Software Validation and Verification Plan

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Software Validation and Verification Plan for

Invoice Generation Application (SWAN-INV)

Version 0.0.1, 19th April, 2020.


1.0 Purpose and Scope

2.0 Responsibilities

3.0 Procedures

3.1 Procedure Description

3.2 Procedure Flow Diagram

4.0 Definitions

5.0 Records

6.0 References

7.0 Distribution
1.0 Purpose and Scope
This Software Verification and Validation procedure provides the action steps for the Invoice
Generation Application (SWAN-INV) testing process. The primary objective of the testing
process is to provide assurance that the software functions as intended, and meets the
requirements specified by the client. Verification and Validation establishes the primary
basis for SWAN-INV software product acceptance.

The SWAN-INV project aims to aid the generation of invoices for Jumanji ecommerce store.
Jumanji conforms to its requirements and software systems engineering process. The
engineer process has the testing process (verification and validation) integrated into its
defined software lifecycle.

The Software Verification and Validation procedure covers all software changes relating to
the SWAN-INV system. This includes UI screens, web pages, scripts (server-side and client-
side), code, PostgreSQL (tables, procedures, sequences, views, trigger functions, types).

2.0 Responsibilities

Project Manager: The project manager of the SWAN-INV project is responsible for ensuring that
all aspects of this Plan are implemented. Other responsibilities are contained within section 3.0.
3.0 Procedures
3.1 Procedure Description

Project Manager 1. Enter the statement of work, change order,

or glitch information into the Change
Request tracking Tool (CRTT).
2. Determine if the software change
(prompted by a statement of work, change
order or problem report) requires a formal
Acceptance Test Plan and Results (ATPR)
and enter the determination in the CRTT. If
a formal testplan is required, skip to Step
__. If a formal test plan is not required,
complete steps 3 through 7.
3. Assign programming of the software
changes to a software engineer.
Software Engineer 4. Complete programming and perform unit
testing and integration testing.

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