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An “Electoral Convention of the new sets of Junior City Officials for the Youth Week
Celebration 2019” was held last July 24, 2019 at the MULTI PURPOSE HALL, SAN PEDRO CITY
HALL. This activity is a yearly event organized by the DYSD Office sponsored by the City of San
Pedro under the headship of the City Mayor, Lourdes S. Cataquiz which involves both public
and private school student council officers. In the said event, our school was asked to send two
SSG student representatives to run for an office who, if be able to win, will be sitting as a public
official counterpart for one week from August 12-16, 2019.

On the day of the electoral, 7:30 AM, the students are excited even though the city hall is not
open yet. Even though the electoral is not yet starting, the participants who arrived early gave
their fliers and socialized with the other students that is also participating in the said even. All
the participants headed to the registration table at the front of the Atrium Hall. As soon as the
registration is done the program immediately started.

The program was started by an opening prayer followed by our national anthem. The
Department Head of Department of Youth and Sports Development, Mr. Rommel Vale, gave
the participants and their adviser a welcoming remark. After that he explained the purpose and
objectives of the electoral for the Junior City Officials. The former Junior Mayor Angelica
Ambayec and the former Junior City Administrator gave an inspirational message and
experience of their journey as a Junior City Official.

After that, the speaker gave 30 minutes to introduce themselves to all students inside the
atrium. Each corner of the room was filled by the noise of the students who is socializing with
each other to gain votes. Some posted their poster in every corner of atrium. When the timer
stops, the emcee ordered every participant to settle down. The emcee started to call out the
names of the students who are running as a Junior City Councilor one by one to deliver their
campaign speech. Then, the students who are running for the position of Junior Mayor and Vice
Mayor gave their speech for 2 minutes. The speaker gave the participants a time to rest and
gave them their lunch while waiting for the results.

The result came out, and 44 students were elected as the new set of Junior City Officials.
Luckily, the two SSG representatives, Allan Jhay B. Camacho and Gian Carl P. Librada won as the
1ST and 7TH Junior City Councilor. For this reason, they will be observing the actual works of the
government in the local level and they will also participate
in the week long activities that are part of the

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