee pada be “on ry 3 ee one (2bn pt) © Special report on dcean and cryosphere 1ec¢ Current rate‘of sea level rise larger than mean rate of previous two millennia Surface warming urge in tesh water uno, oceans more stratied 7 eden eee Growth of oxygen minimum zones Ss Got] + mane © India's vulnerability —— Wamenic watere See Op wlteud (1F86S) + ancien Keep Das, ° t uniform 1$d.mn_below 1st vulnerable (Sm) © Reduction n drinking water, saliily of groundwater in coastal area more ’ © Food tecurty: sali affecting ariland near sea also fresh waterbody which are source of intigation © Mumbai, khambat etc vulnerable © Migration GRID ‘© Global impact — ‘© Intemational conflicts - change EEZs © Large scale displacement (10% of population ves along coasts. gration wil reat economic social cost © Island nations : Maldives , eel nee Marshall ec. Atcurrentrate Maldives uninhabitable by 2100 ) 6 a Maxombidr, WAY FORWARD gon lan le ot © Arreat cimate change Paris agreement © Funlve apatatinn sratagies wamayladash > Pleabhg foam Cotas) + Acknowledge cimats refuges . recent global compact recognizes climate change as a cause but shied away from caling them the same © Limit coastal setterent: keeping future in mind nO , tech transfer ete Protect marine and coastal eco system PLASTIC WASTE LomaT ( Fice!) Study by Jn-Plastic Collective -India generates 8.46 milion tonnes of plastic waste annuly, of which 40% remains. Lncollectéd and 43% is used for packaging, most of which are of single-use plastic, Or epcb - India generates 25940 tonnes per day and over 10000 remains uncollected (2017 report) Persists in environment for a longer time , hundreds of years © Types ‘© Micro (Les than 6mm) © Primary and secondary (derived from primary after break down ) © Single use impact * Pollution s © Soll leaching from landfills of hazardous plastic waste , impact food security ete = Air: disposing by burning releases harmful compounds like dioxins, 7} county, So langeat emitter = Ground water: leached ite gem Water: impacts corals ete. Plasticrust. Also harms rivers and lakes © Health © Plastic waste sites breeding ground for mosquitoes /pests. Increase chance of vector borne © Many leached plastics also affect thyroid hormones and the endocrine system. a + Implication on animals © «BloaccumulaiSWIngested by animals mistaking them as food and is introcuced in food chain © ‘impede mare animal ey eat ovewine, 0 terface Inf - sie’ inkogicsd and repeodieSin process eg) exislence of, in some cultures has helped to protect natural areas BAT in egonomi¢ terms in terms of full cost and benefit can help policy makers No o Eg rodeo reve west bengal a Sc epee. cantuting value by introducing verona ia incorporate values of ecosystems into decision-making creel through incentiyes and price signals, ——— a (ripe ° » PAT , Orecen tay eZ), a eevee) Lee ‘© Elsheties: avoid overishing, instead promote sustainable one as in Kerala cooperatives spomgc( Tamnaws) #Enzesiny: Deforestation(20"%sGHS), use electronic fles instead of paper + Teansnadt: Carpooling or taking public transport Buildings: Energy audit and build using ECBC © Waste management and disposal Sdqir other examples —_— ) ‘+ Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) agresmentin Ina, pid to village in himachal pradesh for improvement in drinking wator by urban municipality Te neeey re ) ‘© Demand ecosystem premium naples poops. Bio fuels ) About Biofuel is any hydrocarbon fue that is produced from organic matter in a short period of ime. # Different generations of biofuels ‘© First generation rom food crops lke sugar and wheat © Second gen non food like jatropha, wood, gras © Third gen, specially engineered algae © Fourth Generation:aims at not only producing sustainable energy but also capture and store CO \ + Like. Biodiesel, biogas. Bioethanol, biobutandl, hiohydragen Why needed? VY 5 ¢ Environment tienly 1d GHG emission \ © Renewable source of sources: when feedstock sources are depleting + Peablem solving fue: tothe city Walle iahagement’end stubble burning etc(torefaction) — Sy@IRCULAR ECONOMY reduce it _ Save foreign exchange + additional source of cto © Can generate © One 100kipd 26 bio refnery can contribute 1200 abs in Plant Operations, Village Level ; \, + Incisive sstaianieevelopmet: would provided 2 ferry Prenat areas nom oe ‘eentaete reduce dependence on chullah and b which could \y beuse: © Technical benefits -belter engine performance ue tv high lubricity and octane number © Easy to store and transfer being on nontoxic Govt steps © National Policy on Biofuels, 2018: viet ©, objective of reaching 20% ethanol blending and i biodieset bending by 2030, Categorisation;basic (1) and Advanced (2G and 36) =; oo expands scone of raw material to include Sugarcane Juice, Sugar conteining materials like Sugar SIT” Best, Sweet Sorghum (damaged and excess food grain ) © Protection to farmer : Policy allows use of surplus food grains for production of ethanol for blending © Mablity gap funding of R's.5000 crore in 6 years and tex incentive © Setting up of supply chain mechanisms for biodiesel production from non-edible oilseeds, Used Cooking Oil, shor gestation crops. «Ethanol Blended Pettol (EBP) programme in 2003 for OMCs are to blend upto 10% of ethanol in Petrol, y? Jai nda Valavaran Anukool fal avashesh Nuaran) Yojana proving fina using 2G ethanol AY Repurpose Used Cooking Oi (fUCO) WyESSAIo enable collection and conversion of used cooking oil to = waste in farms to useful compost, biogas and bio-CNG, erent ‘SBMission (Gramin) © — Government has reduced GST on ethanol for blending in fuel from 18% to 5%, co Methanolblendinf 16%, ‘+ Sactal issue It may dver attention and ans use from food grain crops, may cause inflation and food ‘gsecurly. ar 1G © India’s position in global hunger index is 102.and 62% women anaemic NFHS ‘© Environment issue It may increase water use and cause loss of biodiversity in farming © Moreneed of land willincrease- cost ck of awareness and skill ‘Non availability of technology at grassroot level especially farmer © Poor connect: between raw material and producer: ike stubble municipal waste and biofuel prodvcer ‘Suggestion ort Gul sal OT Make fine balance between food -serurily and energy securiy §— 2ér v v «Efforts for producing sustainable biofuels should be made by ensuring use of wastelands and municipal ‘wastes that get generated in cities —— —— ‘* community-based biodiesel distribution programme.that benefits local economies, from the farmers growing the feedstock to local businesses producing and distributing the fuel to the end consumer, can be tried=—— National Biogas And Manure Management Programme - Mulkuva Model Gujarat) Organic farming 1 © Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana’ (PKVY) ‘Coral Reef Lire . technology for coral teef © Coral Coral Bleaching Alert System (CBAS) '® ReefWatch India- An NGO, i Wetland New guidelines © Under EPA © Regulations ‘© Delineate and define ‘Define prohibited and regulated authority ) © State wetland authority Locust attack © Locusts are a group of short-homned grasshoppers that multiply in numbers as they migrate long distances in destructive swarms, most destructive pest © small swan enolase able fe cancun the