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MBA 1.

Write true or false against each of the following ten statements giving reasons in not more than 50 words: (2003) a.Money is a very complicated motive entangled with all kinds of needs. b.Challenging work is the king of hygiene factor at work place. c. Child ego is the felt concept of life. d.Judging people on the basis of the characteristic of group to which it belong is called stereotyping. e.Extinction of behaviour takes place when the response is reinforced. f. Low task and low relationship leadership style is always ineffective. g.Absence of conflict reflects healthy functioning of organisation. h.Sexual harassment at work place may also be a cause of job stress. i. Physical proximity of group members increases group cohesiveness. j. Synthesis of creativity. ideas and information is also

(2004) Organisational Behaviour is common sense and there is no need to study it.(FALSE)

The study of organisational behaviour involves basically three elements : people, structure and technology.(FALSE)

Basically there is no difference between human perception and human sensation.(TRUE)


Job related attitudes are most significant understanding organisational behaviour.(TRUE)

d) e)


The hygiene factors, as given by Herzberg, provide motivation to employees. (TRUE) Motivation is the product of value one seeks and one s estimation of the probability that a certain action will lead to these values.(TRUE)

The group cohesiveness and the group performance are negatively related with each other. (FALSE)

Leadership theories are static in nature as they focus on single variable and do not consider the situational variables which are dynamic in nature. (FALSE)

Reinforcement theory of learning is at the root of behaviour modification. (TRUE)


The problem of social - loafing is always related to small groups and not to the large groups. (FALSE) (2005)
j) a.

Learning is a permanent change in behaviour. (TRUE) Self actualisation (FALSE) is same as esteem needs.


c. d.

A happy worker is a productive worker. (TRUE) Ineffective communication is a fault of sender. (FALSE) There is a tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes on external factors such as luck. (FALSE) Attitude and behaviour are always congruent. (FALSE) Reference group is a group to which are belongs. (TRUE)





Parent ego state in transactional analysis refers to adult like behaviour of a person. (TRUE) In classical conditioning paradigms response is emitted. (TRUE) Successful and effective leadership are one and the same. (FALSE)




Life position comprises certain deeply ingrained convictions about the worth of the self and others. (TRUE) Classical conditioning is an active (pasive) process of learning. (FALSE) The need to make others behave in a way that would not have behaved otherwise gives a sense of achievement according to McClelland.(TRUE) Competence is a manifestation actualisation need.(TRUE) of self-





Peaceful external conditions breed better cohesiveness amongst group members than threatening circumstances.(TRUE) Im OK, youre not OK life position often comes from the critical parents. (TRUE) Norms usually develop very quickly in a group. (FALSE) Focus on short term goals by group members usually leads to inner conflicts. (TRUE) Expectancy theory explains why a lot of workers are not motivated on their jobs. (TRUE) High achievers perform best when they perceive their probability of success having 50-50 chance. (TRUE)






MBA(2008) a) The mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situation is known as conceptual skill. (TRUE) b) Fixed Ratio schedule are the rewards spaced at uniform time interval. (FALSE)


Stereotyping is judging someone on the basis of ones perception of the group to which that person belongs. (TRUE) In two factor theory intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors are associated with job satisfaction. (FALSE) An MBO is a program that encompasses, specific goals participatively set, for an explicit time period, with feedback on goal progress. (TRUE) Effectiveness is known as achievement of goals. (TRUE) Increasing the number and variety of tasks that an individual perform resulting in job with more diversity is job enlargement. (TRUE) Gainsharing in an incentive plan in which improvements in group production determine the total amount of money that is allocated. (TRUE)






i) The tendency for individuals to expand more efforts when working collectively than when working individually is known as social loafing. (FALSE) j) The voluntary and involuntary temporary withdrawal from an organization is known as turnover. (FALSE)

MBA (2009)


Informal organization exists within the framework of formal authority structures. (TRUE) (b) A good organization conflicts. (TRUE) (c) is never free from

Prestige is a kind of esteem need.(TRUE)

(d) Status is a kind of motivator according to Herzberg.(FALSE)


According to Victor Vroom, valence refers to the personal value that the workers place on the rewards which they may receive by performing. (TRUE)

(f) The Path Goal Theory was proposed by Robert J. House. (TRUE) (g) Referent power is based on the managers personal traits. (TRUE)

Personal power is the extent to which people are willing to follow a leader. (TRUE) Child ego state is associated with behaviours that appear while responding emotionally. (TRUE)* Nurturing parents may set limits on and provide direction for peoples behaviour. (FALSE)



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