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Cancer: Finding the root, before it’s late

The most feared word of the 21st century, which often

becomes the reason for most of the deaths, is the word
cancer. And it’s a very new phenomenon. It’s not a
disease of the past but a creation of the latest era. And it
doesn’t discriminate on any basis at all- rich, poor,
doesn’t matter. Form the greatest of the celebrities to
big politicians, and not just that, even sportspersons have
been the victims of cancer. No money, no fame, no
success can help you evade this disease and it’s a very
likely possibility that you might have it as well. Because
this modern age of technology has brought not just
facilities and advantages but a lot of ailments as well.
The lifestyle of people has changed. Their food habits
have become a lot crispier. The contaminated air, water,
depleting environment, cutting of trees, pollution,
industries, everything has resulted in a lot of chaos. The
nature of jobs, what people do, how they do it, all this
just adds to the woes. And from all this, cancer is born.
It might be quite fascinating to know that cancer is not a
disease of the body but the mind. Just like in the world of
science, space and time were divided until Albert Einstein
gave his theories and researches. It was quite
groundbreaking. Because space and time became
spacetime. Now it is not considered as two different
dimensions, but one single unity. In the same way after a
lot of effort, medical researchers have also come to this
conclusion that body and mind are not two different
entities as they appear so, but on a deeper level, they
merge into one. It's just one unity body-mind. For
instance: If a person drinks then alcohol might be
reaching his stomach which is the body, but it affects his
cerebral impulses which are mind.
Cancer works in the same way. When some knots are
created in various parts of the body, then it results in the
formation of cancer. The reason for those knots is not
physical. When a person is angry and anxious or in grief,
then it might be for a few moments at the age of 25 or
30, but the same moment of emotional outburst might
lead to the formation of cancerous knots after 10 or 20
years later. Not just that, and it might be of interest to
most of the youngsters, their energy levels are such that
they can sit, stand, or lie down in whatever chaotic way
and they’ll be fine in their youth, but when they enter old
age they will have to bear the brunt of it. What they eat,
how they eat, what they do, how they live, how they
walk, sit, lie down, all these factors will determine how
their life will shape up when they grow old.
One must handle his mind, body, and emotions well.
Because all the diseases- cancer being the biggest of
them- are just the result of bad handling of life's energy.
People have this perception that cancer has something to
do with the body, but that's not true. The reality is that it
starts with the mind and slowly it moves towards the
body, that little tickle in your mind, that moment when
you are irritated, when you are angry when you abuse
when you fight when you get anxious when you fear,
could be cancerous.
What to do to avoid such happening

There’s a funny trend that people tend to save money for

their old age for their treatment. They are so damn sure
that they will suffer from some disease and most
probably cancer, and they'll need a lot of money to save
it. So first they earn money by adopting the wrong
lifestyle and then they spend the entire amount in
correcting the wrongs that they have done. The first and
foremost thing to avoid cancer is to drop this fear that
something dangerous will happen to you in the old age.
First, you ruin the youth working arduously to earn
money that you fear you might have to spend on your
diseases. And then the old age is spoiled as well because
fears shape up into reality if you give a lot of boost to
them. And second, don't live a life where you know that
you'll suffer in your old age. The cramps and pains of old
age are nothing but carelessly sitting in a bad posture
during youth. Asthmas and heart problems are nothing
but avoiding good breathing and a healthy diet during
youth. Your life is completely the result of your actions.
Now you might blame the younger ones when you get
old, that they do not take good care of you, but actually,
it's you who's responsible for not taking good care of
yourself in the first place.
And it does not take rocket science to understand this-
basic exercises, stretching, yoga, meditation, fruits,
vegetables, avoiding alcohol and nonveg if possible,
putting your heart into what you do or choosing to do
what you love. The bottom line is, don't do anything that
makes you unhappy or not live in such a way that makes
your body, mind, emotions suffer. Taking charge of
yourself must be your priority. Not earning money, a
good job, relationship, home, family, marriage. These
things come later.
If you do not take this up as the most important thing
which it is- your life, though you just don’t consider it as
important, is this does not become the greatest value in
your life- then be ready for cancer.

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