On The Measurement of Phase Billmeyer1985

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Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr.

Yuan Chent
Department of Chemistry
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York 12180-3590

On the Measurement of Haze

Possible pitfalls and errors in the measurement of haze by were made commercially available.* The original ASTM
ASTM Method D 1003 are pointed out and discussed. This haze method incorporated provision for the use of either
propert?, is an important measure of the optical clarity of type of instrument, designating the spectrophotometric method
plastic $films and sheets. Although special hazemeters are as the referee technique. That method is now being revised,?
usually used for the measurement, it is demonstrated that and it was ascertained that the spectrophotometric method
accurate haze measurements can be performed by using is no longer used to an appreciable extent. The question
widely available integrating-sphere spectrophotometers. arose whether it should be retained in the method.
Additional advantages of obtaining both spectrophotometric It was our opinion, based on almost 40 years of experience
and goniophotometric data for the characterization and in the study of the optical properties of plastics, that the
interpretation of haze are pointed out. availability of spectrophotometric data is advantageous in
the diagnosis of the causes of haze and in determining how
to minimize or avoid it. We therefore undertook to ascertain,
for the benefit of the ASTM task force carrying out the
revision of the haze method, whether it was still possible
to make accurate haze measurements by spectrophotometry
In the plastics industry, haze is a term used to describe the using modem instruments. We define accuracy in this case
slightly cloudy appearance of film or sheet material resulting as agreement with the results now obtained, several decades
from the forward scattering of light. Haze may arise from after the original test development, by using the haze stand-
internal causes, such as dirt, poorly dispersed pgments, or ards available for the calibration of commercial hazemeters.
other small particles within the specimen, or from external Because there are several critical geometric conditions writ-
causes, such as surfaces with a very fine roughness. In the ten into the haze method, it was not clear that this would
1940s, when plastic sheets were first used in optical appli- be the case.
cations. such as aircraft canopies, it because desirable to In the course of the work, we explored the effects of a
have an objective measure of haze, correlating with its visual number of parameters on the results of the haze measure-
perception, for quality-control purposes. A method was de- ment, some of them not widely appreciated. We also made
vised using a simple integrating-sphere photometer to mea- both spectrophotometric and goniophotometric measure-
sure the forward-scattered light when the specimen was ments of a variety of samples. In this article we discuss our
placed flush against the entrance port of the sphere. The results, pointing out some of the pitfalls to be avoided if
method was adopted by the ASTM’ and has been practiced accurate haze measurements are to be obtained and some
ever since. of the advantages of more detailed studies of haze than can
Much of the development work on the haze method was be obtained by the usual test methods.
carried out by using the integrating-sphere recording spec-
trophotometer then commercially available, based on the
Definition of Haze
Hardy design and marketed by the General Electric Com-
pany. Subsequently special hazemeters were designed and ASTM Method D 1003’ defines haze as “that percentage of
transmitted light which in passing through the specimen

*Gamer-NeotecInstrument Division, Pacific Scientific CO., Silver Spring,

*Present address: 2121 Union Street, Schenectady, New York 12309. MD; Hunter Associates Laboratory, Reston, VA.
fPermanent address: Xian Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, tASTM Committee D 20 on Plastics, Subcommittee D 20.40 on Optical
Xian, People’s Republic of China. Properties, Task Force X-40-6, J . H. Cain, chairman, Dow Chemical
0 1985 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. Company, Freeport, TX.