Stine aMoUIN MENON ay 35.000 peo + FAO has identified three hotspots of threatening locust activily- the Horn of fica the Red Sea area, and Scuthwest Asia. Swarm inteligence Damaged crop in various western indian states like Rajasthan, Gujarat etc Locust Warning Organisation (LWO) Fevorable conditions due to © Due to climate change, warm weather, moist sand due to cyclone provided green pastures © Warmer seas are creating more rain, wakening dormant eggs, and cyclones thal disperse the swarms are geting stronger and more frequent Sustainable development ; Alternate energy resources. Prey) orf PONT ojet ‘vt gga? e © Blending of ethanol to 10% and methanol 15 % © Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) programme in'2003 + National Policy on Biofuels, 2018: Pradhan Mant JVAN (Jai Indhan- Vatavaran Anukool fasal awashesh Nivaran) Yojana: for providing financial supporto Integrated Bioethanol Projects PSL funding, renewable purchase obligation + fist up in Talcher, isha. © Using syn ane producer gas Enorgy efficiency Go SqF + Erargy Conservation Building Gade (EHC) 2017 ‘© India Cooling Action Pan 4 BEE's draft strategy plan for accelerating energy efficiency in india Fi FEE (Unlocking NATionall tal) was launched in 2019, © Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PIM KUSUM) Scheme. For energy , financial and water security Star labeling and energy efficiency code LAND India -2.6% of world’s land area, 18% of world’s population _ ISRO: 29 % of India’s land is degraded, National Centre For Remote Sensing Causes: © Human induced oa causa rch Sian Ren 2 ‘© Unplanned development 7177 LS © Ineffective disintegrated land planning: encroachment of land-for infra, industry, urbanisation — S>u#t=7 / Fasy> Rett hr Arata . © Inefficient waste disposal —> e-waste, plastic waste—> landfills © Population ICT TMV Demand for food, wator demand, Use Of pesticides, fertiliser, flood irrigation, alkanisation = Overgrazing- feed for cattle © Risirg global temp — increase in intensity and frequency of droughts formation in many area © Sea level rs Impacts: ats anth wont Settlements Views ‘Unhealthy habitations - landfills © Infrastructure - roads, canals, industries, shops 1 50¢ Agriculture -food security Pwwtilonty 12 Se, tor eosunty ee pH. ~ afare — wuler sreatedl (2206) “y’ Loss of biodiversity ( | ci!) -1*" biggeat “oy Migration and conflict — IPCC- nd Bangladesh, indonesia ‘© IPCC's Special Report o a(SRECE) Focus: Climate Change and Food Security : Reduction n nutritional qualify 6F Staple trops- due to increased atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2). == "negative emissions’ ~~ ‘Thematic Land Issues: Tel TATA ~thess «Land and Drought: By 2026, 1.8 billion people will experience absolute water scarcity, and 2/9 of he world witbe lng indo wstrshessad conditions UNCED. Global and Oudool) G3 tote seaT NEI ee Ee normcomet OSM troy 4) Drought Toolbox, a knowledge hub «Land and Biodiversity Land dgradttn hs reduced the produvy of 23% of he aba land surace, Iglobal crops are at risk from polinator loss © Soil Erosion (eee © Loss of SOC - primary due to land use change o Soi-contamination - due othe misuse of ag inputs, mining residues, etc © Sollacdieatsh © $0l Salinisatonsolidfcation Lost of biodiversity - on surface and sub-surface , Soll sompaction - drastic decline in long-term soil productivity © Sollsealing and land take - due to rapid urbanisation and lack of land use planning ‘© Land and Climate Change: land use sector represents almost 25% of total global emissions, «©. Restoring the soils of degraded ecosystems has the potential fo store up to 3 blon tons of carbon . annually Bh ie . © Felimate smart Jement practices such as low emissions agriculture, agroforestry aid ecosysiem conservation and restoration of high carbon-value ecosystems, such as ferests and peatlands, 12 Restoration of 12 millon hectapes of degraded land per year could help close the missions gap by up to 25% jrthe year 2030 sretums in terms of land productivity and food security, @ = ensure the long-term resilience and adaptive capacity of vunerable communities. + Land and 806s: Maintaining and restoring land resources can play a vital role in tackling climate, change (SDG 13), securing biodiversity and maintaining crucial ecosystem services —yyfteaifarm OVATE ‘© Healthy and productive land can play an unparalleled role as an engine of economic growth (SDG Band 8 source of livelihood for billions worldwide, including the most vulnerable populations (S061). heen, et the permanent economg uKA cology ts it Impact of land degradation on CC: the global food system is responsible for 21 to 37 per cent of the ‘world’s GHG emissi ‘© agriculture (10-12 per cent) » land use (8-10 per cent), ‘© storage, transport and processing (6-10 per cent). Stops taken: ‘COP- 14 of UNCCD at New Dethi (Bhitenresns v le of achieving land degradation “Heultaliy-i cross-border post-conflict situations. vi / United Nations dectared 2021-30 as Decade on Ecosystem Restoration — x Bonn Challenge: bring 150 milion hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes into restoration by 202 oregon freetarca ap REDD+ PRELINS: Sand and dust storms (SDS).also known as sirocco, haboob, yellow dust, white storms, and the harmattan-are a natural phenomenon linked with land and water management, and climate change. The fluctuation in their intensity, magnitude or interaction with each other can make them unpredictable and d: os ‘ India’s Announcement ‘© set up a Centre of Excellence at the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, for providing technical assistance to meet the challenges. ‘© 26 milion hectares by 2030 under Bonn Challenge Way forward: 4 ,/ Land Degradation Neutrality ¢gy Predtaxcot ¢zeHAT van Sukhdev's TEEBS +” Sustainable food systems- climate smattagt © IPCC Data Gow steps Heat waves '® (NOMA) has released National Guidelines for Preparation of Action Plan - Prevention and Management of Heat Wave. © State nodal officer, to make plan ass © Reason ‘© Climate change have increased the frequency © Delayed monsoon * Not notified as disaster cant get compensation cyclone ‘© Example, fani and nisarga in west, Amphan in east © Simultaneous cyclone kyarr and maha Flood ‘© [flows mumbai flood waming system of Maharashtra ‘© Early warning help like prewarning about Nisarga help govt relocate people from raigad district and save Disaster Management About Disaster * Asper UN, disaster is a serious disruption of functioning ofa community , which involve widespread human, material, economic or environmental impacts exceeding ability of affected community to cope usingiisownresourees. SSS ¢TEoceurs when a hazard impacts on vulnerable people. combination of hazards, vulnerability and inability to reduce the potential negative consequences of risk results in disaster + (VULNERABILITY+ HAZARD ) / CAPACITY = DISASTER ana ave LMPTETT —~ w- Geophysical (e.g. Earthquakes, Landslides, Tsunamis and Voleani Activity) = Hydrological (e.g, Avalanches and Floods) = Climatological (e.g. Extreme Temperatures, Drought and Wildfires) ‘a _ Metcorological (c.g, Cyclones and Storms/Wave Surges) ‘a Biological (e.g. Disease Epidemics and Insect/Animal Plagues) © Man made = Environmental Degradation = Pollution f= Accidents (e.g. Industrial, Technological and Transport related,nuclearacdent , urban fire, hop gas tragedy, Raghian,vsaKhapatnam styrene gas ) © Complex emergency: combination ofboth ft food Insecurity a Epideinies Armed Conflicts Yemen : Displaced Populations/ migrants Syra, Rein gy: STATS amvay Prbor f sient aritaer «UN Office. (or Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) report, India has been caked as the york's most sisaslor-prone county for displacement of residents ‘© among top four countries in world with highest number of reported disasters with atleast 167 disasters striking India between 2005 and 2014, inflicting damages of more than $47 billion, © Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) was Tsononie lasses fa the extent 9 4% of GDP snnually ave projected if countries dont invest n DRY (© Asia Facile region accounts for 40% » the global economic losses due to extveino climate changes, te © GLobal climate risk index : makes Indias fjth most climate vulnerable state Disaster management : Is how we deel with impact of disaster process of how we “prepare for, respond to and Jearn from effects of major failures + Defoe asi payee resouifees:and respsibilties for dealing with all humanitarian ane of men a? RADE” RE? Vr ot ot disasters PROACTIVE STRATEGY ate A DISASTER "ee MANAGEMENT fesporse faeconsTRUCTION) <{eeMABILITATION] <{BESPONSE J earrarey HgIa eT RECOVERY [Recovery Lb BACK RETTERS ae BuleD BAC 4. Disaster Prevention © activites intending to prevent/avoid potential adverse impacts by advance action © soudifishematiagemenh evacuation plans environmental planning and design standards can reduce risk of loss of life and injury mitigation Includi © (HYOGO \Framework provide for natural Disas 2. Disaster Preparedness © | eg) early warning to maharashtra about nsiga cyclone, helped state relocate and save live, Odisha 3 Disaster response/relief © provision of ing disaster to save lives, reduee health impacts, en istence needs of people affected © Rescue,Relacation, Provisio fer Provision Emergency Care, Repairing Vital Services eg. ¢ Teksomoniatneiatsny Provision Temporary fsounseliney 4. Disaster recovery ‘© those programmes that assist those who have suffered full impact of a disaster © Include activities like = Rebuilding Infrastructure e.g. Homes, Schools, Hospitals, Roads ® Developme: Rehabilitation ‘Sendai framework About Activities e.g. building human resourees for health, Health Care and, rt 7 ation ate nko sr ita) + Aims to work nt ‘outcome ‘Ttarcets AW ovsasrernonsaurer ze Be ruwosxorarrecreorcorueerame | fe B econouerossevane eri ites & wrrastrucruneoawacesy 2050 Ab ormvamionsunceustexeceser aie A rewumonn comerancwsyz009 BE evs anor meorwstionsy 2030, Sendai Framework: Goal ' Cale various Persea 13 guidelines © slcesgovemmanis st hecntt of REL | VUINERAGILITY IL PREPAREOREES| jsaster risk reduction, emphasizing on strengthening disasior an across various institutions and sectors. P Reauires at different levels. Focusing on community capacity ‘building and local govt participation . (kerala Kudumbashree) dis Y Conerence of disaster risk reduction ai mechanisms, across different sectors iskcinformed while using a rpult-heza ) ns, practices and Y Calls 01 international cooperation and global partnership invest in economic, social, health, cultural and educational seslizage at all lovols investments in research and use of technology to enhance mult-hazard Early Warning Systems (FWS), preparedness, response, recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction hs urine pteveiionwe nettles #4988, sendaiamenorkchattn Issues amratea sry © tnsulficiont implementation and 1 © For example, Disaster risk management plans or a tisk sensitive building codes exist but they are not enforced because of afack of avernmentcanaciy ocnublicawareness. ; ——— ant mgt 3A assessment, monitoring, ealy waming, disaster teponse and oer Disaster related activities. aie yee sates mtb fesereal nese eae tg ‘+ dvergence of obtaining politcal and economic cammitments due to other competing needs and prieities, such as poverty reduction, social welfare, education etc, requite greater attention and funding. Se Dear Ree Fura other steps + NATIONAE pisastin MANAGEMENT PLAR! : © Itaims to make India disaster-resilient, achieve substantial disaster risk reduction, and significantly decrease the losses of lif, livelihoods, and assets - economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental by maximizing the ability to cope with disasters at all levels of administr ‘well as among communities © Tekept in mind the Séndai Framework and (SG). 7 (eras fo meng al taapeiecengsenstnentsy oy rovides fabian ER SNS meng ot © spells out roles of al levels of Government right up tolPanchayat and Urban local Badly level in matrix format with regional approach ‘© National Policy on Disaster + ESSO-IMD da Meteorological Department): It is responsibie for imoritosing, detection and forecasting of weather and climate extremes ‘© Indian Tsunami Early Warning System (ITEWS) . Objective isto undertake suitable structural and nonstructural measures to mitigate the effects of cyclones in the coastal states and UT's of in ‘© Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning Syster ‘establish a regional early waming iazard framework Tor the generalion and communication of early warning information, and capacity building for preparedness and response to trans-boundary hazards. ° EBETBEREHclons sie ¢ implementation of the National Disaster Act, 2005 has been slow, and slack, avrfcryy —°-_siliczed for.marginalizingINGOs, elected local representatives, local communities and civic groups. © accused of fostering a hierarchical, presucat, at Gives contra site, and cist authortes sweeping powers (@aciienaitin 2013" 9” anecoGthemajr peojctstaken un by NOMA wasicomplete-becausof ial ‘poor planning that several etic Ba5iSn NOMA wereivacart ° aa the National Disaster Response Forcel(NDRE) were yacant.y_ © NDR s training insu, the National Insitute of Disestr Response, had not been established neither are 2 + conte, states and districts had not constiuted Miigaon Funds Landslides About Global Fae 8 under gravity and windand water movernent iS Lankilide ow Io 2 ee (oncdia whens ar) Cem . 1's top two landslide hotspots exist in India: the southern edge of the Himalayan arc, and the coast Indi 207. ‘along south-west India where the Western Ghats are situated. Auk -154. Roason gran + antbronagenic causes ‘Increasing urbanisation, deforestation and encroachment of areas at high hil slopes, 3 practces\contributed tothe increase in intensity and frequency of landsldes.