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JCO Youth Week Activities

As in the previous years, the City Government of San Pedro and the Department of Youth and
Sports Development celebrates 2019 LINGGO NG KABATAAN CELEBRATION. This year, forty
four young and promising students were given a chance to observe the actual works in the
government at the local level. Also, the D.Y.S.D. prepared a week long activities for the San
Pedronian Youth and Junior City Officials to participate in.

August 12, 2019, Monday, the first day of the Youth Week Celebration. D.Y.S.D. conducted a
Youth Summit at the San Pedro Astrodome with the theme “Transforming Education” where in
the Junior City Officials are in charge for the preparation, registration and assisting the
participants from different schools and youth organizations. The registration starts at 12-1 PM
and the program started right after.

The program started with a prayer and the singing of our national anthem. After that, a
welcoming remarks was given by the Sangguniang Kabataan Federation President, Hon. Earl
Gius Castasus and an inspirational message were given by Hon. Aaron Calixto Cataquiz and Hon.
Bernadeth Olivarez.

There are also guest speakers who shared valuable insights on the issues affecting the youth.
Gender Equality was discussed by the Former Luzon Commissioner,Percival V. Cendana,
Transforming Education was discussed by Former Councilor Prof. Jaime R. Ambayec, and Youth
volunteerism was talked over by Mr. Edward B. Era and the Drug Abuse Prevention.

August 13, the second day of the Youth Week Celebration.The newly elected Junior City
Officials officialy take their oath during the flag raising ceremony held at San Pedro City Hall
with the leadership of City Mayor Lourdes S. Cataquiz. After the oath taking the staffs and
officials in the city hall welcomed the JCOs and assigned them to their designated areas to
meet the staffs in their own offices.

Afterwards, the Junior City Councilors, Junior Vice Mayor, and Junior
Sangguniang Panglungsod Secretary attended the regular
session of the city council with their City Councilors counterpart.
The two representatives from our school,Allan Jhay B.
Camacho and Gian Carl P. Librada who won 1st and
7th junior councilor also participated the regular session.
On the other hand,while the Junior City Councilors partcipate in the regular session, the Junior
Mayor and Junior Department Heads were in a meeting with City Mayor Lolurdes Cataquiz.
Mayor Cataquiz shared her environmental advocacy for our city to the JCOs.

On this day, the Kabataan Spoken Poetry, an activity prepared by the D.Y.S.D.,was held at
Robinsons Galleria South Activity Area where the contestants showcased their talent in word
play and skillful intonation and voice inflection.

The next day,August 14, San Pedro Sine Kabataan or the short film making contest was held in
the City Hall’s Atrium Hall. Four production teams joined the competition and their entries
depicted different social issues that affects the youth such as mental health, bullying, teenage
pregnancy, adolescent disability and lack of access to education. The JCOs watched the entries
together with the participants and the judges.

Later that day, Hon. Leslie Lu conducted a practice session for the Junior City Councilors. She
guided them on how to make a resolution and she also teached them the parliamentary
procedure in a city council session.

August 15,the Junior City Councilors conducted their first and each one of them recited the
privilage speech they all prepared. While they are having their session, the Sangguniang
Kabataan Federation President Hon. Earl Gius Castasus is strictly observing the flow of their
session and guided the junior councilors to finish the session with ease.

After the Junior City Officials finished their dutiesin the city hall, at exactly 5:30 PM they went to
the City Plaza to watch the Battle of the Bands, which is also one of the ativities prepared by the
D.Y.S.D. for the San Pedronian Youths. Each Band played songs related to the theme
“Transforming Education”.

August 16, the Junior Officials arrived early because this day will be their last day in the City
Hall. The Junior Councilors were all busy finishing their resolutions and privilage speech that
they’ll discuss in their last session later that day. Before the session some Junior Councilors
were invited to the committee hearing of the City Cuncilors. One of our school representative,
AJ Camacho was one of the Junior Councilors who partcipated in the committee hearing with
his City Councilor Counterpart Aaron Calixto Cataquiz.

After the committee hearing the Junior City Council started their session with their presiding
officer and some City Councilors were watching them. As soon as the session ends the JCOs had
their lunch and rested.
Later, after the JCOs rested, they headed to the D.Y.S.D. office
to practice for their performace or special number for their
testimonial dinner. After practicing they started grooming
theirselves and get dressed in a formal attire.

The Junior City Officials’ Testimonial Dinner was held at

the San Pedro Astrodome. The JCOs invited their
parents, school advisers and counterparts to the said event.
It started at exactly 6:30 PM. The program was started by an opening prayer followed by our
national anthem. A welcoming remarks was given by the Junior City mayor followed by an
intermission number prepared by the JCOs. After that, selected junior officials gave a
testimonial speech.

A representative of Mayor Lourdes Cataquiz gave an inspirational message followed by the

awarding of certificates of the Junior City Officials and endorsement of Jr. Sanggunian. After all
the awarding and endorsements the JCOs performed their last intermission and their Junior
Vice Mayor gave a closing remarks.

On the next day, August 17, 2019, Saturday, City Mayor Lourdes Cataquiz treated the Junior
City Officials a free ticket in Enchanted Kingdom and provided their neccessities for that day.
The JCOs enjoyed their last day of the youth week celebration.

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