Volume 10, Number 4, Winter 1985 CCC 0361-2317185104 219-06$04.00 219

deviates from the incident beam by forward scattering. For TABLE I. Instrument arrangements used in the
the purposes of this method only light flux deviating more measurement of total luminous transmittance and haze.
than 2.5 deg on the average is considered to be haze." Measurement Position A Position B
It is necessary to translate this definition into the instru-
ment geometries and measurement steps required for the 11 No specimen White standard
T2 Specimen White standard
determination of haze. Figure 1 shows a schematic of an T3 No specimen Light trap
integrating sphere such as is used in hazemeters and spec- T4 Specimen Light trap
trophotometers. (Although the latter instruments often uti-
lize the double-beam configuration, the figure shows a sin-
gle-beam sphere for simplicity.) The specimen can be placed
detector viewing the sphere wall but not either port at A or
at point A, and must be set flush against the entrance port
B . However, in steps T3 and T 4 , scattered flux falls directly
to the sphere. At B is placed either a white standard, as on the sphere wall without the intermediate step of reflection
discussed in detail later, or a black trap to absorb the light from a white standard. Analysis shows that the two mea-
beam. Four measurements are required, as indicated in Ta-
surements are consistent only if the white standard has the
ble I.
same reflectance factor as the sphere wall. This is the case
Although it is not essential, it is customary to calculate
in commercial hazemeters, as is discussed below, but is
the total luminous transmittance of the specimen, T,, as well unlikely to be true in spectrophotometers unless special care
as the haze, H . The approximate equations most often used'
is taken.
T , = (T2/T,) x 100, % (1) Apparatus
H = ((T4/T2) - (T3/T')] X 100, % (2)
The second term in the brackets in eq. (2) is particularly
important when specimens with low transmittance are being Two types of hazemeter are or have recently been com-
measured. mercially available. One type is known as a pivotable-sphere
The quantitative definition of haze is empirical, based on instrument (Gardner, Hunter). Here it is possible to rotate
an arbitrary angular specification of deviation of rays in a the integrating sphere about point A so that the flux falls
collimated beam. In practice the definition specifies the an- either on a light trap permanently mounted at B or on the
gle of an annulus formed by the difference in radii between wall of the sphere adjacent to B . Thus the sphere wall
that of the beam and that of the exit port (B) of the sphere automatically serves as the white standard. In a second type
subtended at the entrance port (A). The ASTM method of hazemeter (Gardner), a similar result is obtained by mov-
specifies that the beam shall be circular in cross section and ing a white disk into place to cover the light trap for the
concentric with the port, leaving an annulus of 1.3 ? 0.1 measurement of TI and T2. If the disk and the sphere wall
deg subtended at the entrance port. This specification ap- initially had the same reflectance and are properly main-
pears to have been selected as a matter of convenience with tained, the error associated with the white standard is avoided.
the apparatus at hand in the early days of the development Hazemeters of the types just described are invariably sin-
of the test method. gle-beam instruments, for reasons of simplicity and econ-
A further point that is not always appreciated by the user omy. This introduces the possibility of another error, the
of the method is the need for care in the selection of the so-called single-beam integrating-sphere error. ' The effi-
white standard used in measurements T , and T2. In steps TI ciency of the sphere in reflecting flux internally depends on
and T 2 ,light flux from the source falls on the white standard the reflectances and areas of not only the internal sphere
and is reduced by a factor equal to its reflectance factor, wall, but also all of the ports (of which A, B, and the port
which can vary, among the standards in common use, from with the detector behind it are shown in Fig. I ) . If, in the
nearly 100% to around 75%. Subsequently, the reflected rearrangement of components to make the measurements,
flux falls on the internal walls of the sphere, from which it the reflectance of any port is changed, the sphere efficiency
is further diffusely reflected and ultimately detected, the is changed, and in single-beam instruments an error is in-
troduced that can be as large as 5%. This source of error is
eliminated by using a double-beam optical system.
In the pivotable-sphere type of instrument, the reflectance
Chtrctor of the ports is not changed in the measurements; the light
beam is merely moved with respect to port 9.Thus there
is no error if the reflectance of the sphere wall is uniform
over its surface. In the second type of hazemeter, the light
AuB trap is replaced with a white standard and an error is created.
The manufacturers of these instruments compensate for the
FIG. 1. Sketch of the geometry of the integrating sphere error by placing a black disk, presumably identical in size
used in haze measurement. and reflectance to the light trap, behind the white disk when

220 COLOR research and application

that disk is not in the light beam. Moving the white disk to TABLE II. Effect of reflectance factor R of white standard
cover the light trap uncovers the equivalent black disk and on indicated haze of glass and plastic haze standards.

