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● MIS Concept : -

The initial concept of the MIS was to process data from we organization &
present it in the form of reports at regular intervals. The system was largely capable of handling
the desk from collection to processing. It was more impersonal requiring each individual to pick
& choose the processed data and use it for its requirement. This concept was further modifying
when a distinction was made between data and information. The concept is similar to the raw
material and finished good. What is needed is information & not a mass of data. However it was
demanded that the system concepts should be individual oriented as each individual may have a
different orientation towards the information. The concept was further modified in such a format
that the system should present information in such a form & format that it creates an impact on
its user provoking a decision, action or an investigation. It was later reaction that even throw
such an impact is needed, some sort of selective approach.



Business Goal & Mission

Application of Principles & Practices of

Management Of database & Knowledge.

Computers & Information Technology

Conceptual view of MIS

It calls for analysis of business management view & Policies, Organization culture &
management style. The concept there fore is a blend of Principles, theories & Practices of
managements Information & system giving a rese to a single product known as MIS. The
conceptual view of the MIS is shown in the figure above.
● Definitions of MIS :-
1) The MIS is defined as a system which provides information support for decision Making in an

2) The MIS is defined as an integrated system of man & machine for Providing the information
support to the operating of the management & decision marketing function in an organization.

3) The MIS is defined as computer based information system.

4) The MIS is defined as system based on the database of the organization evolved for the
purpose of providing information support to the people in the organization.

5) MIS is a system consisting of people, procedures, machine, database & data models as its
element. The system gatherable data from internal & external sources of organization it supplies
to management, information to assist the manager in the process of decision marketing.

Though there are a no of differences definitions of MIS all of them converge on single
point that is a MIS is a system to support the decision making function in the organization. The
differences lies in defining the element of the MIS. However in todays world MIS is
computerised business processing system generating information for the people.

In order to get a better grips the activity of information processing it is necessary to have
a formal system which should take care of the following points.

1) Handling of voluminous data.

2) Confirmation of the validity of data & transaction.
3) Complex processing of the data & multidimensional analysis.
4) Quick search & retrival.
5) Mass storage
6) Communication of the information system to the user on time.
7) Fulfilling the changes of need of information.
MIS uses computers & communication technology to deals with this point of supreme

● Role Of MIS :-

The role of MIS in an origination can be compared to the role of heat in the human body.
The information the blood & the MIS is the heart. The information is very important part in the
organization. In the body the heat plays the role of supplying pure blood to all the elements of
the body including the brain. It regulates & control incoming in pure blood, processes it & sends
it to the destinations. It fulfills the need in normal course & also in the crises. The MIS plays the
same role in the organization, the system ensures that an appropriate data is collected from
various sources, processes it & sends it further to all the needy destinations. The system is
expected to fulfill the information need of individual, group of individual. The MIS satisfies the
diverse needs through a variety of system such as query system analysis system DSS. The MIS
helps in strategic planning management control, operational control & transaction processing .

● MIS a Concept:-

MIS is an acronym of the 3 words that is management, Information & system. In order to
fully understand the term MIS let us try to understand these words first.
1) Management –
Management has been defining differently by different scholars. However
definition of management is widely recognize and used which runs as follows : “
management is the art of getting things done through & with the people in
formally organize groups” However a manager in the organization get the things
done by performing different functions in a systematic way. The basic functions
which manager perform in an organization are listed below.
2) Planning –
Planning is a process of for seeing the future in advance. It bridges the gap
between where we are & where we want to be. As planning is to chart the future
course of action it should answer the following question.
1) What to do ?
2) When to do it ?
3) Who is to do ?
4) How it is to be done ?
5) Where is it to be done?
6) Why is it to be done ? etc.
Managers plan by setting goals & objectives & lay down policies,
procedures, rules, programs, budgets, strategies & schedule to achieve the

Tomorrow ( where we want to be? )

Today ( where we are ? )

3) Staffing –
Staffing is the process of putting the right person at the right job. This functions
involves activity like defining the requirement selecting suitable person for this
positive & training , developing them to accomplices there task as effectively as
possible. The two functions that is organizing & staffing should ot be confuse
because of there close relationship. Organizing focuses attention on the structure
and process of allocating jobs so that common objection can be achieve. Where as
staffing pretend to the people in the job. Thus organizing is job oriented where as
staffing is worker oriented .

4) Directing –

The function of directing has been identified with common. However modern
management philosopher or of the view that directing includes.

1) Communication
2) Motivation
3) Leadership
Directing is important because in order to achive predetermine goals &
Objectives, People manning the organization have to be guided, motivated &
lead by the manager.

5) Controlling –

Controlling & planning are the two sides of the same coin. Controlling ensures
that activities are being perform as per plants. Controlling the process in valves.

1) Fixing standards for measuring work performance.

2) Measurement of actual performance.
3) Comparing actual with the standard & finding out deviation if any
4) Taking corrective action.
Decision making is a fundamental prerequisite for each of the fore going
process since in order to get things done through people manager has to
take a variety of decisions. The author ‘peter drucker’ says that ‘ whatever
manager does he does it through decision making’

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