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Revised syllabus of B.A./B.Sc. F.Y. Mathematics. 
Semester I 
Paper I (MT101): Differential Calculus (No.of periods 60, Max Marks 50) 
Unit I: The  Real  Numbers:  Introduction  : Bounded and unbounded sets, The real numbers
system: Supremum Infimum, Absolute Value of a Real Number ,Open, closed sets and
Countable sets: Introduction , Limit points of a set, Closed sets: Closure of a set, countable and
uncountable sets .

Unit II: Functions of a several variable(I) : Limits, continuous functions , functions continuous 

on closed intervals Uniform continuity.   
 Unit  III:‐  Functions of a several variable(II) :    The  derivative  ,  continuous  functions  , 
Increasing  and  decreasing  functions,  Darboux’s  Theorem,  Rolle’s  Theorem,  Langrange’s  Mean 
value Theorem, Cauchy’s mean value theorem. Higher order derivatives. 
Text Book :‐ Mathematical Analysis By S.C.Malik & Savita Arora(Second revised edition) 
Scope Unit I: Chapter 1 : Art 1,3,5 and Chapter 2 :Complete 
Unit II: Chapter 5 :Complete 
Unit III: Chapter 6 :Complete. 
Reference Books:
1) Introduction to Real Analysis ,By R.G. Bartle.(John Wiley and Sons)
2) Differential calculus, By Shanti Narayan.(S. Chand and Co.)
3) Elements of Real Analysis, By Shanti Narayan and M.D. Raisinghania. (S. Chand and Co).
4) Introduction to Real Analysis,. By William F. Trench, Pearson Education Pub.


Paper II: (MT102): Algebra and Complex Numbers
((No.of periods 60, Max Marks 50))

Unit I Prerequisites, Standard form of a complex number, Geometrical representation,

Product and quotient of Complex numbers, Geometrical representation of Sum and difference,
Results concerning conjugate, Modulus and Amplitude. De Moivre’s theorem: Statement, Roots
of Complex number, Some standard results, Solutions of equations. Polynomial: Definition, Zero
polynomial, Degree, Equality, Complete and incomplete polynomial, zero of Polynomial,
Division Algorithm, Fundamental theorem of algebra.

Unit II Prerequisites, Multiplication of two Matrix, Properties of multiplication, Positive

integral powers of a matrix, Transpose of matrix, Conjugate of a matrix, Determinant of a square
matrix, minor of an elements, co-factor Ad joint of a square matrix, Inverse of a square matrix,
Singular and nonsingular matrix.

Unit III Rank of a matrix and Linear equations: Minor of Order K of a matrix, Rank of a matrix,
Elementary Row, Column operations, Elementary operations, inverse of an elementary
operations. Equivalent Matrices: Row, Column equivalent matrix, Row-Echelon matrix,
Row rank and column rank of a matrix. Linear Equation: Equivalent system, system of
homogeneous equations.

Textbook Topics in Algebra By OM.P.Chug, K. Prakash, A.D. Gupta.Anmol Pub. Pvt.Ltd. New
Scope Chapters1: 1.1 to 1.3, 1.5,1.6 (Prerequisites)
Art: 1.7, 1.8 (a) (Delete theory 1.8b), 1.9, 1.10 (a), (b), 1.12, 1.13, 1.14.
Chapter 2: Art 2.1 to 2.6 [Delete Exercise 2(a)] 2.3 (only statement).
Chapter 3: Art 3.1 to 3.8, 3.8(only statement), 3.15(only statement).
Chapter10: 10.9 to 10.14(10.13 only statement),10.20,10.21,10.22,10.27 to 10.32.
Chapter11: Art 11.1, 11.2, 11.5 to 11.16, 11.32 to 11.39.
Reference Book:-
1. Elementary Topics in Algebra, By K. Khurana and S.B. Malik. (Vikas Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.)
2. A Text Book of Matrices,By Shanti Narayan (S.Chand and Company Ltd., Ram Nagar, Delhi-
3. Complex Variables and Applications, By. Ruel V Churchill, James Ward Brown, (McGraw-
Hill International Book Company).
4. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, By Shanti Narayan and P.K. Mittal. (S. Chand
and Company LTD, New Delhi).


Paper III ( MT 103 ) : Integral Calculus ( One Variable )

((No.of periods 60, Max Marks 50))
Unit I: The Riemann integral : Definitions and Existence of the integral. Refinement of
partitions , Darboux’s Theorem , conditions of integrability ,Integrability of the sum and
difference of integrable functions , The integral as limit of sums , Some integrable functions.
Unit II : Integration and differentiations, The fundamental theorem of Calculus , mean value
theorems of integral calculus Properties of integral. Integration by parts, change of variable in
an integral, second mean value theorem.
Unit III : Improper integral: Introductions, Integration of unbounded functions with finite limits
of integrations , comparison tests for convergence at a of ∫ fdx . 

