Community Survey: Population Per Houses

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Community Survey

1. Population per Houses Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and

Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)





12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Number of Members Per Family

12 1 1.7%
11 3 5%
10 0 0%
9 0 0%
8 3 5%
7 7 11.7%
6 12 20%
5 9 15%
4 11 18.3%
3 8 13.3%
2 5 8.3%
1 1 1.7%
TOTAL 60 100%
The table shows that out of 60 families there are 12 families or 20% who have 6
members followed by 11 families or 18.3% with 4 members. There are 9 families
who have 5 members and 8 families with 3 members. There are 7 families with 7
members followed by 5 families with 2 members followed by 3 families for both 11
family members and 8 family members. There are 1 family that has 12 members
and only 1 member. This implies that the common structure of families in
Barangay 41 is extended families.
2. Age Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan Street,
Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)
Age Female Percentage Male Percentage
<1 3 1.5% 1 0.5%
1–4 9 4.5% 14 7.2%
5–9 16 7.9% 20 10.3%
10 – 14 17 8.4% 13 6.7%
15 – 19 16 7.9% 24 12.4%
20 – 24 19 9.4% 15 7.7%
25 – 29 17 8.4% 12 6.2%
30 – 34 16 7.9% 25 12.9%
35 – 39 16 7.9% 12 6.2%
40 – 44 14 6.9% 19 9.8%
45 – 49 14 6.9% 12 6.2%
50 – 54 12 5.9% 13 6.7%
55 – 59 7 3.5% 3 1.5%
60 > 26 12.9% 11 5.7%
Total 202 100% 194 100%
3. Gender Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan Street,
Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)



Male Female

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 194 49%
Female 202 51%
Total 396 100%
4. Civil Status of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo
Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)

Civil Status


Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Married 75 46.6%
Single 78 48.4%
Widowed 8 4.97%
total 161 100%
5. Educational Attainment Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)

Educati onal Att ainment


9.40% 10.30%


9.40% 19.70%


Elementary Graduate Elementary Level High School Graduate

High School Level College Graduate College Level
Vocational No FormalEducation
Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage
Elementary Graduate 23 10.3%
Elementary Level 22 9.9%
High School Graduate 44 19.7%
High School Level 60 26.9%
College Graduate 21 9.4%
College Level 30 13.5%
Vocational 21 9.4%
No Formal Education 2 0.9%
TOTAL 223 100%
6. Religion of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo
Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)

0.75% 0.50%

Roman Catholic


Religion Frequency Percentage

Roman Catholic 391 98.7%
Protestant 3 0.75%
Others 2 0.5%
Total 396 100%
7. Employment Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan
Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)

Employment Status




White Collar Blue Collar Self – Employed Unemployed

Employment Frequency Percentage

White Collar 12 4.6%
Blue Collar 114 44.5%
Self – Employed 28 10.9%
Unemployed 102 39.8%
Total 256 100%
8. Length of Residency of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan
Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)

Length of Residency

0.319 <6 months

6mths - 1yr
1yr -5 yrs
6yrs -10yyrs
Since birth

0.0886 1.45%

Length of Residency Frequency Percentage

<6 months 22 31.9%
6 months -1yr
1 yr -5yrs 1 1.45%
6yrs -10yrs 6 8.69%
Since Birth 40 57.9%
Total 69 100%
9. Percentage Distribution showing Place of Origin of Barangay 41,
Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN,
December 2019 )

Family Planning



Place of origin Frequency Percentage

Luzon 57 82.6%
Visayas 10 14.5%
Mindanao 2 2.89%
Total 69 100%
10. Type of Housing Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Type of Housing



Strong Mixed Light Make Shift

Type of Housing Frequency Percentage

Strong 28 40.6%
Mixed 35 50.7%
Light 2 2.9%
Make Shift 4 5.8%
Total 69 100%
11. Ownership Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )




Rent-fee Owned Rental

Ownership Frequency Percentage

Rent-fee 9 13.0%
Owned 42 60.8%
Rental 18 26.0%
Total 69 100%
12. Lighting Facility Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Lighting Facility

Electricity Kerosene

Lighting Facility Frequency Percentage

Electricity 68 98.6%
Kerosene 1 1.45%
Total 69 100%
13. Monthly Income Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)
Monthly Income




