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ID Start time Completion time Email

1 3/2/22 13:00:23 3/2/22 13:07:47 thupten.pelgyey.032192

2 3/2/22 13:01:17 3/2/22 13:10:15 faith.triyasa.032192000
3 3/2/22 13:00:40 3/2/22 13:13:21 claudia.susanto.032192
4 3/2/22 13:00:34 3/2/22 13:14:59 angela.santoso.0321920
5 3/2/22 13:03:46 3/2/22 13:15:29 steven.wong.0321920002
6 3/2/22 13:07:39 3/2/22 13:16:04 valerian.crescent.03219
7 3/2/22 13:06:43 3/2/22 13:17:59 mika.toendan.032192000
8 3/2/22 13:00:15 3/2/22 13:18:17 kayla.anastasia.0321920
9 3/2/22 13:00:22 3/2/22 13:20:54 celsy.sulim.03219200028
10 3/2/22 13:05:49 3/2/22 13:21:07 kafka.lewis.03219200015
11 3/2/22 13:04:24 3/2/22 13:21:13 joshua.wibowo.03219200
12 3/2/22 13:01:25 3/2/22 13:21:47 sekar.karinta.032192000
13 3/2/22 13:03:10 3/2/22 13:23:28 axell.hastono.03219200
14 3/2/22 13:00:08 3/2/22 13:23:32 jeremy.apolos.03219200
15 3/2/22 13:01:35 3/2/22 13:24:27 soraya.nadama.0321920
16 3/2/22 13:03:18 3/2/22 13:24:35 ko.febriano.0321920004
17 3/2/22 13:02:45 3/2/22 13:25:46 bryan.souw.03219200004
18 3/2/22 13:18:52 3/2/22 13:28:33 vincent.werinussa.0321
19 3/2/22 13:24:58 3/2/22 13:30:03 rafael.limansastro.0321
20 3/2/22 13:09:10 3/2/22 13:33:14 alexander.halim.032192
21 3/2/22 13:22:12 3/2/22 13:34:02 michael.sutanto.032192
22 3/2/22 13:04:34 3/2/22 13:37:44 verrin.clarissa.0321920
23 3/2/22 13:28:52 3/2/22 13:37:51 nathaniel.risanto.03219
24 3/2/22 13:04:38 3/2/22 13:38:01 jenica.witono.03219200
25 3/2/22 13:01:18 3/2/22 13:39:20 nicholas.halim.03219200
26 3/2/22 13:00:24 3/2/22 13:39:51 kozue.aryaan.032192000
27 3/2/22 13:25:43 3/2/22 13:41:20 tampubolon.hayati.0321
28 3/2/22 13:29:11 3/2/22 13:44:20 kevin.wanakusuma.0321
29 3/2/22 13:09:02 3/2/22 13:46:01 ixiell.laquicia.03219200
30 3/2/22 13:28:09 3/2/22 13:46:07 kimberly.hauw.03219200
31 3/2/22 13:00:05 3/2/22 13:47:14 giovani.austin.03219200
32 3/2/22 13:06:04 3/2/22 13:47:26 lalita.kho.03219200041@
33 3/2/22 13:00:09 3/2/22 13:51:01 jonina.simatupang.0321
34 3/2/22 13:11:12 3/2/22 13:51:52 alexandra.heradian.032
35 3/2/22 13:05:22 3/2/22 13:59:35 eugenea.asterina.03219
36 3/2/22 13:49:10 3/2/22 13:59:54 erin.edrea.03219200008
37 3/2/22 13:28:03 3/2/22 14:02:01 louis.pratama.03219200
38 3/2/22 13:20:08 3/2/22 14:04:36 you.dain.03219200076@s
39 3/2/22 14:05:50 3/2/22 14:07:33 moses.supriatna.032192
40 3/2/22 13:10:26 3/2/22 14:11:29 jason.halim.0321920005
41 3/2/22 13:06:35 3/2/22 14:16:54 keanna.hasan.032192000
42 3/2/22 13:30:23 3/2/22 14:22:11 edeline.putri.032192000
43 3/2/22 14:14:35 3/2/22 14:22:29 jennifer.utomo.0321920
44 3/2/22 13:51:59 3/2/22 14:25:03 andenisa.hutapea.03219
45 3/2/22 14:26:13 3/2/22 14:26:52 felicia.lee.03219200056
46 3/2/22 13:07:11 3/2/22 14:27:18 manafe.leon.0321920004
47 3/2/22 14:12:30 3/2/22 14:29:27 mulia.marpaung.032192
48 3/2/22 13:33:40 3/2/22 14:36:49 yehezkiel.sihombing.03
49 3/2/22 14:09:49 3/2/22 14:41:09 samuel.aditya.03219200
50 3/2/22 13:45:43 3/2/22 14:45:33 lavendria.liverna.03219
51 3/2/22 14:16:12 3/2/22 14:45:41 elisabeth.wijaya.032192
52 3/2/22 14:44:39 3/2/22 14:49:41 joseph.pasaribu.032192
53 3/2/22 14:13:37 3/2/22 14:53:07 devidya.tampubolon.032
54 3/2/22 14:13:16 3/2/22 15:13:27 gwenndolynn.pasaribu.0
55 3/2/22 14:54:47 3/2/22 15:22:08 priscilla.priscilla.03219
Name Total points Quiz feedback Grade posted time
thupten pelgyey 100 3/2/22 15:13:07
faith triyasa 30 3/2/22 15:13:07
claudia susanto 70 3/2/22 15:13:07
angela santoso 80 3/2/22 15:13:07
steven wong 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
valerian crescent 100 3/2/22 15:13:07
mika toendan 100 3/2/22 15:13:07
