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Parent Consent Letter

Date: 17/3/2022

Dear Parent,

We are from the Department of Psychology at the National University of Singapore and we would like to include
your child, along with about 60 of his or her classmates, in a research project on prosociality. If your child takes part
in this project, around one and a half hours (within a day) of your child's regular playtime will be observed by us,
with situational cues provided from time to time. Any children who do not participate will do other school work
during this time.

We will be conducting observations during your child’s playtime in the classroom, after identifying which of the
students are first or later born children. The children will be randomly split into groups of 3 - consisting of 2
unobserved children and the target child that will be observed. Your child could be either observed or unobserved.
The observation sessions will be 10 minutes long each. To observe the display of prosocial behaviours, we will be
providing several social cues during the observations. These involve witnessing our actors dropping toys and being
upset or your children being asked to share toys.

We do not foresee any risks for this research project.

Only those children who have parental permission will participate in this study, and any child may stop taking part at
any time. You are free to withdraw your permission for your child's participation at any time and for any reason
without penalty. These decisions will have no effect on your future relationship with the school or your child’s status
or grades there.

The information that is obtained during this research project will be kept strictly confidential and will not become a
part of your child's school record. Any sharing or publication of the research results will not identify any of the
participants by name.

In the space at the bottom of this letter, please indicate whether you do or do not want your child to participate in
this project and return this note to your child’s teacher before 22nd March 2022. Please keep a second copy of this
form for your records.

We look forward to working with your child. We think that our research will be enjoyable for the children who
participate. The results will also help us to obtain useful information about the effect of children’s birth order on
their tendencies to perform prosocial behaviour.

If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact the researchers via the emails below.

Please keep the attached copy of this letter for your records.


Research Students: Professor:

Kyra Chong HuiMin Dr Qin, Lili
Bella Tan Jia Yan

Seow Hui Qin

Venessa Gwie Xin

I do/do not (circle one) give permission for my child___________________________________ (name of child)
to participate in the research project described above.

Parent’s name

Parent’s signature Date

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