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Objectives Means of Verification Description of the MOV Annotations

Applied a personal philosophy of One (1) lesson plan In this Lesson exemplar, I applied
teaching that is learner-centered with annotation The MOV presented was a lesson the philosophy of Constructivism,
plan that showed: that aims to develop the learners’
ability to construct knowledge by
1.Learner-centered philosophy in themselves, and equates learning
teaching with creating meaning from
experience, by simply
accomplishing the given varied
activities by the teacher.
All the given activities in the lesson
are collaborative to exhibit sharing
of ideas. In view of the fact that
according to Dr. Maria Montessori,
one of the proponents of
“A hand is the Chief Teacher”
When a child or learner has an
interest on something, his frontal
lobe ignites and gives signal to the
right hand, to create, build or make
something, or experience
something and from that experience
Learning occur. And that is one of
the aspects of Constructivism.

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