the error can be compensated. Haze (%) with white standard of R (“10)
The spectral response of commercial hazemeters is by Calib.
Standard 98.5 91.3 87.7 84.8 79.8 value
convention adjusted to provide luminous quantities weighted -
for CIE standard illuminant C and the CIE 1931 standard 1% Plastic 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.59 0.64 0.4
colorimetric observer. 5% Plastic 3.58 3.85 4.00 4.11 4.41 4.0
10% Plastic 9.84 10.56 10.86 1 1.28 11.a9 10.8
15% Plastic 13.93 14.83 15.30 15.78 16.62 15.3
20% Plastic 18.02 19.05 19.61 20.27 21.35 19.8
30% Plastic 32.79 34.51 35.19 36.10 37.58 35.8
Spectrophotometer Glass A 7.36 7.93 8.13 8.40 8.97 7.9
Glass 6 13.47 14.47 14.73 15.35 16.10 14.5
The spectrophotometer used in the experiments to be de- Glass C 19.49 20.95 21.25 21.97 22.92 21.6
scribed was a General Electric (Hardy-type) instrument, no
longer commercially available but identical in geometry with
the spectrophotometers available when the haze method was Instrument Variables
developed. It is a double-beam integrating-sphere instru-
ment in which the specimen can be placed flush against the Effect of White Standard
entrance port to the sphere. It was necessary to study the
effect of the reflectance of the white standard for the ex- Table 11 illustrates the effect on indicated haze when the
periments, as described below, since there is no easy way reflectance factor of the white standard is changed, as mea-
to use the wall of the sphere as the standard. sured on the spectrophotometer in our laboratory. The col-
From the spectral curves obtained with this instrument, umn labeled Calibration value lists the average of the haze
we calculated the appropriate luminous values for illuminant readings relative to those obtained at the National Bureau
C and the 1931 standard observer by the selected-ordinate of Standards for these plastic haze standards and glasses as
method. measured on either two or three commercial hazemeters. *
It can be seen that by the appropriate selection of a white
standard, presumably one with a reflectance factor matching
that of the sphere wall, it is possible to adjust the haze
readings to approximate the calibration values closely.
Goniophotometric measurements, characterizing the rel-
ative amounts of light scattered at various angles from sam-
EfSect of Size of Port and Beam
ples and standards exhibiting haze, were carried out on a
Hunter Associates Laboratory D 10 recording goniophoto- In our spectrophotometer, it was possible to adjust the
meter. * size of the exit port (B) of the sphere to the correct value
by means of a suitable mask, and to adjust the size of the
beam at that port by means of an iris diaphragm suitably
located. We were thus able to explore the effect of the size
Haze Standarch
of the annulus between the beam and port by varying the
Because of the specific geometric conditions required for beam size. It should be noted that this adjustment is valid
accurate haze measurement, it has been necessary to devise only if the beam at port B is of uniform intensity across its
working standards for the calibration and performance area, as was the case in our instrument. In an article de-
checking of haze-measuring instruments. Haze standards scribing the reference hazemeter at National Bureau of Stan-
currently commercially available consist of plastic chips, dards, Weidner and Hsia3 gave similar results.
50 mm square, very lightly pigmented with a white pigment The important fact to note is that, as is detailed in the
such as titanium dioxide. They cover a range of 1 to 30 % next section, the behavior of the plastic and glass standards
haze. The standards with lowest haze are susceptible to is quite different in their sensitivity to the size of the annulus,
significant change in measured haze if the surface is scratched the indicated haze of the plastic standards being almost
or marred. There is an unfulfilled need for additional haze insensitive to this variable, but the readings for the glasses
standards with different geometric scattering properties, as depending markedly on it. Table 111 presents our results for
is discussed below. In the experiments described in this one glass standard. At the beam size corresponding to the
article, we used a set of rough-surface (acid-etched) glass defined annulus of 1.3 deg, the standard has an indicated
specimens as temporary uncalibrated standards to meet this haze close to its calibration value, 21.6%. At annuli 0.1
need. deg above and below the specified value, corresponding to
the tolerance on the annulus in the ASTM method, the

*We thank The Munsell Color Science Laboratory, Rochester Institute *We thank Harry K. Hammond, 111, Gardner-Neotec Instrument Divi-
of Technology, for making the Hunter goniophotometer available for these sion, Pacific Scientific Co., for the loan and calibration of the plastic and
measurements. glass haze standards.

Volume 10, Number 4, Winter 1985 221

TABLE Ill. Effect of annulus size on indicated haze (YO)
of glass standard C.
Annulus Haze
0.4 17.7
0.7 18.6
1.o 19.7
1.2 20.6
1.3 21.2
1.4 21.8
1.6 22.6

change in indicated haze is 0.6%. The current method rec-

ommends that haze be reported to the nearest 0. I %. Clearly,
it is necessary to control the annulus size much more closely 5 0 5
than the present method specifies if adequate accuracy is to Angle, deg
be achieved for samples with the sensitivity to beam di-
vergence characteristic of the glasses. FIG. 3. Goniophotometric curve of the nominal 20% haze
plastic standard.

