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A Brief Biography of Hazrat Peer Syed Mohmmed Abdul

Rahman Baghdadi, Hyderabad

 He was born in Baghadad on the 2nd of Shawwal in the year
1282 Hijra. When he was four years old, his father invited his
relatives and respectable people of the city, and he started his
early education. The responsibility of his education was taken by
his maternal uncle, Hazrat Mulla Arifuddin, and he was among
the famous Shaikhs of the city. And he was first given education
in the Quran. It means he memorized the Quran at the age of
nine years old. Following that, education in the exegesis of the
Quran, Hadth.Fiqa (Islamic jurisprudence), and knowledge of
Kalam (ILM al-KALAM, one of the "religious sciences" of
Islam), The term is usually translated, as an approximate
rendering, as' theology'. And in this way, at the age of 17 years,
the turban of education was fixed on his head.
Upon his education, the asceticism, piety, holiness, and good
manners of Bade Baghdadi Sahab became famous and well
known. And when he arrived in the area of the Deccan at that
time, the progeny of the Nizam family began thinking about
their crown and kingdom due to the blessing of his prayers.
They would appear in his presence to seek the blessing of his
prayers. Every royal function will be inaugurated by Hazrat
Bade Baghdadi Sahab and will end with his prayer.
The Asif Jah VI Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Bahadur used to take
great care of the well-come Hazrat Bade Baghdadi Sahab, and
there would be a spread carpet for his arrival at the palace, and
when he left, the carpets would be folded and kept separately so
that they would not be touched by the feet of other people.
He belonged to the progeny of the prophet and inherited the
knowledge of Syed Ali Ibn Tableb (R.A.), and he was a model
of the personality of the prophet. And the perfect and
comprehensive human being and devotion of the prophet. In the
love of the prophet, his condition was such that when the name
of the prophet was heard in the meeting, then upon him there
would be a condition of tenderness. He will also be found
shivering all over his body.
In Hazrat, will find comprehensive perfection. It means he was
a learned person as well as a Sufi person of his time. He used to
follow the method of the Sunnah of the prophet on each and
every step in his life period, and on the other hand, he used to
complete the stages of Sufism.
Hazrat Bade Baghdadi Sahab left this mortal world on the 10 th
Muherram in the year 1344 Hijira at the age of 63 years. And his
younger brother, Hazrat Peer Syed Mohammed Baghdadi, led
his funeral prayer. He was buried in the area of ‘Qita Saliheen’
in Namply in Hyderabad, and every year his Urs, or annual
death anniversary, will be held from 10 to 12 Muharram.
Shah, you have migrated from Baghdad to Hyderabad.
Due to your blessing, Hyderabad is shining in the light.
Hafeez is your devotee, so kindly favour him soon.
But kindly do not forget other needy people in the city.
Ref:Urdu article published in the ‘Siasat Urdu daily’,
Hyderabad, on August 5th, 2022 by Hafiz Mohammed Sharaf
Uddin Quaderi Sahab.

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.,
Translator 'Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar).
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