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PNB v.

VILLA The RTC found that PNB accepted outright the collateral offered by the
G.R. No. 213241 Spouse Cornsta without making further inquiry as to the real status of the
subject property. Had PNB beben prudent and diligent, it could have discovered
FACTS: Spouses Comista obationed a loan from Traders Bank. They mortgaged that the property was in the possession of Villa, who possessed a colourable tile
to the bank a land, in order to secure the obligation. being a holder of a Final Certificate of Sale.
The failed to pay the loan when it became due, thus Traders Bank
foreclosed the mortgaged property. Thereafter, the property was sold in a STANDARD OPERATING PRACTICE
public auction. During the public sale, respondent Villa was declared as the Before approving a loan application, the SOP is to conduct an ocular
highest bidde. inspection of the property offered for mortgage and to verify the genuineness of
Villa immediately took possession of the property and paid real estate the tile to determine the real owner. The purpose of the ocular inspection is to
taxes. After the expiration of one-year redemption period, a Certificate of Final protect the “real owner” as well as innocent 3 rd parties with right, interest, or
Sale was issued to Villa. But he was prevented from consolidating the claim from a usurper who may have acquired a fraudulent CT.
ownership of the property under his name because the owner’s copy of the CT In the present case, PNB failed to exercise due diligence in ascetating
was not turned over. the status and condition of the property. It is a failure to observe standards
Despite the lapse of the redemption period, the Spouses Comista were required of banking institutions to exercise greater care and prudence before
nonetheless allowed to buy back the property. entering into a mortgage contract.
Now, Villa contends that the Spouses already lost their right to redeem.
Thus, he filed an Action for Nullification of Redemtion. NO EVIDENCE OF INSPECTION
Later on the RTC and CA ruled on the cancelation, however after the PNB failed to substantiate the claim that an ocular inspection was
Writ of Execution was issued, the sheriff could not successfully enforce it conducted.
because the CTC was no longer registered under the names of the Spouses
Comista. LBP v. Belle Corp. > rule on innocent purchaser is more strictly applied
Upon investigation, it was found that the Spouses Comista were able to The Court exhorted the banks to exercise the highest degree of
secure a loan from PNB, using the same property subject of litigation as security. diligence in its dealing with properties offered as securities for loan obligation.
Eventually, the spouses defaulted in payment. Then, the bank emerged as the When the mortgage is a bank, the Rule on Innocent purchasers or
highest bidder. mortgagee for value is applied more strictly. Being in the business of extending
PNB contends it is a mortgagee in good faith that it is ownership of the loans secured by mortgages, banks are presumed to be familiar with the rules
property and correct hat the TCT be under its name. on land registration.
Banking business is is impressed with public interest, thus they are
ISSUE: expected to be more cautious. To exercise a higher degree of diligence, care, and
(1) WON the PNB is a MORTGAGEE IN GOOD FAITH prudence, than private individual in their dealings.
(2) WON PNB is liable for DAMAGES Hence, they cannot just assume that the offered security just o its face.
They are expected to ascertain its status and condition.


(1) PNB IS NOT A MORTGAGEE IN GOOD FAITH moral damages, exemplary damages, attorney's fees and costs of litigation in
Ascertained of good faith or the lack of it, is a question of intention. In favor of Vila.
ascertaining intention, courts are necessarily controlled by the evidence as to
the conduct and outward facts by which alone the inward motive may, with
safety, be determined.


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