500 Error Spotting SSC CGL Tier-2 PYQs

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Bhanu finished to read such a thick book in just two days. (a) Bhanu finished (b) in just two day (c) such a thick book (d) to read (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) Before take this medicine you should consult a doctor. (a) Before take (b) a doctor (c) this medicine (a) you should consult (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) ‘A confluence is a place when two or more rivers meet.” é (a) rivers meet (b) Aconfluence (c) when two or more @ is a place * (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15. 11.2020) Tam sorry I haven't learnt the poem-at ‘heart. (a) lam sorry (b) learnt the poem (C1 fever "i (d) at heart * (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.. 2020) I shall buy this book if you like it or not. (a) this book a (b) or not (c) I shall buy (d) if you like it (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) My grandmother is quite concerned to my progress at school. (a) My grandmother (b) to my progress 11. S o a Cc. Wi O) ac a. Cc. is quite concerned (d) at school (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) No sooner had Kavya started her online class that the. web connection was lost. was lost (b) that the web connection No sooner had Kavya _(d) started her online class 5 (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) He gave such a long speech but everybody-felt bored. along speech (b) but everybody He gave such (d) feltbored ~ (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) en there were a strong wind, the pine trees made sad, eerie sounds. the pine treesifiade (b) a strong wind | sad, eerie sounds (d) When there were " (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11. 2020) jarge number of worker have started walking home. walking home (b) have started A large number (d) of worker (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) He was not able to give many time to his research. He was not able (b) many time to give (d) to his research (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) 14. Craze for a thing that are not easily available in our country is a common phenomenon. a) Craze fora b) thing that are not easily c) isa common phenomenon d) available in.our country 7 (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) A tallest man that I have ever seen works in our coal mine. a) ever seen “: (b) A tallest:man c) works in our coal mine (d) that I have. (SSC CGL MAINS.2019, 15.11.2020) Each one of the children in a nursery class require individual attention. , ‘ a)inanurseryclass » (b) Each one c) of the children ee (d) require individual attention (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) In this lock-down period every worker in the factory has started bring their own lunch. a) has started bring (b) In this lock-down period c) their own Junch (d) every worker in the factory (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) 16. 17. 18. 19) 20. 21. She has been working with me on this project from two years. (a) with me (b) on this project (c) She has been working (d) from two years (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) The reason for visiting Meerut was because my mother needed to be looked after. (a) to be looked after (b) The reason for visiting (c). my mother needed (d) was because (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11.2020) Two flyovers have been propose in the new plan to decongest M.G. Road. er (a) to decongest (b) have been propose *. (c) in the new plan (d):Two flyovers i. (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15. 11. 20205 A large amount of money he invested were wasted. (a) Alarge amount ) of money (c) he invested _ (d) were wasted | ‘ (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15. 11.2020) No one have ever visited this place before. (a) place before (b) have ever (c) visited this (d) No one : % , (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 15.11. 2020) This jewellery box is made from silver and is an antique piece. (a) This jewellery box (b) is made from silver (c) and is (d) an antique piece (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) 22. 23. 24, Neither Sam nor | are interested in attending the meeting. (a) in attending (b) Neither Sam nor I (c) are interested (d) the meeting (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) Poor people have run down of food supplies during the lockdown. (a) Poor people have (b) during the lockdown (c) food supplies (d) run down of (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) He loses his tempers on the slightest provocation. (a) He loses (b) provocation te (c) the slightest (d) his tempers on 25. 26. 27. 28. (SSC-CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11. 2020) I want you to complete this work by two days. (a) this work Ab) I want you (c) to’ complete @ by two days “(SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11. 2020) The venue for the wedding have not yet been finalised. (a) been finalised (b) The venue (c) have not yet: (d) for the wedding “y ss (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) There was enougli evidence to convict him on selling-of fake medicines. (a) to convict him (b) fake medicines (c) on selling of (d) There was enough evidence (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) The man played the flute and led all the mouse out of the town. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. (a) all the mouse (c) out of the town The three of them shouted started moving. (a) started moving (c) when the train Zoya won the first prize in fell. (a) unless she (c) Zoya won the first We must plan how can’ we c (a) how can we (c) present situation Laws and rules are made to us. , (a) safeguarding our rights (c) are made to b) the flute and led d) The man played (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) out to each another when the train b) shouted out to each another d) The three of them (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) the race unless she stumbled and b) prize in the race d) stumbled and fell (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) ope with the present situation. b) cope with the d) We must plan (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) safeguarding our rights and protect b) Laws and rules d) and protect us (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16. 11. 2020) Although this i is a narrowest street, many large trucks can enter it. (a) Although this is (c) a narrowest street b) many large trucks d) can enter it (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. a I didn’t knew you had gone to Goa for a vacation. (a) you had gone (c) to Goa b) for a vacation d) I didn’t knew (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) No one of them came to the inauguration of our new factory. (a) inauguration of (c) our new factory b) came to the d) No one of them (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) You must be careful about what you say as you meet her. about what-you say (c) as you (a) for a hour (c) your book (a) a member of (c) since it’s formation b) meet her d) You-must be careful (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) Do you mind lending me.your book for a,hour? Ss Do you mind lending me *- (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) a She has been a member of this club since it’s formation. b) She has been d) thisclub “*. bs (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) The tired and vexed travellers waiting at the airport for.a long time. (a) waiting at the airport (c) The tired and b) for a long time d) vexed travellers (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) The small cafe at the end of the road is her. 41, 42. 43. Ga 44. 45. 46. 47. (a ( He (a (c He (a (©) Th 9) The small cafe (b) at the end of the road (d) is her (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 16.11.2020) has shattered his neighbour's window by purpose. neighbour's window ___(b) He has shattered his (d) by purpose (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) thinks that he can get away among lying and cheating. among lying (b) he can get away He thinks that (d) and cheating j (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) e girl besides you in high heels is my younger sister. younger sister (b):in high heels is my (d) The girl besides you : (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11. 2020) I looked him at the eye and'told him all I knew. (a (c (a (c This i is only the: decent dress that I have. at the eye *(b) Tlooked him and told him (d) all l knew ik (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11. 202 (6) This is (d) decent dress (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.1 1. 2020) that! have © only the Did you told him about the new plot that you have bought? (a have bought (b) Did you told him (c) about the new plot (d) that you Le’ (a (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) (c us think how can we solve the problem amiably. solve the problem (b) Let us think amiably (d) how can we (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) 47. 48. 49. Let us think how can we solve the problem amiably. (a) solve the problem (b) Let us think (c) amiably (d) how can we (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) Three hours will have passed when the bell will ring. (a) will ring (b) will have passed (c) Three hours (d) when the bell (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) They will be ready leaving for the airport in an hour. (a) ready leaving (b)-for the airport ‘s. (o) They will be (d) in an hour 50. 51. aa 53. (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020). As such you need any money, just write to me. : (a):need any money (b):tome: (c) just write AG) As such you ; “(SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) She is not.as smart as I think at first. (a) I think *:, (b) She is not () as: smart ks i (d) at first fs (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18. 11: 2020) She asked me where, jhad I gone for dinner with my fi ance. (a) gone for dinner (b) with my fiance (c) where had I (d) She asked me (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) Whole country applauded the courage of our soldiers. (a) applauded the (b) our soldiers 54. 55. 56, 57. 58. 