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/ Laxmi Sargara CSodhpur ) Letarwey ante 747, Women 68.57 , i = Old Men 6, . bound oo ST inpant nah j Ctoaathi DOW Gia wihti 940 ‘ % arawceell, consid lap eue Aad 114 Women sion Bas, Revsoestur Mant Bhojosiu Mate, Shayanvestus Rem, Root aks, Kennet hans, Soot dhuieytts, Kuloosanns Patti Data © India slapd fu places t and has it 4 due to abnormally low sex ratios at birth in India ee for every 100 boys), violence against women, forced marriages and discriminetion in access to health nkod hicia allel mong (/PS GUNES In sdg gender index it missing due to sex selecion is from|lnGia"46/ 142 milion (UNFPA State of World Fopulation * has more en dovbed in ast 69 year rom 69 milion cue to cuture of on preference en acess fo ultrasound technology. © Resulting marriage squize as groom outnumber bride result in human trafficking for marriage and child marriage - Health and education « otera Motaliy Rate (MR) of ies decd rom 89jh 2014-2016 ot22in 2015-17. 1127 men in 15-49 age are anemic. 57/7. (NFHS 5) Uden Th # Every 6th gir child death in india is due to neglect, «© only/27%of adult women have achieved education up to at least Secondary level” Labour force participation rate + (22% agains.55% of men said one of lowest * . Sender So CUNDESA) © Manufaéfuring and IT services 34% ' + Majority offemale worker are from rural areas. laborer © Inutban areas majority of female workers are engaged in Househols industry and other work work in lower productive sector, lacking safety and security) . id care, caring for the elderly, cooking and cleaning—is done by Women? A lot of work done by women is invisible, unquantified, unrecognized and unrecognizable, © inordinate focus on bringing women into paid workforce but not enough on involving men more Vv in family responsibilities Representation in polics and adrinistation '* number of women in Police force 6.11% in 2014, 12'/: ( 2020) ‘of Parliament seats are held by females. 8 dudiciay: 1/34 50 orges 80/1100 SCHHE padgee Violence and other social evi ‘ ; BS ) +#//80.3% of indian women matted before 18. Yar4 of alk cwitd bude — © Status of women in indian society main driver of diferences in nutional outcome Cundecer) «Among all registered cases of serious crimes against women largest share was under “cruelly by husband and relatives. S686) Cone ‘+ then come assault on women with intent fo outrage her modesty" 24% * More domestic violence in Urbgn ae then rural 2 MED go? wv * 38.7% have experienced any fom of physical emotional sexual violencey —ewwg tSmun— SAA oe 1» 54.4% ever married women who justly iting / wite beating ca hees ‘high preportion (up to 39% of GDP ) of unpaid care werk that falls on women, 2" omestue vied, ‘Action taken E . edna Dero ond Platform for Action (BPIA), © BPIA Sais strategic objectives and actions for thé advancement Of Wore and * UN Convention’gn the Elimination of Allfarms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) v a 15(3) rn Pema Oe SRY Const 7 bese Pat 39(d) Egat poy Yat work tN 37 AMAL Matowily leave et nly : S Ant $14 ) ‘© About National Commission for Women (NCW. mowed Legal action zi om dud ‘Act expanded def whol DISH AAU € 2 Even protection to ve in partner te | ae fae asa en: aa | © Apply even after divorce: ~Adfe Doesnt depent on wes earring = | ° aw! Aaraasrs sock HN et uaNIREEIO ~ Choate Cura.tas! 2020 = Dowry Prohibition Act: ‘ “tes owen ero of ison Mariage) At 2018 ¢ «tivalats the prec of insta ie ola (alar--bddat) a8 vid and legal {Makes itcrinal cngiseble and compundable offence, wih scope for recantation witout nike ralaa 2 + Dmresponsibity o decide alowance and chia custody zi (Prevention, Pronon and Redressa) Act Surogocy equate) BM, 2018 / SP canifiation eg Hunde Luceterton Aranda Ach, 2006 ’ Maternity Benefit (Amendment) act, 2016 >7RYCT Provisions | ‘extends period of matemy benef from 12 weeks tJ6Weeks ofwhiehnot more than aght weeks a exceeds ILOs minimum standard of 14 weeks 5 Wom te he wosror sung chen vib ei to 2 wer b «women who legalivadanta ld Below ae ofthe months o commissioning mother wil be ented i tomatemity benefit for 12 weeks, © comnssioning mother i defied as “a biological mother who uses her egg to create an embryo implanted in anther woman | + iscretion to employers to allow agreeable conditions, i ature of work assigned” permits } + eslablehmenta having 50 or more employees to have EERGHASBIN, ether separaelyor long with common facies, t © employers should allow woman to visit er8eHE OU Limesa 4B, which “sal zis intude : interval forrest alowed to her” Lacuna ) + steeped in nando nn oy and workplace ©, assumes tht oly a mother ise parent or primary coregiver, while father i provider 7 o[ does noting odsmare male beauiner nal ad continues to reinforce stereotype after period of maternity benef on mutually | 0 demeans and discriminates agains allomative parenting models ) + Provisions like these wil inevitably cause employers. {a viaw these measures as undue burden towards women + Bll regtesses asi entitles an adoptive mather to maternity leave of 12 weeks onl f she adopts a child below trree months of age ) ‘© overlooks rigorous procedures on dectaring a child tee fr adoption under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children Ac, 2016, that makes it nearly impossble to adopt a childs below three months. x | | oak gre Sxtan S782 sie age pene at | © Discriminatory provisions of bill £ ; | | | 4, those who adopt @8\or children UO discriminates ee Se EERIE rey oot, doce net ‘even recognise thet ght o parental benets, ‘+ maternity benefit is available to a womanionly egg" was used toe bryoy 2 © fails to recognise that either of parents could be a donor and need not necessarily be mother ‘ ame on 0-20 Under age ame tn-20 20-24 Rape wetim Medical S mwomen board Supreme Couul declared ial privacy safeguands ‘individual autonomy’ anu recognizes the ability ofthe vital aspects of her life \s founded upon the aut individual to control pursult of nappines: ny and dignity of the Indlvicual. MEDICAL TERMINATION OF PREGNANCY (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2020. J) S7faew77~ Why needed ‘* women seeking to terminate pregnancy beyond 20 weeks have to face cumbersome legal recourse, bewing won inal of conan AMADIS ico censor of personal liberty and privacy ‘matters relating to their family progeny and their bodies: Previous act was regressive act, as it stigmatised and institutionalised sex outside marriage or abortive ‘choices of single mother, * Involvement of cout further delays the process, complication termination of pregnancy + spurred a cottage industry of places providing unsafe abortion services, putting her fein danger US + - ly pe dw e noted ft 4 is makes unsafe abortions to be th¢dbudhighest cause of matezal deaths in india, wptadt arp ct 1971 felled to heennoce wih advances nmedidaltechtology thet allow for removal of 8 fetus at a relatively a te of pregnancy _ their pregnancy Note : Before 1971, abortion was criminalized under Section 312 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, describing it as intentionally ‘causing miscariage’ Proposed amendments ‘© Termination of pragnancy; opinion of a registered medical practitioner © one RMP in case of up to 20 weeks of > two RMP for 20-24 weeks of gestation. © Enhancing upper gestation limit from 20 to 2¢ weeks for special categories of women Including vane victims, ill and under-age women PLT = 0 Limit of 24 weeks for termination of pregnancy will not apply in cases of substantial foetal’ HEI -a'® abnormalities diagnosed, To be diagnosed by medical board © amends this provision to replace ‘married women or her husband’ wi © relaxes one of regressive clauses of 1971 Act, i.e., single women couldn't cite contraceptive {allure as a reason for seeking an abortion, ‘© Her name and particular not to be tevealed except for authorised person, or punishment + losses ofinr! perm of garden at Prafop . Issues legal status. * preference fora male child keeps sex determination/centres in business in spite of thei ‘There are concems that a mare iheral abortion law can aggravate this state-of-afais . acelin which varies front 24 to 28 weeks! this can even be less then 24, depending on tech, at be determined ‘+ recommendations of Medical Boards and not on women's choloe.(deseripton) ‘© cases where decision of Boards are very subjective iniuenced by social and moral norms and not on medical factors patneceptuse mvidhanda NEWS4 = Only GY. of eouptes = Maddern Cunt cep tus + Time frame- Medica Bowrd- net shecifred + op-ed techs - een th be defined Gp On pat + No awtliy abot PA Fert "4 question of welhbeing of a woman appears to be seconday Suggestions need more progressive abortion law which allows women to make conscicus choices about termination of pregnancy until 24 weeks without any special conditions. SURROGACY (REGULATION) BILL, 2020 -Process of carrying and delivering a child for another person- gestational, traditional ~The world's second and india’ rst VF (jh vitro feiization) baby, Kanupriya alias Durga wes borin Kolkata ‘0n October 3, 1878, Since then, the fel of assisted reproductive technology (ART) has developed rapidly. Need ‘* Ingia- surrogacy hub, cost “Ad that of developed countries ike USA.N.$400min aninualy ” Spmmoditization of the child nates pacts laa sy oc rte women rom ua backgrounds- only middlemen/agents profit . RERUN TE — AT Japanese couple divorced inthe middle 1 BRE etares ecg te snares av gomcen ¢.PRowions : qduerg «Seeks to allow/ihicalalifuistic Surngacy to the intending infertie indian married couple between the age o 22-50 yea br fmalo and 26-66 yeas fo nce EM 2 yoga” ; ETT ns Sucamemate any ling wena (Sah a) Mandatory for the couple to obtain ind also. e corttiante of ela tulty before going ahead with surrogacy. ( DM ‘© Constitution of ~effective regulation. . 19 Opt for aurregacy in the country. ‘© couples should not abandon child under any condition~shall be entitled to all rights and privieges that are available to a natural child. Recommendations of th '~ accepted sdeleied--ton long ‘© surrogate mother need not be a “close selalive'-—potentially restric the availabilty of surrogate ‘mothers, affecting neople in. genuine need. | ‘© Single women (widow or a divorcee) should be allowed to avail of surrogacy. | ‘¢ The insurance caver for @ surrogate mother should be increased to 96 months from 16 months. | crmioist = = | Guchobe * + ERBUBRAE cifo sami. ntl sagen andsiaifan- not covered: reproductive rah of Srivesteme humans a basic right Cate \V Daas natal iE , + Does nothing for surrogate msners- deprived meaniatveutoad « v Alttistic surrogacy failed in other countries nal soc jen = requirement for payment Other ways of extracting pay 4 Pplwho had hired wombs, frozen embryos in limbo, violates Puitasivamsyjudgemenl(PHVAGy)) *+ Prevalence of clandestine ART clns-Black marketing wil confinue-ate expan WAY FORWARD: + Surrogacy-to be seen ag profession needs to be ragulated by conttact(payment details insurance ‘coverage, assurance that would be trested well in postpartum stage, proper medical checks) '* Regu on surrogacy must be preceded byARIegislation ~ « /alghitta privacy of donor as wel as surrogate mother shovld be protected #” Surrogacy should be madeilisvefor all class of people irespective of thelr sexuality POPNDT, 1994 Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Bill, 2020 ‘Types: gamete donation, IntraUterine Insemination (IUl, in Vitro Fertilization (IVF), IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and gestational surrogacy. -social stigma of being childless, lengthy adoption procedures Need: © Exponential Growth-India has become one of the major centres of the global fertility industry (ART), + Accompanying legel, ethical and social issues 6. Mughrooming of IVF cotres © Malpractices- dichotomy and seed spliting 0. False ads; 100% success’ safeguarding of patients © Need for protection and recogiion of women's reproductive rights © protects the affected women and the children from exploitation. © infer couples yill be more ensurediconfident ofthe ethical practices in ARTS. . and reporting is silvery inadequate ‘The select committee ofthe Pariament fr surogacy: prudent fo bring the ART Bill before the Surrogacy Bil, 2019, to establish a regulatory mechanism for ART cl © The ART Regulation Bilis supposed to be moraiaverarching and hw fil sien ta segue the” (santo Winout epstraton and a proper tase medical insults aod nis owing ‘such services, it is impossible to regulate surrogacy and abortion PROVISIONS: safety: safe and ethical practice of assisted reproductive technology services __#7 Pre-Genetic Implantation Testing Mandatory: The test allows doctors to test embryos for any possible abnormal chromosomes before they are transferred to the ulerus- avoid any genetic diseases + Privacy confidentiality of intending couples and protect the rights of the child born through ART. © Rights: © Snasests be none y BEFEIID woeed om mu enone inpantation © Children bom through ART should be provided all the rights equivalent o biological children, Institutional: ° (Nation Bose enduot gone t oporateg ART clinics. = minimum standards for laboratory and diagnostic equipment . 