Goniophotometry of Standards and Typical Samples

The cause and importance of the difference in behavior of
Figure 2 shows the goniophotometric curve of glass haze
the plastic and glass haze standards is elucidated by means
standard C, with an ASTM haze of 21.6%. Three decades
of their goniophotometric characteristics, as shown in Figs.
of transmitted light flux are shown to illustrate the behavior
2-4. In these figures, obtained with the Hunterlab D10 in-
of the scattering over a wide range of intensities and angles;
strument, the abscissa is angle, in degrees, from the direc-
subsequent figures are limited to two decades of flux cen-
tion of the light beam, and the ordinate is the logarithm of
tering on the range of interest in haze measurement.
the relative transmitted light flux, normalized to 100 at 0
For comparison, the curve for the nominal 20% plastic
deg. The resolution of the instrument without sample is haze standard, with actual haze 19.8%, is shown in Fig. 3.
about ? 0.4 deg at two decades below the peak beam in-
The difference in the characteristics of these two "standard"
tensity, that is, at the point labeled 1.0.
materials should now become clear: A larger fraction of the
scattered flux from the plastic standard is diverted through
wider angles. The material of the glass standards is known
as a narrow-angle scatterer, and that of the plastic standards

Angle, deg
Angle, deg
FIG. 4. Goniophotometric curve of a polyethylene plastic
FIG. 2. Goniophotometric curve of Glass C. film.

222 COLOR research and application

as a wide-angle scatterer. From the results given above and
in the Weidner and Hsia paper' it is seen that it is the narrow-
angle-scattering materials that are most sensitive to the size
of the annulus in the haze measurement.
Which type of material is most suitable as a haze standard?
That depends on the scattering characteristics of the spec-
imens to be measured. In the intercomparison associated
with the revision of the ASTM method, the first (and only
to the date of this writing) sample to be selected as typical
for the use of hazemeters was a polyethylene plastic film
with about 25% haze. The goniophotometric curve of a
specimen of this material is shown in Fig. 4. By comparing
it to the curve of glass standard C in Fig. 2 and to the curve
of the 20%-haze plastic standard in Fig. 3 , it is seen that
the industrial film is a narrow-angle scatterer with charac-
teristics almost identical to those of glass C and quite dif-
ferent from those of the plastic haze standards. Use of a
hazemeter with the wrong size annulus but calibrated with
plastic haze standards would lead to erroneous results when
this type of sample is measured.

Advantages of Spectrophotometric Haze Data

Our final experiments were designed to illustrate the ad- '' 460 40 WAVELENGTH
5hO &O WM) 6b0 SAO 7<
vantages of obtaining and examining the spectrophotometric
curve of the haze of a colored specimen. Such a study allows FIG. 5. Spectral curve of the total transmittance (top) and
useful information on the probable sources of the haze to the diffuse transmittance (bottom, 5 x magnified) of an acrylic
chip pigmented with phthalocyanine blue.
be obtained, information for which there is often no other
easy source. We selected for the specimens to study a rather
old series of acrylic plastic chips colored with a phthalo-
cyanine blue pigment, a common colorant for transparent lengths; scattering theory states that there should be no
plastics and coatings because of its very small particle size scattering from the pigment at these wavelengths. Thus some
and low refractive index relative to that of the plastic, the estimate could be made of the relative importance of pigment
combination usually leading to low scattering from the pig- scattering and other causes of haze, but we did not pursue
ment particles and thus low haze. the matter.
Figure 5 illustrates the spectral curves of total and diffuse
transmittance for one of these plastic chips, obtained with
Other Spectrophotometers
the General Electric spectrophotometer. For the diffuse-
transmittance recording a 5 x magnification was used. It can We have carried out preliminary tests of haze measure-
be seen that the diffuse-transmittance curve mirrors to some ment with two current commercially available spectropho-
extent, but not completely, the total-transmittance curve that tometers. * The Diano-Bausch and Lomb Match-Scan has
is characteristic of the phthalocyanine colorant. This is strong the correct integrating-sphere geometry for haze measure-
evidence that part, but not all, of the scattering leading to ment, but the transmission compartment is too small to hold
haze arises from poorly dispersed pigment, and the re- the available 50 mm-square standards easily. In addition,
mainder from other causes not associated with the pigment. the beam is not centered on the center of such a specimen,
Because of the age of the specimens (over 35 years), we so that in the case of a nonuniform material such as the
speculate that the remaining haze arose largely from dete- available glasses, calibration of the specific measured area
rioration of the surfaces of the specimens. of the standards would be required. Tests with the Match-
For this colorant further analysis can be made. The re- Scan did show that, as expected from the Helmholtz reci-
fractive index of phthalocyanine blue as a function of wave- procity relation in optics, essentially the same haze readings
length was published by B r a ~ nThat . ~ of the resin was de- were obtained with normal illumination of the specimen and
termined by one of us (F.W.B.) and published in trade diffuse detection, as illustrated in Fig. I , and with the re-
literature of the Du Pont Company in the late 1940s. Com- verse system of diffuse illumination and normal detection.
parison of these results show that the two refractive indices
are equal at two wavelengths in the visible range, approx-
imately 5 15 and 602.5 nm. lnspection of the diffuse-trans- *We thank the Munsell Color Science Laboratory for making the modem
mittance curve in Fig. 5 shows minima at nearly these wave- spectrophotometers available for these tests.

