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S® Qapter2 = Call 912, then give one glass milk 10 protect the esophaga Cal 912, then give syrup of ipeoae ‘Bring child to local pediatrician Call'a poison control center 34, A 1Gyeanold admits to her mother that she trled (0 ComMIt suet | swallowing a boitle of Tylenol (acetaminophen) 16 hours ago, Her wis ‘beings the girl to the ER, The nurse implements treatment of choice, while, is rye 1. ipecac syrup, 2 activated charcoal, 3. mucomyst. 4. milk and observation 15. The nurse would include which of the following nursing diagnoses for a 10-year-old client with stage I Lyme disease? 3. Altered cerebral tissue perfusion, 4, Alteration in skin integrity ISWERS/ANDIRATIONALES ae Muttiaystom Stressors 55) ft. a omontho weigh 108 ad tine tpt 11-2 miu 3-5 miso 7-9 migout brbatpei to comfort bit by sumonthold i NPO for surgery. ThE HUE ‘ministering acetaminophen 2. encouraging parents to leave #0 he child can rest 3. offering paces 4. giving 10 ce Pedialte {ead poisoning. he nurse Go. An 11-year old is admitted for treatment of frctudes which ofthe following inthe plan of care? 9; 1. Oxygen 2, Strict intake and output 3. Hemeoccult stool testing, 4. Calorle counts 11. A2montiyold is admitted with dare What i the best room assignment for the nurse to make? 1. Semiprivate room with no roommate. 2. Private roous with no bathroom. 13, Sembprivate room with 10-year-okd who has acute tymphocytc Teukemia, 4. Open ward. 12, The nurse is discussing safety measu mother of a 1-yearold, The nurse knows the n precautions when she states, 4. “Thave child protection locks on my cabinet under the sink.” 2, “My child is not portytrained, so the bathroom is suf.” 43. “keep all poisons and cleaners above the fridge. 4, “Idon’t think I have any poisons in my house.” Is her local emergency room CER) and tells the nurse, “My vored a bottle of aspirin. What should I do?” After id is still awake and alert, the triage nurse would giv ares to prevent poisoning with the ther understands safety 13. A mother call ‘year-old just swallo verifying that the chil ‘what advice to the mother? Ena Sos ee 3. a sextinked defect. 4a dominant gene. {6 )A 10-day okd baby is admitted with $% dehy reat sek tras Khvee pee, oe ps oe — a, Tachycantia 2, Bradyeandia 3. Hypothermia, 4. Hyperthermia mis asked why infants are moe prone 0 Mat ne response " 7. The mu actlts A adults have a greater Doty surice area 3. ttants ave st nfiants tagest 4 tee Rut pe Kihara eT Tepes ee a ee for ticks 4. After every potential exposure, check carefully for Scie €. Remove tick by pulling straight out with tweezers 1. The mother of an 8-yearold brings her child to the physician because the child has a “funny red circle” on his leg. The mother reports that the Went on a camping trip last weekend. The physician draws blood to rule out Lyme disease and prescribes doxycycline for the child. The child's ‘mother asks why an antibiotic is Prescribed for a tick bite. The murse’s response is based on which of the following understanding? Lyme disease weakens the person so they are susceptible to infections 1 2. Lyme disease is caused by a spirochete that is seasitive to Gaxycyciine. E , 3. Doxycycline will kill the tick, which may still be in the chi. I 4. Antibiotics are given to cure the infection at the site of the tick bite 2, The mother of a 3-yearold child calls her nurse neighbor in a panic state, saying that the child swallowed most of a boxtie of aspirin. The murse determines that the child is still alert. In addition to calling the poison control center, the nurse should —_— Er Growth and Developmen ng to bed at nighe small during the to ha history of fling ¢ central and latera aa. an Bonet dit hon fin ant on a0 B-Yearole cya eorex skal facture and multiple bruises on assessing how the cp 4 Frtowing findings obtained by the nurse is mos hat the chita 1. Poor penona ene of tbe chi 2. Inability of the parents to comfort the chi 5 3. Conflicting explanations about the acc 4. Cus and bruises on the child's lower less a ore lunch, 2h. The nurse is discussing the risk of eth ile problems, infants with the parents whose second baby ‘The parcats express fear that other children will the acute phase of fave ready had one baby de. Which ofthe fl A of care. Which of the the parents indicate their understanding appropriate and mects childeen and the ris of SIDS? ‘cheumatic fever! L be on home mo ‘Any new baby wi sis. 2, “There is a 9% che the baby is ste sted following spina ee caper? sq days at schol B all dUFiNg the ex, : dias the central and laery pc assesament 8 80 SEA pewcttine mare HASSE HOW the cy neues es strates tha the cy al cough? lar bil. ous. Which re operation nge from & dol path ree and round 2 ‘breakfast and before lunch, simple problem ope a 1Oyearok clk dung the Aue Phase wy zee mine bag #4 ETS his a oF ear, Wh eum Pe aes developmentally APPTOPTAe ang ‘towing this ek in ce acute phase of rheumatic fy 1. vaing handed computer Vico AMES. 2 soting and organizing baschall cards in a notebook, 4 Paying basketball wth a hoop suspended from the bed 4 ang ar supplies ro make drawings about the hospital expencas 21. The nuneis caring fora 13yearokd who has been casted following {nsramentition surgery to Correct idiopathic scoliosis. The nurses teping the teen and fay plan diversonal activities while the ics fhe cat. Which af the folowing activities would be a Scppeaslecen development wile the teen is casted? 