<1,000 5,000 - 9,999 10,000 - 14,999 15,000 - 19,999

20,000 - 29,999 >30,000 Others 100,000

Monthly Income Frequency Percentage

< 1,000 32 46.4 %
5,000 – 9,999 15 21.7%
10,000 – 14,999 10 14.5%
15,000 – 19,999 6 8.69%
20,000 - 29,999 3 4.38%
> 30,000 2 2.89%
Others 1 1.45%
Total 69 100%

Table 13 shows the Monthly Income Distribution of Barangay 41,

Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila the highest is 46.4%
under the monthly income of less than 1000 pesos the second
highest would be 21.7 % in the bracket of 5000 to 9,999 pesos
while the lowest is 1.45% which is others.
14. Source of Healthcare Information Distribution of Barangay
41, Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN,
December 2019)

Source of Healthcare Informati on


24% 57%

Hospital Health Center Private Doctor

Source of Healthcare Frequency Percentage

Hospital 40 57.9%
Health Center 17 24.6%
Private Doctor 12 17.4%
Total 69 100%

Table 14 shows that the highest Source of Healthcare Information

Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo
Manila would be the hospital with a percentage of 57.9 while the
lowest is private doctor with a percentage of 17.4 which means half of
the population of the brgy.41 refer most to the hospital as their source
of healthcare information rather than to private doctor.
15. Services by the Government Distribution of Barangay 41,
Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN,
December 2019)

Services by the Government


12.00% 8.70%


Services by the Frequency Percentage

SSS 38 41.3%
GSIS 8 8.7%
4ps 11 12.0%
SLP 0 0%
PhilHealth 35 38.0%
Total 92 100%

The table shows that the highest services by the government is the
SSS with a percentage of 41.3 the second highest would be PhilHealth
with a percentage of 38 while the 2 lowest services by the government
are the SLP and COMSCA with no percentage.
Diseases in the family Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019)

a. Heart Diseases

Heart Diseases



Hypertension Congestive Heart Failure Myocardial Infarction Stroke

Heart Diseases Frequency Percentage

Hypertension 44 80%
Congestive Heart Failure 3 5.5%
Myocardial Infarction 1 1.8%
Stroke 7 12.7%
Total 55 100%

The table shows that in 55 families there are 44 or 80% who

answered Hypertension to be present among their family
members followed by 7 families or 12.7% who replied stroke
to be present in their family. There are 3 families or 5.5% who
replied Congestive Heart Failure to be present among their
family followed by Myocardial Infarction wherein 1 family or
1.8% answered. This implies that in Barangay 41
Hypertension is mostly present among families and this
implies that this is the most case of heart disease.
b. Lung Diseases

Lung Diseases





Asthma Emphysema Pneumonia Tuberculosis Others

Lung Diseases Frequency Percentage

Asthma 14 50%
Emphysema 1 3.6%
Pneumonia 6 21.4%
Tuberculosis 7 25%
Others 0 0%
Total 28 100%

The table shows that in 28 families there are 14 or 50% who

replied Asthma to be present among their family members
followed by 7 families or 25% who have Tuberculosis present
on their family members. There are 6 families or 21.4% who
replied Pneumonia to be present among their family followed
by a family or 3.6% who answered Emphysema as a Lung
Disease present in their family. This implies that in Barangay
41 Asthma is mostly present among families and this implies
that this is the most case of lung disease.
c. Other Illnesses

Other Illnesses

Allergies Anemia Arthritis Diabetes Cancer Cataracts Operation

Other Illnesses Frequency Percentage

Allergies 19 22.9%
Anemia 0 0%
Arthritis 19 22.9%
Diabetes 22 26.5%
Cancer 4 4.8%
Cataracts 8 9.6%
Operation 11 13.3%
Total 83 100%

The table shows that in 83 families there are 22 or 26.5% who

answered Diabetes to be present among their family members
which is the highest morbidity. There are 19 families or 22.9%
both answering Allergies and Arthritis to be present in their
family followed by 11 families or 13.3% who replied illnesses
related to operations. There are 8 families or 9.6% who replied
Cataracts to be present among their family followed by
Cancer wherein 4 families or 4.8% answered. This implies that
in Barangay 41 Diabetes is mostly present among families
and this implies that this is the most case of other illnesses
needed to be looked in to.
16. Concepts of Health and Illness Diseases in the family
Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo
Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

a. Health Practices ( Medications )