Volume 10, Number 4, Winter 1985 223

Tests with the Applied Color Systems Spectro-Sensor, used is the same as that of the internal wall of the integrating
that uses the diffuse-illumination system, suggested that it sphere. Most hazemeters are constructed so that this is au-
should be possible to obtain accurate haze measurements tomatically the case.
with this instrument (and also with the similar Hunterlab D With both hazemeters and spectrophotometers, the size
54P and the LabScan I1 with sphere head5) if the transmit- of the annulus between the light beam and the exit port of
tance sample holder is removed and the specimen is placed the sphere is very important. A simple way to determine
flush against the transmission port. The difficulty here, and that the annulus is correct is to utilize calibrated haze stand-
with all instruments using only diffuse illumination, lies in ards that exhibit narrow-angle scattering, such as certain
checking the size and centering of the annulus formed by acid-etched glasses. Unfortunately, these are not commer-
the sphere reflectance port and, in this case, the area viewed cially available; the plastic wide-angle-scattering haze
by the detector, which is difficult to evaluate precisely. standards that are commercially available are not sensitive
The Gardner-Neotec Spectrogard has been shown* to enough to annulus size to allow accurate calibration for the
give correct haze readings with plastic haze standards, but measurement of typical plastic film specimens, that exhibit
at this writing has not been tested with the narrow-angle narrow-angle scattering. These results are illustrated by gon-
scatterers. iophotometric and spectrophotometric data. The merits of
The Macbeth 1500 and related instruments are not suitable studying the goniophotometric properties of specimens of
for haze measurement because the specimen cannot be placed interest cannot be overlooked. However, suitable equipment
flush against the sphere port in the transmission compart- for such studies is not widely available.
ment. Obtaining spectrophotometric data serves a very useful
purpose in the study of haze, since it allows the possible
determination of the origin of the haze, information that is
not usually readily available in other ways.
This article has discussed several possible errors that can This is Contribution No. 13 1 from The Rensselaer Color
be encountered in the measurement of haze by ASTM Method Measurement Laboratory.
D 1003, either by using commercially available hazemeters
or by using integrating-sphere spectrophotometers; the latter
instruments have not found great use for haze measurement 1. Standard Test Method,for Haze and Luttiinous Transrriittancc of Trans-
in recent years but offer the advantage of providing infor- parent P lustics. ASTM Designation: D 1003-61, American Society for
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.
mation on the wavelength dependence of haze.
2. David G. Goebel. Generalized integrating sphere theory. Appl. Opt.
Our data show that it is still possible to utilize integrating- 6 , 125-128 (1967).
sphere spectrophotometers that allow the specimen to be 3. Victor K. Weidner and Jach 1. Hsia. NRS reference hazenietcr: its
placed flush against the entrance port of the sphere to obtain development and testing. Appl. Opt. 18, 1619-1626 (1979).
haze measurements in good agreement with those made by 4. Juergen H. Braun, Bron~ingof phthalocyanine pigments. off Dig.
using hazemeters. With spectrophotometers, it is necessary Fed. Soc. Pain! Technul. 37, 1623-1640 (1965).
5. John S. Christie, Jr., Hunter Associates Laboratory, private cornmu-
to take care that the reflectance factor of the white standard nication. 1984.

*Thomas J. Keane, Gardner-Neotec lnstrument Division, Pacific Sci-

entific Co., private communication, 1984. Received October 5 , 1984; accepted November 7, 1984

224 COLOR research and application

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