59. c) Whole country (d) courage of (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) Aren't you such young to travel by yourself? a) by yourself (b) Aren’t you c) to travel (d) such young (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) They are planning for settling in Mumbai with their son. a) for settling (b) They are planning c) with their son (d) in Mumbai (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11. 2020) _The seat which you are sitting on is my. a) which you (b) is my c) The seat j (d) are sitting on 4 (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) I can explain you the reason for the delay in executing your order. " a) the reason for (b) your rer c) the delay in executing (d) I can explain you (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) An eight years old girl has made this beautiful painting. a) girl has a (b) made this c) An eight years old (d) beautiful painting : (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11:2020) The concert has started when he reached the venue. a) reached the venue (b) has started c) The concert (d) when he (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) 60. 61. 62. 63. 65. The captain scored a century in a second innings. (a) second innings (b) The captain (c) scored a century (d) ina (SSC CGL MAINS 2019, 18.11.2020) Why should always we have to wait for her to join us? (a) for her to join her (b) Why should (c) always we (d) have to wait (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) She is a great cook, has her own blog on YouTube and was _followed by one lakh viewers. f (a) She is oe (b) a great cook (c) has her own blog »., (d) was followed “. (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) The Prime Minister holding is the important meeting to review the security and. safety of doctors working in government hospitals. (a) of doctors (b) working in (c) to review A (d) holding is the (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) Last evening my friend tells me the funny joke that I. aye ever heard. _ " (a) that I have (b) ever heard (c) tells me the funny joke (d) Last evening my friend (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) The birth of a girl bring great joy to Neha’s family. (a) The birth (b) of a girl 66. 67. 68, *. (a) itend? 69. 70. 71. (c) to Neha’s family (d bring great joy (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) This summer, I’ve met down a (a) interesting people (b. (c) a lot of (a ot of interesting people. I've met down This summer (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) I won’t be here next week conference. (a) I won't (c) to aconference (b. (d as I’m going to Mumbai to a be here as I’m going (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) 1am really bored of this movie! When was it end? (b. © of this movie (d -Iam really bored When was (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.. 201 9) I'm going to the airport to receives my'friend. (a) my friend (c) to eceives _(b a to the airport I'mgoing (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.. 2019) Doés an English, examination bi (a) 100’ ‘clock? *.. Kt (6 (c) begin at (d egin at 10 o'clock? . English examination” Does an (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09. 201 9) I use to going for a morning walk when I was living in for a morning walk Dehradun. (a) living in Dehradun (b. (c) when I was (d use to going (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. What shall we do on ourselves this evening? a) this evening (b) on ourselves c) What shall (d) we do (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) Instead of studying in home I went to my friend’s house. a) in home (b) I went c) Instead of studying (d) to my friend's house. (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) He likes to put all the garbage’into ablack small bag. ~ a) intoa (b) all the garbage ii (c) He like to put (d)*black small bag , (SSC ¢ CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09. 2019) High level security arrangements. were made for the forthcoming visit to a Japanese Prime Minister. a) security arrangements *(b) were made c) for the forthcoming (d) visit toa (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09. 2019) I had. a hard time paying the=driver as I had only hundreds rupee note. mt a) paying the driver: (b) only hundreds rupee note c) I had a hard time (d) as I had (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) I had to go to the doctor because I was not bear the pain in my tooth. a) had to go (b) in my tooth 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. to the doctor (d) was not bear (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) To write a poem I need a pen, a diary and also the quiet place. adiary (b) To write and also the (d) Ineed (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) I don’t like movies who has an unhappy ending. who has (b) I don’t like movies (d) an unhappy ending (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) a Qa) Oo _It takes me one hour to get to work in the morning,in week day. S in week day =... (b) in the morning takes me (d) to get to work : (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 11.09.2019) No one inform me that you would be absent. a) Nooneinformme __(b) would be absent. c) No error (d) thatyou (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) Having been a student, activist once, a politictan 1 never forget a those days. a) a politician D (b. never forget % c) Having been =~ (d) those days (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12. 09:201 9) Prasad recalled that meeting people have been a part of his life as a student activist. a) meeting people have been b) Prasad recalled that c) a part of his life d) as a student activist. (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) 83. 84. 85. 86. “87. 88. Prasad recalled that meeting people have been a part of his life as a student activist. a) meeting people have been b) Prasad recalled that c) a part of his life d) as a student activist. (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) I was surprised to see as Avika could write such good poems in Hindi. a) to see as Avika b) I was surprised c) such good poems in Hindi d) could write ee, (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.201 9) We have sufficient:food and clothing about the flood victims in Kerala. ‘, a) We have sufficient += (b) in Kerdia c) about the flood victims (d) food and clothing (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) Everything has became very expensive these days. a) No error (b) Everything has became Cc) very expensive = (d) these days (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12. 09.2019) Organizing World-Cup matches in England imply that rains can be a constant threat. ‘ a) beaconstant threat. (b) in England imply c) that rains can be (d) Organizing World Cup matches (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) My friend has started a restaurant in a wooden big building in Manali. (a) in Manali (b) in a wooden big building (c) My friend has started (d) arestaurant (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) Wealth creators are essential for money to distributed in the economy. (a) for money to distributed (b) are essential (c) in the economy (d) Wealth creators (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) Most of the work of this NGO are of little benefit to the disadvantaged. (a) Most of the work (b):of this NGO ; . (c) to the disadvantaged = (d) are of little benefit (SSC CGL MAINS 2018. 12.09.2019). 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. In order for he to attend the meeting, he needs to prepare exhaustive notes. (a) to attend the meeting (b) he needs to prepare (c) exhaustive notes (d) In order for he (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) What is the function of the kidney in the body? (a) in the body (b) the function of the kidney (c) What is (d) No error (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) Rohit did not came to the office because he got held up due to the heavy rains. = (a) to the office (6) due to the heavy rains ~~ th (c) Rohit did not came (@. because he got held up (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) Despite incessant rains, she is the only one who plan to attend the meeting at the ministry.“ (a) Despite incessant rains | : I (b) who'plan to attend” z : | (c) the meeting at the ministry. (d) soe is the only one (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.201 oe Everybody is waiting to see whether the new leadership has effect some changes Soon in the party. - (a) Everybody is waiting to see (b) soon in the party (c) has effect some changes (d) whether the new leadership 96. 97. 98. 99. 1 (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) I am going to a holiday to Panchmarhi tomorrow. a) tomorrow (b) to Panchmarhi c) to a holiday (d) lam going (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) The Social Media Department is headless at the moment and many are vying to the post. a) is headless at the moment b) The Social Media Department c) to the post d) and many are vying ay ; (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) He switched on the TV to listening to the speech of the PM on the Independence Day. ». % a) He switched on the TV b) of the PM ] c) to listening to the speech d) on the Independence Day. (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) They made her as the.Chairperson of their. bank. a) No error é (b) as the Chairperson c) of their bank. =~ (d) They made her... (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12. 09: 2019) 100. They can’t hardly believe that Article 370 is no longer valid in 101. Jammu and Kashmir. a) is no longer valid (b) in Jammu and Kashmir. c) that Article 370 (d) They can’t hardly believe (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 12.09.2019) Over the years, the writer Amish has evolved to what millions of youngsters aspires to be today - an intellectual. a) Over the years (b) aspires to be today c) Amish has evolved (d) millions of youngsters (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. Over the years, the writer Amish has evolved to what millions of youngsters aspires to be today - an intellectual. a) Over the years (b) aspires to be today c) Amish has evolved (d) millions of youngsters (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) Each film will be checked by a government-appointed censor board along public exhibition. a) along public exhibition. b) each film c) by a government- appointed 4 censor board d) will be checked (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) It is be said that in 2019 the Indian'Stock Market will fall drastically and we can expect that fall very'soon. a) we can expect (b) Itis be said *:, c) that in 2019 (d) the Indian Stock, Market will fall (SSC CGL MAINS 2018,:13.09.2019) Two American cities,. witnessed shooting and | resulting i in mass atalities over the weekend. Y hi, a) over the weekend (b) Two Americari cities * (c) witnessed shooting (d) and resulting in mass fatalities (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) Instead of helping her mother at the kitchen, Rekha was on her mobile talking to her friend. a) talking to her friend (b) of helping 106. 