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Cdla. Héctor Cobos Sector 4 Mz.: B-Prima Sl.: 1 – Durán

e-mail: – Tlf: 0985080160 – 2989611

Student: Grade: 10th “ “ Jornada Vespertina

Subject: English Week: 4 PROJECT 4 QUIMESTRE II
Teacher: Lcda. Celia Mieles Lavayen Date: Thursday, October 28th, 2021

Estas actividades te van a permitir reforzar tus conocimientos y habilidades en el Área de Inglés. Trabaja con atención para que puedas
responder correctamente en tu cuaderno o carpeta.
 Escribir la fecha y el nombre en tu cuaderno o carpeta.
 Realizar tus actividades en un lugar adecuado e iluminado. Did you know that?
 El tiempo para realizar estas actividades es de 60 minutos. Drinking a glass of water 30 minutes
 Trabajar con orden y aseo. before every meal will help you feel fuller
while eating, making it easier to lose
TOPIC: A Healthy Lifestyle
1. Mark with an x on the chart your healthy routine activities.

2. Use this Word Search to find words related to hygiene.

3. Write sentences with the following list of verbs. Use should or shouldn´t.

1.Drink: beber 2. Eat: comer 3. Play: jugar 4. Wash: lavar

5. Study: estudiar 6. Smoke: fumar

EXAMPLE: I should drink water every day. EXAMPLE: I shouldn´t eat much chocolate.

Study: Smoke:

Wash: Play free fire:

See Think Ask

Make time for reading. Do you have healthy habits? How many glasses of
Reading on a daily basis water do you drink every day?
does wonders for your mind
and overall health. Regular
reading sharpens analytical
skills, reduces stress and
improves memory.

PRODUCTO FINAL: COLOQUE EN LA VOLANTE: Dibujar o Pegar un hábito saludable.

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