kayla anastasia 80 3/2/22 15:13:07
celsy sulim 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
kafka lewis 60 3/2/22 15:13:07
joshua wibowo 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
sekar karinta 100 3/2/22 15:13:07
axell hastono 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
jeremy apolos 80 3/2/22 15:13:07
soraya nadama 60 3/2/22 15:13:07
ko febriano 60 3/2/22 15:13:07
bryan souw 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
vincent werinussa 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
rafael limansastro 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
alexander halim 80 3/2/22 15:13:07
michael sutanto 80 3/2/22 15:13:07
verrin clarissa 80 3/2/22 15:13:07
nathaniel risanto 80 3/2/22 15:13:07
jenica witono 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
nicholas halim 100 3/2/22 15:13:07
kozue, aryaan 60 3/2/22 15:13:07
tampubolon, hayati 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
kevin wanakusuma 60 3/2/22 15:13:07
ixiell laquicia 100 3/2/22 15:13:07
kimberly hauw 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
giovani austin 60 3/2/22 15:13:07
lalita kho 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
jonina simatupang 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
alexandra heradian 60 3/2/22 15:13:07
eugenea asterina 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
erin edrea 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
louis pratama 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
you dain 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
moses supriatna 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
jason halim 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
keanna hasan 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
edeline putri 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
jennifer utomo 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
andenisa hutapea 30 3/2/22 15:13:07
felicia lee 90 3/2/22 15:13:07
manafe, leon 60 3/2/22 15:13:07
mulia marpaung 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
yehezkiel sihombing 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
samuel aditya 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
lavendria liverna 30 3/2/22 15:13:07
elisabeth wijaya 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
joseph pasaribu 50 3/2/22 15:13:07
devidya tampubolon 40 3/2/22 15:13:07
gwenndolynn pasaribu 90
priscilla priscilla 60
In Fleming's left-hand rulPoints - In Fleming's left Feedback - In Fleming's leIn Fleming's left-hand rul
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
conventional electrical cu 0 Lorentz force/ gaya Loren
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 conventional electrical cu
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
electron flows / aliran el 0 electron flows / aliran el
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
conventional electrical cu 0 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Lorentz force/ gaya Loren 10 magnetic fields / medan
Points - In Fleming's left- Feedback - In Fleming's leThe magnetic fields flow P. oints - The magnetic fiel
10 towards / menuju 10
10 from / dari 0
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
0 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 from / dari 0
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
0 towards / menuju 10
10 away from / menjauhi 0
0 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
10 from / dari 0
10 towards / menuju 10
10 towards / menuju 10
Look at the following picture!
Points - Look at the followingFeedback
- Look at the following picture!
