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Submitted By: Martin, Sean Findelle C.

Course/Year/Section: BSEE 5D

Submitted to: ENGR. ROEL M. MENDOZA


The seminar of IIEE is about on Electrical Safety. This Seminar typically

involved cooperative discussion and opportunities to share perspectives and issues

related to the topic such as Electrical Safety. Attending this seminar will surely

help young electrical practitioners that is about to be trained or work in an

electrical related workplace, this seminar will really help us electrical

practitioners to obtain valuable knowledge about the path that we will take as an

electrical practitioner. The seminar was led by an experienced speaker named

Joseph M. Pascua.


The Speaker first discussed about the objectives of the electrical safety he

teach us the importance of why we need to understand the basic principles of

electrical safety, the dangers of electric shock and many more then we proceed to

the introduction where in this phase of the seminar the speaker showed us the

percentage of where the accidents occur, the highest percentage where accidents

caused by electrical occur is when there is a contact to low voltage circuits the

second most highest is in our home and lastly in general industries. The speaker

also said that the electricity is the no. 1 cause of fire in our country that’s why

Electrical safety is really need to be practiced in order to live a safe life as a

citizen of the Philippines and most importantly as an electrical practitioner. The

speaker then explained on what will happen if current flow to our body which is
very dangerous because a small amount of current can be fatal to the human body

depending on our resistances on our body. The speaker then showed a graph

where it describe the effect of electricity flowing through our body in an

increasing scale, the scale of course end up in an effect where it shows that the

electricity killed the body that’s why we need to practice electrical safety. The

speaker then proceed to the topic where he discuss about the causes of accident by

electric shock, in this phase of the seminar he explain to us the various situations

where it’s likely to cause an accident to an area or a person in charge.

After discussing the causes and effects of electrical faults, the speaker then

proceed to the topic which includes the preventive measures of electric shock and

ignition and explosion caused by electric equipment. This topic is very helpful

because the speaker clearly discussed how we will avoid fatal accidents caused by

electricity, electric shock and electric equipment. The speaker also explained to us

the use of GFCI’s which stands for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters, these

devices is a must have for every home because it promotes safety and these device

protects multiple outlets. After discussing about GFCI’s the speaker then told us

some simple rules to follow to promote safety, some of this rules is that we must

not mix electricity and water, we must not guess as an electrical practitioner, we

must use proper instruments, always use safety devices and many more. The

speaker also told us about the Electrical hazards to watch out for these are

Electrical appliances or tools that smell, smoke, spark or shock, wires running

across the floor, electrical cords in contact with hot appliances or soaked in water,

extension cords instead of permanent wiring, octopus connections and many

more. The speakers then told us what to do now to avoid accidents involving

electricity or prevent it from happening. First we must inspect our work areas or

house surroundings if there are unsafe conditions and we must always apply good

electrical and safe practices. We must also be keen to observe any hazardous

conditions to avoid accidents caused by electricity and by that the speaker

concluded the seminar by answering the questions of the viewers for us to learn

more about how to handle the situation safely as an electrical practitioner.


As a student of electrical engineering I found this Seminar about Electrical

Safety very helpful, this seminar helped me to gain more knowledge about being

safe as an electrical practitioner. The seminar is very helpful because they chose

an experienced Speaker which is Joseph M. Pascua. This is a big opportunity for

me to obtain a knowledge from a person with such experience in electrical safety

that’s why I find this seminar very helpful for every one of us electrical

practitioners to be safer in our chosen field.


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