1+ practices tobe followed by human resources employed by clinics and banks © AR Bank—sel unto up semiseen,sooteseooe dna andsurogae moter nics or the patents. © | ReGulalary Baatds at StatelLevel folow the policies and plans lad by the National Board for dlnics and Banks inthe State. © Amana sneton automa daabase est he maton Boao perform it . . Feecenie the ey-preservation processes for sperm, oodis and erty, . ini vent - : Ceca RAD ie eae need RO ce ceca mS fi ‘© stringent punishment for those sunning agensies/cackels/organisalions for such unlawful practices. © Trafficking and sale of embryos will be fined R310 lakh fst nstance and in second instance (he person coud Deu aa eine ninMet a CRITICISH roca ec Aer cle soso quaifeaions of ART team’ and ART procedures But he Miadag or bof be ART Bil as wel as the Surogacy Bi f* ‘e (2016), {a8 an important component of the inder Article 21~-denying reproductive choices tc ingle persons and older couples, woul 2 a violation oF SeticTe 21, right to equality under Article 14. WOMEN AT WORKPLACE Feels: + International Labour Organization's (WO) REPOMt)2015 ‘© 1.3bilion Women were in work in 2018 as compared to 2 billion men = a less than 2% Improvement in last 27 years. © paid 20% lower than men, as a global average 0 Women remain underrepresented at the top - changed very litte in the last 30 years. Less, Reasons: | © casteist and patriarchal notians of purty end pollution where women ate ptohibited from certain jobs, especially in the food processing, sericultue, and garment industries. Factors lke income of other members ofthe household, social background and place of residence also addto the lack of women's participation in the workforce. ow-sasil acceptability of women working outside the howsehold -(gale breadwinner mod) erent huts and eta eh eet 7 {iaitedaniajaice tne tance beeen place of residence and pace of work (ee bus des) Harassment at Workplace y Informal Sector: in the informal sector in india, most occupations dominated by women are Example © Mechanizatian of farm and nonfarm activities has also reduced opportunities for work ) ‘© Lower access to better education and skill upgradation bill A “cate economy burden,” that is, time spent on unpaid economic activities performed at the household ) {and community levels by women © Ucurve hypothesis India in decline phase a ) Government steps: i ‘+ Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill, 2016 entitles a woman working in the organized sector to 26 ‘weeks of paid maternity leave.has provision to provide for créche facilities in every establishment ) having 50 ot more workers. ‘¢ The Protection of Women against Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013 defines sexual D harassment at the workplace and creates a mechanism for redressal of complaints. eens onior Morneadih ferme The Draft Code on Minimum Wages aims to eliminate the discrimination in wage rates on the basis of gender dena we en in Ur Issues wlth Government Policy: TK ‘Many government policies ae targeted towards organized women workers whereas the Lunocganized sector which houses the largest numberof females has litle 10. n0 penetration of such schemes ¢ Lackof implementation and example-setets: the way the Supreme Court deak with a case of sexual harassment against a former Cin contravention to its own VISHAKHA Guidelines spels denget for women in other workplaces yoMay Forward UN brome « ott Provision of amenites and basic infrastructure, as well as childcare facities Nieman th Bat Education and awareness in the society "pelicn, Vocational training for women + leadership training and sponsorship of women ‘eliminate ciscximination in hiring ensure equel and decent wages improve women's security in public spaces ‘gender sensitive anspatt policy lke women opecated cab ~ ‘introduce exibiliy in working hours.so thal remuneration structures are not influenced heavily by number of hours’ employees putin. 4) Mandala suet vee nmstenaleave wine 28 el, towirg women eee the workforce after childbearing while making i possible for men to take on the responsibilty of parenthood as well, Or concep! of Family leave HARASSMENT AT WORKPLACE:: 1NcRB, 479 and 401 sexual harassment Incident n 2017 and 2018 respectively were registred under PC Uapaur = mental tA0uUMA = - snathages Right by Work tie pen te: Heel Framewor dewagea Women for Vishakha Guidelines 1987 dokirh cotorn J ohe ‘Sexual Harassment of Women et Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 Definition - An aggrieved victim is a woman “of any age whether employed or not’, who “alleges to have been subjected to any act of sexual harassment". The Act thus covers the rights ofall women working or Visiting any workplace, in any capacity. © Include domestic worker, 2s well as quid pro quo incentives ‘© IGC-Every employer must constitute an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at each office or branch ven SERS SEES eeonamy - a . is required to bo constituted in avory district by the respective State ‘government (< 10 employees) # Time-frame for complaint. The complaint has to be made! from the date of the incident", This time-frame is not rigid as the ICC can "extend the time limit’, if it is satisfied that thé Cheurstances were such which prevented the worman fing a compli in the period IPC. The ICC may fond the complain oh plc under dan Penal Gode Seton 808 Or, the ICC can start an inquiry that has to be eompleted within 90 days. The ICC has hnlr powers to hose oe cout (cc iy wargent Gompensacin apes! Aer recommerdaos, be aggieved woman or he respondent can apealin court watnn So days “oFalep\complalnt= th a caso of false/malicious complaint and false evidence, IGG “may recommend” the Saaeer air ion oqena the woran who haa mate we corp MEA © Conciliation . z wie nd fenaitiiation Memurepa ~ polite pe hn @ Now fw dag Gone ; hs vag for WIL padente , O NOW A KY “F chenaes (oraitication ¥ Legat Aveantntie bey f 2s | e | fuss (as to _ conielioa far ARAL Kensidan + oe Issues with act and its implementa lon-existence of ICCs in many organisations 9 ‘Lack of annual reports filed by committees gence of women members in ICC8 " [ume mong of cease aus ae fer an sca ctcumstances ae such hat it takes a caves for women to gather the courage to speak up The 2013 act only imposed a non-compliance with respec to the a Consttution ofthe ICC: This proved o be insufficient in ensuing thatthe employers constituted the ICC in time-bound manner . Way Forward: NCW + de/” 07 * #TheMeToainiovement encouraged many women to come out, there is aneed for @ sustained P Uual Kuaadinias movement fO Lonthplaae. * Contimous monitoring of the functioning of 10s and LCC on online platforms with required ) Reeds te bee. eu paadad safeguards for privacy tr inelude den haat Oy bts Cerne fin nd ye ar eam saan Pn ter ae ale Mustim Women (Prote: n of rights on marriago ) Act 2019 It will replace the 1986 act enacted after the Shah Bano case (1985) sc Iysiayareeanercase20 set asi the practice ofinstantaneous triple tala being violative of Article 14 ) and 21. Provisions Invalidates talag biddat as void and ilega, including in writen and electronic form. Makes ita criminal offence with impisonmént upto 3 years and a fine ‘Makes the offence cognisable (if info given by the woman or a relative ) ) Provides scope for reconciliation without rikah halala May be compounded Entitled to seek subsistence allowance.decided by magistrate. Entitled to sek custody + Actis needed so that even Muslim women also get equalty on per with other Muslim men,(unilateral?) “ripe talag adversely impact rights of women toa ifs of dignity ond is against constitutional principles ) such e8 gandar aqualiy, secularism, intemational avs ote The penal measure acts as a ‘necessary deterrent” {t significantly empowers Musim women. ‘The practice of triple talaq has continued despite the Supreme Cautt order terming it void. = ‘The practice is arbitrary and, therefore, unconstitutional “The law is about justice and respect for women and isnot about any religion or community + It proiets the rights of Muslim women against arbitrary divorce ct ateereeet | | t Instant triple talag is viewed as.siaful and improper by a large section of the community itself. Jie fe amount could be awarded as maintenance or subsistence. Arguments against the act © tis well established th its practice. The criminalisation and imprisonment wil Since marriage is algiilanttact,/procedures to be followed on its breakdown should also be of civil nature only wil redress mechanisms must ensure that Muslim women are able to negotiate for their rights both within and outside of the mariage The harsh punishment Three years in prison of the convicted husband will end up penalise already doeved ie and. ‘© Who will provide maintenance, ihe ia © Forcing women to stay matid to convicted peréon The punishment wil aggravate the insecurity an in communty In the recent Supreme Court judgement, it never said that tiple talaqis to be criminally punished. aie ‘nvoke.a seculariow that akeady exists: Pnistion of Women om Damasic Violence Ac (PwaVAy./ Moire Parliament should have passed a law stating that the utterance of the words “talag, talag, talaq” would amount to “domestic violence” as defined in the PIWDVA. PWDVA was conceived as a law thal ensures speedy relief — ideally within three months — to an aggrieved woman While PWDVA is civil in nature, it has a reasonably stringent penal provision built into it Concems ‘© It could be just a piece of legislation rather than a kind than a kind of relief to the women. ‘© Some representatives have given it a political and religious color. '* Some Muslim women’s groups raised concerns about “maintenance' ifthe husband is sent to jal NeRE : SCS Aapes eaneny aaa Tribes — About ‘With 104 mition people representing ive on/45% of country area Beak + sexsatio for, ST is. 980 females to ev les a fernale LFPRis highest in case of ST with 33:6% compared to all India average of 22.6% © India Human Development Survey (IHDS), 2004-05, ST