Medicati ons

3.33% 10.00%


Prescribed Recommended by Neighbors

Recommended by Albularyos Herbal Medicine

Medications Frequency Percentage

Prescribed 52 86.7%
Recommended by 2 3.33%
Recommended by 0 0%
Herbal Medicine 6 10%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that out of 60 families 52 of them or 86.7% mostly get
their medications that are prescribed followed by 6 families or 10%
who choose herbal medicine as a way to medicate followed by 2
families that replied to rely on medications recommended by their
neighbors. This implies that most people in Barangay 41 trust
medications that are prescribed which also show compliance to

b. Social History

Social History


Smoking Drinking

Social History Frequency Percentage

Smoking 26 51%
Drinking 25 49%
Total 51 100

The table shows that out of 51 families 26 of them or 51% has a family
member that is smoking cigarette followed by 25 families or 49%
where a family member drinks alcohol. This implies that most people
in Barangay 41 have family members who are smokers which can lead
to lung complications and polluted environment.
17. Ways of Health Maintenance Distribution of Barangay 41,
Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN,
December 2019 )
a. Physical




Complete Incomplete

Vaccines Frequency Percentage

Complete 44 73.3%
Incomplete 16 26.7%
Total 60 100%

The table shows that out of 60 families 44 of them or 73.3% mostly

have completed their vaccinations followed by 16 families that replied
to still not have completed their vaccinations. This implies that most
people in Barangay 41 are compliance to vaccine that makes them not
vulnerable to illnesses rampant in the environment.
18. Hours of Sleep Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Hours of Sleep
8% 8%
Hours of Sleep Frequency Percentage
1 to 3 5 8.33%
4 to 6 22 36.67%
7 to 9 28 46.67%
10 to 12 5 8.33%
Total 60 37% 100%


1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 9 10 to 12

The table shows that in 60 families 28 of them or 46.67% achieve 7 to

9 hours of sleep followed by 22 families or 36.67% that get 4 to 6
hours of sleep. There are families who experience 1 to 3 hours of
sleep and 10 to 12 hours of sleep both coming from 5 families. This
implies that most people in Barangay 41 are achieving an adequate
amount of sleep making them functional for daily activities.
19. Glass of Water per Day Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi
and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December
2019 )

Glass of Water

Glass of Water Frequency Percentage

1 to 3 1 1.67%
4 to 6 29 48.33%
7 to 10 30 50%
Total 60 100%

1 to 3 4 to 6 7 to 10

The table shows that out of all 60 families 30 families or 50% drinks 7
to 10 glasses of water followed by 29 families or 48.33% who drinks 4
to 6 glasses of water and a family or 1.67% who drinks 1 to 3 glasses
of water. This implies that most people in Barangay 41 are hydrated
making them not prone to dehydration making them functional for
daily activities.
20. Transportation Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Transportation Frequency Percentage

Animals Transportation
0 0%
Tricycle 20 33.33%
Others 23.33% 26 43.33%
None 14 23.33%
Total 60 33.33% 100%


Animals Tricycle Others None

The table shows out of 60 families 26 families or 43.33% have other

means for transportation followed by 20 families or 33.33% that
utilizes the tricycle and 14 families or 23.33% that have no means for
transportation. This implies that most people in Barangay 41 are able
to go to places by owning vehicles to move them into different places.
21. General Sanitation Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

General Sanitation

Poor Fair Good

General Sanitation Frequency Percentage

Poor 9 15%
Fair 25 41.67%
Good 26 43.33%
Total 60 100%
22. Waste Disposal Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Waste Disposal

Septic Tank Water Sealed Over Hang Public Comfort Rooms

Balot System Closed Pit Privy Open Pit Privy

Waste Disposal Frequency Percentage

Septic Tank 36 60%
Water Sealed 24 40%
Over Hang 0 0%
Public Comfort Rooms 0 0%
Balot System 0 0%
Closed Pit Privy 0 0%
Open Pit Privy 0 0%
Total 60 100%
23. Water Suppply Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Water Supply