Feedback - The magneticIff there is a conventional Ifelectrical
there is acurrent
that flows
is acurrent
that flows
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the right / berpu 0
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the right / berpu 0
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
clockwise/ searah jarum 0
clockwise/ searah jarum 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the right / berpu 0
counter clockwise / berl 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
spin to the right / berpu 0
counter clockwise / berl 0
clockwise/ searah jarum 0
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
spin to the left / berputar 10
If N denotes the north pole and S denotes the s
If you are in the position Points - If you are in the Feedback - If you are in Then the current is a conventional current, dete
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 to the right / ke kanan
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
spin to the right / berpu 0 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 downward / ke bawah
counter clockwise / berl 0 to the left / ke kiri
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 downward / ke bawah
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 downward / ke bawah
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 to the left / ke kiri
counter clockwise / berl 0 to the right / ke kanan
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 downward / ke bawah
spin to the right / berpu 0 to the left / ke kiri
counter clockwise / berl 0 to the left / ke kiri
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 to the right / ke kanan
counter clockwise / berl 0 forward / ke depan
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
spin to the left / berputar 0 downward / ke bawah
spin to the right / berpu 0 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 downward / ke bawah
spin to the right / berpu 0 upward/ ke atas
clockwise/ searah jarum 10 upward/ ke atas
counter clockwise / berl 0 upward/ ke atas
If N denotes the north pole
If Nand
S denotes
the north
the south
the south
- Look at the following picture!
Then the current is a conventional
Then the current
a conventional
the direction
the direction
the Lorentz
of the Lorentz
of the Lorentz
force! force!
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
0 forward / ke depan 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 forward / ke depan 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 forward / ke depan 0
10 forward / ke depan 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 upward/ ke atas 0
10 forward / ke depan 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
0 forward / ke depan 0
0 downward / ke bawah 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 upward/ ke atas 0
10 upward/ ke atas 0
0 downward / ke bawah 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 upward/ ke atas 0
10 upward/ ke atas 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 downward / ke bawah 0
10 downward / ke bawah 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
0 upward/ ke atas 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
0 towards the back / ke ar 10
0 forward / ke depan 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
0 to the right / ke kanan 0
0 forward / ke depan 0
0 forward / ke depan 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
0 forward / ke depan 0
0 forward / ke depan 0
10 forward / ke depan 0
10 upward/ ke atas 0
0 upward/ ke atas 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
0 forward / ke depan 0
10 upward/ ke atas 0
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
10 towards the back / ke ar 10
Feedback - Look at the following
Look at the
following picture!
Points - Look at the following
- Look at the following picture!
Determine the direction of
the Lorentz
direction of
the Lorentz
direction of
the Lorentz
direction of the Lorentz force!2
towards the back / ke ar 10
downward / ke bawah 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
forward / ke depan 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
forward / ke depan 0
forward / ke depan 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
downward / ke bawah 0
forward / ke depan 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
forward / ke depan 0
upward/ ke atas 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
downward / ke bawah 0
forward / ke depan 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
upward/ ke atas 0
downward / ke bawah 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
downward / ke bawah 0
upward/ ke atas 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
upward/ ke atas 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
forward / ke depan 0
forward / ke depan 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
to the left / ke kiri 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
towards the back / ke ar 10
forward / ke depan 0
upward/ ke atas 0
to the left / ke kiri 0
forward / ke depan 0
forward / ke depan 0
upward/ ke atas 0
towards the back / ke ar 10
forward / ke depan 0
Look at the following picture!
Points - Look at the following
- Look at the following
Look at the
following picture!
Determine which letter represents
if the Lorentz
if the forward?
if the forward?
the battery
force ispop
S 10 -
S 10 +
N 0 +
N 0 -
N 0 +
S 10 -
S 10 -
S 10 +
N 0 +
N 0 +
S 10 -
S 10 -
S 10 -
S 10 -
S 10 +
N 0 +
S 10 -
N 0 +
S 10 +
S 10 +
S 10 -
S 10 -
N 0 +
S 10 +
S 10 -
S 10 -
N 0 -
N 0 +
S 10 -
N 0 +
S 10 -
S 10 +
N 0 +
N 0 -
N 0 -
N 0 -
N 0 -
N 0 -
N 0 -
S 10 +
N 0 -
N 0 -
N 0 +
N 0 +
N 0 -
S 10 -
N 0 -
N 0 +
S 10 -
N 0 -
N 0 -
N 0 +
S 10 +
S 10 +
N 0 +
Points - Look at the following
- Look at the following picture!
Determine which sign represents
the battery
if the Lorentz
- isClass
if the Lorentz force is forward?
10 B
0 B
0 A
10 C
0 B
10 C
10 A
0 A
0 B
0 C
10 A
10 B
10 A
10 C
0 A
0 A
10 B
0 A
0 A
0 A
10 B
10 C
0 C
0 C
10 B
10 A
10 A
0 B
10 A
0 A
10 B
0 C
0 A
10 B
10 C
10 A
10 B
10 A
10 A
0 A
10 C
10 C
0 B
0 B
10 C
10 A
10 A
0 C
10 C
10 A
10 B
0 B
0 B
0 C
0 A
Feedback - Class

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