households have lowest ar income of Rs. 132345 compared to general population (RS: 72717) ~ #1}, «severe underreprecentation of STs and pending vacancies in Central Government services nears) one ot © Xexa commission ‘Challenges faced by tribals Historical hangover Issue of DNT Crim. Tribes Act, 1871 Indian Forest Act, 1927 declatad forest divers sre enicroachers, right not recognized yet. Problems of identification ‘There is no constitutional definition of tribes , but ST list is provided by president notification essential characteristics of these communities are: Primitive, Traits, Geographical isolation, Distinct culture, Shy of cgntact with community at large, Economically backwards Causes Inclusiof exclusion error Draft National Tribal Policy, 2008 r-vords nsus of 2011, number of individual groups notified as Scheduled Tribe Underdevelopment indovetspaecrsaat Serous neglect and deprivation poor connectiy,Iastuctue widespread poverty © Poverty leven ST is against national average of 3)" +Education oS of Disciminlin transl soi prejudice agit bl chien i © Lack of ib ontent,mgner tongue deft agra languages Ist nsth Paya Towwi oy eg SSE ~ ly used merely Prise auprand ae nedenco of igh Dropout Rates: 78 at Class xi86% atx, Marae ial ( 74 %L) + Hein: suerte regres ese hn nate vege 9 > 6 sj «@ _iffcates in deploying doctors, nivées and oer technical personnel rom ouls ineffective implementation of programies, insensitveness of executive \ Legal and Constitutional sues © Scheduled area 1 Slaies wherein tibes form sizeable population lke WB Kale, TNkept out ofthe a Aa = Slate Governments deliberately ‘Councils 4 = Not given enough , power, nancial autonomy, greater bure ation, interference, rnon periodic election, frequent dissolutions tion proposals «+ Forged and manipulated Gram Sabha resolutions lack of consent before land acquisition and cbr rave issues ail persist A ae Misdevelopment BDShaawnd . ‘contact with outside world, led to indebtedness and loss of land and forests, , aayaitamin Alliance money lender.liquor dealer , forest official, and miner |. even alas’ | Sse poy x Ha ( | © policy of integration provide space for protections and safeguards for their distinct identity I k2J45 , \Landalisnation;sieplacement and forced_rnigation: A faity model of development ) | thy Taibo ‘© appropriation of tribal land began during colonial rule, continued to present. | © tibatinhabited regions are rich in mineral, forest resources, large-scale development projects invariably came here eg in MivamiGid ils other dam related displacement wee EAE RATES) 0% populetion there is chaproponiona ) | ad gescsonnhs insta and irate rjc et mpoveshment and ‘vulnerability. ) suffer asssldently.cormuniysalidaty and, enilements such as ration cards, and ‘common resources ) © Laws and rules are manipulated to accommodate corporate interests.+ met with violence by Slate's forces paved way for Le Wing Extremism (CWE) ie * aot, insurgency, inertibal confit Mia : conflicts between State and tribal groups, between different tribes, and between tribes and nonstrbal groups ~ State i involved inal ofthese conflicts ay = i ualiny © cantrinugeny Salymusum in chai Fits by ste has been repent for ) aay oa rapes, murders, arson looting and intimidation in name of defeating Maoists. ’ | © Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 misused for extra-judicial kllngs, rapes and ee ttle) Rarassment by armed forces. ‘© Not only prevented connectivity , development, but also fumed distrust for state Suggestions fogs! QO | ‘/ te-stiontdevelopment in tune vith tibal culture and to adopt @ more humane approach to tribal development ) + ForLWE :.prongad atratagyilA + develop ent +accoptanicel6f slat fale, ne encoragl! deficit via confidence building ap ay , Restructure and energise the working of councl Lvelnood Bhebor Com 1961 ° a Slee pono ha) - dapat y Royay Co i J “ge pe ‘establish agco-based taining inattutians and related labour-intensive processing industies in tribal belle regions. © Use of traditional knowledge for creating ecosystem and forest based services ° co ing of MFP through cigtal connectivly Eg) ganda of amazan KORRES ouch hic erercerent of leon restorer of Governance ‘© effort in developing curricula and instructional materials, keeping in mind socio-cultural milieu of tba. ou’ Teachers are recrulted locally. + policy of multilingual educatic cnnmagua Shiba Rehram Sooo, Ela Noel Schoo aalaya be tarodla promoted at large scale G txabar “Include tradi eh Uda > © Establish tribal F at local level and council at state level for better PiM(Policy Duta, tidiunbs formulation, implementation, monitoring) + Government steps © Kant Kumlapade’ stn Vision Corona queer) ( Bhapot 7 Finding he blancs between assimilation and solani appreach nl ook an interetve approach Wad sued by Neh panchshee nil. Constitutional provision "Feats * AM 18,29, 0, 46, 330,332 Geaulrav “eth Schedule and 6th Schedule providing fr tribal advisory council and autonomous district council “vas © have been given significant legislative, judicial and executive powers on several important matters, i + Special role of Governor and president a “etd ) ‘* Exception under article 19 ete Legal obligations Provisions of Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 Forest agit act 2005 “ani ae dking * Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes Act, 1989. GoodWeave (Rugmark) certification and social labelling for child labour-free carpets (Kailash Satyarthi) garment making, domestic service, food and refreshment services (such as tea stalls), © agriculture fisheries end mining, ‘© sexual exploitation and production of child pornography © Spoverty, ‘* Accial norms condoning child labour, considered assets + gender bias + middle class values ‘* ack of decent work opportunities for adults and adolescents, ‘+ sfhigiation - seasonal migration + development displacement for tribals Amergenc rgencies 4%, CON at enlows © Conflict effective prevention and contral of Trafficking, Impacts: cemographur «threat tonational economies diielend- 4 severe negative short and longterm consequences for childten such as denial of education and undermining physical and mental health + reinforces intorgenerational cycles of pover ‘Government initiatives: inextricably linked to poverty (Amended in 2016) ‘An Act to prohibit the engagement of children (unt the age of 14) in all occupations and to prohibit the engagement of adalescents in hazardous accunations. © Makes offences in contravention to this act COGNIZABLE OFFENCES. . ‘oe SRM EEA ERR © Identification of children in child labour in the project area. Withdrawing the identified children, ‘= Their introduction to mainstream education by providing necessary vocational training, = Ensuring that they're benefitted by the multitude of services provided by the different governments and agencies. © Itaims at the withdrawal of adolescent children from hazardous situations or occupations by ‘= Identifying all adolescents and withdrawing them from the project area = Faclitating training progremmes for such adolescents through the skill development schemes which are currently existing © Itaims at raising awareness amongst the target communities and the other stakeholders regarding child labour ‘about the functionality of NCCP © Tocreate 3 hid Labour Monitoring. Tracking and Renorting System to stay updated with the situation: Rat key ILO Conventions in 2018 138 (i forms of Child Labour) mum agefor employment and work) andl Worst What to do: mapame + stangtan child protection systems 4 «addressing poverty and inequity + improve access to and quality of education ‘+ mobilize public support for respecting children’s rights © Teachers can be frontline supporters to protect children and can alert other stakeholders such as social Workers to situations where children display signs of distress or indicate they work ong hours Civil Society: ‘¢ (Bachpan Bachao Aandolan by Nobel Laureate Kellash Satyarthi - Convered the Global March against Child Labour in 1998 (1.0182) Sexual Harassment of Childre! Data: ‘© 2007, Union Ministry of Women and Child Development study. of children said they had encountered "one or more forms ‘More than a fh reported severe sexual abuse, inluuing assault f sexual abuse’. © CRY — 1-21d of adolescents face online abuse © NORB 2016: © defines a child as any person bel © Provisions for relief and rehabilitation of child, © gender neutral law Fas{ Track Special Court = lssvee: ® Setup mao © Recently, minimum punishment from 10 to 20 years of imprisonment and maximum punishment death penalty ‘The definition of aggravated assault has been widened of — child pornography included ‘© doticatedftransparent Online Complaint Sysenfetalldemeey ensures timely redressal of complaints of violations and deprivation of child rg «‘Nalgil comntsionforPfetelon oF CH RIGHs:reqday reviews various ive end pokes related To chidren — now ex Issues: r FBiue to majorty of eecauts being cbenr known to the che Lorge scale cases o sexual hatassine al St hanes - MUzzatarpurBinarsheter home case~ v Private and Governnent '* Polticlan-Police-Criminal nexus (Unnao rape case) rember of NHRC. ed by Immediate family members or people f Police during investigation - Secondary victimisation - causing trauma idee ey 3 Inabeone ol eovealo ack of anaerene nu roby ener ther tans Way Forward! abe ap deauot een Zn, etanon StI tiie he se ieee & © Awareness campaigns eeu sua masta’ abo toning portals ee Cehbedims yte tioning oud Sirct enforcement of POCSO Spuecoleit) Vis ‘ather than severity of punishment ind other uses of technology to track and eliminate child pronography as betinition Code of conduc © broadened- audio, video, written material © Provrelt ‘greater onus on ISPs- identify, remove, track child sexual content ‘Strengthen NCPGR to deal with child pornography Permitting breaking end-to-end encryption for taking eway such content JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Juvenile Delinquency is the involvement of a kid who is between the age of 10 and 18 in illegal activity or behaviour. Facts: NCRB: © 2001 = 44k (300 in rape, 320 in murder) ©2013 - 26k ( 1400 in rape, 850 in murder) + (2017 over 40K (1820 in rapeyover 2000 nother crimes against women - assault, attempt to ape) Causes: '* Poor schoo! attendance © Violence at home Peer Pressure Substance abuse ‘© Lack of Moral Guidance - when patents or adults indulge in violence and abuse Effects: © Cutoff from healthy social interactions ‘© India has the highest rate of adolescent suicides '* Increases tendency towards substance abuse Legisiation: © Defines age and heinous crime '® Provide rules governing the adoption procedure in India. Children as witnesses in criminal matters: ‘© Convention on the Rights of CI * _Pocso 2012 , 1989 ‘Justice in matters involving child victims and witnesses in crime: Mode! © Supporting person. © Nomuitipe questioning - Interview techniques that minimize trauma - to prevent Secondary victimisation | © Spocially trained investigator © J Act, 2015 Gh pi nota Fa atom Ja Special Juvenile Police Unit ever cyst What to do? —————— ae acon efoto ring, calebrate wit NGOs Promote sports RTE enforcement Other vulnerable sections TRANSGENDER PERSONS (Protection of Rights) BILL, 2019 Issues faced by community: ‘© Social ostfacisation- rejection by family Police’harassment Lack of legal recognition, inheritance Lack of equal opportunity- access to women oniy/ men only institutions, public ullitles etc Mental heath issues- suicide rates very igh + HIV pot NFER T e NP in.» Sumi ty jams eco ~ Umpley gett Y anstit/ a potin. wv Tare Lck of access