+ unsustainable tour isin «ising quency E 8 a dens ising omar ‘tablist ment sewage fl # Natural cause ‘situation is worse during mgnsoon when landslde-prone areas are washed away due to a 4 eS exposure, Seismic activity, Glacial Lake Outbursts frag rar B xed a aeyerare + Govt eS “Landslide Hazard Zonation: using UAV,and Lands Montag and Ealy Wlamisg Syen using Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), ‘/Awateness’Programmes: using participatory approach as community is first to face it Creation of Centre for Landslide Research Studies and Management (CLRSM) = ie sal © pupdsbnat Lovallide Uaaesphibilly Magpueg 1 2414 SONOMA Nek, Rk Milian (ORAS Jared se + bang Deoicany ~ shed inen sey spreatia asad ATT ete Ret Time Lond sual BS senile Gimin) = —— FOREST FIRES Sometimes needed to clear vegetation, clears invasive species, important for grassland survival, cycle nutrients, excalyplus revs depend on fre to release seeds, larvae of Australian re beet can only develop in burt wood, ‘ecological rejuvenation) Data: 21), eetremoly vilrrsbte , 607, prowe. CFSL) Compared to Aug 2018, 6 tines as many ildfres acros$ the word in Aug 2019, Sentinel 3 data 49% in Asia, 28% in South America + Gaus 8 of GHG emissions 30% ef CO emissions, 10% methane 85% so oc 25-4 br of coz . : endent on forests for oe losing ndia- largest area affected by fre Soa ug 6 Se rT ee ae as So ae ea thn * Conca Lt to indigenous communities) + NAtural © A third ofall ecosystems worwie- re sensitive’ eg Amazon, Congo basin 2 Ughting, spars fom rockfalls © Extraordinary weather events: Milankowith oscilahans [Cycle = EINino tent Positive Indian Ocean Dipole( Australia) o sana. 4 Rare stratospheric warming over Antarctica- 30-40 degree C higher + Pewehy/ ‘© Human. The above conkitions are further strengthened by anthro causes drpats Ghuwen — Huannny = S ‘ciel sling fir yidustiesamsrs who wat acess to oestand —— £0" tis gt animal © oved nvronmenspsss 1 1980s, Arron large scale deforestation due (o cattle ranching, logging, power * ean day swany trees projects, mining Bolsonaro awe fir eLerecpen'b, Brazil's Forest Code of 1965: Farmers could purchase Amazon land but could farm only ea “thie toursim 2006 oft a jee. ChiKIg) nis ort fre policy ze70 forest fre approach counterproductve-—when fees gy pata © Pow ae { suppressed by curbing down ibal practices of controlled fire burning- greater building of 1 fuower, mrepstaie jomass-high intensity tes eg bandpur Impact: © Environment © Climate change- greenhouse gases © Perishing of crucial flora and fauna, entire ecosystems disappear © Loss of soil nutrients ‘* Economic: In New South wales, 7 © entre towns engulfed , heavy structural damage © Burning of crop fields © Tribal lvelinood ‘© Health: cies under thick blanket of smoke © Human mortality. ¢ j + Forveaatiny prs pone att ee megeey wtiiy foe hee Oath done tw pe Ways of tackling ‘+ Technological helicopters, ground personne!-spraying water, re cetardant-expensive + Natal contrite 1 conan tein comgatness rise by natu Pers Steams, nt ridg@s; fre lines HAL, § BAL. 145 © Seting @ counterfre Beating the re out with ety bought mal res, snd Ss tis . aims to enable forest fringe communities and incentvise them to work with State Forest depts; reduce vulnerabilties of foresls ag fire hazards Use of NASA's NODIS'and\VIIRS'satelite newest (Sentinel 3 Word Eke As protoype- ESA quatty and monitor tes (Detes resiatight thermal "Feet infrared radiation) sofort (UH) URBAN FIRES nals can nega p Recent - 2018-Arpit Palace, 1019, 2018- Gujarat coaching institute proved | MGRBY 17.700 naians ced in}2015 7 z- oe Reasons Barac =e ‘and high congestion ; # Poor complancs of noms-lack office extinguishers, fre doors, exits eto etn! wate, Teen © y Lack of adequate/f@SoUrees with muni gerortons and local bodies, fire cept. Yelebried —° Lack of manpower- inspection, lack of modem tech » Hsp ‘among public — Adin Reauatons ie a . ions Building Code- bsaic model code, ire and life safety tle : ro temas we on fre seety Belongs and fe Spting equipment let Fire Officer-|NOG) Alo Okjeehin Ceubf Le Godety : iano) Wy oor whist © Enactment of FIGAGn every slate, cites should feserve| physical spaGes for fre stations, fire hydrants, fre tuk lanes . ‘adequate funding, recruitment and training of workers, . track fre 1 population of }01 census) must put in for their respective jurisdictions 7 gfe alocated by the commission to the Urban Local Bodes may be spent on the revamping the Fire services in their jurisdiction FLOODS Facts: «Bian 5 Inoteased frequency of floods - every monsoon season brings floods ta mal Flood Commi on shows ta sboy40 milion eters of land area in the country i Geological Suvey of India (GS), the major lood prone regions cove12ISMIAREIG the country. Indi ch accounts for nearly © India, 36 million people would face annual flooding by 2060 and 44 million by 2100 if emissions continue to rise unabated. CursentvatZamnlliag are living below thelBiGhiTidieine {GoasialDEM technology study). Expected to rise. imbal, increasing ‘Agsam — frequency of cyclones (Fan, Vayu, Amphen, Nisarga) © Increasing economic infrastructure in coastal areas - Mumbai, Chennai, Calcutta, Kerala Excessive Rains ( Fiaah floods) River overflow; Sitation: Rise in riverbed, narrowing river channels Kosi, Damodar, Srakmapiltrn , ‘© Strong winds in coastal areas: Sea water can be carried by massive winds and hurricanes onto the dry coastal lands and cause flooding. Worse if the winds cary rains with themselves- Cyclones. Ts wanes Ice and snow melts: Glacial lake outbursts “ =. ‘© Earthquakes landslides ANTHROPOGENIC: Je Kerala Floods worse - Idukki Dam Obstruction of river channels latdeuse’planning.- haphazard growth and development is seen all over, Mahia Shih permissions for construction are treated in a casual manner, without long-term approach and adequate ~ Saget af scientific analysis of the geo-morphology. Rives Ack Causes for Floods in India: ‘The rainy season is heavily concentrated in a short span of 3-4 mouths mes = Odisha, West Bengal, Mumbai Impacts: 7 ‘* Soil Erosion: A2014 review of soll degradation in India shows that an estimated 14milian hectares suffer / { 1 hallow or very shallow soll depth, organic carbon deficiency, and low productivity of land \ Seclegial © Food security a [Erosion Biodiversity loss: domestic cattle vllé animals, stray animals, rodents, subsurface animals, ete S° *Biodty — f Losof 201). | HInvasie 2, eeonomle loss: nfastuctre, physical communication channels, tlecommunication channel, ete ( * Potation ‘© The total cost of al the natural ers in India during 2014-15 was estimated to b Side es cov ot eng ves Be oding tetas Leads to gee lke situation .) © Facilitates invasive spe | Cyptt) f Pies retire . ‘due to washing of agricultural-fields, plastic waste, and all kinds of solid waste . Daruptone ga. + mpact on heritage Anctont #02 po (aus) + “Postdisaster rescue on adds the government Flood Governance in indi © Structural measure: embankments, dams, ‘+ Non-structural- flood plain zoning and flood proofing for minimising losses and to bring down the recurrent expenditure on flood retief, * Flood warning systems One = 1. | 6 | plore» Issues with flood governance in India: © Overemphasis on uctural messures like dame, dredging of rivers, and poreupine structures to combat ie erosion isa * Lack of complementary emphasis on non-structural measures + skotinerstaeeabanton » snob AY «lite parastatal6= CWC, Dam authorities of different states, state governments leading to mismanagement during crisis + Lack of FRETS doa wit foreign governments leading to potcisation during crisis «Lack of Flood proofing- need of highly skied architects, civil engineers and planners TNR RMI Wane rd cambiot auUrhoui the huge losses as seen in