107. 108. i low-branching tree which is‘especial used for several medicinal 3 109. (c) at the kitchen (d) on her mobile (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) Please go out and check if it is yet raining. (a) and check (b) ifitis (c) yet raining (d) Please go out (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) It was a really bad movie- a worse movie I’ve ever seen in my life. (a) in my life (b) I’ve ever seen (c) was a really (d) a worse (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) Found in many parts of India, the frangipani tree is asmall, purposes. (a),a small, low-branching tree~- (b) Foundin many parts (c) Thé frangipanitreeis (d) which is especial used : ~ Oi (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) A recent government report highlight that the shortage of _ teachers in higher educational institutions is greater than that : in countries like China, Brazil, Sweden and Russia. ! (a) Arecent government report highlight (b) in higher educational institutions (c) that the shortage of teachers (d) is greater than (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) 110. Their house aren’t very big but their garden is. (a) aren’t very big (b) Their house (c) garden is (d) but their (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) 111. Is she go to visit her parents in the evening? (a) her parents (b) to visit (c) in the evening (d) Is she go (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) 112. Our most memorable meeting with Spielberg happened while i we were at the Berlin Film;Festival in 1977, where the film “>, ‘Shatranj ke Khilari ‘were being screened as India’: s spofficial . entry. ; 3 (a) Our most memorable meeting (b)'while we were at * (c) where the film (d) were 2 screened (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) 113. Doctors say that eating red meat is one of a lead cause of heart disease. i, Si, ee (a) is one ofa lea use () of heart disease ( (c) Doctor's say that’ (d) eating red meat # (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) 114. Since a meeting drew to a close, | realized that people were not really listening to me. (a) I realized (b) Since a meeting (c) drew to a close (d) were not really 115. 116. 117. 118. 119, (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) Rescue officials was unable to find any survivors in the Californaia boat tragedy. (a) was unable (b) in the (c) to find (d) Rescue officials (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) Please don’t disturbs to me as I am reading a book. (a) Please don’t (b) reading a book (c) aslam (d) disturbs to me (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) _Aanya’s class teacher and her friends congratulates her. warmly when she won‘the inter school| debate and brought the trophy to the school. 2 (a) and brought the trophy (b) congratulates her (c) when she won (d) and her friends | (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) Some of us are plan to go for a movie tonight: . (a) for a movie (b) to go 4 (c) Some of us »: (d) are plan to go 4 “ (SSCCGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) The novel ‘Embers’.-has a captivating plot and begins with a senior army officer preparing to receive a rare visitor,: a man who was once his closer friend. - . (a) his closer friend (b) has a captivating plot (c)aman who wasonce __(d) begins with (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. It is estimated that most of the addict, a whopping 85%, in God’s own country Kerala, are below 25 years of age. (a) It is estimated that (b) are below 25 (c) most of the addict (d) a whopping 85% (SSC CGL MAINS 2018, 13.09.2019) Many firms fail because when they begin (a)/ exporting, they have not research the (b)/ target markets or have not planned enough. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) Part of what a man learns will measurable (a)/ as_specific “knowledge and.skills, while (b) far another part involves changes. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC cGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) He explained that the pillars of tribalism (a)/ that humans rely on for security would always (b)/ counter any significant culture or social change. (c)/ No error (d) © (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) There is a barrier among the egghead and (a)/ the hoipolloi and it would be lazy (b)/ idealism to ignore it: (c)/ No error (d) ; (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) Credit when used:responsibly, can achieve a great number (a)/ of positive things in our lives, such as (b)/ financing and:paying of our dream hybrid or college tuition fees. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) As with people, some monkeys are lazy, (a)/ like those who sleep all day in the zoo, (b)/ and some were industrious. (c)/ No error (d) 127. 128. 129. (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) The postman travelled by the cycle, often wading through (a)/ swamps or passed through jungles (B)/in order to reach the villages (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) No matter what Ashoka did in his earlier (a)/ years, in the ending he proved to be uncommonly (b)/ virtuous and wise. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) Modern medicines has scored significant victories (a)/ against both infection and trauma - (b)/ the major causes of ill health “;, and death. (c)/ No error (d) 130. 131. 132. 133. (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) : If life existed on Mars, it is most likely to be in (a)/ the form of bacteria buried deep in (b)/: the planet's permafrgst or lichens, (c)/ No error (d) \ (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02. 2018) Can India make it to a leadership Position (a)/ or will it be retained the “fast train-going-slow’ (b)/ image it always had? (o/ Ne error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17. 02: 2018) The priést class took: upon itself the monopoly (a)/ of scriptural knowledge and interpretation (b)/ of the same to its own advantage. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) He said that he thought off politics right when (a)/ he was studying Intermediate and that (b)/ he had no fear of politics. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. While provisions on equality and non-discrimination (a)/ would promote equal opportunity, (b)/ in the process, reservation at jobs should not be denied. (c)/ No error.(D) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) Government has reportedly made its displeasure known, (a)/ particularly on the speed and stealth with which (b)/ the negotiations are completed. (c)/ No error. (d) Z (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) This will explains the decision taken(a)/ to impose a blockade on the country in (b)/ the midst of acrisis.(c)/Noerror:(d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02. 2018) He: built the theatre as a tribute:to.-his-rootings (a)/ and the thought of it outlasting him, (b)/ would surely have given him. the greatest joy. (c)/ No error. (d) , (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 1 7.02.2018) As sever studies shows over (a)/ the years, the annual data‘i iis useful in (b)/r reviewing trends of extreme events. (c)/ No error., (d) * he a (ssc CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02. 2018) The most" effective measure to keep (a)/ our roads safe is enforcement of rules (b)/ with zero tolerance to any violate rule. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) 140. Service providers cannot stand in the way of a (a)/ consumer’s access to content, it should have being provided (b)/ without any hindrance. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 17.02.2018) 141. Their is direct evidence that when learning (a)/ occurs, neuro- chemical communication between (b)/ neurons is facilitated and less input is required. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 142. You occasionally stop to admire the intellectual (a)/ scenery, or you sometimes retrace your steps (b)/ to make sure you had _-nSeen everything. (c)/ No error (d) ae 4 (SSC CGL MAINS 201 7, 18.02.2018) 143. Sometimes it appears as if they are deliberately (a)/ limiting their chances of survival in order (b)/ to observe some customary or taboo.(c)/ No error (d) % ' (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 144. The vast majority of people are consuming (a)/ suboptimal amounts of most micronutrients (b)/ and most of the micronutrients concerning are very safe. (c)/ No error (d) : (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 145. India, a country of*more than 1 billion “(a)/ population, is “a emerged as the (b)/ economic supetpower ofttig world: (os No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 146. A judge must be slow in anger and (a)/ quick to forgive; otherwise he may (b)/ risk abusing his powers.(c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 147. The professor recently describes 1500 tests (a)/ in which blind people passed with greater (b)/ ease than those who could see! (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 148. Radium is so expensive that you (a)/ could be a millionaire if you own (b)/ only half a pound of it! (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 149. She was so much overwhelmed with her (a)/ sons’ devotion _.-and/affection that she (b)/ did:distributed all her;wealth and = property among them. (c)/ No error (d) : (SSC CGI. MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 150. The viability of the = multinational» corporate system (a)/ depends upon the degree i in which (b)/ “people will tolerate the unevenness it creates. (0/ Noerror(d) >. (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 151. They even tried to smuggle bits of jazz into (a)/ serious music as that the composer could (b)/ somehow gue a / No error (d) ° = (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18, 02.2018) 152. Together with empowerment, there has (a)/‘to be a culture of personally accountability (b)/ ‘so that everyone realizes the necessity of valuing commitment. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 153. 154. 155. 156; 157. 158. Students who attempted the questions paper (a)/ have met some of their professors, seeking (b)/ informed answers to these questions. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) "I had forgotten all such things just (a)/ for the sake of the greater good of everyone." (b)/ said there leader. (c)/ No error. (d@) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) Buttressing the confidence in the economy (a)/ are the findings in the survey, which posits (b)/ an improvement in the infrastructure sectors.(c)/ No,error.(d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18. 02: 2018) Our government has decided-to strengthen the (a)/ States’ , capacity to move away from a already (b)/ obsolete ‘one-size- fi gall’ approach. (c)/ No error.-(d)_ f s(SSC CGL MAINS 201 7 18.02.2018) Policy *makers will think hard about creating (a)/) an appropriate legal framework to ‘(b)/ prevent the capture of regulatories by special interests. (c)/ No error. (d) i ‘a (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02. 2018) People would see bitcoin’s ciirrent price rise (a)/ as merely a- reflection. of their bright funlig (b)/ as a stateless corey. (c)/ No error. (@) (ss¢ CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) 160. 161. 162. “ew environment and (b)/ proper digestion of all ce we take ‘off. (c)/ No error (d) : # 163. 164. 165. Stringent penalties have a lower chance (a)/ of being imposed, as compared to fines that (b)/ are proportionate to the offend. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 18.02.2018) Our digestive system produces an assimilable, (a)/ nutrient- rich liquid that builds and (b)/ nourish our first body tissue, plasma. (c)/ No error (d) . (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) Acquired immunity is the result of an (a)/ interaction with our (SSC ( CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.. 2018) a, ‘as we nourishes the body, (a)/'we need to nurture the soul to connect to the creative (b)/ power of the universe ang to manifest j. Joy in our lives. (fA No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02. 2018) If we objectively ponder on the mystery behind (a)/ miseries, we find that as long as we restrict (b)/ ourselves tothe. means" of happiness, we are left in the lurch. (c)/ Noerror(d) > i (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) Our sole prayer should be to be blessing with (a)/ a spiritual awakening that is the real (b)/ source of peace, bliss and contentment. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. “471. 172. My tool has always been humour because (a)/ it's the most entertaining way to put any ideology (b)/ cross, and it's fun, positive, and healing. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) When a student works on a mathematical problem, (a)/ he comes to a stage beyond which he do not (b)/ know how to proceed, and where he is in doubt and perplexity. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) When one stops being optimistic, believes that he (a)/ is worthless, and stops hoping for a better future, (b)/ itis only then that the moment of actual failure happened. (c)/ No error (qd) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) Looking forward to something (a)/ in anticipation is what helps us (b)/ moving forward in life. (c)/ No error (d) | (SSC CGL MAINS: 2017, 19.02.2018) When the self is not enlightened, (a)/ it.is fundamental identified with the notion of (b)/ difference, Le of its primordial unity. (O/ No error (d) % (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 1 9. 02.2018) When we are able to stop, pause and think (a)/ more about our actions, words and thoughts, we-begin-(b)/ to see the catise and affect more clearly. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) We may only be here in the blink of an eye, (a)/ but the way we live our lives will stay (b)/ with the universe forever. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) 173. I’ve learned that what really counts in life, in the end, is not how many toys we have (a)/ collected or how much money we've accumulated, but how many of our (b)/ talents we have liberated and used for a purpose that add value to this world. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) 174. For man to change radically, fundamentally, (a)/ there must be “a mutation in’a very (b)/ brain cells of his mind. (c)/ No error (d) : te «(SSC CGE MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) 175. Character build should:be an integral part (a)/ of every aspect of schooling and learning as it (b)/ equips.one to find long-term solutions to life’s challenges. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) 176. Problem-solving, decision making and conflict: {a)/ resolution are all important processes (b)/ to developing ° ‘good moral character. (c)/ No error (d) . (SSC CGL MAINS 201 7,19. 02. 2018) 177. ‘A person operating at the pre-conventional: level of..moral reasoning (a)/ considers any decision or ethical dilemma from the point of view of avoiding (b)/ personal harm, losing or seek personal gain. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) 178. Rapid developments in modern medicine has (a)/ conquered many diseases and consequently (b)/ the death rate has decreased. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) 179. True positive thinking starts by embracing reality in its myriad (a)/ shapes and forms; it involves the ability to feel negative emotions when you have to, (b)/ and still maintain hope enough to keep on going. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 19.02.2018) 180. A business venture or one’s own personal life has greater chances (a)//of experiencing success and fulfillment, (b)/ if the _ outlook is more temperatel “to ndifferent or radical. @/ No ~~ error (d) 5 (ssc CGL MAINS 2017, 19. 02. 2018) 181. He: used to sits day and night=(a)/ under-a.tree in front of a temple (b)/ that is how he earned the name. (c)/ Noverror (d) «(SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) 182. There are. many inner voices that*speak (a)/ to us inside your head, and believe that (b)/ they should not be trusted. (c)/ No error @ : 1 (65C CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02: pots) ‘ 183. With Gad Ss blessings and ‘hard work, (a)/ I cleared many ~“-~hurdles in life and did (b)/ reasonable with both professional and personally. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) 184. 185. 186. 187. If you have creative streak which you have never (a)/ pursued or interested in a new field, (b)/ gather your energy and move towards it. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) The only thing that endures and can sustain (a)/ an infant till the stage it receives immunity (b)/ comes from the consumption of mothers milk. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) The internal and external environment we (a)/ experience in our thoughts, feelings and the (b)/ world around us also has an affect. (c)/ No error (d) ] (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) Rasayana's are the blends of tonic herbs, metals, fruits, (a)/ ” _gums and have specific methods of production (b)/* which; 188. 189. 190. pncluded the time of gathering. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC.CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02. 2018) In Ps ationsiine) too, shejseems too have subsisted (a)/ on nothing but the emptiness of her (b)/ heart to the master of her life. (c)/ No error (d) . (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) Our: thought have a direct impact.on.our body (a)/.and hence... they crucially affect our (b)/* ‘emotional and physical weil- being ° too. (c)/‘No error ‘(d); ‘ 7 ‘ (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) When you drink the sweet coconut water, (a)/ itis a metaphor for experience joy within, (b)/ free of ego and other hassles. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) 191. 192. 193. “194. 195. 196. 197. Much believe that if you are modern you (a)/ should not be religious, and vice versa, (b)/ can’t spirituality and modernity coexist? (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) Why is it that they can develop only a (a)/ certain aspect of there life and not realize (b)/ their full potential? (c)/ No error @ in (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 11/259 ¥ If the sun and moon were balanced, which means (a)/ if heav and cold are in equilibrium, the OY person is healthy. (/ No error (d)) (SSC CGL MAINS 201 z, 20. 02.2018) Earth can be considered a cage or prison (a)/ because our choices are limited to (b)/ our available awareness and restricted. (c)/ No error (d) ; \ (SSC.CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) If a guru is a kind ofjhired teacher (a)/ none of his roles hits the mark (b)/ of what is intended. (c)/ No error (d).. (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) The growth in India is amazing, (a)/ ‘the growth'from 140 million connections” (b)/ in 2005 to 181 ‘million connections now is very impressed. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20. 02! 2018) The Delhi Police organize a mega (a)/ function at the Thayagaraj Stadium (b)/ to promote 'self defence training’ for women and girls. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) 198. All they need to do is feed their contact (a)/ details, feed the IMEI number to receiving (b)/ an OTP on their mobile. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) 199. So, the next time you are eating sushi, (a)/ you exactly know what to do with (b)/ that extra wasabi that have come along. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 20.02.2018) 200. This is the first car for our neighbourhood Mr Sharma who (a)/ _-chas’a hard.time balancing his-wife (b)/ and kids onvhis old scooter. (c)/ No error (d) , . (SSC CGI MAINS 201 7, 20.02.2018) 201. Good role models in classrooms and;.in communities are the most important (a)/ part of getting educate as the actions and decisions (b)/ of role models impact the*behaviour of others. (c)/ No error (d) eh (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) 202. Judaism says spirituality is a process of “personal (a)/ transformation, involving values and beliefs that (b)/ provides purpose and guidance for our living. (c)/ No érror (Ce “ (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) 203. In an imperfect world with not-so-perfect peoplé and institutions, you have to play (a)/ your role the best you can, take as many as you can along with you, (b)/ with empathy and a bit of loving detachment. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) 204. 205. 206. 207: 208. 209. 210. Earth’s resources have to be protected and sustain and we need to (a)/ share our resources across species as we all are (b)/ interconnected as one giant living organism. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) Gratitude is one of the more essential virtues for real (a)/ inner prosperity and happiness, because it (b)/ can connect us to the Divine. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) The aroma of the invigorate morning cup of tea comes (a)/ wafting up the stairway and soon I am (b)/ sipping it slowly and reverentially without rushing. (c)/-No error (d)-=.. (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02: 2018) Affirmations fire the will to.focus and perseverance towards (a)/ goal realisation and enable positive (b)/ thoughts to Permeate one’s sub consciousness. (c)/ No error (d) (ssc CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02. 2018) The biggest problem faced by (a)/ all developing countries is the ()/e lack of training manpower: (c) / No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) The. more obvious feature (a)/ of the modern world is the, enormous (b) / development Of Science and Technology.” (O/ No= error (d)__ 4 (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) Critics of television often (a)/ focus on the prevalent of (b)/ violence in today’s programmes. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. Our school administration should seriously consider (a)/ given students more responsibility and empowering (b)/ the student council to play more than a symbolic role. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) Our school’s faculty and administration should not (a)/ sacrifice high standards and regulations in order (b)/ to make students temporarily happy. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) Trend-analysts experts specializes (a)/ in predicting what will (b)/ be in and what will be out. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) One of the hazard of swimming (a)/ in the ocean. is an unexpected (b)/ encounter with a jellyfish. (c)/ No error (a) (ssc CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) Many of us have striving to “produce (a)/ a blend of all cultures that seem (b)/ today to bei in st wi one another. (c)/ No error (d. (ssc CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) When the bitsiness i is ran smoothly (a)/ directors are more than happy to pick: an experienced"insider, (b)/ who will secontinues along the present -Path. (c)/ No error (d) ‘ he (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02. 2018) Scientists show that there is a curious (a)/ relationship among a lion’s life span and (b)/ the pattern of spots on each side of its face. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) 218. 219. 220. 22i. 222. _ 223. 224. Karnataka receives most of its annual rainfall during the monsoon, (a)/ whereas Tamil Nadu does not get much then (b)/ and it has to wait still the advent of northeast monsoon. (c)/ No error (d) (SS€ CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) Education is a instrument which (a)/ imparts knowledge and, therefore (b)/ indirectly controls power. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 21.02.2018) Progress in life depends (a)/ a good deal under crossing (b)/ one threshold after another. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017,.21.02.2018) “Terminals are locations where passengers (a)/ and freight can be transferred (b)/ from one vebilcls or mode to others. (c)/ No Error (d) i (SSC CGL Mains 2017, 09.03.2018) Public attention in the developed world has (a)/ recently focused on asthma because of its (b)/ ‘rapidly increasing prevalence, effecting up to one in four urban children. (c)/ No Error (d) \ a (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) In Spiritualism, it is a part of services (a)/ to: ‘communicate with life (b)/ personalities i in the spirit world. (c)/ No Error: (ad) (SSC-CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03:2018) In Marxist philosophy, the bourgeoisie (a)/ are the social class that came to own (b)/ the means of production during industrialization. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. An atom is a smallest constituent unit (a)/ of ordinary matter that has the (b)/ properties of a chemical element. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) Unlike a liquid, a solid object (a)/ do not flow to take on (b)/ the shape of its container. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) Sulphur, while usually polycrystalline, (a)/ may also occur of other (b)/ allotropic forms with completely different “properties. (¢)/- No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03. 2018) Metals can be hammered or press-permanently (a)/ out of shape (b)/ without breaking or cracking. (c)/ No Error (d) | (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) In nineteenth century, astronomical research (a)/ was focused on the routine work of compute (b)/*the motions of astronomical objects. (c)/ No Error (d) | » (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) Clean air scatters blue light much than red ‘wavelength, (/ and so the midday (b)/*sky appears blue. (c)/ No Error (ad). (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09. 03. 2018) Most optical phenomena (a)/ can be accounting for using (b)/ the classical electromagnetic description of light. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) 232. 233. 234. 238: 236. 237. 238. A telescope's light gathering power and ability (a)/ to resolve small detail (b)/ is directly related to the diameter of their objective. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) Aeronautical charts are for visual meteorological conditions (a)/ depicts terrain, geographic features, (b)/ navigational aids and other aids to navigation. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) The imperial period of Rome (a)/ lasted approximately 1,500 year compared (b)/ to the 500 years of the eae era. (c)/ No Error (d) (ssc CGL MAINS 2017, 09. 03: 2018) Horror movies tends to be ‘a.vessel (a)/ for showing:€ras of. issues across the globe (b)/ visually and in the most effective manner. (c)/\No Error (d) = =,, £(SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03. 2018) It was S‘during the reign of Elizabeth | (a)/ that "Britannia" came to be view. (b)/ asa personification of Britain. (c) / No Error (d) ; (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) Hoplite soldiers. utilised the phalanx formation.(a)/of.order to... be effective in war (b)/ with fewer soldiers. (c)/ No Error (d) : (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) Evidence from 30, 000 years ago in Europe (a)/ reveal starch residue on rocks (b)/ used for pounding plants. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) 239. 240. 241. 242. 243) 244. 245. 246. 247. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, (a)/ keeps its shape and often give (b)/ the final product a chewy texture. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) Regional anaesthesia blocks transmission of nerve impulses (a)/ among a targeted part of the body (b)/ and the central nervous system. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2017, 09.03.2018) Millions of Jews lost (a)/ their kith and kin (b)/ in Hitler concentration camps. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) Mother-in-laws (a)//are (B) /.anuisance.(C) / No Error.(d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) Today people is ignorant (a)/ of the things that (b)/ ares happening around them. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC-CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11. 2016) I think so (a)/ you have taken (B) ii the a decision. (C) / No Error (d) “isc CGL MAINS 2016, 3 30.11. 2016) When Albert: ‘stayed at the African jungle (A) / he chose to put up with many inconveniences suchas. (B)_/ wild animals and... Boisonigus insects: O/ No Erfor (d) i. (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.. 2016) I Pecall y you telling me (A) / the story of the seven witches (b)/ but I cannot remember where or when. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) I was surprised (a)/ when the hostess smiled (b)/ as if she saw me before. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) 248. Each one of his sisters (A) / were (B) / hardworking. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) 249. His need for affection (a)/ stem from his (b)/ father's long absence. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) 250. Due to his negligence, (a)/ he failed (b)/ in the examination. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) 251, _Rameshis:smarter enough (a)/ to get selected for this'post, (b)/ “without any recommendations. (c)/ No Error (d) ' (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) 252. Madhu lived in Mumbai (a)/ since 1970 to 1985, (b)/ but is now living in Chennai. (O/ No Error (d) i \ (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) 253. It has been shown that (a)/ very high doses of vitamin C actually (b)/ causes cancer cells to grow. (c)/ No Error (D). (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) 254. Excess energy intake from (a)/ food may fuel the (b)/ growth of several cancers. (9) )/: No error (d) 4 : (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30. 1. 2016) 255. Mr. Gaurav Sharma (a)/ is coming (b)/ to dinner. (C) / N6 error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) 256. 257. 258. 259. 266.1 261. 262. 263. 264. You have been working very hard (a)/ for the past two years. (b)/ isn't it? (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) I visited my (a)/ grandpa and grandma's house (b)/ and found their missing. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) You should learn to adopt (a)/ yourself to (b)/ changing circumstances. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) He was smiling, (a)/ but his eyes retained (b)/ a look of solemness. (c)/ No error (d) (SS€.CGL MAINS 2016; 30.11.2016) I shall go (a)/ by’ the (b)/ 3 0' clock's train. (C) / No error (d) . (SSC CGL_MAINS 2016, 30.11.2016) In my opinion (A)/a pencil is always )/ more preferable to a pen. (c)/ No error (d) | (SSC.CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) The climate (a)/ of Mumbai (b)/ is better than Hyderabad. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) The best known leader (a)/ among them were (b)/ Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel and Jawaharlal Nehru. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) “The burglar stole all the money (a)/ in the house but surprisingly missed (b)/ the jewelries in the locker. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) 265. Owing to the disturbing noise, (a)/ the speaker was forced (b)/ to adjourn the meetings. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) 266. No man can become a great (a)/ artist unless he (b)/ apply himself continually to his art. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) 267. No one wants to drive to work anymore (a)/ because of traffic jams (b)/ at rush hour. (c)/ No error (d) 270. 271 272. 273. 274. 275. A unique feature of a mobile phone (a)/ is that it enables seamless telephone calls even (b)/ when the user are moving around wide’areas. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01. 12, 2016) My father, (a)/ though old, (b)/ goes everywhere by foot:(C) Nos error (d) (SSC: CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.201 6) You better (a)/ consult a doctor (b) /" ec (o/ No error (d) “sc C6L MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) Ann rected the promotion instead of Susan (A) / as Ann:is senior than Susan in age (b)/, though. Susan.had worked there before. Ann. (c)/.No error (ae : A (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12. 201 6) The office icer Jr has (a)/ given orders to his (b)/ soldiers yesterday. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) When your in doubt (a)/ about your best friend's loyalty (b)/ you can't help being disappointed.(C) No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) 268. As they climb (a)/ higher, the air (b)/ became cooler. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) 269. Rama has (a)/ no taste (b)/ in classical music. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) 276. (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) Scarcely had he gone (a)/ than I remembered sd his n name. on(0)/ No error. 217. 278. 279. 280. 281. (SSC COL MAINS 2016, 01. 12.2016) Were | the President (a)/ I would award rd (b)/ you a title. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) The patient died(A)/despite he had received (b)/ the best medical help. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) One of my friend (a)/ has gone (b)/ to Canada. (c)/ ‘No error (d) "(SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 01.12.2016) Florence Nightingale (a)/ was called (b)/ Lady with the Jamp. (o)/ No error (d)* (SSC CGL MAINS 201 6, 01.12.2016 i) They will (a)/ leave the office at six and (b)/ reach at home by seven. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) 282. 283. 284. 285. 286 287. 288. 289. The new lecturer (a)/ seems to be very popular with (b)/ most of the class. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) The museum's revolving doors (a)/ stopped the crooks (b)/ as they jam half way round. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) He had no (a)/ accuse for attacking (b)/ that old man. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) Mothers keep on (a)/ to encouraging their children (b)/ to study. (c)/ No Error (d) : a (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) poten wishes (a)/ he will bé-(b)/ richer. (c)/ No Error:(d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.201 2) I am not familiar with (a)/ all:the important places in this town (b)/’ ‘although I had been living here for two years. ee! No Error @ — “6SC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) The recentionist gave us (a)/ much informations (b)/ which we needed. (c)/ No Error (d) va it i (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12. 01:201 7 4 Everyday, we hear, about (a)/ senior citizens being robbed (b)/ and even kill in cold blood. (c)/'No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) 290. 291. 292. 293. 294, Ravi Shankar's performance was given (a)/ a standing ovation by the (b)/ people who has come to hear him. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) People are wanting (a)/ to see the home team (b)/ win the game. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) He was elected (a)/ as chairman (b)/ of the college. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) Candidates present in the examination hall (a)/ should make use (b)/ with such opportunities. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) He said that'it was'the first time (a)/ that'such’a trick (b)/ is ,, discovered. (c)/ No Error (d), 295. 296. 297. 298. 299, (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01:2017) .: I.saw his (a)/ unbelievably really quite (b)/ delightful cottage. (O/ No Error (d) ; “(ssc CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01. 2017) I was shocked (a)/ to see how much my grand mother had aged (b)/ since. the es time we visited her. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.201: q My heart t@) fis isso full (b)/ for aera (c)/ No Error (a) i (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01. 2017) It is not (a/ such a pretty place (b)/ that I had expected. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) The Management Committee (a)/ was divided (b)/ in their opinion. (c)/ No Error (d) 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) Speech was given (a)/ to man to (b)/ conseal his thoughts. (c)/ No Error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2016, 12.01.2017) Riches are uncertain things, and the fame that power give or is won by foul means is as short-lived as the dewdrop. (a) that power give or is won by foul means (b) No error (c) Riches are uncertain things, and the fame (d) is as short-lived as the dewdrop. (SS€.CGL MAINS 2015,25.10.2015) Some members of.the committee‘were opposed to use the club members’ money to redecorate the meeting hall. (a) Were opposed to use j (b) the club members’ money to redecorate the meeting hall. (c) some members of the committee (d) No error , (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) The doctor asked his patient to regularly t take his medicine. (a) No error (b) The doctor : (0) to regularly take his medicine. (d) asked his patient (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) I forbid you not to go there again. (a) No error (b) there again. (c) not to go (d) I forbid you (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) 305. This book is different than that. (a) This book (b) is different (c) No error (d) than that. (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) 306. The article suggests that when a person is under unusual stress you should be especially careful to eat a well-balanced diet. (a) to eat well-balanced diet. (b _— stress The article suggests that when a person is under unusual (c) No error (d you should be especially careful (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) 307. The results of the survey were fairly disappointing. (a) fairly disappointing. (b) of the survey were (c) The results (d) No error i, (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) 308. In twenty wrecks five lives were fortunately lost: .: (a) fiveliveswere .. (b) Noerror : ae (©) fortunately lost. (d) In twenty wrécks (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.1 0.2015) 309. There be along queue for entry into the exhibition ground. (a) for entry into (b) There be along queue (c No error (d) the exhibition ground. (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) 310. 311. 312. He looked upon me eye to eye for a few moments before he spoke. (a) before he spoke. (b) No error (c) He looked upon me (d) eye to eye for a few moments (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) Let us vie to one another in doing good. (a) in doing good. (b) Let us vie (c) to one another (d) No error (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) As per the invitation card Rahim marries with Sayra on 13 December, Monday. 3 (a) Rahim marries with Sayra *. (b) No error 313. 314. (c) on 13 December, Monday. (a). As per the invitation card... (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) I was convinced that the only, cong I wanted to do ever, is to write novels. : (a) No error ; (b) ever, is to write novels. (c) _was convinced that (a) the only thing I wanted todo %. , % B (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10: 2015) Did you! ‘hear many-r news about the political situation puple you were in that country? (a) No Error (b) about the political situation while you were in that country? (c) Did you hear (d) many news (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) 315. 316. Do you think you could lend me good pair of gloves to wear to the wedding? (a) good pair of gloves (b) to wear to the wedding? (c) No error (d) Do you think you could lend me (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) I meant to repair the radio but hadn't time to do it today. (a) No error (b) but hadn't time + é x. (c) to do it today. (d) I meant to repair the radio 317. 318. 319. (SS€-CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.. 2015)! The heavy-weight fighter was knocking out in one punch. ; (a)’ No error A) The heavy-weight fighter (c) was knocking out (d) in one punch. “(SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10. 2015) Until you’are in the habit of putting off things you cannot ensure yourself of a good future. (a) you cannotensure yourselfof a good future. (b) the‘habit of putting off things (©) Until you are in’. (d) No error (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) We received much help from the neighbours. (a) from the neighbours. (b) We received (c) much help (d) No error (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) 320. Thanks to an insight and persistence of the local doctor, hundreds of victims have been able to resume normal life. (a) No error (b) and persistence of the local doctor (c) Thanks to an insight (d) hundreds of victims have been able to resume normal life. (SSC CGL MAINS 2015, 25.10.2015) 321. The other day my sister told me (a)/ that she will be moving (b)/ to her new apartment very soon. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) 322. “Tony i is giving'me a lift. (a)/ He's.coming to (b)/ call for me at ten. (c)/ No error (d). 7 _ (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) 323. Each of the students’ participating :(a)/ in the drawing competition (b)/ having to bring his own materials. (c)/ No error (d) oh, (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) 324. Raj surprised everyone (a)/ when he created an unbreakable record (b)/ of one and a half centuries. (O/. No error‘(d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) “325. Do not write him’ of (a)/ as I feel he still has the: fire © (b)/ smouldering in him. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) 326. The poor man saves the money (a)/ but then he began to worry (b)/ that thieves might take it away. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) 327. 328. 329. 330: 331. 332. 333. 334. He adviced me (a)/ to join (b)/ the computer course later in the year. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) Some of our latest canon (a)/ that have come out of the production (b)/ line have a very long range. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) Susan said that she shall (a)/ try to attempt the task (b)/ to the best of her ability. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) “He couldn't buthelp (a)/ shed tears at the plight of the villagers (b)/ rendered homeless by a devastating cyclone. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) Most of the members at; the meeting felt (a)/ that the group appointed to investigate the case (b)/ were not competent to do the job efficiently. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) Neither the size (a)/ nor the colour of. the gloves (b)/ were right. (c)/ No error @ (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) It.was only when they met that (a)/ they found:he has a childish simplicity (b)/ about him. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) I now realize that public speaking (a)/ requires as much courage (b)/ and confidence as to dance. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) 335. 336. 337. 338. The children which are assembled (a)/ in the hall are the ones (b)/ chosen for the field trip. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) It is to certify that he has won (a)/ the essay writing competition organized (b)/ by the Department of Arts & Culture. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) Neither of the sisters (a)/ are sensible enough (b)/ to carry out the plan. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) Give your answers”(a)/ in .your°own words’ (b)/ as. far as %, practical (c)/ No error (d) 339. 340. 341. 342. (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04:2015). Tired I was I had to (a)/ keep on arking fill (b)/ the wee hours of the morning. (c)/ No error-(d)= “(ssc CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04. 2015) The suggestion given by him (a)/ is as bad, if not worst (b)/ than the one suggested by you. (c)/ ‘No error (d) ~ (SSC CGL MAINS 2014, 11.04.2015) The students were (a)/ awaiting for (b)/ the arrival of, the chief, guest. (Os No error (d) ‘ (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09. 2013) If you hea (a)/ engaged tone (b)/ replace the receiver and dial again. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. bash 349, 350. a 352. Henry asked his wife (a)/ what had she prepared (b)/ for dinner that night. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) The news (a)/ I have received (b)/ is not good. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) Who (a)/ arranged (b)/ the chairs? (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) People who live on (a)/ glass houses (b)/ should not throw stones. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) The library members were asked (a)/ to return back the books (b)/ to the library. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29. 09. 19'2013) Raghu came out of the bathroom (a)/ with a towel (b)/ in the. hand. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC-CGL:.MAINS 2013, 29.09. 2013) Neither the girl nor her parents (a)/ was present (b)/ to receive the award. (c)/ No error (d), fy (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29. 09.2013) College girls seldom wear (a)/ sarees these days, (b)/ do they? (c) 7N No error (d) ‘ (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29. 09: 7013)" Scarcely chad (a)/ the function Sued (b)/ than it began. to rain. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) The reporter (a)/ was unable (b)/ to illicit information from the police. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) 353. 354, 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. Each of these boys (a)/ play (b)/ games. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) These all (a)/ mangoes (b)/ are ripe. (c)/ No error (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) He discussed (a)/ the murder case (b)/ with his juniors. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) The paintings of natural sceneries (a)/ are selling (b)/ like hot cakes. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) _I-(a)/ goto school (b)/ by walk. (c)/ No error (d) {| : (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29, 09.2013) Itis a (a)/ desert (b)/place. (c)/ No error (d) 4, (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) You shall get (a)/ all the ‘informations (b/ if you read this book carefully. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) My friend (a)/ has invited me (b)/ for tea this ee (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 29.09.2013) Many a man (a)/ have come to India from-Bangladesh (b)/ to live here permanently. (c)/ No error (d) . ‘ (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21. 09:2014) Our football team (a)/ comprises of (b)/ eleven skilled players. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014 363. 364. 365. 366. Knowledge and wisdom makes (a)/ an individual truly complete (b)/ and self-assured. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) One of the boys (a)/ who always give the correct answer (b)/ is Samuel. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) It is high time (a)/ we renovate (b)/ our old house. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) Headmaster (a)/ has instructed (b)/ the teachers to follow the . rules of the school. (c)/ No error.(d) 367. 368. 369. “370, 371. (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21. 09.2014) The first inning (a)/.of the match. (b)/ was very sensational. (c)/ No error (d) *s (SSC CGL Mains 2013, 21.09.2014) How long it takes (a)/ to travel from Chennai to Trichy (b)/ by train? (c)/ No error (d) %, (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) One should respect (a)/ the religions of others (b) A. as much as his own. (c)/ No error, (da) (SSC CGL Mans 52013, 21. 09.2014) On a holiday (a)/" 1 prefer reading story books (b)/ than Wisiting my friends. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) I was (a)/ laying down (b)/ when the door bell rang. (c) No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) 372. 373. 374, 375. 376: 377. 378. 379. I told the teacher (a)/ that the homework set for the day (b)/ was much too heavy for us to complete. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) Someone, they don't know (a)/ who, knocked at (b)/ their door in midnight. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) Seldom if ever (a)/ nature does operate (b)/ in closed and separate compartments. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) Mohan leapt (a)/ on the opportunity (b)/ that came his way. (c)/ No error (d) at _ (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09:2014) Water contamination has become more serious (a)/ since chemists have begun to use wr new substances. (c)/ No error’ (a). “(ssc CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) Due to:inflation (a)/ the cost of living | (b)/ escalated in the last one year..(c)/ Noerror (d) * (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09. 2014) Just.2 as (a)/ I was entering the room, (b)/ the family was is going * fora Pg (c) 1) No error (d) .* % (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09. 2014) The arm “was so badly injured-(a)/ that he must have (b)/ it amputated. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. “>, No error (d) 385. 386. 387. 388, 389. You need not tell a lie (a)/ when the judge asked you where you were (b)/ when the crime was committed. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2013, 21.09.2014) Why (a)/ on earth, (b)/ has he not like come? (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) Yesterday (a)/ it rained (b)/ like cats and dogs. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) I would request to you (a)/ to consider my application (b)/ and grant me a job as early as possible. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) Each of these boys (a)/ play games (b)/ in the playground. (c)/ (85C CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012); Not one of his lectures (ar ee ever ‘been (b)/ printed. (o/ No error (a) “(SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15. 09.2012) Either ‘Sohan or his friends: (a/i is ‘to be blamed (b)/ for this mischief. (O/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.. 2012) I dor 't suppose’ © (a)/ anyone will volunteer, (b)/ will they? (c)/* No error 1 th Bt (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09. 2012) Tam (a)/ looking forward for (b)/ the day of my wedding. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) "Can you cope up (a)/ with all this (b)/ work 2" he asked. (c)/ No error (d) 390. 391. 392. 393. 394, 395. 396. (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) He served as President (a)/ of the Lions Club (b)/ since fifteen years. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) That was (a)/ the most unique opportunity (b)/ he got in his life. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) There is (a)/ no place of you (b)/ in this compartment. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) _Mother-Teresa asked a building (a)/ where she-and her workers (b)/ could care for the:poor people always. (c)/ No error (d) Se : _ (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) Shelley is (a)/ superior than Byron’(b)/ in his vision of democracy. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS:2012, 15.09.2012) When at last (a)/ we got to the theatre (b)/ the much publized programme by the Bollywood stars was begum:, (c) / No error (d) a ' ; (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) Several prominent figures (a)/ involved in. the scandal and required to (b)/ appear to the investigation committee. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) 397. 398. 399. 400. According to the radio (a)/ it can rain (b)/ this evening. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) Due to heavy work (a)/ in the office (b)/ 1 was unable to catch the five thirty train. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) Hari was appointed leader (a)/ of a group of young social workers (b)/ that have accepted to help and develop the village in three months. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) No sooner (a)/ tShey had received the guests (b)/ than they “began entertaining them (c)/ No error (d) 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 15.09.2012) Though she appears to be very tall (a)/ she is just an inch (b)/ taller than me. (c)/ No error (d) » (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) This meteorological disturbance in the ‘atmosphere of art criticism (a)/ have crossed over to our own shores (b)/ bringing mist and clouds in its wake. (c)/ No error (d) . (SSC. CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) The child (a)/ was run over (b)/ with a Wawate ag a! No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16. 09. .2012) Kambli is one of the players (a)/ who has been selected (b)/ for the test match. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) We can decide it (a)/ only after (b)/ farther investigation. (c)/ No error (d) 406. 407. 408. 409. (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) On every Sunday (a)/ I play cricket (b)/ in the afternoon. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) Please arrange (a)/ for my boarding and lodging (b)/ in Tirupathi. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) Each boy and girl (a)/ in the class (b)/ bring a text book each day. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) Two millions people (a)/ attended the meeting (b)/..held in ). parade grounds. (c)/ No error (d) 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012): Had he worked hard (a)/ he would pass the examination ae first class. (c)/ No error (d) _. de CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09. 2012) He not! ‘only plays (a)/ tennis eeu ayy (b)/ but also cricket. (c)/ No error, (d) : (SSC CL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) He said (a)/ that he wanted a_room_(b)/ and_that. his luggage ‘ would. Yollow: (Of No error (d) % i (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09. 12012) Our countty (a)/ does not lack’(b)/ in scientists of quality. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) What really matters (a)/ in the struggle for life (b)/ is to overcome one's fear. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) 415, 416. 417, 418. % regularly. (c)/ No error (d) * 419, 420. 421. 422. 423. It is believed (a)/ that smoking is (b)/ one of the cause of cancer. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) This watch is superior (a)/ and more expensive (b)/ than that one. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.2012) It is feared that (a)/ hundreds of people (b)/ have lost lives. (c)/ No error r (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09.. 2012) He is (a)/ one of the those students (b)/ who comes late (ssc CGL MAINS 2012, 16. 09. 2012) No: other newspaper (a)/ has:so Jarge.a circulation, (b)/ like this newspaper in India. (c)/ No error (d), ° (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09. 2012) It was (a)/ me who telephoned. (b)/ the fire service. Ov) No error (a) f (SSC.CGL MAINS 2012, 16.09. 2012 Yo. Nowadays, (a)/. many sales ‘of woollen garments are on, (b)/* but they dg not last: ‘long. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14. 10. 2012) He made me (a)/ to do (b)/ all the work. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) Neither of them (a)/ were able to (b)/ complete the work. (c)/ No error (d) 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) Tell me (a)/ when you are going (b)/ to come home? (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) If ] am you (a)/ I would not have behaved (b)/ like that. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) You may not realise it (a)/ but the weather in Barbados during Christmas (b)/ is like New York in June. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) _With’some-men (a)/ their mass of wealth together with their social influence (b)/ are an excuse for their wrong doings. (c)/ No error (d) . ». (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) After thorough examination of the patient (a)/ neither of the two doctors is hopeful of (b)/ his survival. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) If drivers (a)/ obeyed the speed limit (b)/ fewer accidents occur. (c)/ No error (d)’ : (SSC CGL MAINS 2012; 14, 10.2012) Our cooker (a)/ wants an increase (b)/ in Meu ea / No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.1 0:2012) A dozen boys (a)/ and two girls (b)/ have come for today's party. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) 432. 433. 434, 435. 437. 438. 439. 440. He live (a)/ in this house (b)/ since 1990. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) The cow (a)/ as well as the calf (b)/ are dead. (C)/No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) Please attend (a)/ my marriage (b)/ with Lakshmi. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) I have (a)/ to regretfully (a)/ decline your offer. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) _Being lost:(a)/ her jewel, (b) / the woman was sad.\(c)/"Noverror (d) es ” : (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) The most meritorious student (a)/ might become worst (b)/ if does not work hard. (c)/No error (d) * ; (SS€ CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) The union leader (a)/ called off (b)/ the strike immediately. (c)/ No error (d) : . (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) The demand of the,workers' union (a)/: that the ‘dismissed employee to be reinstated (b)/ has been: accepted) by the management. (O/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14. 10: 2012) Both Rajesh as well as his wife (a)/ are determined to bring (b)/ about some changes in the plan. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2012, 14.10.2012) 441, 442, 443. 444, 148 446. 447. 448. The minister for ‘Education’ (a)/ vehemently refused (b)/ the allegation that he had taken bribes. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09.2011) If I were Zubin (a)/ I would not attend (b)/ the wedding, come what may.(c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09.2011) He says that (a)/ he reads novels /(b)/ to pass away the time. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09.2011) He left for Mumbai on Sunday (a)/ arriving there(b)/ on Monday.(c)/Noerror.(d) =, (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09:2011) No sooner did the teacher (a)/ enter the class room.(b)/ the. students got up.(c)/ No error. (d) ‘ (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09. 2011) Itis S(0)/ nothing else (b)/ than pride. (c)/ No error.'(d) _ (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09.2011) To the ordinary man, in fact, the pealing of bells (a)/ is a monotonous: jangle and a nuisance (b)/ tolerably only when mitigated by remote distance and sentimental pene (c)/.. No error. ‘@ bt a * 4 (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09.. 2011) The increasing mechanisation-of life (a)/ have led-us* “farther away from daily contact with nature and (b)/ the crafts of the farm. (C)/No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09.2011) 449, 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. If you have a way with words, (a)/ a good sense of design and administration ability (b)/ you may enjoy working in the high pressure word of advertising. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09.2011) Last week’s sharp hike in the wholesale price of beef (a)/ is a strong indication for (b)/ higher meat cost to come. (c)/ No error. (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2011, 04.09.2011) When I entered the bedroom, (a)/ I saw a snake crawling (b)/ on the ground. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) He was debarred (a)/ to appegt (b)/ at the examination. 1 (C)/ No ‘error (d) i (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31. 1.07:2010) Iti ig: not ot (a)/ I who is (b)/ to! blame. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL'|MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) Shyam is telling (a)/ that'l, have (b)7 stolen his. pen. (c)/ No error (d): : (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31. 07.2010) The ‘timid creature was driven (a)/ into a narrow lane (b)/ where | Tha slewed by the kidnapper. (c)/ No error (d) © (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07. 2010) The river is in spate (a)/ and it has overflow (b)/ its banks. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) It is a truth that (a)/ those who are jealous of others (b)/ never get peace in life. (c)/ No error (d) 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) I was having a holiday (a)/ by seaside last summer (b)/ when | ran into captain Robinson. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) The driver showed (a)/ great talent in keeping (b)/ the damaged car under control. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) He described about (a)/ the unpleasant experiences (b)/ he had in the jail. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) _The.G.M..(a)/ of the company.(b)/ dispensed the Manager's services. (c)/ No-error (d) : (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) If it were possible to ‘get near when:. (a)/ one of the volcanic eruptions take place (b)/ we should see a zam sight. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS $201 0, 31.07.2010) Engines used in space shuttles (a)/ are much. larger (b)/ and more strong than the ones used in jet planes. (O/. No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010) Walking along (a)/ + the bank of the river (b)/. the road = to rise. (c)/ No error “(d) (SSC-CGL MAINS 201 0, 31.07:2010) A rise in rents and wages (a)/ have been found (b)/ to go together. (c)/ No error (d) (SSC CGL MAINS 2010, 31.07.2010)

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