to meuical faites Poles and decision making ot of reach | \olnrebily to erme = trafckng, forcng i poston, etc {Leckof recogntion of reprducve rights -Surogecy Bil, ART Bi, Adoption et. ‘Steps ‘© 2014, NAUSA'eas0" SC declared jransgender people to be a ‘third gender’ © fundamental righ's granted under the Constitution of India willbe equally applicable to transgender people © fight to selt-dentiication of their gender as male, female or tird-gender. n e birth death certificates, passport etc Fs , aimed to end societal stigma Neds ete TatKa Helo ‘See 377 removal Manabi Bandopadhyay- ‘st trans principal- West Bengal Provisions of Bill '* Definition: Gender does not match gender assigned at brth- includes transmen, transwomen, intersex. Yariations ‘+ Prohibition againet discrimination: compelling a transgender person into banded labour, evicting from place of residence, causing physical, sexval, verbal, economic and emotional abuse—penialised willy — imprisonment of not less that at can exter ot ‘grounds including denial, discontinuation or unfair treatment in educational establishments, services, employment, healthcare. . content a {1o self perceived gender identity: A certificate of identity can be obtained at the Dis ‘Rpfonvstimen vt parents and matty mens + Welfare measures :gov will famulate transgender sensitive, non-stigmatsing and non-discriminatory welfare schemes and programmes. © shal provide education, sports and resrestonal faites for wansgender people. © sepals cane vd sexreasnmen surgeries sou ao be proved by the governi ‘© Defintion: could emulate UN'defirition, more comprehensive # Against NALSA judgement-stll needs certification \AZ, No}provisions for affirmative action, reservation YA Gender discrimination: Sexual violence ag trans person months=2 Years) a9 womens) Many provisions for discrimination- no penalties =a A Against constitutional rights of trans pplto residence- should legally recognise families of choice-Hijra, Aravani ote &Criminalsation of erganisedibeggary source of employment Way forward ‘+ Inorder to adopt a holistic approach the narrative of Transgender rights’ should be replaced by gender, identity, gonder expression and sex characteristics rights '» ThaNaional Couneil for Transgender Persons which plays a vital role in the implementation of the law ‘must be provided with greater representations from the community. Transgender + NALSA‘/s Union of India, 2014 base: ‘©The right to choose one's gender is part ofthe right tla ite with dignity © Third ger to be included in all oficial documents/forms © avenues of reservation within the OBC quota to this ‘marginelised’ section © a commissisn to protect rights ofthis communiy +6 Kaushal case: =_—- > © Reversing the judgment + Nawteysingh jaunar © Same sex manage «Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bil © Definition of @ transgender person © Recogition of Identity: I provides forthe right to selt-perceived gender identity. A certifcate of iWently as & wansyender person can be issued by the Distrct Magistrate, A revised coticate can also be obtained ater Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS). © Prohibition against discrimination: | Act prohibits 8 types of discrimination against, health edu, public place © Offences and penalty : abuse(phy. mental), denial of residence or employment, forced labour, removal rom household (upto 2 year) © National Council for Transgender Persons will Wellfare measure for rescue, rah, skill, health, esp HIV, sex reassignement suger © Issue Lack right of self identification, dependent on Drm No review mechanism in case of denial Lack provision of affirmative mechanism like reservation . RP Seana oe yee or oe ron ge + Proporion of elderly was 86¥4n 2011 ands rising. (18H by 2041 Eo Sur 2018515) v ‘+ Projected a rise upto 19% In ZOSU{hrdka: largest no of old adults in the world) UN): Ppl more than 65yrs more than ! 207 © Expands ildren to include, grandchildrén step children, adoptive , children in | NT gy law relative etc Se aa | Genin SOREN © Parents to incite bclogizal, adoptive step ete ee ae penands defnion of tae ‘| maenanceo ince provision ofhealhcare, safety, and secur for parents to lead | UTIL ign ite ial 8 welfare inchide provision of housing, clothing. safety, and ete for physical and mental welhbeing © Maintenance nolUpp@flinil fom rs 10000 earlier | Maintenance to be deposited withifi15idays ftom earlier 30 Constitution of detemine maintenance to be given ‘= Parties can appeal against ibunal A eel Increase 0 in case ofabarxionneniofphildren. - © Provision for establishment of Secior (6 provide geriatric care . not below the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspector, to Policies and program aa National programme for healthcare of elderly ‘© National council on senior eitzen s improve quality of fe of older persons by providing provided to persons of 60 years and above and belonging to BPL family. «Vatu Bessin ima Yojana WPI Jo give an sesured minimum ponsion one guranteed ininum | return on subscription amount. + Pradhan Manui Vayalvandana:Yojana'a provide socal security during old. age: © Vayoshree Samman Global '* World assembly on ageing 1982 and madrid international plan 2002 (UNPF ) Suggestions mace error pen © They a personal and professional experience which could be better channelised Soll bridge by connecting ok age Homes and orphan © Provide vital generational link that can suppoit family > Wu be especialy helpflo radice hll dSGRaucy/ by her ole of ranemiting mal pee ° | when both the parents are working PL Bien, + np Tike goa ibe eras trol tol aig nd understanding, special in era of rising intolerance and hate crime -y/ licangeBGeTOCtieMent th vise in te cxonciancy. (EEO SUEY 20119))7 ‘Looking after them and building more state of art facility for them F indigent elderly, particularly those with age-related issues like dementia, Promoting cullur needs policy © Enhancing the, ancora eat ASTI Sbecoy in rural area-community based primary healthcare approac Allocation of special budget for elderly population at both levels. PRaNbt ACh CtsAm) - Gow employets Me pure [OTN fe Atma af nok tary Core © time Bonk ‘+ Providing entertainment facilites ike libraries and clubs al panichaval level’ ="Bhilar(Maharashtray 2 ‘vill ra Ciecruted) Policy correction G ARE ‘© Increasing monthly pension of elderly fo minimum of Rs 2,000 per month. A art. MU)14 «© Under Pradhan Mantsi Awas Yojana, Housing for aged, particularly aged poor, must be @ priory ad ay Ty ene (nena ) Caste ‘Ambedkar: Hindu society is lke a tower, each floor alloted to one caste, tower without staircase, floor on which zai ule r slew 6 to Gol are from SC/ST se coe aap nel) currently teaching ish? MeN rare toe for ger css oF aty. © Enrolment in PhD prog in ITS - 9.1% from SC, 2.1% from STs(lower than 15% for former and 2.1% from STs) res = 254. + Poverty © Rural’ areas: SC share of total woalth-6% Agr land)6%.at popu share of 7%. 39% of total natural wealth, i 7 lenge © Caste based violence: © (Bhavkhedi village(mp) Dalit kids beaten to death for defecating in the open by the Yadav commu, © | Nagavr- torturing and stipping for alleged thet ° Shot a for splashing water from yell ° 8 cases of repe ag sc women, 3 against $f women every day © Bhima’ Koregaon + una flogging © Honour kitings: Udumalpet(TN) © Suicides: Payal Tadvi(Musiim tribal case, Rohit Vemula: structural institution caste based sagem@kalogy New forms of discrimination Concy of Itemmpe © #itterhatesscstobomuslims, #jaibheemisimandaljaibirsa, #casteisttwitter st Tbssty CLEANING STAFF at hospitals and otherganitation staff -majority belonging to lower castes, not wereld {| prowiea enough PPE, afraid to ask for replacements, no training x hs HOA Lows Py Jind! 1UAFOSS gota repoHl:27% of the Indian population sfill practi y.52% of Brahmins , 33% of OBC bow Ss and 24% of non-Brahmin forward Castes, “| 52% of Christians 2 '*| acc to the 61st NSSO, 22% of Hindu 90% of Buddhists, one-third of Sikhs, and one-third of Christians in India belonged to SC or ST yee Sven! RORGUNREBRT, P sf e © crime against Dal ns) ‘women raped every day, 18 murdered every week, 27 atrocities every day. 6 kidnapped every week. Protest ee + Hathrag Poltical: BSP, Black panther, Chandrasekhar( Bhim Army) January: 100 Dalits in Sitamarhi district organised a sit down protest- fighting forced evacuation of 316 Dalit families on which they had ied since 2003. Cultural protest: culture as capitalBourdieu)- ‘© Kerala:Myths ate often powerful carers of resistance. Poltics of nam and the Mavellmyth \Vamana was the brahmin avatar of Lord Vishnu. (maveli was the earlier ruler before the brahmanical process). People stretched the story creatively. folklore has it that they pleaded with the ousted ruler to visit them every year. The invitation from the people to Mavell was a politically and ideologically oaded statement. ° on of asura ruler ‘Self empowerment: Dalit women farmers in Telangana-Decean Development Society. women sanghas zanna swara helped thousands of women to revive dry land, millet centred farming etc Constitutional safeguards- 15, 17, 48, 330, 332 Affirmative action 7 ‘SCIST(Prevention against atrocities) Act, 1989. ‘National Commission for SCs/STs/OBCs estb a Ashok Kum: ion (untouchability in educational institutions) ‘© Counselling Centres with professionals should be set up appellate mechanism for students to appeal of excesses in the university ‘aR ses ft tecrrekn Oc ‘* Gevence Redressal Commitee \ © Remedial teaching for academically weak students ‘© Strict compliance of Hostel Admission Rules in allotting hostel accommodation & supervision MANUAL SCAVENGING ) ILO: the removal of human excreta from public streets and dry latrines, and cleaning septic tanks, severs and gutters. Reasons: 282 people have. nna eat ‘and septic tanks inthe country hetwaen 2016 and wa Social ‘© Caste system-division of work( Manual scavenging is not only a caste-based but also a gender-based occupation wit 20-nercentofthem-being women, ) 5 Nein ger 0 Feudal mentality od ‘0 Poor awareness and education- about rights ete , ©. Vicious cycle of poverty and social immobility © Unemployment, poor skills, lack of alternate job opportunities * Infrastructure © Absence of proper Waste disposal system © Lack of mechanisation of work © Lack of safely measures and equipment, protective gear + Insttutionat © Subcontracting of sewer maintenance work prevalent cat © No criminal accountability of employer def” eneluuden 64% © gical pendency of cases Seary mente © Nalional Commission for Safai Karamcharis: weak, non statutory, vgcancies_—~ © Gout CBA eats nat aAAnler Improper monitoring and regufation and implementation of 2018 at rae labore At © Lack of political wil to eliminate practice i Cigmd otto fhe © 90% under indian Railways canta bon © Denil of basic dignity and human rights- art 14, 15, 21, UN Dac of HR © Health. deaths due to asphyxiation, exposed to viral and bacterial infections that affect their skin, eyes, and limbs, respiratory and gastro-intestinal systems. «Reinforces caste based dlvision of labour, continuation of historical injustice © Vicious circle of poverty Steps: stonst. —® Consiitution- Article 15, 19, 21, Universal Declaration of Human Rights «tage _g, * The Employment ofhlenuElscawengers ard Constnucon of Dry Lairines (Peabo) Act, 1993 + tneitc |¢ Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and thet Rehabilitation Aci 2018 1 megs “HSE” “"""oProhibts construction or maintenance of insenitary toes. © Prohibits engagement or employment of anyone as a manual scavenger violations could result in a years’ imprisonment ora