1. Take . . a Bis Pomea ence tide eat ma pecker. a ae ‘evenings playing a variety of board games. fegulaty attend special school activities 3 for own css Encourage siblings fo spend time with = teen watching television in Seveloping conere ble to make chan nd Development — 33 Growth se ie making 4 newborn follow-up Rome vist mper tantrum, The parent ae ‘2year-old sibling has 4 t Dring sen ing pe ole’ temper tants. at em tng tne mot appropste musing Sen? are the child understand the rues. Taare the ch alone in his bedroom 2 empha ehe parent gore ce cits Debio 3 man tat the vader is alos ofthe new aby. vost ctl brings the cht the cine fora well ‘Which is the following findings. 15, The parent of a 37 2 of concer and ‘heckp. The history and ases Gf these assessment findings made By t requires further investigation? 1. Unable to ride a tricycle 2, Has ability o hop on one f00%. indicate wants. the nurse is an are 3. Uses gestures 10 4. Weight gain of 4 pounds in last year that te child has an 16, The parents of a 4-yearold child tel the murse temtsite frend named “Felix.” The child blames “Felix” for any a jor and is often heard scolding “Felix,” calling him a ‘bad boy.” ane aderstands tat the best interpretation ofthis Behavior is ‘which ofthe following? 1. A delay in moral development. 2. Impaired parent child relationship. 3. Avway forthe child to assume control 4. Inconsistent parental discipline strategies. 17. The iurse is caring fora Syearold child who isin the terminal stages of meus leukemia. The chil refuses to goto sleep and is afraid that his ‘Parents ail eave. The nurse recognizes thatthe cild suspects he is dying ag afraid. Which ofthe following questions about death is most likely to be made by a Syearold child? 1. “What docs it fee ke when you die? 2. “Who will take care of me when I dic?” 3. “What will my friends do when I die 4. “Why do children dic if they're not old?” 8. The parents of an year-old child bring the child into the clinic for a school physical. The nurse makcs all ofthe following assessments. Which tssessment finding is an arca of concern and needs further investigation? 32 Chapter 4 nurse knows that abusive 9. when cid abuse is suspected, the = 4 fave a number of Sa. 2. have identifiable shapes. 3. doplay an erate pate 4. be on one side of the body. 10, The nuneis testing reflexes in 2 4monttrold infant as part ofthe slope ascamene Which ofthe folowing findings WOU inca, ‘Somat cer pater ad an aea of concern ina “month-old nae eeiaidlad la nics lis weirs. Z ng sucking movements when mouth area is stimula, 3. Hyperemtends toes in response to stroking sole of foot upward 4. Does not extend and abduct extremities in fesponse 10 loud nays U1. The morber of x 4monitvold infant asks the nurse when she can ny {eeting es baby solid food. Which of the following should the nase Jociade in teaching tis mother about the nutritional needs of inane, 4. Infant cereal can be introduced by spoon when the extrusion rea 1 srowtn and development — 38 2 mont od, 208 Be svn teen 6 we prs 6 4 iy sce or bet Sec "nnn of TAP en aepend on eos muscle mas IT the presence of sufi 2. whether the vaccines ae I F She Denver Developmental Screening 008 3B im uning her ape by subtracting x WEEKS ON 4. A remot is brought infor her welch SACS ‘lof the amon opto cnc, Te c's mes we Oe ‘what samt pr cad wil rceie today. The marie’# response is that the child is due for her 1. first dose of MMR. 2. second dose of Hib. 3. third dose of DtaP 4, final dose of PV. 6. The presence of what ‘sandard immunization 1. Allergy to 285. 2. Immunosuppression. 3. Congenital defects. 4, Mental retardation 7. A 2yearold is brought to the infection. After assessing the 4 ii fc be Postal ses 1 diaper rash. 2. bruises on the lower legs. 3 asymmetrical burns on the legs. a — or bruises in various stages of healing. hich pach imation des NOT amt fre asses : abuse is suspected? The parent who t . appears tired and disheveled. 2. is hypercritical of the child. 3. pushes the fri arias ‘than the situation warrants. the due date ‘condition would necessitate 2 change in the schedule for a child? pediatric clinic with an upper rest piratory child, the nurse suspects this child cans PS ya or play favorite Music 8 onally capable me g ages; which on of varying ag 1 Tea children © sed four e nurse has asses rhe nurse as asse evaluat a oe if A Tamonthrold who is afr FA dyearal who eas 5. A Syearold with enuresis o » had nocturnal emissions. year male wt os fora Syear-old child who has leukemia and is now 2, The nurse is caring f to survive. The child says to his mothe of remission and not "will you take care of child's mother asks the nurse response should be based on w! ella’ behavior? 1. The child is denying that he has a terminal iliness. 2, The child may be hallucinating. 3. Children of this age do not understand the fin 4. Most Syearold children have a great fear of mutilation 3. The nurse is talking with the mother of a 1-yearold child in well baby clinic. Which statement the mother makes indicates a need for more instruction in keeping the child safe? 1. “Thave some syrup of ipecac at home in case my child ever necss i 2. “Tut all the medicines on the highest shelf in the kitchen. 3 The have moved all the valuable vases and figurines out of the fms ‘4 “My husband put the gates up at the top and bottom of the sti expected { Fame when 1am dead the way you do now?" Th, hhow to answer her child. The nurse's nich of the following understandings oft lity of death

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