Kerala Floods - No clarity on on donations from_ Regional studies - ElAs'and SIAs such asthe Gadgil Committee for Western Ghats and thelr strict implementation Kuudwortochest 9 Kudumbashree groups cleaned up public places including schools, hospitals, panchayat buildings, and anganwadi centres, and two lakh hous © Around/40,000Vaffeeted familéSteceived counselling and information assistance from ae 4 Kudumbashree groups. caniotd Math, 0 To providesshelter Kudumbashree members opened up their own homes. ‘© Contributed close to RElqpIGr@FEto CM Relief Fund k aie har altranTarun|Manda in Kolhapur —volunteered to rescue 100s of people during floods in 2019 1s gter Te MTEPT “CMe Ay) — 206 Ateom Das vg wpe alee URBAN FLOODING: vr ‘rica. ‘© urbanization increases flood risk by up to 3 times. '* increased peak flow results in flooding very quickly ‘© affects large number of people due to high population density in urban areas Anthropogenic factors: , a ater Prog Sree c oo unplanned ureanzation- key cause-becking of natal sranage parways trough constuction atvty zs and oncruschinent pn gichuentsrse, nde ania Doky g er CO Takes can Sore he excess water and ragulote the flow of water. Howeve. pollution of natural urban water bodies and converting them for development purposes has increased risk of floods vy Poor SEEARERMNENTENENSVEN oc. SATIRE va of siting, accumulation 7 ef roneblodegfadeble Woten ned coh cton Joi. rr se, Taped = Romar epietised sway forward Heauetay, e |-FLOWS, C-FLOWS naate ats mater © National Disaster Management(wiomay Guidlines on Urban F Flood Management: © Use of Doppler Weather Radar to be expanded to cover all urban areas in the country ° “An inventory of the existing storm water drainage system to be prepared. The inventory sul be both watershed based and ward based. ) - tobe the basis for planing and designing the storm water drainage systoms in all LBs , © Alfature road and rail ridges in ces crotsing drains o be designed such tht they do not block the flows resulting in backwater effet | uitdtng of CEB SEES jg alae fie ‘dey Ghazipur and Bhalswa in Delhi ~ methane emissions — hol brew ye Cry pollin + Nearby area unfit forresidence ~- Foul edaur, smoke from the fires that frequently erupt in them —> impair evan “hiplth] Auman and animal heat end result in economic, environmental and bological losses. uae NC Noalawte Soil and Groundw - earlier landfills with no bottom or sideliners: Leachate a black liquid oozing hw Se, the waste asi slowly decomposes - contaminates sol and groundwater. anit breeds Vermin ki cheng eglquatiNSE®; rai] dogs and monkeys: alas Policy: o Munerpal badals Solid Waste Management Rules 2016: * SBA ‘© applicable beyond municipal areas and have included urban agglomerations, census towns, notified industrial townships, rural areas, etc, ‘© focus on segregation of waste at source, responsibilty on the manufacturer to dispose of sanitary and srrweecing packaging wastes, usr fes fo callction ispsal an processing from he bulk generator, { « Ithas also been advised that the biodegradable waste should be processed, treated and disposed of Fe eau through composting or bio-methanation within the premises as far as possible + The rules promote the use of compost, conversion o - Central Monitoring Committee under the chairmanshipof Secretary, MoEF&CC to monitor the overall implementation ofthe rules. + The Rules for the Safe Treatment of Legacy Waste prescribe bio-remediation and bio ing in all ‘open dumpsites and existing operational dumpsites in India. Issues with policy: “e_ Many of the Urban Local bodies cosmetically covering up the landfill sites. © effects of building on and around a "closed landfil” - Malad in Mumbai, trapped landfill gases seeped sideways through the so into the basement ofthd adjoining complex, wreaking havoc on every other electronic equipment end causing il health for residents nearby. Poor implementation Lack of accountability Lack of Zs with Urban local bodies to devise local strategies and implement them Door to door collection coverage is scanty, segregation at household level is a rarity. Collection even from community bins fs not regular. Limited processing infrastructure Lins pal kant Kohan tonabesat ronate pichin- MAAR net eas yeuts death (9) Mgr ene eonaas gaaer ‘+ Inefficient technologies of processing and wasteo-energy conversion. Eg. Okhla WTE Plant, Delhi NCR | Way forward | + Policy: lying down clear technica norms: igiing and Bigeipaiation be made compulsory for reas ‘wherever it can be applied © Scientific Capping: Capping, if inevitable, to be done scientifically with underground pits that have a good bottom and sideliners, and proper piping and gas extraction systems to prevent the escape of leachate and gases, | favernane Decentralization of waste management: Ambikapur in Chhattisgarh andVallorapresent a very good | example of the same where the waste vas collected in a decentralized manner, composted naturally | Scienfczeatment and innovative tech -ko | Tuck * newer tech ike HYDROTHERMAL CARBONISATION to tum Solid waste with high moisture content into Ss safer fuels such as Syngas economically ~ Potyrack beahuedegey | | ¢_ Kasturirangan report by Planning Commission (2014) | decertea hard $M wareavha sTonbiksspon «pit of Reduce, Reuse, Recover, Retyde and Remaratatre (5) shoud be aos 9 / motivate Resident Welfare Associations (RWA), CBO / NGO's to take up work of community awareness and door to door collection a + Rappucks. > vente of East” 97 Inlogiation of kabactavalas and cag pickers into SWM system Meog by uel a © emphasizes setting up centralised (fr incineration, gasification pyrolysis) or decentralised (or biomethanation, vermicomposting) waste processing facilities keeping in view the quantity and {quality of waste generated and financial viabilly of the processing technology. International Examples: | * Copenhagen recycles most of the waste it generates and lets only 3 per cent goto the landfill ‘* Japan:in Japan, incineration has been the primary disposal route for waste due to lack of space for landfills ~ 74% of all waste produced in Japan is incinerated with just 2% sent to landfil_ Construction waste: + Disappearance of urban water bots and welangn urban areas can be attributed to iegal dumping of cad waste. + inmost cases, real estate developers deliberately do this to reclaim eco-senstve areas for real estate. roves and creeks {In Mumbai, builders dump C&D waste in the coastal m: In Delhi, the Yamuna floodplain is the favourte dumping ground. © India’s first and only recycling plant for construction and demolition (C&D) waste at BURARI, Delhi ‘The waste is crushed, washed and used to make ready-mix concrete, kerb stones, cement bricks, pavement blocks, hollow bricks and manufactured sand. * Several countries have found ways to manage the C&D waste: they recycle the waste and reuse it in construction. Singapore recycles 98 wee scent of it EARTHQUAKE ‘Among all the disaste Earthquake is shaking of the earth caused due to release of energy from earth's interior which generate wave in that Aravelin all direction, Typos * Tectonic ( sliding of rocks along the fault plane) = Volcanic '* Collapse (mining) '* Explosion (cuz of nuclear explosion