fine of INR 50,000 or bath. a taoHus Prohibits a person from being engaged or employed for hazardous clesning of a sewer ora § pot Muna ‘septic tank, Guoehs, Oshene © Gtfences under the Act are cognizable and non-bailable. De Leer Calls for a survey of manual scavengers in urban and rural areas within a time-bound eanoy mies framework, {APP 6 seit employment Scheme for Rababiltaion of Manual Scavangars:(SRMS) ‘Draft national plan for elimination of manual scavenging: mechanisation drive(4 min- Social justice, Rural dev, Housing and urban atfairs, Dept of drinking water and sanitation in Jal Shakti) ‘© $C, 2014- mandatory forthe government to identiy all those who died in sewerage work since 1993 and provide Rs.10 lakh each as compensation to their families. ‘+ Ministry of Social Justice end Empowerment has associated ranutad NGOs like Safai Karamchari ‘Andolan, Rashtriya Garima Abhiyan, Sulabh International etc. for identification of manual avengers and their rehabilitation. ‘© Nallonal Commission for Safai Karamcharis (NCSK), suv moto nolice, inquire, advise stale, implement act + National safai karmacharis finance and dev corporation- will soon extend loans directly to ‘municipalities @4% for 15 years so that they can invest in machines. _& ‘Bandicoot’ . Way Forward: v L «Legal responsibly of urban local bosies/sanitation inspectorfemployer for sewer deaths + Got © Identiication of manual scavengers: The Ministy of Social Justice and Empowerment is conducting a survey © better moniteffng a take direct responsibilty for sewage and waste management, Swachh bhatat abhiyan- expansion of sewer network — NCSK. statutory status, more power and funds, clear mandate for eliination by a time period Justice: © Speedy trial, quick justice delivery °. Falrend speedy sandal assistance ae 5 (esiipenSAliOn for manual scavenging # Use oftech © Bandicoot Every urban local body req to stock machines of all sizes( anly 40% of urban India is covered by sewage networks) © Global technology challenge- Super sucker machines for bigger sewer trunks to smaller ones for narrow lanes: ) + Use of civ society-auareness, bring about deep rooted social change eg Bezwada Wilson- Safal Karamchari Andolan, Article 15 movie aa = Reservation Anicle 15(4) and 16(4) ) Part XVL-Article 330 and 332 provides for specific representation through reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Perliament and in the State Legislative Assemblies respectively. Need: oa * To correct the historical injustice faced by backward castes in the country- moral responsibility '* To provide a level playing field for backward section as they can not compete with those who have had the access of resources and means for centuries. © To ensure adequate tepresentation of backward classes in the services under the State, + To ener equals basis okmerana eal people mst be brow othe same level etre judging them on the basis of meri © inlet ehtlaarepa bpd airs ndomenieenqyomn be used oso camulage to let the upper classes take advantage ofthe backward classes in its name and to monopolise the services, particularly the higher posts and the professionel institutions" ‘+ Initiated as a temporary provision for SCs & STs- become permanent + Has failed io assimilate lowest castesitribes within the mainstream ecenomy and society + Vote bank nolitics Falled to remove caste differences, further aggravated the caste divide & caste conflicts, Communities excluded from reservations harbor animosity & ntejudice against the castes included in the reservation Category- vtiating workplace atmosphere; Paor among general categories are resentful, & {end to blame reservations forall their problems. + Glass within Castes: The creamy layer of reserved category has benetled most- powerful and ete benefit + Eficiency- enemy of meritocracy ) Growing demands from newer groups- Jats, Marathas, patels ete: # Seen as a remedy for the a * In dovoloped states lke Haryana, Gujarat and Mehorashira, in spite oftheir economies being relatively better, pp atfeced by © Acute agrarian distress, © Stagaation in emplayment-gcouth and «uppercase fare ing pop ard bly cope wth cage, el dasrortaged especially in context of government jobs. Way forward: * Economically deprived among the ower castes should not be left out- (eg exit policy - after 2 generations) © Sellprnciaimed backwardness: The perception of a self-proclaimed socially backward class of ctzens cannot be a constitutionally permissible yardstick for determination of backwardness. ‘© Realignment of development polices- strengthening of governance- edu, health rather than treating of reservation as panacea ‘+ Supporto poor: Scholarships, free tuition, soft loans and other mechanisms must be strengthened, © Awareness generation Why is caste stl persisting? Education Data Status of primary education ASER Anmsdenping, dubhitir > 28thol students cant rad a sso inhale um noua isn. (SS -mavs redaind tracy also for Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH)) a eaten ee lack basic arithmetic skills; only 43% of them could perform a simple division. + more girs then boys drop out of school between ages 14-18. While boys drop out to work, girs usually stay at home and help with domestic chores the proportion of Class V children able to read a Class Il text has decreased, more so in govemment schools, nearly 50%, + >60% of urban primary schools are overcrowded, — Overall enrolment =87% diemenony nt viet ‘About ee tai . Desinition - 547, © Education is a continuous process oa Ssiaeg skill competency knowledge and wisdom that help person live a productive meaning and fulfilled ife ° Features © Creating amicable environment , with two way communication .engage both teacher and kid © One which teaches how fo study not what to study © Curriculum Give time and space, freedom for exploration of ideas in sustained and coherent manner, for development of intellectual rigour and mental discipline Help develop cognitive capacity, promote inquistvily, ciical thinking Promote self avareness with social maral values help kid develop tolerance, respect for Diversity, Scientific temperament © Adequete ski far veinaad , and express one's creative self Problems in education At primary level ‘Quantity and issue of inequality + 24% of population i siliiterate Literaxy vais 767. '* problem now is more about_drapauts than children who were never enrolled, Women Men ‘© Poor access for people at bottom of strata in terms of class, caste gender, rural tribals, minority. S67. BZ]. © According to'2011 Census, hb 54 © average literacy rates of people aged above 15 among SCs and STSare about 9%and 17.4% less than natioral average, respectively. This erence increases to 23% and 23.5% among SCs and STs, especively, Senamen SESE indeating double discrimination faced by Dat and Adivasi women ST women 50% Quality ‘© substandard pedagogy, curriculum and content doesrit meet child need © Competition and exam centric with poor leaming outcome + student suicide © poor focus on cognitive development, promote apnformity and rote learning then critical thinking ‘© Lacking emphasis on yalue: instead reinforce existing stereolypes of society lke casteism and § traditional gender role * Lack tribal content most children are atleast 3 grades behind from where the stould have been { A+ (89 $8360 al students who joined jou medical cola go aca! wihouLeoaching At, Neglect of other sil from spats to music dance etc © Poorly trained teachers poor student teacher ratio +deployment of teachers for nor n | pumoses LANE | © ASSOGHAMs0% shortage ofteachers across govt schaais 7 fupil Teachur Resta BLB-compiant varied from 100% in Lakshadweep to J6.67% in Bihar Jofrasiucture and manpower issue / } J PrR Wier aS (2 27% of had no drinking water facility Uplse-+ fool, a 227. of schools enue 377.) = Compuker 's desired student-teacher ratio Missing in ~60% of schools. ‘© thousands of lowfee private schools are being forced to shut down in india Gove © Mainly due to low policy priority and poor budgetary allocation 3.2% of CDP Cove 2m Baivate AseR202 | Immense competition, pinta + Exam pressure only academic focus ; © Commercialisation, unaffordable fee op Nuno + Greate class decide and consciousness Consider Ethical education as only parents concerned public © Lack of igtastrucure, teachers, equipment ‘© Inefficient administration, Untrained teachers maare salary $- Palicisation of transfer, appoinient 1 fost ofthem lack digital infrastructure and skill to provide online education in covid scenario © distustof common man agalas statesnun schaols.and growing contribution of private sector ) © from 18.7% in 2006 to 28.3% in 2012, trend continues, then by 2018, India may have 60% children private Government steps ‘Sonsitutional and legal provisions ) ‘+ Article 244 by the 86th Constitutional Amendment Act of 2002, making elementary education a fundamental right rather 7 © Article 4Sprovide for early childhood care and education to children below the age of six years. # Right to education 2009 provides for free and compulsory education for all children i age group of 6 to 14 years as a Fundamental Right. ‘© like Pupil Teacher Ratios (PTRs), buildings and infrastructure, school-working days, teacher-working hours, trained and qualified teachers + reduce weight of school bag 5 © Nodetantion policy + school with radius of few km,+ 25% EWS reservation. ‘© building a system of child-friendly and child-centred learning ‘or holistic development Policy and programs SWAYAM > Apatimenleatanathiyag >= 0 provide Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in @ ) NiseerHn time-bound manner. Dig MO acontona a NIPUN ‘® For teacher : continuous.and periodic training. + performance based promotion Blane ‘© not be allowed to particinate in any non-teaching activities during school hours. ‘© Regulation of schools ‘© Separating regulation of schools from aspects such as policymaking, and acacemic development + Financing increased to 6.7% of GOP : WB recommended 4.7% . Kasturirangan a Remedial classes musi be putin place winen needed —— Titak = verntimals © Focus also.vocatlonal education Nal-Talliem. to the students at the schoo! level + syllabus must be WY ‘rationalized frequently after discussions with stakeholders. + Life skils and moral values must be inculcated within the school education system ec that the students can deel with problems, failures, and stress. trafic rules, environment + Ghangng the way capita cstenevetes Overy toanaia ssltunis aed confanansv naan or deed beaming deetand outcome, Finland © Bihar exam fraud, CHI- TOKU-TAL ‘ KU - Te MreteAge rings — iharooe DELHI ‘* School infa transformation: furniture, smart boards, aucl, labs + Training of teachers- exposure to new pedagogy, leadership tralning- cambridge, NIE singapore, peer leaming through teacher's forums, incentive: leacher awards- big event ‘© Reconstituting School Momt Committees: regular dialogue btw teachers end parents-mega PTMs ‘+ Major cursiculur reform: © Operation | foundational skills summer hols ° ae ill class 8 emotional well being o ethb had un © Entrepreneurship mindset curriculum- class 8-12, problem solving and eritical thinking abilities ‘© No fee increase in put schools( refund rs 32 cr) Good examples of bhutan and finland -Borabanda in Telangana- school dropout: Project Kala Mytrah( NGO Mahitat UNICEF)- launched to bring gils ‘back to school and empower them, classes al adolescent resource centres to prepare them for senior secondary back to school Ginif through Telangana open school society TAmmavadi scheme: Andhra 15,000 to mother to send Kids to schoo! Kanyashree ( B¢ngat) Other case studios: \Pperation blackboard: telangana- 41k women learn the Telegu alphabet from their own children under ‘Saaksher Bharat Mission Kishangarh in alwar district- educational intervention by Alwar Mewat institute of education and development through ‘Initiative for better tomorrow’ project- aimed at stonring marriages by nromaling adalescant ad. 10% literacy rate til a decade ago--now 78 giris going for higher and technical education, IBM through a mou with Kamataka, Telangana and Andhra has launched STEM edu as a new subject in the timetable for girl students Higher education About + Attimes nia played «dominate nhigher ection system and had renowned sss of tating b + frat Univery Commission under, ‘Radhakrishnen Commission sad tht universities need to have 4 -‘world-mindedness and national sentiments’. Status J. (ANSE) 2019-* ‘© (GER) in higher education doubled from 11.6% in 2005.05 wsilddisan 0.1% higher for gies ‘© India's R&D spending, as a percentage of GOP, sil lags significantly, eeaenay ‘© South Korea increased its GDP 12 times over past 45 years, while RED spend rose from 0.26% of GOP in 1985 to well over 4,04% in 2011; private players accounted for 76.5% of total R&D spending in 2011, , - BOLT SS APSA TONY from Indi © (QS) Rankings 2020, only three Indian Universities: 40 been included in the top 200 institutes. @ ,, Problems with Higher education et Low enrolment rato a higher level GER 2% tae i Regional variation wth eolege densi vars fo compared US. Chie to All India average of © only a smal proportion, ranging from 5% to 25%, of our engineering Graduates know enough ‘engineering to be employable Milekwad — 47/1F grad. Ormploy stat © Poor scademic-socil connect, universiy-industy linkage © Knowledge isn't upgraded to suit market demand, outdated curriculum, lack practical experience oo ‘0 Tghored the basic disciplines, across the physical and social sciences and humanities. not even 25% of the total higher education institutions in the country were accredited © Investment Sutsea of Siecass © Pibleiesinertinige een es eon way er anete oe cet of ou Cping brcitived size and complexly "0 Cane) © manifested in Inadequate human capaciy, shoddy inastucluse and week institutions iy “BREE ncerpomwgy apatite © Often, overworked, part-time and ad hoc teachers, lacking in skills, carry burden and teaching safer, Ceatniviny - Only 4 BBC pats, ‘task of hose al the top is seen as managing an institution rather than fostering creativiy, or encouraging a questioning spit = Many a time lacked credentials qualifications , more compliance to boss rather than providing leadership, creative one marginalised © bay changes ss etbaaton win sae uitan) Four year undergraduate system, choice based credit system (CBCS) and massive ‘open online courses (MOOCS) have been introduced even though teachers have protested that hese idea(OU), INU fea ike reduces affordably for weaker section of people + Corruption and fraud ‘© corruption seeped into exams es apam end row even bigger Dental and Medical Admission Test (OMAT) scam point to. © Inassessing teachers quality + producing research + Journal ‘* Lack internationalisation © Doesn't have world class universities or effective international higher education foreign policy Government Steps. © National Policy of Education , 1968 1986 and Program of Action, 1992 © Universal access, retention quality __& Computer skill at secondary level © Increase social impact at tertiary level to bridge the gap between policy and implementation. double the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education achieve globally acceptable quality standards across the county, position at least 20 Indian institutions among the top global i © Rasitiya ucchtar sukhsha abhiyan © Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA) tasked to mobllse Rs, 1,00,000 crores for this ‘+ National Educational Alliance for Technolagy (NEAT). © In PPP, use edtech companies . Al © Global Initiative for Academics Network (GIAN}: distinguished academicians, experts from across world, to teach in the higher educational institutions in India. + Inde-SAT exam under a ‘Study in India’ scheme, to enable evaluation and study of students from Asia and Affica who seek admission here. +* Institute of eminence and Graded Autonomy to Universities & Colleges: 3-tered graded autonomy system based on accrecitation scores. Category | and II willhave significant autonomy ‘© National institutional ranking framework + All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE?) Suggestions ‘Regulatory and governance reforms: ‘© Restructure or merge different higher education regulators (UGC, AICTE, NCTE ete.) to ensure effective coordination. ‘© Link University grants to performance. transparent auditing and accreditation Select Vice-Chancellors of universities through a transparent & objective process. ‘low foreign institutions to operate joint degree programmes with Indian insttutions to promote ‘competion and efficiency (TSR Subramaniam Committee 2016 -allaw top 200 universities in world to ‘open branches in India) ther reforms Increased focus on vocational and profession led education + Improve distance and online learning especially Covid scenario # Increase budgetary allocation , normally as well for R.& D_ # Promote Industral participation for skiing as well funding, as seen in Kore, japan and singapore key Recommendations ofthe Deat Policy School Edvention 7 fay eho + Eeysop ew rion Fava by ag i ONCE oi oT nap meta, Gare. and onclorthonga@foupctesyeueandotherforih age grap of. yen, ih Eacaten "| Seen of taal Begs expnion sence Satins nd pe MUA] eceey ‘schools wits primary schools where possible, State Governanents to prepare cadres of tofesonly. ae scsors or ary chihood edo, Ter 7 1 ty Bon ef lene endy emrnmets by 4 commtee Cf Cage sats, ety ‘iidnood edocaton experts, arts, ond oeitectsin eahsate . Semana Pied) te) fame a ig a a TE ! el Coe TCH tee tty | Momeney "|. Remedi instrctiona Ades rogram: to det stirs om cl commis to {Sry ep Hoeete wave toning. NipvivBharel |. —raGona! Tutors Progranwne- where the best petfonars to each schoo workas tutors dug, Etat roe re ‘ rary youngest Keele Telmegrating [> adGressing acess gaps i nrastructure such as anspor fails pats ora sea Drove ‘tent wath octal crn tapi wets + streets ogame esenauet sen locas 3-2 Toate |= ig comping ean oS eBraTETewaon tages yest epenaysotan ads 2. aa bows hs repr Sng dest sfeceormt S atines By Saag, PT 365 - Social Issues cD yee hi age G78 AL) on reece oh events care coat nocdertomate poet | |e terested igaty cic of subject the sits. Developing | | Restructuring | + Aiton acter was thee ke oF Wstitins | | Sigiteantycnbung oct edge reeds _| «Type scollgee oc sinost excise on the gol of Nght eating ee reer are eee a ‘netvo area(sot speciation + inosine foveyear undergraduate proronmes In eral Aging mpe eat otons ctnepraiaecngten ne |] Fue RBS Go Ubu test be set 1 mada ply Wil os ars ‘Optimal eo ier aeons ie THU?) ‘outing the earning Caring tucates Foes evasion fo developmont 33 ager iegeares | + Etabsment of 2 Maton! Research Foundation ous on oui eis of stide hive ona pce. “ind, mets ie Ne, and 6 | Cac for gaty rear Ww TE Tour jr eon sss Key 0 | Sey ad as and amonts,we prvion acd adder sen. aznilon Caves and ce So ea Bah Ae Ps a Sai ae A SUaI ISTE oy tometer __|_etedtcon Sahoo Setup Pull Shoal Comply. WHEN val bo Custos of HODIE ZTE WW cntguoUe oc arclehgptigion ty disteaa — + Sites soar te ogagytnclon vom a ofoewerfunclnsn ean suas pelcrating chool operation + Spin dependent Sate Scna Relatry Autry fr ech sae a wl preserbe b ‘as fon stan aor pul ate banat il or overt of te school stem w ach att. | igig——] ater ci Westy BAC a pvt Be ened 7 aR Education Boxed ot Covering whalbe he apex body forthe stiton wth cone tenon Inatadons | « -Angctaton dystemledbysrevamped Nala! Accredtatonand Assesment oumch Lies) "tober “Teacher nanagenct Eos [pet o eco quad wens eer th eng wees , ee thes tw necaty pide gon tai Sass oo TereepayeTo Te hoo comes, nen opr svent es ha ol ‘lpr ens iat yr arth coun wb soppy 22. Tench tte alowed te pti n any notanng cies ecole iy mea ing ‘Shoat th otc ha to pinta wk ‘enurs we eed eames my 50 our of om prfeton devapen thing one a ‘sini anus ratetnaleamg antag shod ned He ie parmanet ‘rploymedtCemre) ack system shoud rodedforfaclty ha higher education iat by 2030. ‘iltesdhervil have pore caver progression pts to become educational adminvalor [eee RSG oa ite eae ee + Hatlonl isle on Eaton trough formalon and conmankation ednolgy to sup vvanborteres th pone remate access o beaters viius spines. A Haina CdcatlonalTetnelogy Fora vt sia tag oer ie Melon os av tuonomous te, to ese Geena oF Hr PENTICN, feployman anduse of Cecnoogy. Inert edna tecinolgy Ite the schootcurclam- using computtonl thklng (Une thot [rocesses hvohed infoaloting problems ang solitons rvs that computes can effectely eset) a yates Oita a nm bo enn — —<$ &£@£@ —o—o—@- COVID And education Drawbacks of online education 5 = * Lankin support sytem ‘2 lack of resources such as Internet and laptops, © lack of access to libraries afd mentorship as Well as personal financial problems due to the pandemic ‘© owing tothe glaring digital divide prevalent in the society it will further cause distress to underprivileged students. £s4 of scrsetelsitdnun acecsaing enti edu. © only 11% indian household have access fo computer, only 24% access to intemet dropping to 15% in ural area 1 Single device cannot hold mute children 1 Govt school ack online teaching facitos, Xenia to women © twill dilute the meaning of learning and would be reduced to content and consumption _ Stun. commuicain, Top down teacher student procass where teacher creates, tent consumer | © Teacher's intelectual midwife to facilitate bith of student idea insight and cial thinking about . epee nr a, promote rote learning (lab etc will go missing) ‘© Student will gxuca skills ike debate, dialogue, disagreement and friendship, communication. ‘© Without being in physical touch they will lack social communicating ski =~ © Without shared space to discuss idea, learning is reduced to consuming ideas © Form groups, need of close personal interactions, discussion. Supervision + Clasroom offers space for soldany agains! discrimination, face anxiety, stage fear form communication outside realm of family, economy strate, help prevent narrow mindedness, ‘+ Extra screen time can damage vision and Cognitive capacity Pesiive, “Sion ane Contive ceapecly # Can help attain target of 30% GER ¢ Making lectures available on an online public platform with democratised knowledge and wider ‘distribution of learning appariunities on @ public platform. * Need of hour, in pandemic ridden world ‘Suggestion ‘Both quality and quantity of online classes need to be improved Reimagining education more about learning Lesser about degree. Changing the way knowledge is tested and exams are conducted Gandhijnaitaleem puting high value in self learning Integrate latest tech Ike Al, to deliver personalised infrastructure based on learning need of f each student. ‘+ Provide content in multiple languages and curriculum adopted to local needs. (Livelihood college, Dantewada, in general Chhattisgarh) Slate need to ramp up digital infrastructure, ensure every student have access to laptop, smartphone. Investin capacity building of govt. Find olution at local level via innovative thinking with decentralisation of decision making © Outsourcing rom public sector takes away state discretion + their accountability towards job © Capacity building + discretion + social accountability of front line worker © based solutions aren' panacea but bypass