Text Book:‐ Mathematical Analysis By S.C.Malik &Savita Arora (Second revised edition) 
Scope Unit I: Chapter 9: Art 1 to 7 
           Unit II: Chapter 9 : Art 8 to 13 
         Unit III: Chapter 11: Art 1 to 3. 

Reference Books:
1) Integral Calculus by Shanti Narayan. (S. Chand and Co.)
2) Integral Calculus by Gorakh Prasad. ( Pothishala prakashan)
3) Introduction to Real Analysis.By William F. Trench, Pearson Education Pub.

B.A. / B. Sc. F. Y.
Paper IV: ( MT 104 ) :GEOMETRY.
(No.of periods 60, Max Marks 50))
Unit I: Prerequisites: [General equation of the second degree: - General equation of the second
degree represents two straight lines, discriminate, homogeneous equation of the nth degree
represents n straight lines (real or imaginary) all pass through the origin, two straight lines
joining the origin]. Polar equation of conic section:- polar equation of conic, equation to the
directrices, equation to the asymptotes, polar equation of the tangent, equation of normal at a
point. General equation of Second degree: - Particular cases of conic section,general second
degree equation represents conic section, centre of a conic section, condition for origin, the co-
ordinates of centre. Equation of asymptotes of conic.
Unit II: The plane: First degree equation, converse, transformation tonormal form, plane under
given condition, system of planes, length of perpendicular from a pointRight line: equation of
line, line through a point and given direction, line through two pints, Angle between line and
plane, conditions to lie in plane, coplanar lines, number of constants in equation of line, Shortest
Unit III : The sphere: Equation of a sphere, general equation, plane section of sphere,
intersection of two sphere, sphere with given diameter, equations of a circle, sphere through
given circle, intersection of a sphere and a line, equation of tangent plane, Angle between two
spheres, conditions of orthogonality Cones and Cylinders: Cone, equation of cone, right circular
cone and equation, Cylinder and its equation.

Text Book:- 1) The Elements of Coordinate Geometry,By–S.L. Loney. (S.Chand and Co),
(Reprint 2001)
Scope: Prerequisites: [Chapter– VI: Art. 114 to 126. Chapter- VIII:
Art.161, 162,163. Chapter- XIII: Art. 312 to 317]. (No long question to be set on Prerequisites).
Chapter XIV: Art 335, 339 to 342, 345
Chapter XV: - Art 348 to 352, 356 to 358.
2) Analytical Solid Geometry, By Shanti Narayan, S.Chand and Co.
Scope: Chapter 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.32, 2.4, 2.41, 2.42, 2.5, 2.7.
Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.2, 3.3 to 3.7.
Chapter 6: 6.11,6.12,6.13,6.31,6.32,6.33,6.4,6.41,6.5,6.6,6.7,6.71.
Chapter7: 7.1, 7.12, 7.61, 7.62, 7.7, 7.71, 7.81, 7.82.

Reference Books:
1) Analytical Geometry of Two and Three Dimensions,By-Quiz Zameeruddin; Narosa Pub.
2) Text Book on Coordinate Geometry, By Gorakh Prasad, H.C. Gupta. Pothishala Pvt. Ltd.
3) Lecturers on Vector Analysis and Geometry ,By T.M. Karde and M.S. Bendre.

(No. Of Periods per Batch 2 per week , max . marks 100 )

SOFTWARES: MATLAB or Related Freeware.


Section 1: Introduction to MATLAB: MATLAB Programming language,Built-in Functions,

Graphics, computations, External interface and Tool boxes.Basics of MATLAB: MATLAB
windows, desktop, command window,workspace, Figure and Editor Windows, Input-output, File
types, platformdependence, Printing.Programming in MATLAB: Scripts and functions. Script
files, function files: Executing of function, writing good functions, sub functions, compiled
Section 2: Interactive computation :- (MATRICES) Matrices and Vectors,input, indexing,
matrix manipulation, creating vectors. Matrix and Array operations, Arithmetic operations,
Relational operations, logical operations, Elementary math functions, matrix functions, character
string. Command line Functions, Inline functions, Anonymous functions.Built-in functions,
finding the determinant of matrix, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Saving and loading Data, Importing data files, recording a session.Applications: - Linear
Algebra. Solving a linear system, Gaussian elimination, Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors,
matrix factorization, advanced topics.
Section 3: Plotting of Graphs: - Plotting simple Graphs.Graphics: - Plotting of 2D graphs, Using
subplot for multiple graphs, 3DPlots (Drawing of different Geometrical objects), saving and
Reference Books: (for MATLAB Users).
1. Getting Started With MATLAB 7.
- Rudra Pratap, Oxford University Press, (Indian Eden), ISBN-0-19-568001-45
Scope Chapter 1: Art. 1.1,1.6.
Chapter 3: art 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7,
Chapter 4: 4.1, 4.2
Chapter 5: Art. 5.1
Chapter 6: Art 6.1, 6.2, 6.3.
NOTE: 1) Section 1 is introductory part, so no question to be set for Examination.
2) Record book must contain 10 practical on section 2 and 10 Practical on section 3.


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