etc) © Reservoir induced 4&1, Indiaand EQ UNDP — More than 68.6% of the Indian geographical area prone to moderate to very high intensity earthquake. Eg Kutch EQ 41989(8.3), kllari 198364), bhuj 2001 (7.7) Reason nindia vy aH mop 1. Himalayan belt - collision between Indo austral with Eurasian , burma with Sumatra java plate causes strain 2. Andaman and nicober - seafloor displacement end underwater voleanoes 1H. cel) HEMT + aathyse¢ 3. Deccan plateau - theory of faut ne and energy buld us long he fal of ver Bhima near tatu and AboIN osmanabad a NatonalSiTREGGDY survitance and hazard repon Natlonal Erik mtgetion pr 2 Sirenghering stvetual and non struct Reducing vincabifes in highibk dist Necessary sk mitgaon Lunesta tei tn National Building Code © Provisions for meeting CHALLENGES posed by natural calamities , intemational best practices. z on Cound dimension of eq mitigation Heer NDMA, with its ceme out with guideline on seismic retrofitting RBI- banks not to extend loans which don't abide EQ resistance guidel | e Sugar ol community sence Quake GUINFLINES: wert Eau estan constuction anew seucures © Selective seismic strengthening and retrofitting of existing structures. © Regulation and enforcement. ‘Awareness and preparedness. Capacity devetoprient © Emergency response. . eer wet OF aby next on gmbSHVETearch and rescue © “ BIMSTE@Disaster management exercise conducted in Odisha a Way forward Risk recognition, mapping , miigaton ete ‘The NOMA guidelines on earthquake must be implemented in letter and spi. A special earthquake management department must be created in very high and high-risk seismic zones. ‘The traditional Khasi model of houses must be promoted in the hilly region. Providing tax incentives to people who build earthquake resistant buildings. ‘+ Assingle point of contact for various divisions of response for better coordination must be developed. ‘Local population training and capacity building must be done. An effective way to do that would be the empowerment of panchayats and municipal corporations in earthquake management and respons. ‘© Coordination with other departments such as fire department, Irrigation depariment to negate any alter-effecis of earthquakes. ‘+ The state governments must be supplemented with the fund and technical expertise, Research and development instues in state like Uttarakhand and other high-risk areas must be set up to localize research and programs. + Pata diplomacy in Disaster relief can be an effective ton Mock dls in high risk areas Intl best practice: > aly watning system that is triggered at the detection of seismic waves , tax incentives CYCLONES: Abou of ore in India and $d population are wdnorabe to oycone related deestr in Ina nuda exposed to neatly 10% of worlds tropical cyclone, _// NASA CoastalDEM Tech -17 milion Indians lve below HTL Cyclone is & large scale air mass that rotates around a centre of low atmospheric pressure. Itis a large and very violent whi in the atmosphere which moves from the ocean towards the coast —e Consitions for eyclogenesis (Tropical cyclone) Large sea surface with T> 27 degree Celsius Continuous supply of water, acting as heat engine Coriolis force litle away rom equator Small variation on vertical winds speed AA pre existing low pressure area Upper cvergence above the sea system eee es Types Tropical Extra tropical Polar Mesocyclone- mesocyclone is a vortex of air operating within a convective storm where rotating around a vertical axis. These are accompanied by a thunderstorm. irises while Cycling prrone regions Impacts ¥ GEMINI Hunan OWS also add Islands Damaging of stnucures such as houses, lifeline infrastructure such as power and communication towers, hospitals, food storage faites, roads, bridges, culverts, crops, etc., due to high-velocty winds . Stomm surge brings a huge amount of water in low-lying areas of the coastal areas resulting in loss of fife and property, besides eroding beeches and embankments, destroying vegetation and reducing sol erty [ivalliads: The cyclone mostly affects coastal dstricis. Several people in coastal villages whe depended ‘only on fishirg had lost access to food and clean drinking water as fishing was prohibited The collapse of buildings, accidents and disease from contaminated food inthe post-cycione period is also the reason fer the loss of life, ‘A flood caused by the eyelone can cause water log in unwanted places which causes many di Cosstal areas find dfcult without power supply, communication, emergency responses due to cyclones Heath complications among survars of naiwraldisasiers without emergency rele rom the organizations cavalo rise the death rate even after the danger has passed Confronted with scenes of destruction and death of feds and loved ones many children develop post raumatc sess disorder Govt steps NDMA 2005 ¢ NDM PLAN - moES responsible for managemt of cyclones. Farly warning systems, © Land based , ocean based, space based observational systems IM made nodal ageny or eyeone warning INCOIS Hyderabad © 4 stage waming system NOMA GUIDELINES © Establish state ofthe at Early waming system __p2 Commissioning of National Disaster Communication Infrastructure to provide dedcated and failsafe communication fo authorities Iniemey National Cyelone Rsk MGA Project (NCRMP) inal 13 coastal stato UTe : Stuetual non Scural miigaion measures Management of coastal zones via tango a dncaton of gst Wess mangroves ec Seting up exclusive eco system monitoring network Establish © Aircraft probing of cycione facility ‘Expanding warning @issemination outreact'by introducing last mile connectivity using\VHE Issues a # Disaster management in India is more focused. © Onp@third of the population of India which lives in the coastal area is poor and marginalized rendering it ‘kprepared and unable to cope up wth a disaster. WZ Lack of prapar-coosdinalion (both vertical and horizontal In the recent{SEKRI/eIOn® disaster, it was seen “that the wamings were not taken seriously by the local bodies making itmore disastrous. * Lack of Siale-oF the arl éarly waming techniques such as/Alferall probing of the cyclone, UAVS. «Poor qually and unscienie building of protective structures he State disaster response forces arel-nxanated'o respond. So, the onus cf response slvaye falls on the OOo: Ses erasumiians + Lack of awareness of paable about the cyclone preparedness which causes repeating mistakes of chaos and lack of coordinated response. increasing population prescure and conuptpraciies render regulation of coastal zones Ineffective. The population bulge atthe coast is in danger forever There is also lack of coordination between the local communes for search and rescue missions Way Forward + Mitigation © Structural = Buildings, including multipurpose cyclone shelters in accordance with standard codes of the building = Acialiling of damaged existing public infrastructure Restructuring of ink roads to shelters = Roads/culverts/ordges in the cyclone-prore areas need to be well maintained and gi utmost attention 7% The networeofeanalsanddins o receive, accommodate and rtum bark surge waters to the sea Construction of saline embankments. © Non structural = Strict implementation of Coastal Regulation Zone guidelines ¥// = Land-use zoning in accordance with CRZ .