of existing systematic problem. HEALTH Teotitey Prdinall ome fa a- ard cl an ine Somefacts Jnded- 3 laugeae milctony Ope ur ©) nay oP SPEND 1.113% arg 6%) 60% Of health expenclture out of pockety 7 Life ‘pectancy - 68.25 years . = 80 (Rs) a> $RE . UNICEF: 25.4 new born deaths/1000. - neonstal ws MMR - 122 (highest in assam ) SRS recorded dectine ! Assam 215 [tL 7D sox ratio osa\sverl) 948 pany | ets ey Pos Malnutrition ist DG 3.1 <70/te fe Underweight - = . Stunted - 98% > 387. Wat Beds» 0.7/ 1000 sin iio - 3/1000 © Malnourished - 8% Humanresource Health workers - 20.6 per 19900 (WHO- 22.8) ° bo a = Setup in India Primary healthcare © First level of contact, provided by a network of sub centres and primary health centre © Socondary healthcare © Second tier, patients referred from primary health care . Provided by district hospital and community health centre at district and biock level © Tertiary ‘© Third level, specialised and consultative care usually on referral, Provided by medical colleges ‘and advanced medical institutes SIGNINIFICANCE ‘© Healthy population enabler for rapid and sustainable development. ‘© Quality of lfe of an individual ‘© Ensures no sudden setback for families (earning member) ‘© Sustains upward mobilty of the poor by minimising their expenditure on health Ef caiaranter nese? © Patient °. Case! "Ruf: ubon > eccounts fr 70% of population but an sa ei Dearth of doctors wiling to work in rural areas. ii, Regional cisparty says large’ sispariiesin overall performance Inequit it ic fices- if [- >. (RREDT'Y put.ceetor = 98Y> ¢| 1 tab soca expendi arn 27 no flee peering rn aU hospital th Secondary and tertiary sector dominated by prvete sector . High fees/ prof motive ~ = est/-rg ok declon out ofeach ofthe poor Nes for public private not adequately define and inefiectively % enforced 3 Only one in five doctors in rural areas qualified to practice medicine , quackery. Union a GITCOTET ii. Negligence and malpractice in Pvt sector . Exploitation , overcharging etc (Gorakhpur-death of children, Japanese encephalitis, Rajasthan- JK Loné- West eas: oro Kota 100 children Sa ‘amon © Doctors we 2. (IRBOUTERS / workin extreme conditions (overcrowded , understaffed hospitals, inadequate PPCs diagnostic tools b. Inereasinal high/cost fo privat Medical euuEat|Gohg to China etc creating dearth and brain drain © Qverburdened 4d. Doctors patient relation - According (ol boaay ie atdocts have taced some vblance! / © Stucturalimise Lowspending /-4 7, © Low availabilty of heaitheare professionals. ” © Medical education = Uncertainty in NEETINEXT = Nepotism = Reports of dscrimination against SC/ST ‘responsible for publicj health that is legally +7 “empowered to issue guidelines and enforce health standards © _ Insurance : low insurance penetration ° ile mmrlimrte ete already w challengr ‘emerging (diabetes capita) 1 GOVT STEPS © Health and wellness © National health protection ‘scheme ~ >” “31h. 5 ith, ASHA, Anw, ‘© -Wanani suraksha yojana © -anani Shishu Suraksha Keryakram © _Radhtriya Bal swasthya karyakram uM. ‘© focus on urban poor isease specific programmes OAL Mims eeetanalnpeliueekory National Health Policy 2017 National Health Polley 2047 © Ensuring adequate investment: from 1.4% to 2.5% In a time bound manner .2/3rd towards primary _healtheare — © Thiversal and affordable healthcare : health card to be provided for free diagnostics, drugs ete * Comprehensive approach - expand preventive, promotive, curative ,paliative and rehabilitative via publicTealth sector Focus preventive and promotive health: early detection eto Medical pluralism - include AYUSH oF “Better regulatory mechanism —— © National healthcare standard org.- to maintain standard in public and private © Medical tribunals © Standard regulatory framework - for lab , maging ete ital intervention (© National Digital health Authority to regulate deploy and develop digital health © Teleconsultation ‘© National knowledge network i © Electronic health record PLL Scheme Make in india: Mari) 6 eronuent deteleny ou 0 reson and osm paroHeh Ln, © Private sector engagement: for strategic purchasing to ‘il critical gap oO Antes —— —$——— | NHP, 2017: Key Objectives: + Progrisvly achieve Universal Heath 224 NIP, 2017: KEY TARGETS (AUGNED TO S06 GOALS} “Coverage: by assuring : |e ualaiiy of free, comprehensive ATOR Bie 2 me rimary heath ore services Tie tapoetmey bah [herent e107 [by 2005 See eeeioy see ef Ses! | Siproved acces and affordability ae —| eaaiiae 3 of quality secondary and tertiary tore services = = Siqiieant reduction in out. of u focket expenditure ) | Premature mortality fram ‘rust in Public Health Care cadet ds System: by making predictable, | jens thicint, patient cone afordable and | [ison eps | effective 1 ‘Elimination of kala-azar * Align the growth of private health care ‘Elimination of lymphatic | 6y 2037) setor iblic health wt Sarai rvenetonis possi | | | t iy Strategic purchasing 1 | Binns fede @ORS per 18w | HI] | | Governmentto fil cecal gas in public | — betsons. ‘health facilities ea dbl a | Ta ere | am0"| | Sen Sa Rap ‘ ont Objectives: nagNTaTe wR SBS oa Way forward Generic based on issues above 7 Shitocse rom cua prevetve og vivesatimmunission UNCipimany SYNE Flan ‘© Encourage private investment in education(o increase workforces) , but regulate them better also + Leverage benefited of IT, computerimobile based e health ‘© Support to startups investing in process automation diagnostics. ‘+ Awarenes about non coomunicable diseases . eazy © Use of ICT and health startups je - tobelus © Alplatform: rapid radiglogy diagnosis in low resource settings Goaye = onepty 97 TeleIOU plato high sled care persomel OP WaneboG - ob | ‘© Centralised drone delivery: blood, medicines, vaccines to remote locations ee ba Vinee | ‘© Startups can be effective collaborators rather than mere suppliers of tech ) ‘© Work towards UHC, cue from developing countries likelTHailend - GDP) 247, Sr . e i pop S pons onl h vt sania Siimes pe than UK(6% of gdp), community health agents who perform monthly visits 10 every family enrolled: health promotion, prevention, checking implementation, managing relationship between citizen and healthcare system). ‘¢ Kerala: Vigilance Cell for Health-crackdown on quackery, unethical practices and relationship btw doctors and clinics. Monitoring health care advertising ff - screening of high-risk mothers, CEMONG. 7 _gnetzes(emergency centres for obstetric care), pregnancy and heart disease regsty ) Ne Prioritise public and preventive health Govt to take stewardship role, not focus exclusively on provision of service © Increase exp to : cover screening for entire population , active case detection , disease survellance © Create designated focal agency with union health min to Disease surveillance = Monitor health status = Education in public = Evidence based action = Enforcing regulation wn availabilty of qualified and motivated health HR, create a dedicated public health cadre © Assurance of healthcare © Via strategic purchasing to obtain desired service from both public and private © Improve quality off health care institutions via quality certifications upto district level . Expand kayakalp from just assessment to a tool for improving infra '» Fiscal transfer for better health outcome © Transfer from centre based on output of service delivery and incentivising better outcomes. «Human Resource for Health Formulate a model policy Bridge course for nurses/AYUSH in primary care Introduce career progression measure © Access to medicine link Drug price control order from NLEM Reviews business model of Jan aushadhi store © Reengineer existing approval process for clinical trials > currently 2 years Vs 3 months in SGP ‘+ Health research : r © For disease of highest priory, including NTD and emerging infection. Bring together national international stakeholder for developing new tools (drugs , diagnostic, vaccines ) eg WHO India country co-op strat ‘+ Focus on key social determinants of health © Nutftion- Bharat Poshan Krishi Kosh, POSHAN, food fortifcation © Drinking Water © Sanitation (WL PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Primary health care is @ whole-of-society approach to health and well-being centred on the needs and preferences of individuals, families and communities. It addresses the broader determinants of health and focuses on the comprehensive and interrelated aspects of physical, mental and social health and wellbeing (wey Care for health related needs throughout fife span, rooted in social justice and equity Significance ‘* wellpositioned to respond to rapid economic, technological, and demographic changes, all of which Impact health and well-being, Draws in wide range of stakeholders , hence better formualtion/examination of policies , hence better addvesses social, economic..environmental, political determinants Highly effective and efficent way to handle main causes of poor health «Good vale investment evidence tha quality Pi {eludes Key cloments needed to mprove heath secnty and prevent heath vests rotated AIR a coomunly engagement education ec) Essential to achievelUHO 9) Issues ees Ail fret er ‘= Focus is narrow (mostly RMNCH and some communicable diseases), personalised and curative , not on ‘a comprehensive population based primary healthcare (lifestyle change etc) ‘= Plus issues from above ae eer apne na ae ee can © NRHM- NUHM Way forward © Accelerate the establishment of a network of 150,000 HWCs © APH nucleus comprising of 5-6 upgraded PHCs , equipped with mid level service provider ASHA, ANS, male nurse © Shd provide diagnostics service , mental less , grit, paatve ete © Strong referral inkages to secondary and tertiary © Digistion offay and indlvidual health records, use rel Enable mechanism for rapid scale up © Via enhancing infra, HR, ICT, connectly © Insiutonal mechenisms- for efficient decision making and co ordi bein cente and states © Mobilising CSR © Mobile HWCs for better access in remote as well urban. ‘g9° Innovation (eg mohalla cnc) 7 Sonjeovani CMP) Action for disease prevention ani 12 data to guide public Fit Indes (os ee nuach Ne ates ol oni tar tn edcaton F supplementary nutrition, preschool non formal edu, immunisation \& Gatalyze people's participation for healthy India - Swasth Bharat Jan Andolan Bhanot «Emphasize concurrent Teaming, opyations research'andTisavation dh + Working at decentralised level, engage community, radtional knowledge like ayurveda especiell in tribal area © With eommuniy engagement Oaisha was better abe to dea! wth acute encephalitis cases. SECONDARY AND TERTIARY HEALTHCARE Issues "Sunes sear rae © — Exploitative , immor ractices (extra test , high bills) *Gyereowded and overburdened govt stitution kes ASP i Concentaedinurban areas Need fo 150,000 adtoral beds, osp tir 23 cies 20 raeebens Aviat A mens © Public Sector - only provided by certain medical colleges and very few stand alone public hospitals Jemma bbntributdan ef NCO & sey — 82 (1480) (rere) + NHPS + RAN + PM Swasthya Suraksha Yojana ‘© To correct regional imbalance in availablity of affordable / qually tertiary healthcare NIT Aayog- PPP model in district hospitals for tertiary care services Covid and health + Health infrastructure is avarburdanad and overstretched causing denial to vulnerable section like pregnant women, trauma, cardiac care (comorbid people) of fear + Fear of people reaching hospital due to stigma + Reduced access to other health care Ike maternal health, child delivery, disabled health access reduced by + Violence against medical practioner + lacking safely kis instruments and tech + Issue of disposal of medical weste, dead bodies