Public Water System Pitcher Pump Artesian Well

Water Supply Frequency Percentage

Public 28 46.67%
Water System 32 53.33%
Pitcher Pump 0 0%
Artesian Well 0 0%
Total 60 100%
24. Drinking Water Storage Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi
and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December
2019 )
Drinking Water Storage



Covered Uncovered

Drinking Water Storage Frequency Percentage

Covered 58 84.0%
Uncovered 11 15.9%
Total 69 100%
25. Water Containers Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Water Containers

Plastics Bottles Jars with Faucet Jars without Faucet Cam/Drum

Water Containers Frequency Percentage

Plastics 51 85%
Bottles 1 1.67%
Jars with Faucet 7 11.67%
Jars without Faucet 0 0
Can/Drum 0 0
Total 60 100%
26. Garbage Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan
Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )


Covered Uncovered

Garbage Frequency Percentage

Covered 38 63.33%
Uncovered 22 36.67%
Total 60 100%
27. Domestic Animals Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )
Domestic Animals

Dog Cat Pig Chicken Others

Domestic Animals Frequency Percentage

Dog 36 83.72%
Cat 7 16.28%
Pig 0 0
Chicken 1 2.33%
Others 0 0
Total 43 100%
28. Garbage Disposal Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Garbage Disposal



Collected Waste Segregation Dumping

Garbage Disposal Frequency Percentage

Collected 62 89.9%
Waste Segregation 6 8.69%
Open Dumping 1 1.45%
Total 69 100%
29. Backyard Gardening Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Backyard Gardening

Herbal Medicine Vegetables Flowers Trees

Backyard Gardening Frequency Percentage

Herbal Medicine 10 41.67%
Vegetables 2 8.33%
Flowers 10 41.67%
Trees 2 8.33%
Total 24 100
30. Nutrition Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan
Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

a. Food Storage

Food Storage



Covered Uncovered

Food Storage Frequency Percentage

Covered 51 73.9%
Uncovered 18 26%
Total 69 100%
b. Food Source

Food Source



Home Cooked Carinderia Fast Food

Food Source Frequency Percentage

Home Cooked 50 72.5%
Carinderia 19 27.5%
Fast Food
Total 69 100%

c. Common Food Eaten

Common Food Eaten



Fried Boiled Grilled

Common Food Eaten Frequency Percentage

Fried 12 17.4%
Boiled 57 82.6%
Total 69 100%
31. Family Planning Distribution of Barangay 41, Mithi and
Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN, December 2019 )

Family Planning




Agree Disagree Drop-out None

Family Planning Frequency Percentage

Agree 31 44.9%
Disagree 11 15.9%
Drop – Out 5 7.25%
None 22 31.9%
Total 69 100%
32. Methods of Family Planning Distribution of Barangay 41,
Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN,
December 2019 )

Methods of Family Planning

Pills Withdrawal Condomo IUD

Rhythm Vasectomy Tubal Ligation Others

Methods of Family Frequency Percentage

Pills 20 38.46%
Withdrawal 7 13.46%
Condom 4 7.69%
IUD 4 7.69%
Rhythm 0 0
Vasectomy 0 0
Tubal ligation 5 9.62%
Others 12 23.08%
Total 52 100%

33. Reasons for Family Planning Distribution of Barangay 41,

Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU – MJCN,
December 2019 )

Reasons for Family Planning

Spacing Financial Health Limiting

Reasons for Family Frequency Percentage

Spacing 4 7.69%
Financial 32 61.54%
Health 6 11.54%
Limiting 10 19.23%
Total 52 100%

34. Reasons for not doing Family Planning Distribution of

Barangay 41, Mithi and Kasipagan Street, Tondo Manila ( PCU –
MJCN, December 2019 )

Reasons for not doing family planning

Side Effects Newly Wed Lack of Knowledge

Separated form husband/wife Have plans to have children

Reasons for not Doing Frequency Percentage

Family Planning
Side effects 0 0
Newly Wed 0 0
Lack of Knowledge 4 50%
Separated from 2 25%
Have plans to have 2 25%
Total 8 100%

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