@# Nelural.bioshields such as Mangroves and shelterbelt plantation = Maintaining of natural sand dunes = Maintaining and promating beach development + Harmonizing the national and local level disaster institutions to better coordinate ‘© Implementing the Sendai framework idea of Build back bette aiigiuy * Disaster Risk Audit forthe existing enties along the risk-prone area. Future projects tobe made rik proo by following the costal rulations stil Beeps tinsster management programmes ius be fed At” Private sector participation at various stages of disaster management is necessary to tap into its potential Inclusive disaster management regime by including all the stakeholders such as women, vulnerable populations like divyang, poorest of poor, NGOs ete. ¢ Sates should increase focus on the advancement in research to create homegrown solutions to the disaster issues The curiculum of the schools and colleges must include cych weparedness. The Odea governments success in minimizing casuals recs ne must be emulated by wegen ni eaploion { | © NCC and NSS © setup Common Regional Sanitary Landfill Facilities, to reduce the land requirement, Cities ‘above a population of one million should sot-up their own landfil and peimit all cities and towns \ithin 50km periphery ofthe city fo use the facilty for disposal oftheir waste: Environment cases ‘© Jajpur district in Odisha made lanting trees one of condition-for getting license including gun licenece + Protroahu Gonshu (Assam State Disaster Mgmt Authority) 2NOMMIEE's - COVID, floss, esseytal services, % a egengeoen vandhal, ‘ APPROACHES TO CONSERVATION: 5 (COP25-Madrid. Have been trying to finalise measures under Art 6 of Paris Agreement to commodity carbon emission cuts, and to make it financially altractive to reduce emissions Create a global accounting system fr emission reductions, introducing credible carbon markets- making some of the gains from these markets available to developing nations to invest in green energy. WEF- $44 ten half if the world's GDP comes from nature, UN emis port | WY LAMcaverage annual cut required in emissions from 2020 to 2030 for temp rise to be contained iL2°C, 7.6% reduction Tor 1.5°C current commitments will lead to 3.2 ¢ rise, has already risen by 1°C since pre ankod levels + Eu working on legislation for net zero emissions + UK has tuned net 0 205¢ goal into a legal requirement ‘What India must do- renewable energy, long term plan to retire coal power plants, enhance ambition on air quality, economy wide green industrialisation policy, expand mass transport A bottom up approach to conservation (madhavgadgil) YG Develop recklessly, conserve thoughtlessly --> Develop sustainably, conserve thoughiflly Taparvaah, avichaarpurvak Kerala leads the country in democratic devolution- PlachimadaPanchayat instrumental in cancelling Coca cola license; panchayat level resource mapping, panchayat development report ‘Western ghats ecology expert panel- Categorization of esz1- basis of elevation, slope, natural vegetation Conservation prescriptions should not be merely regulatory, but include positive incentives such as conservation service charges | ‘We must hand over economic acivities like quarrying to agencies like Kudumbashree groups © eects Zona Donat: ~ Ruphigepnenncee aaa Gosek: ‘ew planetary ethi ‘The narrow lens of nationalism is no fonger serving us. we need a new planetary ethics that supports { yiicind& Oaltemative systems fr the future: cultivates growth of exological SSaueTIs eappare puree yi Vo. duality of life, shifts values away from consumerism, creates new identities and cultures transcending conventional boundaries gia, pe are A estan Secs our place as part ofthe web of life instead of at its centre requires a Copernican shift in world views. Greta thunberg: ‘Ali you can talk about is money and fairy tales of economic growth. Even Gandhi thought that economies Concerned solely With wealth undermines ethical Tesponsibilities, ignores, justice as a primary human yearning. NGT- Industrial development cannot take place on the graves if human beings LAND: Land use. change A MCC Special report on climate change and Land: Unless land is managed in a sustainable manner, the iminishing chance that humanity will survive climaté change will become smaller still Imp: fogd(monoculture- need for diversification), water( overuse due to intensive devactiv, contamination, desertification), liveljhoods(decrease in productivity, agrarian crisis), effect on economy, biodiversity- interlocked w various aspects of life- expand each- stresses leading to farmer suicides ‘What to do: IPCC report: io avoiding conversion of grassland into cropland, jerns: deforestation, industrial agricultural systems and desertification are major drivers of bringing in equitable management of water in agriculture crop diversification agroforestry investment i loca] and indigenous seed varieties that can withstand high temp. Estb sustainable food systems: reducing food waste, eating locally grown food, cutting meat consumption a + Betler access to markets for small and marginal farmers, empower women farmers Land degradation Bonn Challenge- a global effort to bring 150 mil ha if the world's deforested and degraded land ‘info restoration by 2020, 350 mil by 2030 + India's commitment: 13 mil ha of degraded and deforested land by 2020. indias pledge is one of the largest in Asia. + Recently target to rejuvenate 5 mil ha btw 2021-30 ‘ +, Schemes- Pradhan mantrifasalbimayojana, soil health card scheme, soil health | management scheme, pm krishisinchayecyojanacte + 29% of our land is degraded. AFFORESTATION: Residents of Guwahati- human chain to demanf redesigning of proposed bridge across brahmaputra- axing of 300 trees home to rare birds Inspired by aarey colony protests Compensatory Afforestation Fund Amount to be paid by the industry depends on the economic value of the goods and services that the razed forest would have provided- timber, bamboo, firewood, carbon sequestration, soil conservation, water recharge, seed dispersal Fund to be used as per provisions of the caf act and rules- catchment area treatment, wildlife management, forest fire prevention, soil and moisture conservation work in the forest- not for salary, travelling allowances, making buildings, buying office equipment etc r “Karnataka feimakara died 3 decades ago barren and bleak. Citizenship initiative: people i of 5 villages in the region formed committees to first forest the hillside, now they prevent anybody from cutting down even a single tree. Heavy fines. Name-shame- and fine approach. It's now a few degrees cooler, more robust groundwater table. Firewood only used for big celebralions- Ipg connection in every house. zs Phillipinesgovt- cach student must plant and nurture 10 locally suited trees before he/she gets a school certifisate/college degree Kerala: Miyawaki forests: turing backyards into mini forests- add green cover on govt office premises, residential complexes, school premises ete- pioneered by Japanese botanist Al Miyawaki, area suffered floss, landslips, erosion- Rebuild Kerala initiative. Govt and green guardiens foundation ngo ‘Madhya pradsh- state of forest report 2019- largest forest cover- 32 fave threat of extinction, Forest Dept planted 70L saplings to revive biodiversity, support livelihoods and combat climate change. Drafted a gun and resin policy for value addition. Species being revived in complained w IUCN guidelines could also withstand harsh climatic conditions- useful to combat climate shange. ES Muceopladtiza ford a the penleeth Maces~ Mr Everest, eee and tertabaes pct Oe Frands’ fynsnace £ tu oleptie ms : G (Gis mire TA ‘ See + Per capital plastic consumption projected to go up from | Tkg( 2014-15)- 20ku(2022)- ® we ficei data uupo lens + WATER Rivers conveyor belt for plastic debris- 10 rivers carry more than 90% of all plastic waste + Estimated 100 mil tonnes of plastic in oceans 80-90% of which is from land based sources + AIR POLLUTION Plasties- 3.8% of all GHG emissions- If it were a country would be the Sth iter + BIODIVERSITY: Living planet report 2018. 