suggestion Govt to provide quality, affordable heath care Eg TN capping the cost of treatment ‘© Financial assistance to prvats sector (subsidies etc) + Bette . ‘© With PPE kt, headgear trainng, insurance + Equal prorty to prevention as wel as aly care. + ania teen rough which cared outa sustaine me let pronounce victory over the disease in 2016 Also ° ae €@ pyramidal structure with a network of primary health centres, district and tertiary hospitals eee © have medical health inspectors, public heath midwives a Every |, you have a govemment health centre,” © Used teciof passive suvellance’+ completely random testing Public vis private ‘Problem in private sector © plays Expensive, even ay tt Eg in case of tuberculosis, number of private practitioners and laboratories continue to Use inappropriate dlagnostic tests and prescribe improper drug regimens, which contribute to emergence of drug resistance without curing patent. ‘© Public health care cannot be left to private ke in,US\despite/15%oF'GDP edicated to health via insurance based private medicine, yet it fare poor then UK Which provide govt sponsored universal healthcare © More then one milion unqualtied medical practioner providing besic health facity, requiring regulation and monitoring © Srilanka : due to universal public heath coverage it better Reason fort's expansion ‘© Supply ide :Poor quality public health infrastructure, shor of quality staf es well as technology ‘© Poor investment an public health with less than 1.3% of GDP ‘© Demand side : Rising rich class with affordability middle class demanding quality ‘© Representative of rising inequality 70% poor left to mercy of unpredictable public hospital + _ Problems in public sector BF © tighly inadequate spending © acute paucity of trained manpower ° in public health care is eroding © inabilty + eis ‘of public health care system is indirectly encouraging privatisation of health care services. iSssiae at Minority term “minority” used in our constitution, not defined. National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 (Sédtion 2(€ act defines a minority as "a community notified as ‘such by Central government’. India this applies to Muslim, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhist and Parsis (Zoroastrian), Jain religions. ‘As pe: TMA Pai Foundation vs. State of Karnataka(2002)- State basis and not national basis for both. linguistic and religious minorities. Bal Patil Case (2005) - religion’ pan-India basis, linguistic. state-wuse When we discuss the term minorities we should not limit ourselves to religious minorities. Linguistic minorities, transgender etc are also considered minorities in the larger socio-political framework. ‘Simple numerical majorty-minorty constructs fell to include regional (Ike non-dominant tribe groups in the North East), linguistic (Bengali speakers in erstwhile East Pakistan) and other “pattern of life follower” (ethnic) minorities 2011 census jp hingu= 78.8% a Ydent Muslim » Chistian - 2.3% Sikh. 1.7% Buddhist - 0.7% Jain = 2.4% Other- 0.7% RNS-, 0.2% Issues of religious minorities lapnercy common Aidlos epnhorg Problem of protection Gunuginim mamas 298 4 LI, Cnet’) © Communal violence ,confits, festival coloration related ieeuo cmech atearhe Sainte CHA) «Problem of ots and communal tension - eg North East Delhi rots 4 Problem of lack of representation in poles, services ete Lee CNUs) © '* Problem of separatism (Kashmiri, Naga) fray + Failure to strictly stick to secularism - ronlcion ores ques, ole bank plies - OA1Ai Ant 2peech © Introduction of UCC . mapeealty + Sova wel nd lees nes hes buying, ae conten spew ete — COLI ta mant * UPse Iihagd * Muslim < selcanih ‘© — Hate crime - lynching , riots , social boycott (Corona) ‘+ Sachar commitoe - three problam secunty identity and equity + only 2% in publc services despite 14% share in popn. + Highest incidence of stunted children ¢ 2Btepercentnever been fo school © Only 2% in post graduate courses 2 Fundamentaism GZ © Ghettotsation Christian © Identity ‘+ Proselytisation has become a sensitive issue , allegation of forced conversion te ‘© Attacks on missionaries eg Graham stein oy No resorvation for dalt Christians —— hap - Church nttack Sikh Jo © Sex ratio (203:1000) © Khalistan issue created rifts between sikhs and others , then 1984 riots , steady improvements slowly Parsi © Dwindling numbers Constitutional and legal safeguards © Atticle 28 has the word “minorities” in its heading but refers to “any sections of citizens having a distinct language, scipt or culture". This may be a whole community generally seen as a minority or @ group within a majerity community, Article 30 prevides for two categories of minorities ~ religious and linguistic. ‘The remaining two Articles - 350A and 350B — relate to linguistic minorities only. Common domain rights(atticle 14,15 etc) and separate domain (art 30)u DpsP- + Fundamental duties + Natonleommisin feces At 852 Evaluating the progress of the development of minorities © Monitoring the working ofthe safeguards provided in the Constitution and inlaws © Making recommendations for the effective implementation of safeguards fo the protection of the interests of minorties Looking into complaints regarding deprivation of rights end safeguards of the minorities Conducting studs, fesearch-and analysis on the issues relating o socio-economic and educational development of minores # Seting up of MoMA © Schemes © PM Jan Vikas karyakrem Nai Roshni * © Nai Manzil © Naiudaan © Ustaad © diyo parst \Minofity rights day - 18 december Way forward + Sachar gommittoe ‘(© ” Setup en Equal Onnorunty Commission to look ino grievances of deprived groups tke minorities, © Create anomination procedure to inxease patipation of minortes in public bodies. © Establish a dliitation procedure that does not reserve constituencies with high minory population for SCs. © Increase employment share of Mustims, particulary where there is great deal of public dealing ‘Work out mechanisms to link madrasas with higher secondary school board. Recognise degrees from madrasas for eligibility in defence, civil and banking examinations. Create a Nala Date Bank (HDD) where ll relevant data for varoue eacoveligious categories ere maintained. + © Open high cuaty Urdu medium schools wherever they ae in demand. © Setup a national Waaf development corporation witha revolving corpus fund of Rs 800 ere + Inder te protect our constitutional values of invidual dignity, Equlty an Iberty we must tive to discourage and remee hate filed messages from our socey den disowing hatofl elements within their party ané uphold their commitment to our constitution. eof) Acompronensive ania logislation and naicy mst pe brought act a6 a detenet against hate crimes, MASUIAC Maney itinakae Knuneair) —, Mnnifam- Mob Ly meter Recent positive developments like decriminalistion of homosexuality have shown that our society is ‘empathetic towards minoties. A few ant-socal elements must not be alowed to jeoparcise gains made in this regard Proportional Representation to check democratic majoritarianisin tet iolanensn fun SREP? ‘communalisation of politics and hate speech is . major cause of riots 128 \G@ Indonesian model - Resides Ply to preven ghetoisation ‘© Constructive role for media - Media and Social Media policy gf eating the PoicePoitian Rikers emus + poe reform. CONCLUSION Overall aim shd be to prevent the state from being too oppressive against minority and provide them a protective \ zone where they can preserve their seprate identity A) 10-25 ya Wye exprrtamery bidtvelion 1x paaands a Mental Healthcare He minted heal Bh didorcten Be ny Mentod Realth 1h Is persrod ha ipat Mantel (Mntedta t Anaveng psy chohe, nd) iL tia pos) mo0d, — Magnitude: + Mental howler 0, 01/ tL popu . u (20% of adolescent population) pe xonadly © 2.7% —+ depressive disorders ¢ Cadbury . vli@dtrt , National Mental Health survey, approximate! in India need care for their mental health condition, ‘farer says Tat between failed to receive treatment vulnability Dheatta pat — LE ‘+ Poor social environment = ds ee ue Sexual and physical abuse of children as well as ads OF PE Ry Fxcaa Chien sary had cow aR ore than aft eported severe sexual abuse, inating assault . CRY. — 1-31d of adolescents face onine abuse + Authoritative parenting nec. 5 Substance abuse Internet and gaming addiction (WHO —+ 2018) (Blue Whale suicides) Socal support Tr decisions ( J, + Negative wok envionment (WHO) Werke balance Ea pole suse Pas © inadequate health and safely policies; © poor communication and manegement pracces © limited participation in decision-making or low control over one's area of work; © low levels of support for employees; 2 inflexible working hours; and unclear asks or erganzatonal objectives. * covID” . fo illes; working parents : © Increased Competition unlimited choice and aspiration limited avenues * Social media ivoling/~ cadexity “potting Challenges: + Goes undetected ae Social stigma prevents patents from secking treatment WTATTET TAT . ‘+ Lack of communication wth parents * Lack of awareness “ - + Poor mental heithcare facilities Government Ste 1) Rights of persons with mental ilines a) ‘Sigiumn espeaitioniscetey \ssure free treatment to BPL or homeless 1) Requires igsurance policies to place mental health treatment at par with physical health b) Right to c) Right to 1 2) REREREESS Te wet to bo etd or ho er oma rere 3) Authorities ntral an at ea ties > 2) Evy insite, mental health pracioner (including nurses and psychiatric social workers) to be registered with the authority o 4) 2) Notlo be subjected to slactro-convulsive therapy wio muscle relaxants and anaesthesia ) ECT cannot be used on minors ©) Notbechained, 4) Not tobe subject to seclusion or solitary confinement ©)_No steglisation 5) struck down ‘Acknowledges mental liness as a disability and seeks fo enhance their rights and entitlements ) + SERED Nort Insite of Mental Health and Novro-Scences (NIMHANS) created RAAH app Kis pps ae + Motnadk ~ “Muniling aun Mand + Mancdapar- MKD : Seether esa janadeipen Ni Issue withthe Act of 2017: 1 (ARERR: coarse maint inves ag al issue which can ‘only be treated by medicines and clinical procedures Promsie Mee 2. Given the infrastructural ana Human Resource constraints, implementation ofthe actis a challenge P+! 3, Inexperts masquerading as psychiatrists, Other issues: ‘Treatment gap -» those sufeng and those avaing care ~£'92% © Huge is _& Economic burden —+ Direc (cost of reatmend and indirect (Inability to work) . ‘nen meet mena ese in mentarasyiume 9} ; Way forward | Ee ‘© Awareness campaigns - students, teachers, corporates, parents, etc | 1 ee ee vas ‘© Earlyidentification —+ erratic sleep patterns, mood swings, etc Se ia0', © Parents and peers should playa preactve role ~ open parenthood, eal identication and counseling | priton pops + Eatly intervention — a sociey that respects end protects basic human, cvilandpoltical rights 4 NIKE RWS sey © Open discussions about factors contributing to poor mental health ae ‘© Psychological support and facities — accreditation of mental healthcare professionals Gatuaspers & a (adel, 2 Government specific + road fy © Increased Budgetary provisions Soe Ep 9 Proper survey to identify shortages in professionals, operational barriers to effective aS Une rayk one implementation of Act of 2017 pricoiins Guid» Use of traditional method lke yogs, meditation “tpuuddtba! # Use of Asha to increase reach. |S eee ‘ oe ane «+ oBhatatVaWanl Mumbai + Ramon Magsaysay ward ~ fr dest {Beep Prdukone- Live Laugh Love Foundation (TLLLF) ~n som Conclusion:

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