90% of seabirds may have bits of plastic in their ‘Stomachs ——- + HEALTH People ingesting Sg of microplastics every weele ‘+ EQUITY Unfair burden on worst off- Plastic imports to Malaysia have tripled since 2016, Malaysia to send back 450t of plastie waste + Proposal of India at Basel Convention for dumping of electronic and plastic waste in developing countries defeated 70% of plastic waste in India is from urban areas + Multiministerial plan for single use plastics + Nodal min- moefee- also finalise pending policy for epr + Dept of industrial promotion- all cement factories use plastic as fuel + Nhai- plastic waste to be used for road construction (more durable against extreme Weather conditions, cost effective) = + Railway mip- shramdaan for collecti un advertising radio spots on all trains + Urban local bodies, gram oanchayats- massive shramdaan, waste segegatio biodeg plastics made from bagasse, com starch, grain flour etc though currently have limitations of Seateamtcost id that 12 companies were marketing carry bags and products marked Compostable without any certification, Plastics Mexico's prickly pear cactus could play a new and innovative role in the production of biodegradable plastics. Reverse vending machine gs Ild- Nagothane sons 0) pilot project of road network made with S0t ASTI ic waste(end of life post consumer p enhances durability of roads, superior bonding among aggregates, lower seepage of water, lesser erosion, reduced abrasion of tyres, costs IL less to make as compared to conventional bitumen only road leghalaya starts tuming single use plastics to road building material. Cheaper than bitumen roads and water resistant. ‘A district in Westem Assam is offering a sapling and a cloth bag in exchange for a kg of plastic. Besides reducing plastic pollution, will promote an array of oth bags to be made exclusively by self help groups. Four Indira Canteens in Vijayapura trading bottles for tea Windfall for Odisha tribals if single use plastic is banned- involved in leaf plate. using both Tand and machine stitching methods. Foreign plastic invades Great Nicobar Island- major portion of litter of Malaysian origin Pifowed by Indonesia did Thailand, Plastic represents 83% of the Marine litter found. ~~ (Great Nicohar Island- home to one of the most primitive tribes- Shompen, includes the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve, island harbours a wide spectrum of ecosystems front iropical wet evergreen forests, mountain ranges and coastal plains, home to giant robber crabs, crab eating ‘macaques, rare megapode, leather back turtles) Bioremediation/biomining- treatment of garbage through various processes to reduce polluting elements. (Okhla, bhalswa, ghazipur soon to be biomined, positive eg Indore municipal corp) ) Involves: * Excavation of landfills using earthmoving machines * Dug up material tumed over, aerated for decomposition * Put through trommels(cylindrical sieves) for segregation * Construction and demolition material can be used at cement plants * Cloth and other mat as refuse derived fuel * Remaining soil like mat(S0-60%) may be sent to abandoned mines/for road construction. Prob * Toxicity of leachate * Heavy metals * Base of deep pits created by mining- close to groundwater table- conduits Wart marseemont Case studies ral ‘Alappuzha in Kerala recognised by UNEP for it'sdecentralised system if waste management . * In small towns (Suryapet in Telangana, Karjat in Maharashtra)- secret of success is meticulous rT microplanning, committed leadership at the admin level, receptive and engaged communities. Air pollution- staggered office hours for congestion and air pollution Artificial weather changes: + Chinese ability to have absolutely blue skies on demand referred to as APEC blue J * + Rockets w wathead containing dry ie, salt, silver iodide Wy flash floods, caused 77 Vietnam .war. US forces tea Cotes Poesy fopeyenfed to h damage possibly worth 3 years of sustaine bing «Chit Keen to change weather over T1boC Pan Cy se weather modif tech to divert water vapour{ project sky river) + UN convention called envmodif/ ENMOD Convention- prohibits states from engaging in military or other hostile use of en mod techniques. Geo chemical baseline atlas if India- CSIR-NGRI- assess environmental damage- maps of metals, oxides etc in’ soil-chemicat compositional changes- asess contamination by industries Net has held large corporate entities to aecount, protected rights of tribal communities, enforcement of polluter pays principle in letter and spirit + Has held that env clearance given toa os granted ex post facto- in violation of law -has directed union env ministry and epcb to convene a meeting to evolve robust mechanism for effective monitoring of compliance of conditions imposed on env clearances 100 cr fine on Andhra govt for failing to prevent illegal mining -restrictions on extraction of groundwater in critical and semi critical areas -viability of brick kilns in UP -sought report from DDA reg constitution of a Work Front management authority to curb pollution on the yamuna floodplains, -maradu- ngt panel for scientific removal of debris -gurgaon flooding due to poor rainwater harvesting-remedual measures -rajouri illegal waste dumping Issues- must focus less on governance issues, more on adjudication, benches have to expand manifold, vacancies to be filled in quickly ‘The min if environment has exempted oil and gas firms looking to conduct exploratory drilling from seeking environmental clearance. Part of process of decentralization by th Centre-seeks to farm more regulatory actions to State and local units. Punjab land preservation act 1900 amendment 60,000 acres of plpa protected aravallis forests and 10,000 acres of shivalik forests opened up for rela estate development Haryana already lowest forest cover in Indiq- 3.62% Forests, wildlife, water security, air quality, well being of people affected. Examples ‘Modified kilns- a technical innovation in fabrication of pottery kilns by bharatpur based company, with assistance of the Rural technology action group at IIT, New Delhi- reduces fuel consumption by 60%, protection against toxic fumes, better productivity. ang Mord Lat a7 Ge fivng deans G0 mn letras of Unt Tr ne Med, Oday a

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